"You can't just barge in here."

"What happened? Let me through."

"Miss, we are conducting an investigation - "

"He's my boyfriend!" Kara's voice broke through the phalanx of uniformed cops at the door of the hospital room just before she did. "Josh?" she cried as a police officer held her back. "Josh, are you alright?"

"You can let her in," the detective who'd interviewed me, Detective Braddock, commented almost offhandedly.

Barely noticing as she was released, Kara raced to the side of my bed, kneeling next to me, clasping my hand. "Josh, what happened?" she pleaded. "I heard Radisson attacked you."

"Yeah, he, uh," I shrank back a little at the thought of lying to Kara - not to mention the police - "He drugged me and brought me to this apartment."

"Speaking of, Nurse?" Detective Braddock snapped his fingers to get the attention of a woman in scrubs walking by, as if he was calling over a waiter. "Can we get a blood test over here?"

The nurse nodded, smiling tightly. "Right away."

I'd expected that. It surprised me, how clear everything had become once Radisson had revealed his true colours. I knew exactly what I'd have to do. Radisson had had drugs at his disposal, and I figured I only needed a little. They would have just been wearing off when I called 911, after all. I must have been miscalculating the effects though, because by the time EMS had shown up, I felt like I needed them.

My ability to lie had scared me a little, but it was all for the greater good. I didn't see why my life had to be ruined because Radisson had tricked me.

"What is this? What's going on?" This voice belonged to a slender middle-aged man who was confronting the officers just outside the room. Next to him was another man, one who watched the proceedings with a calculating eye.

"My client has a vested interest in these investigations," he explained firmly.

"Who the hell are you?" Detective Braddock called to them.

"I'm, uh, I'm Dean Stanfield," the first man said, unsteadily stepping forward through the cops like it was a thick patch of brambles. The man beside him slipped through like he'd done so a million times. Dean Stanfield held out his hand. "What's going on here, officer, or, uh, detective, uh..."

"Detective Braddock," the detective gruffly introduced himself. "And what we got here is one of your professors attacking a student."

"Oh, uh - "

"As the head of the University's legal team," the other man stepped forward, "Let me just say that you have our full and complete cooperation in any investigation."

"I'm glad you said that," the detective's eyes narrowed, "Because this is gonna be a long investigation. There's enough evidence at that crime scene to prove that your Professor Radisson was a serial killer."

Both Dean Stanfield and his lawyer gasped. "I should have known," Stanfield said. "He was, after all," both the dean and the detective looked directly into the camera, completely shattering the fourth wall, "An atheist."

As the three men kept talking, hashing out details and passing contact information back and forth, Kara enveloped my hand in hers. I didn't really want to feel anyone's touch right now, but Kara's should have been comforting. Maybe her warmth would make me go back to feeling normal soon.

"Don't worry, Josh," she told me, her blue eyes wide. "I'm here now. Everything is going to be okay."

Sorry for the abrupt ending, but I am so over this terrible, terrible movie, and I hate to leave a story unfinished, so I had to cap it somehow. But hey, at least we all got to enjoy a passable sex scene a few chapters ago! If you wanna tell me off (or if you actually enjoyed it!) let me know via review, or you can find me on twitter under the handle SeaLenz. Thanks for reading my mind drippings :P