This chapter may be a little shorter but I wanted to focus on Blossom and Dexter.


My conversation with Princess ended before I finished talking to her. My mind continued to race back and forth between Dexter and Brick. True enough I saw something in both of them. As much as I have been trying to hide it, I see so much more in Brick. He's thoughtful, sweet, funny, incredibly smart, handsome, and even though he can get on my nerves I love how serious he is when it comes to me. I love how upset he gets at the thought of me being with someone else. I love how great we work together. I love the attention he gives me. I love how he held me that night he fell asleep next to me on the couch. I love how he can make me smile without even trying. Oh, I love how our lips felt so perfect together, like our lips were made for each others. I love... I love him. Everything about him, even when he's being an ass, I love him.

With a heavy sigh, I tried to brush those thoughts out of my head. I still had one more class today and there's no way I'd be able to concentrate with him on my mind. It wasn't until the late bell went off that I noticed he wasn't in class. I was worried a little but I wasn't going to stress it. Finally it's the last class of the day.

"Class, since your break starts tomorrow, I want you to work on chapter six in your workbook; pages thirty two through thirty five. When you're done, tear those pages out and put them on my desk. After that, for the remainder of the class period, you are free to do anything as long as it doesn't involve too much noise and it won't result in me getting fired." The teacher announced before turning back to the computer.

It was only a small passage and a few short answer questions. It took about ten to fifteen minutes for everyone in class too finish. Soon, different conversations were heard throughout class. I turned to see Buttercup with her headphones in her ear. The way her head was bobbing to the music I could tell she was into it. Boomer's desk was in front of hers. I got his attention and pointed at her, he immediately started laughing.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"What are you listening to that has you in the zone like that?" Boomer asked her.

"It's a pretty old song by Shinedown." she answered truthfully.

"That explains it." I said with another small laugh. The thoughts of Dexter and Brick immediately swarmed my head again. "Hey can I talk to you guys about something?"

"Yeah." Boomer answered first.

"Sure, what's up?" Buttercup asked while turning her music off.

I slid my chair closer to their desks. "Well Buttercup I don't know if you know about..." I said but she cut me off.

"Your feelings for Brick?" she asked and I simply nodded my head. "Yeah I've known just about the whole time. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be a part of it. Plus, it really wasn't my business to come to you and ask you about it. I overheard you talking about with him and Bubbles. I figured if you wanted me to know then you would come tell me." she shrugged her shoulders "Anyways, what about them?"

"Well I realized how much I really care about him and how much I've lost feelings for Dexter. Brick is such an amazing person and I can tell he really cares about me."

"He does." Boomer interrupted but his comment made me smile instantly.

"At first I thought the same about Dexter but I have a strong feeling with Brick it'll be completely different. Then again what if it isn't and he turns out exactly the same?"

Boomer opened his mouth to speak but Buttercup beat him to it. "Blossom I'm going to tell you the same thing you told me. I'm not going to say it just to mock you but because I truly believe it. You guys have so much in common till it's like looking at the same person just in different forms. You both enjoy watching the same tv shows, like to be in charge of everyone, have a passion for learning, love solving problems, and et cetera . To me you seem so much more happier with him than with Dexter. In my opinion, I don't think Brick will hurt you. They are completely different people and you can't let the things that happened with Dexter stop you from pursuing a relationship with Brick. The dude obviously loves you and you love him. Try it out and see where it leads you too." she finished and gave me a genuine smile.

"Thanks, and I know you're telling the truth because I feel in my heart that he will never hurt me. I just don't know how to handle the whole breaking up with Dexter to be with Brick situation. How would that make me look to everyone else?" I asked

"It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If he makes you happy then no one else should be able to come in between that. Dexter showed his true colors and you realized your true feelings for Brick. That doesn't make you a bad person. I'm not just saying this because Brick is my brother. If they were in opposite positions I would tell you the same thing. Just find a way to let Dexter down gently." Boomer finally got a chance to say how he felt about it all.

"Thanks guys. I think I know how I'll do it." I smiled at the two of them. Shortly after, a whole new feeling took over me and I could tell by the looks on their faces that they already knew what it was.

Before either one of them said anything the bell echoed loudly in my ear.

"Just in time." Boomer said. "Go to him." he said and gave me another smile.

"No, no, fly to him... as fast as you can. Let him hold you in his arms and you tell him exactly how you feel." she said and winked at me.

"Thanks again." I said before grabbing my things and rushing off to find him. I had the strongest urge to just scream it out as loud as I can without caring who would hear me.

I flew home because I knew he wasn't still at school. "Brick?!" I shouted through the house. "Brick?" I yelled once more before rushing to his bedroom. I knocked on the door several times before just going in. "Where could he be?" I asked myself when I noticed he wasn't inside his room.

I walked back to the living room and sat down on the chair to think. It took me a few minutes but I think I had a clue of where he could be.

Before I even landed, I had already spotted him. I flew towards the ground a few feet away from him. Walking up behind him I wrapped my arms around him. He looked up at me while still kneeling down on the ground.

"Hey." was the first thing in mind to say.

"Hey." he simply responded.

"You okay?" I asked feeling stupid shortly after asking him that.

"Yeah, he's been gone for a little while now and I still can't believe he's gone. I miss him so much." He said looking back down at Mojo's grave. I rubbed his shoulders for support 'cause it seemed like he was about to cry.

"I miss him too." I responded. He didn't say anything else and neither did I. As bad as I wanted to tell him about my feelings, I just felt like now wasn't the right time. I decided to think of the good times we've had with Mojo to keep myself from crying.

He finally opened his mouth again to speak to his dad. "It's been stressful without you. I miss you so much man. Please continue to watch over us. I love you dad." He said and rubbed both hands over his face. I was just about to say something when it started to rain. Brick looked up and smiled at the sky.

Grabbing my hand, he stood up and we took off as fast as we could. "We better hurry you don't need to be in this rain."

By the time we made it home, we were both soaked. "Thanks for coming out there to check on me." he said giving me a quick hug. I was going to postpone telling him but this urge just wouldn't go away.

"You're welcome... and Brick." I said stopping him before he walked away.

"Yeah?" he questioned.

"Umm, you're right, it's not love." I said looking down at the ground sliding my foot back and forward.

"What?" he questioned again.

"Between me and Dexter... I don't love him. I thought I did, but I don't." I was still looking down but something told me he had a grin on his face. "With him, it was just sugar coated trash. Our relationship means nothing; especially not to him. I don't even know why he even asked me out. Yeah, I did have feelings for him." I said putting emphasis on the word did. "But now I don't. I don't want to be with him. He doesn't deserve me like you do. I want to be with you." I finished and before I could utter another word, he grabbed hold of me and pulled me into a hug. Not caring that we were both still soaking wet, he held me tightly in his arms.

"Are you serious?" He asked still holding on to me.

"Yes." I smiled into his chest. It dawned on me that I still haven't done the hard part yet. "Brick." I said pulling away from him. He didn't give me a chance to say anything. He placed his hand firmly on the back of my head and our lips connected. I wanted to stop him so badly and tell him what was needed to be done. But the way his lips were pressed so passionately against mine made me forget all about it. I sighed happily against his mouth as he tilted my head slightly to the side. He slid his tongue across the opening of my lips asking for access to the inside of my mouth. I quickly granted it. His tongue found his way to either side of my mouth as he put more force on the back of my head. His tongue lashed out at mine in a playful way and it felt so good. I was enjoying every second of this. I had to catch my breathe, so I slowly pulled away.

"Brick..." I started.

"Blossom, you don't know how happy you just made me." He said and I smiled at him. "Seriously I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life chasing after you begging you for a chance." He paused but before I could say anything he continued. "What did that dork say when you told him?" all he did was look at me and he knew what I was about to say next.

"I'm sorry, I was trying to tell you but you kissed me." I said.

He kissed my forehead. "First, get out of these wet clothes before we both end up sick. Then we can handle that." He said as we got ready to separate and go to our rooms. It wasn't long before I got dressed and headed back downstairs. After talking to my dad, and watching a few episodes of Molly Mystery, it finally stopped raining.

"I think I'm going to go handle that now." I said mocking him.

"What do you mean I'm? Don't you mean we?" He asked.

"No! I meant what I said the first time." I said as I stood up.

"I still owe that asshole a pounding." He reminded me.

"Brick I know you're still upset but please just let that go. He's not even worth a slap to the face."

"You're just saying that to stop me from going. What if he tries something?"

"No, I'm not." I said leaning over in front of him to see eye to eye. "I'm telling you to calm down and forget about all the stupid things he said. Oh and you know just as well as I know, if he tries something I might kill him myself." I kissed his cheek and headed towards the door. He was mumbling as I walked away. I know he didn't want me around him anymore, but after this there will never be a need for me to be around Dexter ever again.

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll have Princess to go with me."

"Okay, but Bloss?" He called out and I stopped to see what he wanted. He came over and held me. "Please be careful and come right back. Don't come back with even a scratch on your face 'cause then I'll have every reason to kick his ass." He kissed me and before he could really deepen the kiss I pulled away.

"Let me take care of this first. Then I'll kiss you as much as you want me too when I get back." I said and with that I headed to Dexter's house.

I called Princess and told her where to meet me. I still didn't know how I was going to tell him, and I was quickly arriving at his house.

So Blossom And Brick kissed... Yaaay! Their together... Aren't they? Lol maybe.. Maybe not. What's going on with Dexter though? Next chapter coming soon. Don't forget to review. Please and Thank you.