Dean glared at the couch that Issy laid on. She was snoring loudly, hair a pigsty and sweater littered with crumbs. She looked like the epitome of laziness, wearing boxers that had been giving to Dean- too big for him to ever wear. Her arm dangled limply, abandoned bowl of chips fallen on the ground.
He scoffed and kicked her arm lightly, watching as it swung back and forth. "Get up Iz, you can't sleep here all day."
"Five more minutes," she slurred, turning her head from him.
Dean rolled his eyes. He grabbed the pillow her head rested on and yanked. Issy's head smacked against the couch, and she bolted upright. "Damn it!"
"Get up. Breakfast."
"Make it yourself."
"I did. Come on, eat. You're coming in with me today."
Issy narrowed her eyes, flipped him off with her middle finger. "Fuck you."
"Yeah," Dean rolled his eyes. "You wish."
"Urgh!" She jumped to her feet, stomping over to the kitchen, aiming right for the coffee.
Dean grinned, victorious. He went and sat down at the table, shoving his wheat bran into his mouth. Issy glared at the bowl of oat he'd prepared her. "Freaky health nut," she mumbled, but took the breakfast anyway. She slid into her chair across from Dean, lips firmly glued to her mug of brew.
"I added some of those berries you like."
Issy laughed into her cup, clearly understanding what a treat it was.
"You got any interviews today?" Issy shook her head, coffee splashing wildly in her held ceramic. "Too bad. Oh well, come in and finish some paperwork for me."
Issy's lips finally parted with her drink. "No way in hell. I don't do jack for you, Dean."
"Of course. You never do anyway."
She ignored him in favor of stuffing her mouth with soggy oats.
Dean picked up the paper, scanning over the passage he hadn't finished the evening before. "Remind me again why I let you live off me?"
"Who knows?" Issy shrugged. "Maybe cause you'd be miserable without me."
She grinned, and Dean couldn't help but smile himself. She was rough around the edges, for sure, but the two of them had always had a sorta companionable bond. He was still secretly glad she'd asked to move in with him when she'd lost her job. Maybe Issy was a lazy leech, but she kept him from filling his empty apartment with cats- ew, wait, not cats… dogs.
Besides, the poor girl was troubled. He didn't doubt she'd get a job soon enough, she just had to put herself out there. Dean knew she was smart, knew she could work hard given the chance.
"If you don't wanna do paperwork you can try out in Tech Support again." Both of them paled, remembering what happened last time. Dean cleared his throat. "Maybe just don't hack into the system and delete half the server this time," he amended.
"It was an accident."
Dean didn't bother to respond. He finished off his meal, turning the page of the paper. He saw Issy finish her 'health nut' breakfast from the corner of his eye, and smiled to himself.
Progress, was progress, after all.
"I'd definitely prefer Tech over any of the stupid forms you'd get me to fill out anyway." Issy stood and grabbed his plate, going to wash up. She froze though, just as she was about to start cleaning his dish. "Uh… You can clean this yourself," she said a little shakily.
Dean gestured. "No if you want to clean it, go right ahead."
She'd never cleaned the dishes, let alone his dish. It would be a nice change if she did.
"No!" Issy suddenly cried. She slammed the dishes down, miraculously not breaking them. She hunched over the sink, breathing rapidly. "No. No this- this-"
"Iz?" Dean stood, skirting round the bench to get to her. He grabbed onto her elbow, spinning her around to face him. He gasped as his eyes landed on her glazed over gaze. "Iz?"
Issy blinked, then suddenly her gaze was free again. "Besides, there's a cute guy I've been wanting to get the number of. He's way too tall but hell, you're not much better."
"Uh…" Dean stepped back as Issy shoved him aside. Issy disappeared in the bathroom for way too long, no doubt putting on makeup to impress this 'cute guy'. She then went and pulled on her hoodie, flicking back her hair when it got caught. Dean couldn't help but frown at the oddness of her sudden change. It's like she'd… She had become a different person for a second.
"Hurry up. I've got a total sexgod to check out."
Dean brushed away his concern, realizing how late it was. He grabbed his jacket and briefcase, resigning to do the dishes later. "I'm driving," he said pointedly.
Issy pouted, skipping down the stairs in her white treds. "Only if I get to pick the music."
"You always pick the music."
"Good. It's settled then."
Dean unlocked his car, sliding into the driver's side. Issy settled, immediately kicking her feet up onto the dash. Dean had long since given up reprimanding her for doing that. He wasn't her father, and it was just a car anyway,
She fiddled with the dial as he pulled out of the parking lot. The radio sparked to life, blaring loud classic rock. Issy scrunched her nose, changing the channel. Dean sighed in relief.
Unfortunately she changed from the news as well, finally settling on some techno gibberish that Dean didn't really like. It was better than the grating sound of rock music though.
"Woah! You know what I just realised?"
"There's totally going to be a space next to hot guy today right?"
"Why's that?"
Issy frowned. "Pretty sure the cubicle next to his was being used by a man who's on vacation right now."
"How'd you know that?"
"No idea." She turned to Dean. "Do you think he'll give me his number?"
Dean stilled, his gut suddenly churning with unease. "I don't know who you're talking about."
"He's like six four or something. Hella sweet face, but the body of a God. Like seriously, Dean, you should see him." Issy sighed dreamily. "And he has the prettiest eyes."
"Eyes," Dean huffed. "Right."
"Hey you're his boss, kinda, right? Maybe you could get me some background info. figure out if he has any particular interests I could accommodate."
Dean gagged, balking at the girl next to him. "Jesus! Iz never say that shit to me again."
"Alright," Issy sulked. "Big prude."
"I'm not a prude."
"Really? Since when have you last gotten your cherries popped?"
Dean almost swerved the car into a telephone pole right then. He sent her the stink eye, and she clamped her mouth shut. "No more." They drove in silence for a few moments. "Besides! Works been busy, I haven't had time for that crap."
Issy grinned. "You sound so sad right now."
"Shut up."
"Health nut."
Dean sent her a withering glance. "Cheeto addict."
She grinned and turned to stare out the window, watching as they arrived at Dean's workplace. He parked the car and grabbed his briefcase. Issy grabbed his jacket before Dean could though, and she pulled it on over her shirt. "You should buy me one of these."
"Give it back," Dean demanded, but his tone was light, his eyes crinkled at the corners ever so slight. "I need it today, got a few meetings."
"Alright. They're cool if I don't wear the uniform right?"
"You know they are. Just don't delete the server-"
"I won't delete the server."
"Good." He stopped at the elevator. This was where they had to split. He smiled and draped his arm around Issy, as though for a hug.
"Hey!" She shouted when he pulled back, grabbing onto his jacket and stealing it from her.
"Thanks Iz."
Issy glared and stuck her tongue out at him, and he laughed as he clambered into the elevator. He pulled out his phone as soon as the door shut, checking through his schedule. He hoped that he could maybe get out on time for once, given that Issy finishes at five. He didn't want to work and have her bugging him, but then again, her company would be far nicer than anyone he was going to talk to that day.
He got to his office and put his briefcase away. The computer flashed to life as he shrugged off his suit jacket.
"Alright baby," he said to his monitor. "Let's do this."
Issy sat down in her cubicle, disappointed to see the one next to hers empty. She was kind of early- scratch that, depressingly early. "Stupid Dean." She clicked away at the computer, pulling up files and guides. Yeah, she was good with tech, but that didn't mean she'd work without the guidelines. Ian sat down behind her, yawning loudly.
"Hey," Issy greeted boredly, swiveling on her chair. The calls wouldn't start funneling through for another few minutes.
Ian turned, surprised. "Oh, Issy right? Didn't think I'd see you back here after last time."
"I know right?" Issy chuckled. "Turns out my roomies got a soft spot for me."
"Yeah, my buddy-bud Dean smith. Heard of him?"
Ian frowned. "Isn't he some big name in Sales and Marketing?"
"That'd be the one." Issy reached back, pulling her long hair into a bun and tying it back. "How's everything been down here?"
"Good enough. Regulations the same, you might want to log your calls a bit more thoroughly than last time though."
Issy rolled her eyes. "Please. They aren't even paying me for this." She paused. "Well technically they are but in food and shelter."
"Nice gig."
"Not really. I don't…" Issy shook her head. "Nevermind. So where's Prince Charming?"
"Who?" Ian frowned, eyes widening when Issy nodded at the cubicle to her left. "Sam?"
"So that's his name." Issy squinted. "Sam," she said, trying the name out.
"Don't tell me you have a thing for a Techy?"
"Maybe I do," Issy grinned wickedly. "When's he get in?"
"Normally he's here by now. Not sure what's up."
Issy sighed and began to ask if Sam was even going to come in at all, but the phone began to ring. She smacked her lips. "Guess I'll talk to you later."
Ian nodded. "Good luck."
She placed the headset over her ear before hitting answer.
Issy had pretty much given up entirely on Sam, when during lunch the man bursts into the cafeteria looking utterly frazzled. "Hey guys," he said as he slid in across from Issy. She was sitting next to Ian, in the middle of a conversation about college.
"Holy shit man! Where've you been? You look like crap."
Sam rushed to fix his shirt, smooth the creases and tuck his fringe behind his ear. "I overslept. Had these… nightmares all night. Did you cover for me?"
"Of course. Issy volunteered to hack into the system and log you some fake hours but instead I just took most of your calls. I am the master of multitasking."
"Yeah dude," Ian gestured to her. "Meet your cubicle pal."
Sam looked up, and when their gaze met he jumped out of his chair. It tipped back and skidded on the tile, Sam stared at her with wide, frightened eyes. "Who are you? Do I know you?"
Suffice to say Issy just gaped at the man like a fish, entirely stunned by his reaction.
"Uh dude, settle down."
Sam looked frantically between Ian and Issy, finally stopping to peer at Issy. He checked around, noticing a few people were staring at him as though he was mad. He cleared his throat, turning and pulling up the chair before sitting down and leaning towards Issy. "What do you think about vampires?"
Issy blinked, and rather intelligently, continued to gape with a wide mouth.
"Oh jeez man, did you have another dream?"
Sam ignored Ian, staring at Issy with a piercing hazel stare. Issy was at a loss for words, lost in his gaze and trying desperately not to gawk at his near perfect features. God… His lips...
"Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we gotta get back to work. You alright Sam?"
Sam nodded, but didn't turn from Issy. If anything he seemed to peer at her even more closely.
Ian sighed and pointed at the kitchenette awkwardly. "I'll just go and get… a drink?"
He left soon enough, and Sam quickly jumped at the chance. "How do I know you?"
"Wow," Issy flushed, feeling her cheeks warm. She finally tore her eyes from his gaze, staring at her hands. "I didn't think you'd remember me from last time."
"Last time?"
"Yeah. you barely spoke to me- I made you a coffee," Issy admitted bashfully.
Sam frowned. "I don't remember that."
Great. Issy felt her heart sink to her stomach. Rejected already.
Maybe she'd jumped a bit too quickly to her conclusion, however. Sam leaned even closer, breath wafting over Issy's face. "I do remember you though."
"Really?" Issy all but squeaked.
"Ever dealt with werewolves?"
Issy stilled at his question. This was officially getting weird. Hell, with that body though, she'd put up with a little weird- plenty of weird if she was gonna be honest. "No I haven't."
She shook her head.
He blew out a small, frustrated breath, stirring the air under Issy's nose. "Maybe I'm mistaken."
"If you are…" Issy quirked her lip into an ever-so-slight smirk. "My name's Issy."
"Sam. Do you work here?"
"Not really." Issy leaned back finally, almost immediately regretting the decision. Unfortunately though, she definitely couldn't maintain a conversation so close to his lips. Her brain wouldn't have been able to handle it. "I'm just kind of helping out for the moment."
Sam nodded, gaze still troubled, distant. He was thinking hard about something. "That's good. We're swamped at the moment, new model came out after all."
"Yeah, I noticed." Issy caught Ian approaching, holding a mug. "Speaking of being swamped, we should probably get back to work."
She stood and waited for the two men. Issy couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, she'd hoped it'd gone a little better. Well, a lot better. She'd hoped maybe to have his number by now.
Was she losing her touch?
Maybe she looked a little off today.
Either way, the day wasn't over yet. They returned to their cubicles, but sam was right next to Issy and she was enjoying that fact immensely. Each time she got a break in calls she'd sit and listen to Sam's voice, husky and beautiful and just ugh, he was utter perfection. Then, in the rare occasions they both had a break in calls at the same time, Issy would try to prod Sam to tell her more about himself.
Much to her dismay, Sam seemed intent to keep the conversation circling back around to her and whether she'd ever had any 'weird dreams' or seen 'strange things'. Issy answered with honesty, telling him that besides that one time when she was young and the door shut by itself there was nothing coming to mind.
"What about this dump? How'd you end up working here?" Issy was growing desperate. She just wanted to friggin' chat and maybe flirt a little with the guy, but he seemed hell bent on playing hard to get. "Just something to pay the bills?"
"Agh… Not really." Sam answered, then perked up. "How about salt? What's your opinion on salt?"
"I think it's bad for your cholesterol?" Issy tried and after a second sighed. "Look is this some kind of joke or something, are you just trying to get me to shut up? Because I can. I just thought… you know… we had chemistry?"
"What? Chemistry?" Sam smiled. "Really?"
"Yeah, but it's kind of hard to get a read on you when you're asking all these weird questions."
Sam laughed, and Issy nearly fainted at the sight of his adorable dimples. Jesus Christ, how was this guy even real? "Sorry, I've um- I've been a little off these past few weeks."
"The nightmares?"
"Yeah they're really annoying, won't seem to leave me alone." Sam noticed he had an incoming call and hit answer, flashing her an apologetic glance before greeting the person on the phone.
Issy smiled despite this, glad she'd gotten through to him.
She pondered the chance of getting his number. She could always bribe Dean into looking it up for her. Shit, this was just what she needed to get her out of her slump. Dean was great and all, encouraging her every day whilst trying his best not to turn into a nagging annoyance, but Sam was a fucking ray of sunshine, even suffering from nightmares.
Issy wanted to have that bit of sunshine, all for herself.
And of course she meant that in a very non-creepy way.
"Have you tried a nightlight?" Issy asked in a serious tone a while later.
Sam took off his headset, smiling. "Are you serious?"
"Either that or a dream catcher." She scooted her chair over just a bit so their knees touched. "Or perhaps you could try sleeping with someone else for the night, a comforting presence could prove helpful."
Sam laughed in a cute, geeky way that had Issy swooning. To top it off, a light blush dusted his sculpted cheeks. "Is that an offer?" He asked with an edge of shyness.
That's it. Issy was doomed. He was officially too much for her to handle. "Give me your number and I'll let you know," she grinned, finding courage in her swelling depths of bashfulness and doubt.
"Okay. You got a pen?"
Issy nodded and hurried to grab one from her desk. When she handed it over to him, their hands brushed and she froze. The same feeling of wrongness that she'd experienced earlier that morning swept over her, it was what had made her freak out on Dean. All of a sudden images flashed through her mind, as rapid and confusing as a dream.
She spotted Sam, covered in blood. Dean with a machete. Guns, knives, bursts of light. Issy's head spun and she felt panic rise in her chest. Sam was busy writing down his number and Issy dazedly turned to her computer, brought up a notepad and started typing frantically.
Her fingers smashed against the keyboard, and she hurried to type down what she needed to before the images disappeared, the memories were replaced, before she forgot and became stuck in the wrong world again.
Just as quickly as her clarity had come, it was gone, and she frowned at her screen. "Huh?"
"What were you typing?" Sam asked and peeked around the divider. "Seemed really important."
"I don't know." Issy disregarded the words blinking on her computer and instead turned to accept the piece of paper that had Sam's number scribbled on it. "Thanks for this. I'll call you later tonight and we can grab dinner or something?"
Sam wasn't paying attention to her though, instead he was reading what she'd typed on the screen. Issy sighed internally and turned to see what nonsense she'd written on her screen.
This is wrong. This isn't right. You have to get out.
As Issy read her brows drew together in confusion.
It's not safe. You need to remember. You need to remember before it's too late.
Isssy decided she would have to hold back on all that caffeine from then on. Whatever made her write this was friggin' creepy.
Find Dean and Sam. Find Dean and Sam and keep them safe.
Huh. Issy hurried to close the notepad without saving, but Sam grabbed onto her arm and stopped her. "What're you doing?" He asked, hazel eyes wide in confusion.
"Umm… Deleting it."
"Why?" Sam questioned, gaze snapping back to the weird message. "Why do you have to keep us safe?"
"I don't know. It was just… a joke," Issy hurried to defend. "It was just a joke, all right? I thought it would be funny to play on your peculiar questions. You know… mess with you?"
Even Issy thought her words were total BS, and Sam clearly did as well. Much to her relief though, he didn't immediately call for security to take her to some mental hospital. Instead, he slid across on his office chair and took control of her computer. Somewhat lost at what was going on, Issy moved aside and watched as he copied the message then pasted it into an email and sent it to himself.
Again, Issy couldn't help but think Sam was a bit of a weirdo, but hey, who was she to judge when she'd been the one to type that ominous note. Maybe she ought to go home early, she must've been coming down with something… a fever or a-
"Has that ever happened before?" Sam questioned, snapping her from her thoughts.
"You mean, have I ever started typing down weird stuff that I don't remember typing afterwards? No." Issy paused. She glanced at Sam, at his beseeching hazel gaze that reminded her too much of a cute puppy. "Although… When I was in the kitchen I think the same thing happened," Issy confided in the man.
"It sounds kind of like my nightmares. They're more like memories than anything."
Issy nodded. Maybe they'd both caught the same cold or something. "Yeah I started remembering all of these things, then I blacked out for a bit and when I came back Dean was staring at me weirdly. I guess I said something creepy, or I freaked out..."
"We should go talk to this Dean guy then," Sam suggested. "If he's a part of this then maybe he knows something that could help."
"No way. Dean would freak!"
"But what if he doesn't? What if he knows something that could help us?"
"I'm pretty sure I'd notice if he had a… freak out."
"He might be having nightmares like me, though. Maybe he's got the information we need to tie our two problems together. I mean… this can't be a coincidence!"
It was then that Issy realized she might have one more chance to get with Sam… If Dean would just play along with the hottie's delusions. "Okay. Alright. But if he thinks we're loony you have to forget about all of this nonsense. Promise?"
"Okay," Sam agreed, and then had to turn back to his cubicle to answer a call.
She had given him an ultimatum he couldn't refuse. For whatever reason though, Issy was confident that Dean wouldn't know anything. Then maybe when Dean let her poor sorta-colleague down she could offer to cheer him up with...something. Coffee, ice cream… dinner at her place~
Anyway. First things first they had to finish work.
Screw that, Issy decided and spent about ten minutes cracking through Sandover Bridge & Iron Inc.'s firewall and messing with Sam's hours. She made sure that he would get paid for the 'work' and also gave Dean a bit of a bonus for that day, because why the hell not? She'd seen Sandoval's bank statement the last time she'd hacked their system and was sure they wouldn't notice the money missing from their 'Owner's Reserve' fund.
Issy just… had a way with technology. Whatever she wanted to happen… would happen. Like how for Sam she wanted his customer feedback rating to be 100% in all areas (the guy already had a 89% rating overall, but why not treat him where she could?)
"What are you doing?" Sam asked as he peered at her screen. Hmm, he really needed to learn not to just peek at people's screens. Rude.
"Well I'm just changing Dean's password to 'reallifegrumpycat' before I log out of Sandover's admin server." She did just that and then safely exited the browser through hopefully untraceable methods.
Dean was going to kill her, but it was worth it.
Last time she'd changed it to 'ireallyneedtogetlaid' and that'd been fucking perfect.
"What? You're on the admin server? How?"
"I bypassed their firewall and logged in with a decoder program. I filled in your hours for the rest of the day so we're good to go."
"Wait what? That's so cool!" Sam smiled like an adorable puppy, eagerness shining through as he glanced at her. "You'll have to teach me how to do that."
"What? So you can accidently delete the entire server and bring hell down upon yourself?"
Sam's eyes went wide. "I wouldn't do that!"
Issy remained silent, just stared at him pointedly.
"Oh my God- Last Fall… When everything was deleted, that was you?"
"Agh… Just pretend I didn't bring it up."
Much to her embarrassment, Sam started laughing, eyes sparkling with amusement as his lips pulled into a hearty smile. "You know that because of that we all had to get new employee photos, right? I actually ought to thank you. My first one was back when I had these really long sideburns."
"Wow…" Issy had to match Sam's grin. She'd never expected to be thanked for her massive fuck up. Sam was turning out to be even more awesome than she'd originally thought. "Okay, well then I guess… you're welcome?"
"What's this about employee photos?" Ian rolled over on his office chair, pen stuck between his teeth. "Because if that's why Paul just got sent up to H.R.? I'm going to be screwed if they send me up."
"You never wear a uniform," Issy commented. "Every time I've visited, you're always in some crappy slacker gear."
"Paul got sent up to H.R.?" Sam asked instead. "There are no employee photos so that's kinda weird."
"He was probably caught surfing porn or something." Ian noticed that Issy had logged off her computer, and that Sam wasn't answering calls anymore. "Are you guys ditching? Damn, I thought you'd creeped her out with all your nightmare BS but I guess women love the crazy type."
"No! Man… It's not like that. We're just going to go talk to her friend Dean about something."
Issy ignored the sting of rejection and focussed on packing up her stuff. "Speaking of which, I cleared his schedule for as long as I could, so we better be quick about it."
"You messed with his schedule?" Ian balked. "That's fucking crazy. Did you like… hack into his calendar like some spy?"
Sam stood then, placing a gentle hand on Issy's shoulder. Dear God, his hands were so friggin' big. Issy barely held herself together. "Interrogate her some other time dude, we've really gotta go."
"I'll teach you my ways tomorrow, young padawan." Issy passed along the promise as Sam all but dragged her out of the oh-so-cleverly dubbed 'nerd basement'. They walked swiftly to the elevator, Sam keeping a swift pace with his glorious legs. Of course he just had to work out, Issy wasn't sure how much longer she could remain calm in his presence. He was practically a sculptured work of perfection.
She had to chill though… even if he was six foot tall and seemed like he could take on six other guys at once.
Ian was right, the whole crazy thing should've been a massive turn off.
The elevator dinged as it arrived, and they clambered in along with a few other randoms. She stood close to Sam's side, partly because she was drawn to his heart like a moth to a flame, but also because she had an issue with being in confined spaces with people she didn't know or trust. Sam was working perfectly as her way too adorable guardian, and the ride became a pleasant experience as he started discussing the weather with her.
A mundane topic, but to be honest, she'd enjoy coming out of his temptatious lips.
"I like it when it rains. When I'm home and browsing Reddit I open this site called rainymood and it plays the sound of rain." Issy was explaining as the elevator dinged, finally reaching their floor after stopping at dozen's of others for the other occupants of the metal-joyride.
"Then you must hate how little it rains here." Sam replied, gesturing his hand as he held the elevator door open. "After you."
"Thanks." Issy stepped out and looked around, easily recalling the way to Dean's office. "Yeah well this place has its ups and downs. There's good things and bad things. The lack of cloud tears is one of them."
"What are some of the good things?"
You, Issy wanted to say, but refrained. "The pizza."
Sam laughed, a sound Issy was quickly becoming addicted to. "You're not wrong."
When they reach the door to her roomies' office, Issy enters, opening the door with a semi-loud bang. It was enough to startle Dean up from his work, and she casually stepped aside as Sam entered in a far more quiet and respectful manner. "Heyo Dean-o, how's it hanging?"
"Issy don't tell me you got in trouble again," her good ol' pal said as he stood from his desk, brows furrowing in concern. "You couldn't have waited another four hours?"
"Actually I'm here on the royal behalf of Sam Wesson, who has some questions for ya'." Issy gestured to the man who was too beautiful for his own good like she was unveiling him, jazz hands goin' wild.
"Wait." Dean stepped forward, and ever the loud-mouthed pigeon-head he was, eyed Sam up and down (Sam was doing a good job of sticky-beaking the office- It was totally the katana Issy had gifted Dean that had him speechless) before glancing at Issy. "Is this the 'cute guy' you were talkin' 'bout? You're right, he's freakishly tall."
"I'm only six-four…" Sam mumbled, but his protest went unnoticed by the other two.
"I know right? Plus he's got great hair, amazing eyes- like the kind you can lose yourself in for hours- and…" Issy trailed off. Cleared her throat. "Um. On top of all of that- questions!"
Her prompt seemed to have been enough distraction. Sam straight up pulled out a notepad and pen, and Issy felt kinda bad for Dean… only for a moment. "What do you think about ghosts?"
Dean frowned. Issy subtly closed the door, no way Dean was getting out of this. If Issy had to put up with the crazy to get in Sam's pants, then so would Dean.
Except Dean wasn't getting in Sam's pants… of course.
Issy needed better analogies.
Sam nodded. Issy wondered if she ought to stop this before it ended in the train wreck it was heading for. Sam seemed to think Dean was actually understanding him. "Do you believe in them?"
Dean let out a startled laugh, looking pretty damn awkward. "Uh, tell you the truth, I've never given it much thought."
Sam paused, and then- "Vampires?"
"What?" Dean frowned, very suspicious now. "Why?"
Sam pursed his lips, "Because I've been having some weird dreams lately. You know what I mean?"
"No. Not really."
"So you've never had any...weird dreams?"
Issy couldn't help it. She burst out laughing, snorting once or twice because the situation was just so damn awkward. Both boys glanced at her, and she waved them away. This was one for the books.
Dean seemed to realise in that moment that Sam was dead-serious about his line of questioning, despite Issy acting like it was some weird joke. He glanced at them both, before shuffling back away from Sam like he was afraid the man might stab him. "All right, look, man, I don't know you, okay? But I'm gonna do a public service and, uh, let you know that—that you overshare."
"Sorry to waste your time," Sam said, looking pretty damn put upon. The sad puppy look melted Issy's heart, and as Sam left, head ducked, she whirled with all of her righteous fury to yell at Dean.
"Jesus! You didn't have to be so friggin' rude!"
"Issy, really? You're defending him?"
Who wouldn't defend that fine piece of ass? "Duh. He was just trying to figure some stuff out and then you go ahead and act like he's some kind of freak."
"Were you not listening?"
"I was, and all he asked was stuff about ghosts or whatever."
"And Dreams, Iz, he asked about my dreams. Don't you think that's just a little bit weird?"
Issy crossed her arms. "You know what I think is weird? The fact that you totally lied about the whole 'dreams' thing."
Dean froze. "No I didn't."
"You did. I know your tell."
"Fine. So what if I did? I'm not about to discuss it with some random stranger who doesn't understand privacy. Next time, if you want to know stuff like that ask me privately. Don't get your new boyfriend to do your dirty work." Dean turned and stalked over to his desk, puffing his chest like some macho-canary. Issy hated it when he got like this. Yeah, maybe he was pretty friggin' intimidating but she figured they'd known each other long enough that he wouldn't have to pull off the superiority act. "I've got deals to renegotiate. Close the door on your way out."
Issy fumed, felt her fists clench at her sides. "Fine!" She snapped, done with his entire generation.
"Fine!" He returned, just as shortly.
She stormed out and slammed the door shut on her way.
"So… that didn't go well." Issy stepped up to Sam's side, hugging her arms around herself. She hated fighting with Dean, especially when they fought for real like back in his office just then. "How about we blow this puppy stand and go grab a beer?"
Sam shrugged. "Don't really feel like a drink."
"What about a milkshake? We can pretend it's desert. Especially if you order them like I do, then it's pretty much just blended ice cream with a drop of milk."
A moment's hesitation, and then, "Alright."
Issy beamed at him. She was totally just going to order a single milkshake for them both and they could do the cool double straw thing and- "We can take my Ducati- because dean probably drove you right?"
"Wait? A Ducati?"
*One cheesy movie transition later*
"Holy fucking shit! Sam! This is insane!"
Issy had not taken Sam to be the kind of guy who broke speed limits- but hell, she was pretty sure they were approaching light speed for Christ's sake. Issy figured the whiplash was totally worth it though because she got to wrap her arms around Sam's waist, press herself against his back.
Yeah. Definitely fucking worth it.
"Just hold on!" Sam shouted back to her. "We're nearly there."
Hold on? Issy was more than happy to do that.
"Seriously though! Why do you drive a motor bike? I didn't peg you for the type!"
Perhaps she shouldn't have been trying to hold a conversation in a situation where they both had to shout over the roaring wind in their ears and the sound of the traffic around them, but her brain was a little bit mush at that moment with the whole 'hugging Sam's waist' thing and the fact he was wearing a leather jacket.
"It was my sisters!" Is all he yelled before revving the engine as they took a curb and Issy worried that the bike would just tip over.
Issy had done plenty of stupid things in her life, like the one time she dived off a cliff and landed in shallow water scattered with way too sharp boulders. Or when she stole a cute pair of Steve Madden's. Hell, she'd once taken on a whole nest of vamps all on her own and barely made it out of-
"This is the place, right?" Sam's voice broke her out of her thoughts and she loosened her hold on his waist when she noticed they were stopping, parking out front of a familiar diner. "The one with the 'mind blowing' smoothies?"
Issy brightened when she noticed the small smile on Sam's face. "Yup. This is it."
"Awesome. Let's head in then, I'm actually kind of excited to try a milkshake. Feels like I haven't had one in ages."
Something panged sorrowfully in Issy's chest at his words, and it was like she was floating outside of her own body, watching herself walk inside of the diner and thinking; 'Bout time the kid finally treated himself. Better than rabbit food. Poor Sammy deserves an infinite supply of milkshakes.
Then the next moment she was sitting at the booth, placing an order for one extra large chocolate thickshake. If Sam noticed her secret ploy to get them to do the cute couple thing, he didn't notice nor care. Instead he just said, "With whipped cream and a cherry on top, please."
Sam + whipped cream = one distracted Issy.
"And two straws!" Issy quickly called.
The waitress quirked a brow, but said nothing as she walked off.
"So, the motorbike?" Issy prompted, before she could forget to ask.
Sam grinned, ducked his head as though embarrassed. It was way too fucking cute. "It was a gift from my sister. When I left home to come here she passed it down to me, told me to take good care of it. It wasn't in the best condition, but I painted it and swapped out some parts."
"Wow. Your sister sounds sweet."
"Normally she's a little devil," Sam admits with a chuckle. "But yeh, she has her moments. What about you? Any siblings?"
Issy had long since gotten used to her not-so-perfect past. So many times she'd been asked awkward segwaying questions, like what her mum did for a job or if she'd learnt how to work on computers from her dad. Thus, by then she'd long since mastered the art of not becoming all dark and gloomy when she answered, "Nope. If I did though I'd probably be the one giving them gifts all the time."
"Trust me, it can get exhausting trying to bribe them to get along. My sister once bargained me out of a hundred bucks. Wasn't fun."
Issy laughed, felt their legs brush under the table, feet nudge against each other. "How the hell did she manage that?"
"It was a long process of powerpoint presentations and calculated amounts of puppy eyes."
"Aww, you're such a softie." Issy was smitten. That was it. She was done for.
The drink arrived then, two straws facing each of them and a huge helping of whipped cream, a single red cherry on top. "Thanks," Issy said to the lady. Sam did much the same.
"We'll have to just run home after this," Issy joked once the waitress had gone. She eyed the monster of a drink, wondered if ordering a large had been a bit ambitious of her.
"It'll be fine," Sam assured and then reached forward. With those damn long, capable fingers of his he plucked the cherry off the top and then dipped it in the cream, smearing the fluffy white substance over the artificial red. Then, he leant forward, lips twisted into a sultry smirk. "For you," he said, holding the cherry up to Issy's mouth.
Issy felt her heart beat at double-time, breath catching in her throat all that she could do was nod. Sam's lips twitched into a smile, eyes darkening with intent as he pressed the cherry to her mouth. Issy let her mouth part open and then she nipped at the tip of the cherry before sucking it wholly into her mouth.
The stalk parted with a pop and Sam tucked it into the depth of his fist as he closed his hand around it, thumb sticking out as he darted it forward and wiped a streak of whipped cream off the top of her lip. "Good?"
Issy swallowed thickly, then licked her lips. Sam's eyes watched the movement. "Yeah."
"I'm glad."
Jesus fucking christ. Since when had their mouths been so close? Issy was hungry as hell, wanted to just lean forward and devour the man in front of her, take his lips in hers and ravage them until they were swollen and flushed pink. They were in a public place though, so that would've been way too inappropriate.
So she settled for just making the situation worse. Slowly she leaned down, straw in sight as she wrapped her lips around it, sucking the plastic cylinder into her mouth.
Sam let out an absolutely gutted sound, pupils blown into endless depths of black.
Hah! Issy thought victoriously. She so got him back for the stupid cherry thing and the fingers and the- dear God- whipped cream.
Fuck it, Issy thought and winked at Sam before drinking the delicious combination of chocolatey heaven and icy wonderland. She felt as her cheeks hollowed out, and Sam was left gaping at her, cheeks flushing.
"Try it," Issy tempted when she finally parted with the best milkshake in the world. "It's seriously super good."
Sam didn't hesitate. He bent down and Issy watched as his tongue flicked out to catch the straw- fucking tongue. Fucking tongues and hands. Issy was just so done.
As he tried it Issy took a moment to catch her breath, glancing out at the other diners and noticing that no one was really paying attention to them. Phew.
"You're right," Sam said, drawing Issy's attention again. His voice was definitely huskier than it had been and was pitched deeper than it had been the moment before.
The air is thick then with tension, a tension that Issy isn't sure if she wants to break. At least… not in a public space. If only she'd brought Sam home to have the shake at her place. Hell, they could've skipped the shake entirely.
Fuck it.
"Wanna get out of here?" Issy said, even though they'd barely had half the drink and only arrived like, ten minutes ago.
Sam… grinned. "Fuck yeah."
He then proceeded to grab her hand and started dragging her from the diner. His touch was exhilarating, firm grip a comfort and a tease for what was to come. Sam's long strides were nothing to bat an eye at, and Issy could just imagine wrapping her own legs around his lean thighs…
Issy didn't really think anything of the shout until suddenly she was being pulled back into an alley, phantom arms gripping her as she cried out in shock. All too soon she was slammed up against a wall, an awfully heavy pressure on her torso and limbs, holding her to the alley's brick foundation.
She looked around with wild eyes, spotted Sam to her side, looking just as bewildered by the events as she felt. "What the fuck?" Issy asked to him, but really, it was directed at anyone who could tell her what the ever living hell was going on.
Before Sam could speak, the same voice that had shouted before interrupted them. "You guys have been off the radar for weeks, and now we're lucky enough to pick up your Grace's residence in bumfuck nowhere? How happy do you recon the boss'll be when we let her know we took down an angel?"
"Um." Issy's had her fair share of crazy for the day with Sam, thank you very much, and now there's some weird magic trick being played on her to keep her tied to the walls- fishing wire or something, probably- plus two whackjobs spouting nonsense about angels. She was over it. "Are you guys for real?" She asked, really not getting why two guys standing in an alley without knives or guns or any weapon of notice would be harassing them.
They didn't look like they'd just escaped a mental hospital..
"Oh we're definitely 'for real'," the guy on the left answered with air quotations. "In fact, want to see how 'for real' we are?"
In the blink of one eye and the next, the guy on the left disappeared and reappeared in front of Sam, and all too suddenly he was…. he was…
"SAM!" Issy shouted as the guy friggin' plunged his fist into Sam's chest.
And when he pulled it out… the man's hand was covered in blood and Sam crumpled to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.
Firstly: Super sorry for how long it's taken to update this story, tbh it would've taken way longer if it weren't for J-bitch, ya'll need to thank the hell out of her. Secondly: This chapter is extra long. yay! Thirdly: I know the ending was abrupt. I just wanted to get the chapter done already omfff. But yes, Sam's death is not just some bs dw, it's to move the plot forward, enjoy the cliff hanger! Finally: I will probably come back and edit this chapter if I get time. It's unlikely tho. So sorry for any SPAG issues