{Azeneth's point of view}
I shuffle a bit, the bed, berth, so very much too large for me. I'm drained from the day, with its training and emotional roller coasters. And now guilt. I repossession myself to have a better view of Blitzy dear sleeping on the floor so I could have the berth to myself. He was repulsed at the idea of sharing the bed, and it made me feel bad, maybe even terrible. And to make matters worse, he was Hothead when he fell asleep. So that means snoring that is literally industagable from thunder. I cannot believe that I thought it was bad when he was human.
"Sissy, how are ya?"
Now I appear to be going insane, wonderful day isn't?
"No Gem, it is really the best brother of all time, Zaliyin!"
Yep, your him, don't think my mind could fake that. The crown?
Stop popping you Ps!
"Whatever you say Gem. So are ya safe there, or are you being held hostage? Which fraction, Red or Purple? Whatever you are, make sure to punch Shockwave for me!"
I'm an Autobot, and you used an ancient dangerous magical artifact for that?!
"Well, Zecronia wanted to check up on you. So ya being treated good there?"
So she hasn't killed ya for not watching me, oh yeah, she needed you for talking to me. You are just living on borrowed time brother dear, she'll get you in the end. Furthermore, the only annoyance here is the fact that Terrance won't freaking die!
"Okay then...my call time is up! Bye Gem"
And with that my older brother's brief trip to my mind ended. He may be annoying, and call me Gem of all things, but it was an appreciated distraction from the thunder.
Hmm, I wonder. I throw each leg over the berth to the metal ground, then crawl noiselessly to where Blitzwing is. He's on his side, hands under his head like a mock pillow. Cautionly, I place both hands on the side of Hothead's face. I pushed it to the left a little, and it gave away its place. I kept turning it till it was Random, but he was laughing and crying, so I did the process again till it showed Icy.
So pretty Icy is! I wonder if- Oh no no no no! The powerful crimson went to his optics, and time was out for me as I still was holding his face. I was stuck frozen, waiting for whatever would happen next.
"What are you?" Icy's small simple question confused me for a second, for I was expecting anything besides that, attack or screaming at, perhaps even being punished. But not this.
We seem stuck like this for a while, staring into each others optics, until finally I came up with an answer, "I don't know."
"Nether do I."
And with that all means off composure was broken. I wanted to help, to fix the cracks, event though his sanity was all shards of broken glittery glass on the floor. Wanted to see if his lips matched his namesake.
But instead of that all I got from him was a guten Nacht, and him turning to face the wall. I go back to the berth, utterly exhausted in multiple ways. My last thought being off a fiery tree as my optics closed, a smile stuck on my face.
{Icy's point of view. Dun dun dun...}
Recharging on the floor, staring at a wall while a femme's asleep in my berth. Who would have known this would happen a day ago? And why exactly? It doesn't make sense, there is nothing to be gained, but yet I could not bear the thought of lying anywhere near the femme. And how she held me, full of fear? At least when I woke up she was scared, I think, but what was that in the end? It made no sense! Keep calm, emotions get in the way.
But isn't that what it's all about?
Random!? How long where you awake?
Too long, guten Nacht.
At least it wasn't Hothead, don't want him knowing about, whatever this is. Maybe it will all make sense int the Morgen.
Or not!
{ The writer's block has died, I'm back! Thanks for reading, please review. Also is the rating on this alright? Should it stay or raise or even drop? Good day, and sorry if this seems a bit rushed.}