"Usagi-san, put me down this instant!" Miskai demanded as he was carried bridal style up the elevators and through the hallways leading to the apartment.
"No." Well that was expected.
"Fine, but at least don't carry me like this, I'm not a girl!"
"How else would you prefer I carry you?" He asked snidley, a smirk gracing his features.
"...I'm not a freaking Disney princess!"
"Never said you were...Cinderella." He muttered under his breath. Miskai creased his brow in a pout.
"Hey!" He said, furrowing his brows even further. As they got into the apartment, he stifled his protests as Usagi placed him gently on the couch, carefully avoiding his midsection. Misaki kept to himself, but noticed the unusual fresh smell that surrounded the apartment like a blanket. It was so different from the usual comforting smell of cigarettes that he didn't know how to react.
"Are you hurting anywhere?" He asked, looking him up and down in a inspecting manner.
"I've been in the hospital for three weeks Usagi-san, an Aspirin or something and I'll be fine." He waved his hand dismissively, hoping to be off the subject.
"So it does hurt?" Usagi asked again, picking up on that unspoken detail. Misaki sighed, hoping Usagi would have dropped the subject by now.
"Yeah, a little bit." He said, his hand hovering over his chest, where a mostly healed row of stitches ran in a straight line.
"I'll get something for you." Usagi said, placing a light kiss on his forehead. Miskai stayed where he was, looking down at the spotless coffee table that looked like it hadn't been touched in months rather than weeks. Usagi had insisted upon staying at a hotel close to the hospital during Misaki's surgery and recovery, so it really hasn't been touched.
"Here." Uasgi said, holding out a glass of water and some pills. Misaki took them without complaint, then sat there for a little while longer until Usagi came back and sat next to him. Misaki then did something he never thought he would do, he sighed then leaned over, resting his head on Usagi's shoulder.
"Misaki?" Usagi asked, confused by this sudden display.
"...are you upset?" Misaki asked gently, closing his eyes. He had already noticed his boyfriend's nervous jumpy behaviour before now, but hadn't wanted to say anything.
"What? No." Usagi said just a little to quickly.
"You seem like it." Misaki whispered in a soft, unquestioning tone.
"I'm not. I promise." They sat there like that until Misaki spoke again.
"Can I go to bed?" He murmmered, the drugs starting to take effect. Usagi picked him up again and started up the stairs, attempting to go to Misaki's room, but halted when Misaki's hand grabbed the handle to his bedroom as they passed.
"Where are you going?" He asked tiredly. Usagi didn't say anything, just opened the door and walked in before placing Misaki delicately on the bed and laying down next to him wrapping his arms around the small fragile frame.
"I love you." He whispered, but Misaki was already asleep. They slept like that for a few more hours before Usgai was awakened by the sound of Miskai crying out in pain in his sleep.
"Oh, Misaki." He murmmered, pulling his lover to his chest as gently as he could to avoid hurting him. Misaki's cries slowly died down as did his shaking, and he fell into an uneasy sleep yet again.
The next day Misaki Was able to go back to school with a doctor's note and strict instructions to not work himself to hard. Usagi also made a point to call Hiroki and inform him what had been going on and to keep an eye on Misaki.
The whole day Misaki was out of his sight, Usagi found himself pacing back and forth, unable to focus and unable to write, his fingers itching for the calming feeling of a cigarette. But he had made a promise to himself that he would quit for Miskai's sake. A day after the surgery, he had hired several cleaning ladies to come in and get rid of any trace of cigarettes from the penthouse. He followed that up by throwing away all the boxes and lighters he had, and even went as far as instructing Aikawa to smack him if she saw him with one.
"This is going to be harder than I thought." He said to himself after he checked his pocket for the fifth time that hour. And he probably had no idea how true that statement rang.
Short chapter, I know, I'm sorry. Enjoy and have a nice day B-)