A drying cloth was rubbed all over the chubby mech's body, blotting up the cleanser that ran down the body. Extra time was spent to ensure the belly rolls were dry. Ratchet didn't argue-feeling the soft cloth rub over his body felt amazing-especially when he knew the mech was was rubbing him down adored his chubby belly.
Normally, he would have found it strange that other mechs weren't repulsed by his greedy feeding habits- scrap, all through growing up he was teased and mocked. He even noted some lingering stares of question from other crew members of the lost light of his recent weight gain. However, in the past few months, Ratchet was surprised with who came out of the woodwork to want to feed him and rub his swollen belly. Primus, all these encounters ended in the berth afterward. But is all these other mech's wanted was his fat belly? A slap on his aft took the medic out of his dark thoughts. He had felt a quick peck on his cheek before the seeker turned his attention to drying himself.
"Here, let me help you with that." Ratchet said and grabbed the towel from the seeker. Thundercracker turned his back to the medic and purred when his wings were rubbed down. Ratchet took his time with drying them off, spending extra time drying off the wing tips, then sliding down to the ailerons. When the broad wings were dried, the base of the wing where they connected to the Seeker's back were focused on.
"You know, for a grounder, you sure know just where to touch," Thundercracker spoke as he flexed his wings.
Once finished, the red and white mech ran the cloth over the other's aft, giving a playful slap when done. Guiding the flier to turn around, Ratchet guided the towel over the chest, rubbing the towel to dry up any cleanser.
"You know, you're doing that too well," Thundercracker spoke and took the towel from the medic. "I'll blow a circuit if we go at it again without cooling down.
Ratchet could only give a coy smile at that remark. The seeker was right; he felt his body heating up again and by the sound of his partner's heavy breathing, Thundercracker was in the same boat.
Once finished drying himself, Thundercracker sloppily hung the towel back up and embraced the chubby medic in his arms. The sound of a rumbling belly cut off what he was going to say initially. "For a more quiet bot, you are quite demanding, aren't you?" A kiss was placed on the blushing medic's helm. "Come, we'll take care of that belly of yours."
The pair returned to the berth. Ratchet sat down, and Thundercracker pushed the food trolley over to him. "Here, I know you'll love this," The blue flier said as he cut a huge slice of chocolate cake on a plate. "It's a double chocolate fudge cake. Rather simple, yet very delicious in taste." He stabbed a fork in the slice and handed the plate to Ratchet. "You enjoy that. I'll be right back."
With a look of question, Ratchet looked at the Seeker and asked. "Where you going?"
"Don't worry about it," Thundercracker cooed as he grabbed the fork, scooped up a heaping forkful, and fed it to the other. "I won't be gone long."
Ratchet didn't have a chance to chew and swallow the treat to question any further: Thundercracker was already walking to the door. He could only eat his mouthful of sweet goodness as he watched the other mech key open the door and leave. A sense of loneliness washed over him; especially at the realization that in the end, they both would walk away from each other.
Ratchet knew this could never blossom into anything more, and he felt his cheeks warm up with embarrassment at that thought. Was he falling for the blue flier? A twinge of guilt built up inside of himself as he looked around the hotel room. Not his hotel room. This surely was inappropriate on so many levels. Sure, Thundercracker made him feel good but was it foolish to cave into these lusty behaviors just because someone has the promise of food? Or to rub at his overstuffed belly? These kind of thoughts were ridiculous and probably one sided. After all, Thundercracker had a belly kink, and that was most likely all that the flier liked about him. All what anybody liked about him.
He scooped up another forkful of chocolate cake and placed it in his mouth. The intense flavor filled his mouth, making him forget about anything else. Besides, was it so wrong to feel good? He swallowed his mouthful and helped himself to another forkful. His belly lets out a growl, and with his free hand, Ratchet rubbed little circles over his flabby belly.
It's not like he's revealing secret information. Or helping to plan the next raid. All that was being done was enjoying each other's bodies and company. In fact, Thundercracker never once brought up the fact that they were of different factions; never even hinted at wanting to get any information out of him. Unless the information sought was which tastes better: chocolate or vanilla.
Ratchet let out a laugh as he rubbed his swollen belly. The answer to that was simple: chocolate as so much better! He took the last bite of his chocolate cake, closed his optics as he used both hands to rub and pinch at his belly. He swung his legs up on the berth to recline and hummed to himself in content.
"What a lovely sight to see," a deep voice called out. Ratchet's optics shot open in fear. "Didn't mean to startle you."
"Primus Tc," Ratchet huffed. "Didn't hear you come in."
"You were a bit too preoccupied," The blue mech smiled as he walked to the berth. He carried a bag in his hand. "I like watching you rub your belly." He sat down on the berth and reached over to rub his servo over the squishy belly. "Here, got you something special," Thundercracker said.
Ratchet focused his optics. Was Thundercracker blushing? He bit his lip. "What's wrong with your cheeks?"
It was the seeker's turn to look bashful. "Just open it."
Ratchet took the bag from Thundercracker and reached in. What he pulled out nearly made him gag. Ratchet sneered. "Really, TC?" Ratchet held up the red, lacey lingerie and rolled his optics.
"It'll look good on you, " TC cooed, but still a bit unsure how the other mech would take it.
Ratchet huffed out air from his vents. "Yeah, you just want to see my fat body squished into this...this dinky little thing..."
"Well, yeah, it's kinda the point, isn't it?" Thundercracker replied as he licked his lips. "I didn't think you'd have a problem with it-"
"Primus, TC, the things I do for you," Ratchet shook his head. "I doubt it will even fit."
"It stretches," Thundercracker replied as he mentioned for the other to stand up. "Here, I'll help you in it." The seeker grabbed the lacy garment and beckoned for the other to turn around. Placing the front over Ratchet's belly, the top was pulled tight and tied up in the back.
"Tight fit," Ratchet grumbled as he adjusted the front of the lingerie to fit smoothly and cover most of his belly: however, part of his belly hung out no matter how hard he tried.
"Put these on," Thundercracker said as he handed over a pair of panties.
Ratchet took them and gave the look. "Really?" Thundercracker nodded. "This is ridiculous..." He still bent down and stuck one leg in, followed by the other and worked his way to pull them up. "I look so silly."
"You're not done yet," Thundercracker replied, holding up a garter belt and thigh high leggings.
"You've got to be kidding me," Ratchet huffed, but Thundercracker only smiled and nodded. With a bit of reluctance, Ratchet took the leggings, sat on the berth, and worked to put them on. He carefully slipped one leg in and worked to pull it up, being careful not to snag it thin material on anything. Once up, he slid the other one on his other leg, and connected the front garters. After standing up, he attempted to hook the back ones, but couldn't easily reach.
"Let me help," TC said and fidgeted with the clasps. "There." He gave the medic's aft a slap. "Turn around...let me get a good look at you..."
Ratchet did as he was told, but truth be told, he didn't feel too comfortable in it. The idea of mech's wearing clothes just was beyond his logic. He pondered if the seeker wanted a good laugh, for he had to look silly in this. Upon meeting the flier's gaze, Ratchet knew his initial speculations were wrong: Thundercracker was eyeing him like a predator would a prey. He felt his cheeks warm and couldn't help but give a shy smile. "You like...hmmm?"
"You have no idea..." Tc huskily replied as he placed a kiss to the belly before rubbing his hands over it.
Ratchet had no idea that the lingerie could ever feel that good against his frame. It felt so soft as the Seeker's hands rubbed and pinched over his frame. He closed his optics and focused on the sensations that he felt. He loved the way the other adored his body; he loved how he could feel admiration in the way the Seeker's hands rubbed over his body. Who would've though one would adore a fat mech?
Wearing a smirk of his own, the medic slapped the other's hands away and chuckled upon its owners confused look. Not giving a chance for questioning, Ratchet pushed Thundercracker back on the berth and straddled over him. Pinning the blue mech's hands to the berth, Ratchet licked his lips and smirked. "Gotchya," He playfully teased as he bent down to capture the Seeker's lips in his own.
Thundercracker moaned into the kiss, arching his back against the heavy body above him. He loved how aggressive the medic could be with his affection. As their tongues slid past one another's in a fervent kiss, Thundercracker ex-vented and squirmed: he just adored how bold Ratchet was. In his experience-what little it may have been- not many chubby mechs were comfortable with their size. He loved how comfortable Ratchet was with his own body and how eager he was to share ti with him.
Twisting his wrists, Thundercracker broke the deep kiss and spoke. "Let my arms free Love..." Upon his wrists release, Thundercracker embraced the cubby mech and hugged him close as he returned to passionately kissing his partner. Hands roamed over the lacy cloth that embraced the flabby midsection, taking their time to lovingly knead at the rolls before sliding down beneath the belly. Coaxing the top mech to rise a little, the hand then snuck down passed the hips to gently rub at the interface panel.
This was definitely a different sensation- having your panel rubbed while wearing the lacy panties. Feeling the soft material slide across the warming panel felt surprisingly pleasant. The thought of how that would feel against his exposed valve elicited a groan from the medic's lips, and without further though, he slid his panel open.
And that touch was far better than could ever be imagined! Ratchet moaned and shuttered at the feeling of pressure and the fabric at the soft folds of his valve. Feeling the lace press against his sensitive nodes was foreign, yet erotic. He felt his valve quiver and release trans fluid as he pressed himself down onto the touch.
"Ah... Tc..." Ratchet muttered through half-lidded optics.
"Feels good, don't it?" Thundercracker cooed as he rubbed circles around the valve's node, then to slide his servo's down the length of the valve..
"It's...a...amazing," Ratchet muttered between gasps as he rocked his hips, causing the fingers to rub over the valve's entrance. His engines skipped as his breath hitched. "I...ah... Don't know how...much teasing I can take..." This, however, didn't stop him from grinding against the Seeker's servo.
Thundercracker gave a chuckle as he ran his fingers over the valve one last time, and then pulled the panties to the side to access the valve fully. Being very wet, he had no problems inserting a digit inside. "Lucky for you, I can't take too much either." The seeker gently pushed the medic to sit up and make room for his spike to emerge. It didn't take long for Thundercracker to moan for the medic wasted no time in running his servo over the spike.
It didn't take long for the pair to work each other up. Ratchet explored his fingers over the hard spike while Thundercracker wiggled his servo inside the wet valve. It didn't take long for the seeker to abandon the valve in exchange for guiding his partner's hips to line the valve up with the tip of his spike. With only a few teasing rubs of the tip along the valve, the spike was slid inside. Both mechs moaned as both their hips pressed together.
Ratchet began to rock his hips slowly. No point rushing through it. He took his time to savor the way his nodes were rubbed: and this time, it was he who was in control. Taking a slow pace, Ratchet would rock forward, then push back while sliding himself back down on the spike. The Seeker's servo's roamed over the lingerie covered belly, giving playful slaps all while jiggling the belly and fingering at the lacey fabric.
Upon the medic quickening the pace, Thundercracker groaned. "Oh, baby..." Ratchet continued to grind his hips: at first, he just rocked back and forth, but then, he would wiggle side to side. Each action brought forth more lustful sounds from his partner. Thundercracker grabbed at chubby hips and guided them to rise up and slam back down quickly, earning himself an ecstatic cry from his partner. Repeating the action, the flier pushed his hips up while pulling Ratchet's down. Neither would last very long at this rate, but their bodies were already beyond heated up to hold out.
Ratchet took the hint and leaned forward for better leverage as he rocked his hips. Feeling the spike rub against different nodes was too much to describe. He cried out as the charge between them grew, biting at his lip as he felt his spike pressurize once again to be pressed between his soft, chubby belly and his lover. "P-Primus..."
"Don't hold back," Thundercracker desperately groaned as he grabbed chubby sides and slammed his cock in for a few quick pumps before off lining his optics and moaning. Ratchet felt the hot trans fluid drip out of his now quivering valve. Slag he was so close! He lifted himself up and slammed himself back down, chasing his own overload. He grunted when he impaled himself on just the right spot- he swore he saw stars as his valve clamped down, fluttered and gave its own release.
The next thing Ratchet recalled was on lining his optics and looking at the ceiling. His body still warm and his breath was still raged. Looking to his left, he saw the Seeker doing the same thing, except wearing a crooked smile on his face, one which the medic returned.
"You're gonna be the death of me," Ratchet muttered. The flier only smiled harder as his arms scooped the chubby body up.
"And I don't hear you complaining, eh?" Thundercracker pecked a kiss to his cheek as his body worked overtime to cool itself off. The pair just laid there in each other's arms, hands idly roaming each other's body with no real purpose. The medic felt the others hands wander to his back, where they pulled the string to the lingerie, releasing the tightness around his belly.
All the while, Ratchet was wondering when the time would come. The time when Thundercracker would kick him out or leave. After all, all good things must come to an end, right? He knew it was ging to happen-after all, it was the only way.
"What are you thinking about?" Thundercracker whispered.
Ratchet was caught off guard, but it was really no surprise: he could tell he was wearing a pout. "Nothing really." Ratchet spoke.
"You had fun with me tonight, right?"
"Yeah, TC, I did," Ratchet smiled. "That's the thing- I had fun, and I know it's going to be time to leave soon."
"I got the room for the night," Thundercracker spoke. "We still have time. I'd like to fall into recharge with you in my arms if you'd like."
Ratchet gave a genuine smile. "Yes, I'd like that." Pulling the covers up to his chin, the medic snuggled into the Seeker's chest. "Hey Tc,"
"Yes," Thundercracker answered.
"I have a question..."
"Go for it," The jet replied.
"But if it's too personal, you don't have to answer... "
"I just was wondering," Ratchet started out. "Why did you join the Decepticons?"
Thundercracker opened his mouth, but no words came out. "That came out of no were," The Seeker laughed. "Because of Vos being destroyed."
"That's it?"
"Well, it's what pushed us into the war," Thundercracker said.
"It was just like that then?" Ratchet questioned.
"Why do you you want to know so badly?"
The medic shrugged. "I dunno. I mean, I ain't gonna pretend I know you just from what little interaction I've had with you, but you just seem different."
"How so? Thundercracker asked.
"I dunno..." Ratchet paused to think. "Just seem a bit nobler than the other 'Cons I guess."
"Noble... That could be a laughable matter," Thundercracker chuckled. "Not many people would think starting a million-year war and ending countless of lives as noble."
"But that's the thing," Ratchet said. "I've seen you... On Earth. You didn't kill the humans if you could help it."
"Well, not every 'Con wants to destroy everything," Thundercracker mumbled. "Just like ninety-nine percent of them." The Seeker smiled upon hearing his partner chuckle.
"Are you sick of this war yet?"
"I've been sick of it," Thundercracker replied.
"Then why stay a part of it?"
"For the same reason you stay with the 'Bots," The flier responded.
"I..ah... Yeah."
"Plus, to make a complicated answer short, Starscream," Thundercracker answered. "But I do not wish to get into that now."
Ratchet nodded and was about to speak, but Thundercracker's lips captured his own. Taking a look into the fliers optics revealed to him how tired he was, and Ratchet felt his processor ache for some down time itself. He traded talking for cuddling to his partner's chest and offlined his optics. The sound of the flier's engines lulled him into a deep recharge.