Chapter 4: Revelations


Void Between Galaxies

Conference Room

"Wait, WHAT" was the bugged eye response from the crew of the Voyager, "wait a minute Dr. Jackson, are you telling us, that you believe we are some kind of long lost colony from your world".

"No, that's not what we are saying, what we are saying, is that like us you are also descendants of the ancients the builders of roads, just like the humans in the Pegasus galaxy or the ones in the Triangulum galaxy, and we can prove it".

Chakotey was paying close attention to everything being said, as part of his Native American heritage he was a history buff and enjoy archeology a great deal, and he knew that humans, at least their branch of humans because apparently they were not the only humans in the universe anymore, evolved on Earth their Earth, "I'm sorry Dr. Jackson but we have archeological and anthropological evidence that prove we evolved in Earth, our Earth, what sort of proof do you have to show us otherwise".

Daniel was about to answer, but Sam spoke instead, "first of all we are not saying that you didn't evolve in your planet, what we are saying is that like us, there was a little evolutionary interference from the ancients, in fact I can bet you whatever you want, that in all that evidence you have, there is a missing link in the evolutionary chain".

Silence, the crew of the Voyager didn't know what to say about that, they knew it was true, try as they might and with all their technology there was always a missing link in the evolutionary chain, but this was just too incredible to be true, but they needed to know more, if this was true it could mean the biggest discovery in human history since the invention of the warp drive.

"What is this proof you're talking about General Carter", asked Captain Janeway, "our proof is very simple Captain, our proof is sitting right beside you".

"What do you mean right beside me, what's Chakotey have to do with any of this", Daniel had a smile in his face and answered for Sam, "well Captain, like we already told you we didn't build this city, we just rebuilt it, but what we didn't tell you is that in order to use most of its technology and certainly the most powerful of it, you need a specific gene, we call it ATA gene or ancient technology activation gene, and Commander Chakotey has it".

"Wait a minute, first of all how do you know I have this gene and second even if I have it, how do you know it's not just a genetic anomaly" Daniel was quick to answer, "we know you have the gene because the city sensors told us you do, and we know is not an anomaly because in order to have this gene you need to be a direct descendant of an Alteran".

"Dr. Jackson, you said that you wanted information in exchange for your help, what sort of information are you looking for?" asked Janeway.

"Just general information about your galaxy, the major civilizations, borders, those we can contact safely and those that we have to avoid, in essence we want to know the state of your galaxy, so we can be more prepared to interact with the civilizations out there without causing an un-necessary conflict, first contacts tend to be tricky at least in our experience".

"I don't buy it, it's too incredible, humans in not one not two but four galaxies all seeded by a human civilization millions of years old, maybe you just want us to lower our guard and give you the information you want, to plan an attack and conquer the galaxy, after all besides this city, all your vessels are made for war not exploration", asked Tom Paris.

"Rude as he may be, Mr. Paris rises a good question, from what we've seen from your vessels they all seem to be warships, to the casual observer, this looks more like an armada than an exploration fleet" interrupted Janeway.

Jack snorted "you're funny Captain, you really are, after what you saw us do to the Borg, if we wanted to conquer your galaxy, do you really think we would need the kind of deception you're implying, oh! And just so you know neither one of our ships was fighting at full power".

At this declaration the crew of the Voyager were wondering how much more powerful these Tau'ri vessels could be, in a way what General O'Neill told them was true, if he was telling the truth about their ships, and they were really more powerful that what they've already seen, then they really didn't need the kind of deception they were suggesting.

Tuvok had been quiet during the whole conversation, absorbing everything and trying to detect any form of deceit, he knew that some of the things that the Tau'ri were saying have been postulated by the Vulcan science directorate, but were never proven.

"Captain if I may" "by all means Mr. Tuvok".

"The Vulcan science directorate, once postulated the theory that all humanoid species evolved from a single ancient one that seeded life among the stars, hence all the similarities between humanoid species, since it couldn't been proven at the time it was never shared with the rest of the Federation, but in light of this new information like ambassador Spock use to say, if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth".

"Furthermore, you refer to this Alteran as the builders of roads, by which I think you mean gateways, Captain we know of a civilization that might not be millions of years old by our records, but it is at least ten thousand years old, that has all but disappeared, save for what little archeological records we have discovered and the gateway Captain Picard found near the neutral zone".

Captain Janeway and her crew were dumbfounded by what Tuvok just said, if they were honest with themselves, it did make a lot of sense, whether they like it or not, but they still felt uneasy, so far from what they've seen of the city, they saw a lot of civilians but judging by the uniforms also a lot of military personnel, that lead them to believe that the Tau'ri were a militaristic society and that made them uncomfortable.

"Dr. Jackson, Generals though we feel uncomfortable around so much military personnel I have to admit that this new information you provided merits more study it is an interesting theory, but you have to understand our apprehension the Federation doesn't have an standing military and being surrounded by so much military personnel it makes us nervous".

"We understand Captain, more than you can imagine, but that's exactly why we want the information, so that we know who to approach first, who to avoid and what not to do to accidentally offend some of the races of this galaxy".

As Daniel was trying to explain why they wanted the information to Captain Janeway, there was a beeping sound from the door of the conference room and Erin the lead control room tech entered.

"I'm sorry to interrupt Sirs, but buoy thirty five intercepted a general distress call, apparently a planet in grid sector two two five is being attacked by hostile forces and they have no way to defend themselves".

Jack was the first to respond, "Erin bring the star chart up please", "yes Sir" after a few taps on the control console in the conference room, a hologram of the grid sector in question appeared above the table, "Captain Do you recognize the planet", asked Jack.

The Captain and her crew were looking at the image in front of them, to see if they could recognize the system or planet, as they were trying to recognize the image Harry Kim gasped "Captain that's Betazed".

"Ensign Kim is right General, that's Betazed they're part of the Federation, what I don't understand is who could be attacking them, they are a peaceful people, what little defense force they have won't be able to repel any kind of invasion", "how many people in Betazed Captain".

"Last we knew more than a billion, but like we told you we've been out of regular contact with the Federation for over four years, so there might be more now", "that's a lot of people, Erin do we have real time telemetry, do we know how big is the attacking fleet".

"It's still limited Sir, we haven't finished the net yet, but as far as we can tell there are at least two hundred and fifty ships, could be more could be less we still don't have maximum resolution", as Erin was giving the information Daniel interrupted, "Jack we have to do something" "I know Daniel, but we are outnumbered more than two to one, and I don't like those odds", "well Sir, that's never stopped us before" said Sam also wanting to help, "indeed, isn't that what we do what could be more noble than to help defend a world that can defend itself" added Teal'c, speaking for the first time since the whole thing started.

"Fine, fine, but if this comes and bite us in the ass I don't want any of you to come whining to me to do something about it, Erin how far are we from this planet", "a little over sixty five thousand light years Sir".

"Sam, at maximum burn how long would it take us to get there", Sam made a few calculations in her mind and answered "a little over ninety minutes Sir", "that's way too long, by the time we get there, they will have too many boots on the ground, and it would make things next to impossible to deal, with the personnel we have on hand, Sam can we make an emergency docking with the other ships and use the wormhole drive to get there".

"Yes Sir, but it will put a severe dent on the city's ZPM's, afterwards we would have to use ZPR (zero point reactor, close to the Arcturus device, but this one works) to recharge them and it would take about a week for all three".

"It can't be helped, it's not like we have any other choice if we want to be able to get there in time, Erin put me through to all ships and city wide please", "yes Sir, you're on".

"Attention all personnel this is General O'Neill, a few minutes ago we received a distress call from a planet called Betazed in this galaxy and I plan to answer it, they have an invasion fleet at their door and they don't have a way to defend themselves, I'm not going to lie to you, we'll be outnumbered at least ten to one, in other words business as usual".

All kidding aside, the weapons systems we've seen in this galaxy so far have been less powerful than what we are used to, still the numbers are worrisome so I'm authorizing the use of all ZPM's and safeties free on all weapons systems, emergency docking procedures in effect, we'll be jumping in five minutes this is not a drill I repeat this is not a drill".

Instantly a ballet of ships started as all vessels started to get in to position to dock in the piers of the city ship, among the many modifications and improvements they made to the city while they were rebuilding it, they added docking mechanisms to each of the piers, depending on the size of the ships all city ships can dock up to sixteen ships including the landing pads, this would allow all ships docked to the city to travel with it when the city use the wormhole drive, but thanks to the added mass of the accompanying ships it put a big drain in the city's ZPM's.

While all the preparations were being made, Captain Janeway and her crew were debating what to do, they wanted to help, but they knew that with their ship damaged the way it was there wasn't much they could do, as they started to move towards the control room she asked what they could do to help.

"General, I know my ship is in bad shape, but we are still Federation and we would like to help", Jack thought for a moment, where could he use them, their ship wouldn't last a second in the condition it was, but she was right they were Federation and would be needed, "Captain, your ship wouldn't last a second in a battle against the forces we're going to face" before Captain Janeway could protest, Jack raised his hands to placate her.

"That being said, if the enemy forces have landed, we will need to land forces to help repel them, that's where you come in, like you said you are Federation and my guys can be a little intimidating, so I would need at least one of your people with each of the squads, so that the people on the planet don't think they're being invaded by someone else, is that acceptable".

"It's not like we have a choice Genera, I would much rather be out there with mi ship, but beggars can't be choosers". "I know what you mean Captain, I rather be on the front lines with my man rather than behind directing them", as they were talking Erin approached them "General, all ships report solid dock, secure and ready for emergency jump, jump in T minus ninety seconds Sir".

"Thank you Erin, please put me on fleet wide", "fleet wide on Sir", "ok people, this is it, stand to your posts take care of each other and remember your training, this is what we do, we protect people we save people this is our responsibility, it is our legacy, let's go save another planet", there was a loud cheer heard from the city and the speakers.

"Sir all systems green and power levels holding jumping in five, four, three, two, jump".

There was a huge tear in space, but unlike a hyperspace window this one didn't look like a cloud in space, it looked more like a tunnel opening, spewing blue flames from the edges, Borealis shot forward entering the tunnel and forward unto battle.

Alpha Quadrant

Jem'Hadar Battleship

300,000 Thousand Kilometers From Betazed

First walked up to Weyoun to give him a progress report, "Weyoun, we have destroyed all defensive satellites and what little defense ships there were, we are beginning to land troops, we don't expect much resistance on the surface of the planet".

Weyoun smiled and turned to first, "good First, good the Founders will be pleased with this victory, and the conquest of this world, will open the door for our forces to attack deeper into Federation space", as he was gloating alarms started sounding on the ship.

The Jem'Hadar at the sensor station started speaking, "Weyoun new contact, it just appeared in front of us, it's large forty five hundred meters, wait smaller objects are detaching from it, counting eight ships different sizes", he was interrupted by a hail from the big new contact, "Weyoun, we are being hailed by the lead ship, "put it on the screen, let's see who they are, I don't recognize the ships configuration".

The screen came on with the image of Borealis control room with Generals O'Neill, Carter and Captain Janeway at the front of a bank of different consoles, "I'm General O'Neill, military leader of the Borealis expeditionary fleet, and we represent the Tau'ri Alliance, we are here responding to a distress call from the planet below, would you agree to a cease fire so we can get to a peaceful solution without unnecessary loss of life".

Weyoun stared at them for a minute, straining to recognize them, then laughed "do you believe me stupid, this is clearly a Federation ruse to buy time, as evident by your Starfleet officer standing by your side General O'Neill, if that is who you are".

"Oh! I assure you that is who I am, O'Neill two L's is very important that you remember that, because there's another Jack O'Neil with one L, but he is a ground pounder", Daniel started to roll his eyes, "ah! Jack, you're getting sidetracked, AGAIN", Jack laughed "sorry Daniel, you know how I get about my name, anyway Mr. I'm sorry what's your name" "Weyoun my name is Weyoun".

"Mr. Weyoun, would you agree to a cease fire so we can talk about things, war is such messy business, wouldn't you agree", Weyoun laughed "General O'Neill with two L's, you are trying to buy time, your Starfleet tricks won't work, you are outnumbered twenty six to one move aside or be destroyed, all who dare to oppose the Dominion and the Founders will, will be laid to waste".

"Here we go again, same propaganda different galaxy, well I always wanted to say this and here's my chance" Jack took a deep breath and continued, "Weyoun of the Dominion, you are facing technologically superior vessels, turn around and leave or be destroyed".

While all this was happening, teams of Marines and Special Forces Rangers, started beaming down to the planet along with officers and personnel from the Voyager to start removing the invading forces and rescuing as many civilians as they could, while the fleet took care of the forces in space.

Weyoun looked at General O'Neill and turned serious "you had your chance to flee, now you will be destroyed, like all enemies of the Dominion" with that last statement, he terminated the connection and turned to First, "First, order all forward ships to open fire, I want those ships destroyed immediately".

Hundreds of beams of different color, ranging from blue to golden to green, along with hundreds of torpedoes flew towards the Tau'ri forces, the majority concentrating on Borealis, to spectacular effect, suddenly all that could be seen was a big ball of fire, Weyoun was smiling, as he was going to give the order to advance towards the planet, the image on the screen became clear again, with all Tau'ri ships intact.

"General, all ships report shields holding at ninety percent or better", "thanks Erin, all ships this is O'Neill deploy all Valkyries and let them deal with the smaller ships, Paul take the Enterprise the Victory and the Hermes and cover the left flank, Marks take the Excelsior the Achilles and the Atlas and take the right flank, we got the center disable them if you can, destroy them if you have to watch each other's backs and fire at will".

As one all Tau'ri ships opened fire, electric blue beams of superheated plasma, brilliant green beams of anti-protons weapons, silver streaks of KEW rounds and golden bolts of ION fire, flew towards the Dominion fleet like a rainbow of destruction.

When the Tau'ri weapons fire reached the first line of Dominion ships, it just lit up like a fireworks show, in less than five seconds all ships targeted were either disable or destroyed, only Weyoun's ship survived the first salvo in working condition, but just barely.

"Sir, we just lost five Valkyries, two of the pilots were able to EBE (emergency beam extraction), but we lost the other three the survivors report a ship with some kind of energy dampening weapon".

"Damn it, did we recover the bodies", "yes sir" "threat assessment to our other ships" Erin took another look at the sensor readings and answered, "negligible Sir, even without the ZPM's, the cumulative effect it would take to overtake our shields would take a whole fleet of those ships".

"Well at least that's a relieve, send a couple of jumpers cloaked with two teams of Deltas to board and take that ship and tow it under cloak to us, I'm sure Sam would love to take a look at it, how we doing Erin".

"Most of the capitol ships have been disable or destroyed sir, but the small attack ships are proving more difficult, but is only a matter of time".

Suddenly there was a big explosion on the right flank of the battlefield, "what the hell was that, someone talk to me" "General, reports from the Excelsior they were rammed by four of the small attack ships, the kinetic energy along with the explosions from the first two ships to ram, managed to overwhelm the shields, the next two ships rammed the Excelsior on the starboard bay, the new armor worked but the damage is extensive heavy casualties, they are dead in the water the Odin is covering them".

"That's it I had it with these people, first they attack a defenseless planet and now they ram my ships, Major Parker fire a full spread of drones and clean my space of all Dominion ships" "aye, aye General gladly", "Erin patch through to the Odin" after a few taps on the controls "you're on Sir" the image of Colonel Kevin Marks came on the holographic display, "Kevin how bad is it".

"It's bad Sir, Col. LeBlanc is reporting at least twenty five KIA and several more injuries, but the number could increase", Jack had a grimace on his face, he hated loosing people, "damn it, alright Kevin tow the Excelsior to the east pier, we'll have medical staff waiting, and Kevin gently they already had it rough", "aye, aye General".

With the order given, thousands of drones sprang from Borealis illuminating the area of space where the battle was taking place, they flew straight and true towards all enemy ships, drones destroying one ship then moving on towards the next, moving in lines of light dancing in space a lethal dance but a dance non the less.

A couple of minutes later, all space around Betazed was free of Dominion ships, or at least working Dominion ships, "General, all enemy targets have been eliminated", "thank you Parker, Erin how are we doing on the ground" Erin moved the controls and a large hologram of the main continent of the planet came on.

"Sir, the zones in green are where we have secured the areas, the only place left where we haven't secure the area is in the capitol building, the hostiles have taken hostages and the teams have been forced to go one room at the time in order to free the hostages, but is slow going" "casualties?", "surprisingly not many Sir, as far as we've seen the civilians didn't resist which helped a lot just a few scrapes and bruises, the security forces on the other hand were almost wiped out, luckily our teams managed to save a few".

"What about our people", "no casualties reported yet Sir, just a few concussions and broken bones the Avenger armor work as advertised".

"Hear that Sam, your new toy worked as advertised, when all this is over I'll buy you a slice of pie as a reward", "thank you Jack, but don't you think we have more pressing matters at the moment".

"Right, right Erin put me on fleet wide", "you're on Sir", "ok , people we're almost done, but we still have enemy presence on the surface of the planet, I want the Enterprise and the Victory to build a temporary holding facility for enemy combatants on an isolated part of the planet, then coordinate with the commanders on the ground and start beaming prisoners there, at least until we can talk to the leaders of the planet so they can decide on a more permanent solution after all is their planet, in the meantime I want the rest of the fleet to look for survivors on what's left of the enemy fleet and beam them down to the holding facility, then start salvaging operations on what's left of those ships".

He received a chorus of yes Sir's and all ships went to work in their respective tasks, meanwhile on the Capitol building things were going slow but steady, until now they hadn't lost any hostages, after they rescued the first hostages they found out that some of the Betazoids were either empaths or telepaths, which gave them a huge tactical advantage, after the initial surprise of seeing the strange soldiers in some kind of armor but accompanied of Starfleet personnel they drafted some of them to help them communicate with the hostages inside the rooms to learn locations of hostages and hostiles which made things infinitely easier, with this help they could've gone faster, but the slow pace was to make sure that they didn't lose any hostages, finally they were getting to the last floor of the building where the council chamber was.

Colonel Jack O'Neil is what you would call a lifer, he enlisted in the army at seventeen, then Ranger school and after a couple of years as a Ranger he joined the 1st SFOD-D better known as Delta Force by age and accomplishments alone he should've been a General by now, but he just refused to leave the front lines, Jack walked up to the Starfleet officer assigned to his unit, "what do you have for me Mr. Tuvok".

Tuvok was assigned to this unit, specifically to study their procedures by Cap. Janeway, she wanted to know how these Tau'ri handled hostages, being that she still thought that they were too militaristic for her taste, but up until now everything that Tuvok saw, made him see that even if these Tau'ri were militaristic as Cap. Janeway said, everything from their equipment to their tactics were designed to ensure that no lives were lost, contrary to what one would expect from a militaristic society.

"Col. O'Neil, as you know this is the council chamber and the last of the hostages, inside the chamber are the six counselor's two aids and the Ambassador to the Federation, they are being held in the middle of the room surrounded by six guards and there are other eight soldiers on defensive positions on the two entry points to the room four on each".

O'Neil turned to look at the Betazoid that was helping them, "ok Mr. Elbrum same as before, let the people inside know that they need to close their eyes and cover their ears and to stay calm we'll get them out of there in a jiffy" Elbrum looked at O'neil and nodded in acknowledgement, although he didn't know what a jiffy was, he did it none the less, after all these new allies of the Federation were really good at what they did and they were helping them.

O'Neil turned around to look at his teams with a smile on his face, "ok boys and girls, let's finish this, Lauren your team will take the south entrance and we'll take the north entrance, as soon as we get the all clear from Mr. Elbrum we go in fast and hard, same as always I don't want any civies hurt ok", he receive a chorus of hurrahs and all teams got into position.

With all teams in position and the breaching charges set they only waited for the go ahead from their Betazoid liaison, after a couple of seconds waiting the radio crackled to life and Elbrum told them that they could proceed.

Two loud explosions on either side of the room, not particularly destructive but loud none the less, was the only warning that the Jem'Haddar soldiers got before a couple of flash bang granades went off temporarily defend them and blind them, not wasting any time the Tau'ri soldiers started taking down targets with the precision of a Swiss clock, in less than a minute all targets were down and being tagged for transport to the temporary holding facility.

O'Neil took off his helmet and walked up to the counselors, noticing that they were all looking at him as if expecting an explanation, "good evening Ladies, my name is Colonel Jack O'Neil of the Tau'ri Alliance Special Forces, we came here in response to your distress call, as you can see we took care of the invading forces".

Ambassador Troi was looking at the Tau'ri Colonel and try as she might, she couldn't read his mind, she could feel his emotions and knew that he was honest and telling the truth, but she could not understand why she could not read his mind after all he looked human, then she spoke, "excuse me Colonel, I'm Ambassador Troi, first I want to thank your intervention and I would like to ask you about casualties".

"Unfortunately there were a few casualties from your defense forces, but no civilians, they did a remarkable job with what little they had, we took the liberty of building a temporary holding facility for enemy combatants, as soon as you deem appropriate we can set up a meeting with our expedition leaders so you can decide as to what to do with the prisoners".

This time was one of the counselors that spoke, "That is good to hear, and you're right at the moment we have more pressing matters, first we will have to assess the damage done to our infrastructure and look to our injured, then we can worry about the aggressors, am I correct in assuming that you will be leaving troops on the planet".

"Not unless you want us to, we built the holding facilities away from populated areas, and all prisoners are in stasis and surrounded by force fields, we can offer you medical assistance and engineering teams to help you get back on your feet as fast as possible", the council and the ambassador ask for a few minutes to confer amongst themselves.

Ambassador Troi spoke for them, "all help that you can provide will be greatly appreciated, and after all the help you have provided our people I hope you don't think less of us, but we have to ask, what would you want in return for all this help".

"To be honest with you I'm not the one to ask, that's up to my superiors but if you give me a minute to get in touch with them I can either have them come down here or at least receive instructions from them", "then by all means Colonel we can wait".

Colonel O'Neil tapped a few controls of his Omni tool and after a few minutes turned to the council, "Dr. Jackson the leader of our expedition will be down momentarily, in the meantime is there anything else we can help you with" "thank you Colonel, with the lives you and your people saved, you've have done more than we can ever repay".

A chiming sound and a flash light later and the figure of Dr. Jackson and General O'Neill appeared in the room via transport beam, turning to look at the council and Ambassador they introduced themselves.

"Good evening counselors ambassador, my name is Doctor Daniel Jackson and I'm the leader of the Borealis expedition, this is General Jack O'Neill representative of the Tau'ri alliance council and leader of our military forces" after he finished he bowed in respect, but as usual Jack just nodded.

It was decided that since Lwaxana Troi was the ambassador she would speak for them since it was her job anyways, "it's a pleasure to meet you, in behalf of our people I welcome you to Betazed, pardon me General any relation to the Colonel" before Jack could get into one of his diatribes about how the spelling was different Daniel interfere, "excuse me Ambassador, before my college can get into a whole argument about spelling suffice to say that they are not related their names sound alike but are spell different", "Ho! I see, well I imagine Colonel O'Neil let you know about our conversation just a few minutes ago".

"Yes madam Ambassador, as we speak our medical and engineering teams are working with the Starfleet officers that came with us to help your people in whatever they might need, as for what we want from you is very simple, we want the same thing we want from the Federation, to know your people and if at all possible have a cultural and technological exchange, but what we would really like at the moment, is for your permission to land our city and one of our ships that was damaged during the attack so we can repair it, and if at all possible you permission to have a memorial service for those who lost their lives".

In all honesty they wouldn't normally need to land to make repairs on the Excelsior, but since they use a good portion of the power from the ZPM's using the wormhole drive to get here, it would be better to land the city and not waste power with the shield and the star drive, it would also help to recharge the ZPM's faster.

"I'm sorry for your loses, and of course you can land, we owe you a great debt of gratitude if it wasn't for your intervention we would be under Dominion control, and who knows how many more lives would've been lost" she paused for a second recalling that Daniel said city instead of ship, "excuse me Dr. Jackson did you say city, didn't you mean ship".

"Well yes madam Ambassador it is a ship, but it's also is a city, you see we are not from this Galaxy, we are from a Galaxy two and a half million light years from here, so we use these city ships as base of operation, from what we saw on our sensors we would be able to see the sea from one of your balconies in this building, if you give us permission to land you could see the city as it lands on the sea".

"Well like I said, we owe you much for your help, so the least we can do is to offer you and your people a place to rest and make repairs, that and can sense that you're honest and have good intentions", "thank you madam ambassador if you'd like we can go to the balcony to see the city as lands", ""yes that'd be interesting to say the least, it's not every day that you can see a flying city".

With the permission from the Ambassador given, Jack gave the order to land the city, and gave the coordinates for it to land and they walked to the balcony.

As they were looking to the clear blue sky, first they saw a huge ball of fire descend, as the city passed through the outer layer of the atmosphere, and as it slow down the features became more defined and they could see the distinctive snowflake for of the city take shape.

Ambassador Troi was looking at the city make as it made its approach to the landing coordinate on the sea in front of them, it truly was a thing of beauty, such a large structure floating down towards the sea, when it finally touched the sea, she expected to create large waves and spray water all over, but it landed with such delicacy that it barely made any waves and hardly sprayed any water, it just floated there peacefully like it belonged there in the first place.

"Well Dr. Jackson, I can say that it was quite a spectacle, to see such a big structure be so delicate, it's quite amazing", Daniel just smiled knowing that, that was the same response on everyone's mind the first time they saw a city ship, but jack couldn't resist the temptation to quote one of his best friends.

With a raised eyebrow and in his best Teal'c impersonation just said "INDEED".