Happy Holidays everyone who celebrates! This is just something that happened.

Severus knew as soon as the resounding boom echoed around the house that Sirius had done it again. It was no surprise really, he reminded himself as he trudged down the stairs trying not to be angry. Sirius Black wasn't the shiniest bauble on the tree and Severus should have known the temptation would be great. I should have anchored the fucking thing to the floor…

A soft whining led him directly to where his suspicions were confirmed.

The living room was homely; far homelier than either of the two men was used to and they had Molly Weasley to thank for that. The ratty wall paper, battered chairs and dusty curtains were shadowed by the roaring fire in the grate; a pine cone garland decorated the mantle, where two socks – one red one green – hung from snowmen shaped hangers. Each chair was draped with a soft cream coloured throw and in the centre of the coffee table a cinnamon scented candle burned.

In the corner closest the window where Severus had twice removed the fake-snow-in-a-can that muggles used, there used to stand a Christmas tree. It was a real tree that smelled of the freshest pine that he had hauled home from a hardware store on Sirius' instance. They had argued for hours on how to decorate it; eventually settling for silver and gold with no tinsel as Severus had insisted and a red star as Sirius had demanded.

"I much preferred it parallel to the wall," he teased, leaning against the door frame and folding his arms across his chest.

The Christmas tree was now splayed across the wooden floor, baubles rolling loosely beneath the chairs and that wretched red star was bent crookedly. Another whine made him smirk and the branches rustled to reveal a black boot twitching among the fairy lights.

"Just get me out," Sirius muttered, parting the branches to see Severus better. The pine needles were stabbing his back annoyingly and the smell made his eyes water. He was sure the heat wasn't his embarrassment and that the fairy lights were slowly burning him.

"Why are you in the tree again?" Severus asked, remaining rooted in the door frame. "I've already told you that the next time you knock it over, that I'm going to use it to kindle the fire."

"I'm being burned by these blasted lights. Pull me out!" Sirius demanded while he wriggled noisily in the tree, tangling himself further around the cord.

"I don't think I will. You've made me put that thing back up three times this week already."

Sirius groaned and bucked between the branches. "Severus, come on. This is the last time; I swear I won't do it again. I won't even transform in this room again until Christmas is over."

"Bullshit," Severus mumbled, crossing the room with a defeated sigh and gently unhooking the lights from around Sirius' boot. "I don't know why you even wanted this dratted tree anyway."

"I like the lights," Sirius said, allowing his partner to haul him to his feet and then turned to examine the damage. "It's not as bad as last time," he decided, picking up a transparent bauble and dangling it in front of his nose.

Severus took the bauble, rolling it around his palm and kicking another away from his feet. I should have anchored it to the fucking ceiling…