freakyFangirl13: Thanks, I'm glad that I'm living up to your expectations. Yeah, I hoped I was capturing their fatal flaws by doing that. I don't know what Jason's flaw is so I just went with bravery. Basically Percy doesn't want Jason to go look for their mother because he's afraid Jason will find her and she will turn out hating them and Jason wants to find their mother so they can get away from Lycaon in hopes of having a parent that loves them because he hates the fact that Lycaon treats them the way he does and beats them. Jason and Percy just want what's best for each other but are too stubborn to admit it. I would tell you more but that would be spoiling everything.
Symbiote2254: Glad to hear you're enjoying it
Iheartpickles: Glad to hear you like the princes idea and trust me they'll meet plenty of people in due time.
AgitatedDog9288: Thanks so much!
NowLookWhatYou'veDone: Thank you, I'm glad that you stumbled upon my story. Sorry about it being only a few chapters. For some reason I have the tendency to procrastinate and put it off until I get a review that practically begs me to update one of my stories.
Centurion Shish ke-bob: It's both Jason and Percy. Percy on the right and Jason on the left. Unless you're talking about something else. . . . then I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Given I don't really watch much tv or whatever it was on if you were talking about something other than book characters.
Black Wolf 102: Glad to know you like the story so far. I hope I don't mess up from here on out. I'll try and update frequently. I have this thing where I write extra chapters just in case I'm busy and need to update, and when I write them, I come back and write that exact chapter, completely forgetting its already written. Yeah, I'm stupid like that. And I agree with you werewolf Percy stories are amazing, except this story is more about Jason than Percy, matter of fact it's not really even about them. You'll find out who it's really about later on in the story (hint hint)
And without further ado . . . I give you chapter four…
Third Person Point of View
*age fourteen*
Jason and Percy panted out of breath. They had just finished running the twenty miles in under twenty minutes that their father forced them to run three times a day. If they didn't finish one of them in under twenty minutes then they had to do it again. This time they barely made it since they got distracted by a squirrel. It wasn't their fault that the squirrel looked abnormally fat and unusually tasty.
"What was that?" Their father asked. Both brothers looked up at their father and quickly cowered in fear at the look in his eye. Both boys took defensive stances, trying to protect the other from their father's wrath if need be. "You two usually finish in eighteen minutes."
"But we did this time, too, your majesty," Jason pleaded. "Just like normal."
"Then why does my watch say eighteen minutes and thirty two seconds?" Percy shrunk back. Even though their father said under twenty minutes he actually meant eighteen minutes. Any later than eighteen minutes and the occasional fifteen seconds was considered past time. Percy and Jason both knew what was coming next. And it wasn't redoing the running.
"Chamber," their father ordered in a cold tone, "now. If you're not there and chained up by the time I arrive, consequences will be worse."
Jason and Percy nodded, their faces draining of any color left. Their father stiffly nodded before turning and stalking off. The twin boys hung their heads low and sulkily walked to the torture chambers for punishment—this would be the fifth time in a month. Sure they were able to heal faster than normal werewolves and demigods and for some reason, their scars disappeared too, but that didn't mean the pain was any more bearable. If anything, it only made it hurt more.
They arrived at the chamber minutes later, their father hadn't arrived yet and for that they were grateful. Splotches of dried up blood covered the chamber—some of it was theirs, some of it belonged to pack members that Lycaon felt needed to be punished. To be honest, neither boy believed that there was a single pack member over seven years of age that hadn't been beaten.
They walked over to the corner of the room where their father reserved their 'special handcuffs' just for them. They glanced at each other fleetingly before huffing and taking off their shirts to reveal their toned bodies. They lifted their hands and chained themselves in, already dreading what was to come. They could only hope their father would be gentle in their punishment.
For hours they waited and waited and waited, they had started training at two in the morning like they usually did so by now it could only be around ten or eleven in the morning. Still their father did not show. Maybe this was their punishment—to wait here. Unlikely so. Their father was a violent, vicious man. Patience, in his eyes, was no virtue. Only the strong can live, he had told them when they were seven. Later that night, he waited until they were asleep to dump them in the deep wilderness so they could learn how to survive and protect themselves. They were out there for a week fending for themselves and for each other until their father oh so graciously deemed them ready to come back. A hard week it was, but with each other, they managed to get through it—mostly due to Jason's brains and Percy's impulsiveness.
"Do you think he'll come?" Percy whispered to his brother, taking in his younger brother's disheveled appearance. Percy knew this was the same reason Jason could not stand their father, because he continuously beat them when all they did was try to be perfect for him. Jason still loved their father, yes, but it was hard to see the man that they had known at a very young age—the same man who would laugh and smile whenever they made a mistake. Not the man that yelled, punished, and cursed at them when they had one tiny flaw. He's wasting his time searching for that bitch. She didn't want us then and she won't want us now. He'll only end up crushed in the end.
Jason sighed. "I hope not. You and I can't take another beating just yet." Percy nodded.
Jason knew that no matter what Percy would always have a high respect for their father—he would too, for Jason valued respect and honor above all other traits. But Jason also knew that their father was a power hungry monster who would stop at nothing to come out on top. Even if it meant sacrificing Percy and him just to get there and that was something Jason wasn't willing to let happen. If Lycaon so much as thinks of laying a hand on my brother like that I swear I will rip him to pieces, Jason swore. This was why Jason had loved his mother more even if he hadn't met her. Because he believed there was a reason she left, he believed that she loved them and would be a better parent than Lycaon could ever be. Then and only then would he and Percy be safe—in the arms of the mother that was waiting for them somewhere.
Just when the twins thought that Lycaon would not show, he walked into the room minutes later with a wicked grin and his signature weapons. Their punishment was about to start. "I hope that you two have had the time to realize your failures while I was gone." Yeah we did. Yet we managed to run twenty miles in eighteen minutes when it took you hours on end to walk twenty yards, Jason wanted to yell, but refrained. It would only make the punishment worse, not for him, but for Percy. If only one brother acted up then the other received the punishment while the other was forced to watch. It was a painful punishment for both that their father had stumbled upon after Percy had disobeyed one of his orders.
When neither answered, Lycaon let out a thundering growl. Suddenly he was in front of them, gripping them by the neck. Percy and Jason struggled in their father's grasp. They couldn't do anything even if they weren't chained—no matter how hard they trained, their father still managed to be stronger.
"When I speak to you, I expect to be answered," he snarled. He squeezed their throats harder, before finally releasing. They gasped for air, "Now, have you thought over your failures?"
"Yes, father," the young princes answered out of fear.
A wicked grin spread across Lycaon's face once more, "Good," he purred sadistically. "Then I hope you realize that you two must be punished. I specifically said in under twenty minutes which you did not do correctly. Eighteen minutes is the deadline and you two failed to complete that. Do you understand?"
"Yes, father," they chorused, doing their best to hide their fear. If they showed fear then their father locked them in the dungeons for two weeks with nothing but crumbs and the dirty pond of water that was left behind by previous prisoners not being strong enough to hold the pale of water they were given. They tried not to shiver at the thought.
"Then let's get started," without warning, two whips magically sprung from the torture table and slowly slithered towards the boys. They clenched their eyes together tightly as painful stings spread across their bodies. Stings followed every crack of the whip and the whips just continued to dig deeper and deeper into their skin. It wasn't long until Percy's resolve crumbled and his screams pierced the air followed by the sick, maniac sounds of their father's laughter.
Jason clenched his chained hands tighter and tighter. He wanted to yell and to scream, but he couldn't. He refused to let their father have that satisfaction—the sick bastard didn't deserve it. It was bad enough that he had to listen to his brother's screams, but to hear their father laugh with amusement at all is where Jason drew the line. Usually he would've given up same time Percy did, but this time he wouldn't even if it mean he got tortured longer.
Realizing his youngest son wasn't screaming, Lycaon increased the pain, but still Jason did not budge. Anger finally shot through Percy long enough for him to quit screaming out of rage. Dad has no right to do that to Jase just because he's not screaming. That just means he's strong, isn't that what Dad wants, for us to prove that we're strong?
Percy couldn't take it anymore. "Stop it, you bastard! Don't you dare hit my brother!"
Lycaon's eyes burned with unkempt rage. "You don't tell me what to do, you incompetent fool!"
Now, Jason's rage was reaching unnatural levels. He glared at his father, if Lycaon's glare was intimidating then Jason's was worse. "Don't you yell at my brother, I'll rip you to fucking pieces!"
He has no right to hurt my brother for proving that he's strong! Percy screamed in his head, his canines extending.
He has no right to yell at my brother! No one should yell at my brother! Jason shouted in his own head just as loud. His claws were coming out now.
Without either twin realizing it, their cuffs broke and they lunged at their father. They managed to hold their own briefly. But because their father was a full grown werewolf and they were merely pups compared to him, he had an advantage. Not to mention they were incapable of moving so fast due to their newly made wounds.
After several minutes of fighting, Lycaon grabbed his sons by their throats and slammed them down on the cold, hard ground. They winced at the contact which is only served to open their wounds further. So there they laid, breathing harshly, their wounds hurting more than ever—both the wounds from the punishment but also from their fight with Lycaon.
They expected their father to drag them back to their chains and to increase their punishment then lock them in the dungeon for a month. Instead he grinned down proudly.
He threw two towels at his sons, "Clean up and meet me in my office."
The brothers glanced at each other, checking to make sure the other was okay as their father walked out of the chamber before doing what they were instructed to.
Because you'd be out of your damn mind to anger Lycaon at a time like this.
*age fifteen*
"Hi, Jason," Piper blushed.
"Hey, Percy," Annabeth smiled.
Leo and Grover chuckled at their lady friends, "'Sup, guys," was their greeting.
Smirks spread across Percy and Jason's faces as they high fived Leo and Grover. Both twins were aware that Annabeth and Piper had like, liked them—they had since they were thirteen, the age the twins finally saw girls as 'hot,' as people called them. There was nothing more interesting and amusing then teasing these girls. In reality, Percy and Jason had no intention of dating either girl, but making them think they would was fun. The only way they would date one of them ended up being their mates and they wouldn't be old enough to find their mate until they were sixteen.
They doubted they were their mates.
"Hey, sweetheart," Jason wrapped his arm around Piper's waist from behind as she blushed. Jason was the only guy that Piper noticed in that way. Usually it was guys noticing Piper in that way and it absolutely disgusted Piper to no end. It disgusted her so much that she'd charmspeak them into embarrassing themselves in front of a large crowd.
Percy wrapped his arm around Annabeth's neck and leaned down so his mouth was level to Annabeth's ear, "How've you been lately, baby?" Percy was the only guy that Annabeth would let touch her in such away—other than Grover and Leo. Leo wasn't interested in her and in Annabeth's opinion, Grover didn't count as a guy. Any other guy tried, she'd deck him in the mouth, hard.
"So you guys are turning sixteen soon, you guys excited?" Grover questioned.
The twins scoffed. "Why would we be?"
"Because you'll be the big one-six!" Leo exclaimed. "Your dad will introduce you to not only the pack, but the kingdom too. Ooh, and when he does, promise me that you guys will go out with a bang just to show your kick butt awesomeness!"
Percy smiled while Jason let out a laugh. Percy and Jason loved all of their friends equally, but Percy preferred Annabeth and Grover and Jason preferred Piper and Leo. Neither knew why, they just did. "Sure thing, buddy."
"It's also the day you two will find your mates, you excited to meet them?" The girls hinted.
Jason and Percy's eyes met for a brief second as they did their best to contain amused smiles. They knew exactly what the girls were getting at, they'd be completely stupid not to. They decided to have some fun with it.
"We're elated," Percy grinned.
"Extremely ecstatic," Jason chimed in. "Matter of fact," he purred, "I can't wait to find her so I can wrap my arms around her little frame like this," Jason wrapped his arms back around Piper's like he had previously, nudging her neck, "and so I can breathe in her intoxicating scent."
"I can't wait to find my mate so I can hold her body close to mine," he tightened his grip on Annabeth, "and lean down and whisper in her ear repeatedly that she's mine," he whispered in Annabeth's ear.
The two boys pulled away, watching the girls' crestfallen faces. Man, did that ever stop being so fun.
"Now the real question is: how have you guys been?"
"Alright," Piper and Annabeth muttered disappointed while Leo and Grover launched into long explanations of what they did.
All the while Percy and Jason laughed at their friends' stories. Their pack hadn't expanded, but they were okay with it. These people were their true family and that was enough for Percy and Jason.
Percy and Jason were so caught up in their thoughts that they missed the question directed their way. "Guys," hands waved in front of their faces, "guys. Are you okay?"
They snapped out of it, "Huh?"
"We asked what your last names were," Grover replied. "Out of the years we've known you, you guys never told us your last name, let alone your middle names."
The brothers glanced at each other in confusion. Last names?
We don't have a last name, Jason replied.
How had they not realize that soon enough? All of their friends and everyone else they had ever met had last names. How come they didn't? Annabeth was Annabeth Chase; Piper was Piper McLean; Grover was Grover Underwood; and Leo was Leo Valdez. All they were was Percy and Jason.
"We . . . we don't have a last name," Percy spoke, scratching his head. Their mother didn't have a last name since she was a goddess and even if she did Percy wouldn't want it and their dad definitely didn't have one.
Their friends frowned, just as confused. "But everyone has a last name?"
"Everyone but us," Jason mused aloud.
They stared at each other in silence.
Until Leo decided to break it, "Hey, I've got an idea!"
Everyone winced. They had heightened senses due to the fact they were werewolves, "Hey, take it easy, repair boy. You don't have to blow out our eardrums just to be heard." Annabeth scolded, rubbing her ears.
Leo paid her no mind. "We could give you a last name. One that we could use for the pack since we still don't have a pack name!" Leo seemed so excited that no one could turn him down, especially not with the grin donning his impish features.
"Okay," the twins agreed. "But what would it be?"
Leo pondered hard. What name would he bestow upon two of his best friends? Leo had some trouble at first—thinking wasn't really his thing, but nicknames were. He gave everyone nicknames, no matter who they were. Ooh, I could call them—nah that won't work, Leo literally had no clue.
"H-how about Raze?" Grover stammered out. The group turned towards their satyr friend. They had almost forgotten he was there. Grover had a tendency to do that—fade into the background out of fear.
"Raze," the twins muttered in sync, as if trying it out for size.
"Means destruction, conflict, total chaos," Annabeth translated.
I like the sound of destruction, conflict and chaos, Percy mused. Especially conflict.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
"Yeah, Raze," the twins nodded their heads with genuine smiles.
"Perseus and Jason Raze, alphas of the Raze pack," Piper announced, "I like the sound of that."
So did the twins.
Sadly their moment was short lived due to the ringing voice of their father, my office now! He ordered through the pack link.
Jason and Percy smiled apologetically at their friends. Annabeth, Piper, Grover, and Leo nodded, knowing that they had to leave. They always had to leave.
Saying goodbye to their friends, they took off, full speed despite the fact that they'd rather stay and talk with their friends, their pack, their family. But still they did as they were told.
Because you'd be out of your damn mind to anger Lycaon at a time like this.
*age sixteen*
Jason and Percy stood in the room that they shared. They both stood in front of the vanity, admiring themselves. They were dressed up in all black tuxedos with black ties and white button shirts and knot ties.
Jason took one look at his brother and sighed. "No, no, no, you've got it all on wrong." Percy stared at his brother in confusion.
"What?" Percy had no idea what his baby brother meant. "I'm wearing it right, right?
Jason just sighed and adjusted Percy's tie so it was on correctly, "Now you're wearing it correctly." Percy just grinned.
Together the brother's stood side to side in front of the mirror. They looked handsome with their hair slicked back in a messy formal way. "We look great," Jason said and Percy nodded in agreement.
Today was their birthday, the day the twins turned sixteen and were introduced to the entire kingdom. Now that the day had come, they couldn't have cared less. It wasn't exactly exciting nor were they interested in having their father show them off for the kingdom to see.
This had to be the worst birthday yet. Still they held their heads high, "Happy birthday, bro," Jason smiled at his brother.
"You too." Percy walked towards his closet, "Matter of fact, I got you something."
"Me too," Jason reached towards his closet and grabbed the thin, rectangular box. They handed each other the boxes that were oddly shaped. Percy's was a small, square box, but from the way he was grinning it had to be important. "On three."
Percy agreed, "One."
"Two," Jason counted.
"Three," they all but shouted, ripping open the boxes.
In Percy's box was a golden pen that he stared at in wonder. Why would Jason get me a pen? He knows I don't write, that's why I've got him.
A coin? Jason questioned silently. Inside his box was a shiny golden coin. He rubbed it, expecting something to happen. Nothing did.
"Uh, I love it," were the twins' replies to the gifts.
Jason noticed the confusion on his older twin's face, "Click it," Jason instructed. Percy did as told and suddenly his pen turning into a three foot long, shimmering Celestial Bronze sword with a double edged blade. Percy's eyes widened in awe.
"Jason," was all Percy could say as he continued to stare at the sword. Percy ran his hand along the blade. His hands rubbed over strange words—Anaklusmos or Riptide, the current that catches you by surprise. He wrapped his arm around his brother. "Thank you."
Jason knew that Percy had always preferred Greek over Roman so he made sure to find a sword held by only the greatest Greek heroes. A sword that would fit his brother—such a sword was not easy to find.
Remembering the present he had gotten his twin, Percy spoke, "Look at the inscribing first." Jason did as told and found words were indeed inscribed: IVLIVS which meat Julius. Percy knew that Jason was the opposite of him. He preferred Roman over Greek, but still loved Greek. Jason had valued respect, bravery, and honor like a Roman, but also loved the idea of family like a Greek. "Now flip it." Jason did as told. It spun around in the air twice before landing, except now it was a double edged Imperial Gold sword. Jason didn't know why, but he felt compelled to flip it again so he did. Now this time it was a lance like some Romans would use. Jason marveled at the lance. It was a multi-weapon object—these were unheard of.
In seconds, Jason had wrapped his arms around Percy as tightly as Percy had him moments before. Jason could barely contain his joy, "Thanks, bro." Percy couldn't help but grin, feeling accomplished.
"Anytime, baby brother."
Hurry up, you two! Guests are arriving to celebrate you and I'd rather you two not embarrass me! Lycaon roared through their heads. Both boys just laughed and made their journey to the ballroom where tons of people would be celebrating their princes' sixteenth birthday, the day they became of age.
The twins arrived in the palace's ballroom minutes later and were instantly greeting by many people. People hoping to just catch a glance at the dashing princes, people hoping that if they befriended the young princes they would in return move them up in ranking, or even female suitors hoping to realize one of the two—if not both—were their mate. None of which was going to happen that night.
Being respectful and courteous, the boys briefly greeting each person with a smile and an ever-so fast hello or thank you for coming. But none of it mattered to either brother, for the real party that would be taking place that night would be when they left this place and went to celebrate with their pack. Now they were just counting the minutes until their 'celebration' ended.
It was traditional to start with a dinner to celebrate the royal child's coming of age—or at least that was what people assumed as Lycaon was the only one of royal blood and became a werewolf long after he had turned sixteen. Matter of fact, many people thought that there should have been a more wolfish kind of celebration to remember their so called roots, but no one wanted to bring that up to the savage king.
Halfway through the dinner, their father stood up and tapped a spoon to his glass, catching everyone's attention. Lycaon grinned as all eyes were now placed on him. "I, first, want to thank you all for coming to celebrate my sons' birthday and coming of age," the king started. "Amazing it is to think sixteen years ago, these two boys were nothing but infants—that they are the same little boys whom I nourished, loved, and taught,"—Jason bit back a gag—"so I think it would be appropriate to ask my sons to stand now before their kingdom. Boys if you will," Lycaon motioned towards them. The twins stood up in sync, moving as one.
As they rose, cheers rose with them. People applauded their princes, their leaders and Jason and Percy would be lying if they said it didn't inflate their egos even slightly. "Behold Perseus and Jason, sons of Lycaon, princes of the werewolf kingdom!" Their father announced as the crowd roared louder.
They knew what they must do next; Lycaon had practically drilled it into their heads. The boys let their eyes wonder over the crowd, searching for their mate—if they were there. The crowd focused in on them, excitement barely contained. But as the twins let their eyes search over every person whether female or male—hey! You never know who could end up your mate—but to no avail. Their other halves were not there. They turned to their king and shook their heads. Percy turned back too early, but Jason did not miss the almost unnoticeable snarl of anger on his father's face. He would have missed it too if he hadn't known his father his entire life.
Next they were to face the crowd and announce their loyalty to the kingdom, so they did. "As next in line, we swear to protect our kingdom from its foes, to lead with strength, and to strike fear in the hearts of all that dare to oppose us!" They announced in unison.
Cheers erupted around the room once more.
They had finally managed to escape the sea of bodies and make it to their pack. They were greeted with excited grins. "Hey, guys," Leo and Grover seemed ecstatic to see them. Piper and Annabeth took one look at the boys before frowns replace their smiles. They weren't mates.
Despite their agitation and dismay, the girls managed smiles, "Happy birthday, guys! We got you something."
The twins' eyes lit up, "Oh, c'mon, guys! You didn't have to get us anything," in reality they were more than just excited to realize they were getting presents.
"Good because we didn't," they chuckled. Percy and Jason pouted.
"Okay, that was low." Jason smiled slightly.
"Really, really low!"
"Our present to you is celebrating by actually having fun!"
Jason and Percy frowned. Neither really had the heart to tell them.
I don't want to tell 'em we have to leave, Percy messaged his younger brother.
Neither do I.
Just tell them, Percy insisted.
You're the oldest, you should do it, reasoned Jason
Exactly, I'm the oldest which means you have to do what I say.
If I did what you said, you and I would've been dead a long time ago.
Percy shrugged, true.
Apparently neither of them had to say anything as their friends had known them long enough to understand what they were thinking without mind linking them. "You have to leave, don't you?" Huffed Annabeth.
They nodded. They hated to disappoint their friends but if their father knew that they were sneaking off to visit their pack all the time, he'd disband their pack and torture them all for an unnecessary distraction. "He doesn't even know we snuck out, but he probably will soon. Besides he'll probably want us to scan the crowd again, thinking we just missed someone's eyes and that our mates really are there." The girls scowled at the mention of mates.
"Go get 'em, tigers!" Was all Leo could offer up as encouragement. Frankly, it was enough.
So the boys trudged on their way, albeit dejectedly and somehow managed to sneak back into their own birthday party.
Their father spotted them immediately. If he knew they escaped then he didn't mention it. Instead he pulled them aside where no one else could overhear.
"Alright, boys, you two are of age. And you know what that means," they did know what it meant and they couldn't have been more excited.
"Do you mean—," Percy couldn't even finish his sentence and Jason could barely start one.
"Yes, it does," Lycaon grinned, satisfied with his sons' excitement. He had trained them well—he had manipulated them well. Although the blonde could use some work—still didn't seem to trust him, Jason didn't. But that was alright for now. The blonde couldn't stay away from the dark haired one and if he could manipulate the oldest then the youngest would follow just to protect them. He had them where he had wanted them.
They'd reach the top if it was the last thing Lycaon would do. His name, his children—his bloodline would reach the top. They'd be forever known, the three of them would be and he'd be sure to make it happen.
Those puny gods will be sorry they ever mocked my name! I'll make each and every one of them pay, I swear.
Off in the distance, unheard by the very one who had caused it, thunder rumbled.
"That's right," he smirked, "you two are going on a mission."
Jason wanted to fist pump the air. But he was a prince—princes didn't act irrationally—at least not in front of the very person who could make their life a living hell. "My king," Lycaon stared at his youngest heir, waiting for him to continue, "if I may ask, when will our mission be and what will it be?"
"Age eighteen," The twins' moods plummeted. "Just for extra training as the mission will be long, you'll need all the time and rest you can get."
"And as for the where, father," Percy spoke up.
Now the wicked grin was prominent on Lycaon's face—the same grin that sent chills into the hearts of many, "You two will infiltrate the camps. Percy, you will infiltrate the Greek camp. Jason, Roman."
Neither could wait, but they also wanted to deny. They couldn't wait because it was a mission, to be offered to partake in such a thing was rare and especially to be started at a young age. Ever since he was a kid, Percy loved Greek more than Roman. Roman seemed to strict and advanced for his brain. He preferred to just sit back and only think when necessary. Jason on the other hand always loved Roman because they were honorable, respectful, and brave. That and because they used rankings—and what werewolf didn't love rankings?
But they also wanted to deny because they had expected an easier task to start off with. But to infiltrate the camps of the gods was almost suicide. It was practically impossible. Greek because they had been informed that Chiron, a Greek hero, and Dionysus were located inside the Greek camp itself. Roman because they were stronger than Greeks, they had more security and well educated and well trained beings. They didn't need gods on their side to pummel their enemies for their technology, their ancient weapons, their ranks, and their brilliant minds could do the job just fine.
Despite their worries, they agreed because they didn't want to anger their father.
Because you'd be out of your damn mind to anger Lycaon at a time like this.