Moyashi . . . it's your birthday today, what would he like? I don't know, I think I will just give him a lotus flower and some Miterashi Dango as well. No doubt that everyone else will come during different parts of the day. 11:44? It is time for me to go and get ready, I did promise that I will celebrate his birthday with him if he would shut up, though that was before he died. That does not matter, I still have to keep my promise for him. 11:48, time to go to his grave. I walked out of the Order with a lotus flower in hand, and a plate Miterashi Dango I made myself. 11:53, I walked a bit faster, causing my breath to create a heavier mist and making the snowflakes land on my body and sting my faces with their coldness. 11:57, good.

Allen's grave was made out of a deep set of blue Tanzanite, and was made to look like him, with his arms wide open and smiling, they made his eyes out of a blueish-greyish Zircon, and his angelic wings out of Topaz. They made the statue out of the birth gems in his month, to show their respect for the brave deceased soul that they had loved. To protect the fragile gems, they covered it in a special wrapping where it could not be weathered down, but still be out in the elements. What was strange about it, was that sometimes the statue would warm when certain people would touch it, Kanda, Leenalee, Krory, Lavi, Komui, Miranda and many others that Allen called 'friend', but people like Malcom and Link would say that it was freezing cold, even though they touched the statue in the middle of Summer. The science department always tried to get a heat signature, but it always showed that it was the same temperature, even if Leenalee touched it and said it was warm.

Back to the point, I stared at Allen's forever still face, hoping that it would start to move and talk, like nothing had ever happened. Of course that NEVER happened, what a fool I was to believe that. As I looked in the eyes of the statue, water came down, like it was crying.

"Why do you cry? You have nothing to cry for, everyone is just fine, or are you crying because I remembered the promise?" I looked at it, letting my gaze brush over the face that was made to resemble Allen. I set the flower down, and settled the Mitarashi Dango next to the flower.

"I miss you Allen Walker, everyone does, and we are still trying to cope with your loss. Everyone considered you as their brother or close friend here. Just because your dead doesn't mean that I can't be mad at you, you know." I sighed, stood up and reached out for the statue, brushing my hand against its cheek. Huh? I thought I say the statue smile, I must have sleep deprivation getting to me. I was brought back to reality as I heard footsteps behind me. The owner of them started to run to me, for some reason I could not move. The person, when upon reaching me, wrapped their arms around me, when I looked down I saw that there was no one there. Confused, I looked behind me and saw that there was no one there. I knew who it was, since a clock had just chimed 12 times.

"Thank you Kanda, tell everyone I said hi, and am sorry for causing them pain." I just nodded, not being able to bring myself to say 'Yes, Allen, don't worry, I will' to Allen. He just laughed.

"Bye, Moyashi."

"MY NAME IS ALLEN, BAKANDA!" I just left, with my back towards him.

"You better like your presents, I made and grew them myself you know!" I hid my smile as I heard a muffled 'It's good Bakanda!', then turned my head towards the statue again. There was only one set of footprints, and the Mitarashi Dango was eaten. I went inside and, whenever I saw anyone I said what Allen told me to say.

"Happy Birthday, Baka Moyashi."