The next few days in the Candy Kingdom were joyous and celebratory, but not without an atmosphere of anxiousness. Princess Bubblegum had reassured the refugees that they'd be able to return home soon, which only fueled the excitement surging throughout the kingdom. When the machine was finally repaired, Princess Bubblegum called a kingdom-wide meeting to finally say goodbye to their stranded guests.

At the treehouse, Finn laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. Today was a day he'd been dreading ever since he began his relationship with Fionna. He knew she was going home. After all, they were practically the same person. 'I'd want the same thing.' He sighed as he forced himself out of bed and changed out of his pajamas.

At the breakfast table of the treehouse, Fionna sat, staring at her food. Today was the day she'd been dreading ever since she started her relationship with Finn. She knew he didn't want her to leave. After all, they were practically the same person. 'I'd want the same thing.' She sighed as she poked her food with her fork.

Jake frowned. He knew how his friends felt about the situation. He watched Finn descend from their room rather slowly. He and Fionna avoided each other's gaze. Jake watched them in frustration. This was a unique situation that, unfortunately, he couldn't offer advice for. Jake had no experience with interdimensional dating, but it could be assumed it was a bit more complicated than long distance affairs. He tried to ply with B-MO, but couldn't focus on the game, so he just tossed the controller on the couch. A new distraction presented itself in the form of his cellphone ringing. "Hello?" Jake answered.

"Jake? It's Bubblegum. Are you guys coming? The ceremony is about to start."

"Ah, yeah! Of course… we'll be there soon."

"Alright, but hurry! Tree Trunks' pies won't last long!"

Jake's eyes widened as he stood and yelled. "Well, why didn't you say so!" He hung up and stretched his arms, grabbing Fionna and Finn. "Come on, guys! I don't want your teen angst to get in the way of my pie time!" He yelled, putting his friends on his back as he sprinted to the Candy Kingdom.

The ride to the ceremony was as awkward as it was uneventful. Finn and Fionna continued to avoid each other's gaze. What could they say? Finally arriving, they were momentarily distracted from their dilemma at the sight of the grand ceremony held outside of the kingdom. Refugees from a multitude of dimensions danced merrily, expressing themselves through their different cultures. In front of the joyous crowd, a large stage stood. PB stood on top, talking to Tony and Breakfast Princess. While Finn and Fionna admired the celebration, Jake stretched his eyes high above the crowd. He scoped out the area until he saw his target. "Jackpot! I see Tree Trunks!" He set down his passengers and ran off like a madman.

While PB talked to Tony and BP, the human's gaze suddenly fell on his recently arriving friends. "Finn and Fionna are here! And Jake…" He stared as Jake shrunk down and dove into one of Tree Trunks' pies like it was a pool. "... he's, ah, having fun?"

"I'm glad they made it. I can't imagine what's going through their minds right now." Bubblegum said. "I hope they'll be okay."

Tony smiled, knowingly. "They will. I know they will."

PB called for everyone's attention as the ceremony began. The refugees went to their seats. "I am glad to see you are all well. For a long time now, an unusual crisis has dragged you and countless others away from your homes. Thanks to a select few, this crisis has been averted and no longer will we fear for ourselves or our dimensional neighbors. With my machine, I can finally return all of you to your families." The crowd cheered at PB's words. Finn, Fionna, Tony, and BP sat in the front row. Finn and Fionna shifted in their seats, uncomfortably.

Princess Bubblegum finished her speech before bringing the machine around. The refugees were directed into several lines, ready and anxious to go home. Tony had to admire their unity. Some of them had become close friends in their time here. It was a bit sad that they were leaving, but he knew they all had homes to go to. Breakfast Princess nudged him. "What's with the dreary look?"

"Hm? Oh, sorry. Just… thinking…"

"Well, try to keep your chin up. Remember the plan." She reassured.

The day went by too quickly for Finn and Fionna as the refugees went to their respective worlds. The crowd cleared out in only an hour or so and the area felt eerily silent. PB readied the machine as the last stranded person stepped forward. "Are you ready?" She asked Fionna.

The human girl rubbed her shoulder. "I… I think so." She turned to her friends and smiled, sadly. "Well, I guess… this is it."

Finn nodded. "Uh, yeah… it's been, uh, great, right?"

"Yep." They stayed silent for a moment before embracing one another. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Me, too." Finn stepped back and chuckled, nervously. "I know you want to see your friends…" He put a hand on Jake's head. "I know I'd miss mine. I just want you to know… I get it."

Fionna smiled. "Thank you. I just wish there was something I could do."

Tony and BP stepped forward. "Uh, before you go, we have a gift." Tony pulled a watch out of his pocket. He gave it to Fionna, who examined it. It was all white and looked rather simple. She smiled. "Thanks, guys. I'll keep it safe." She hugged her friends and walked towards the portal. She looked back at them, mainly looking at Finn. He waved to her, weakly; it was a gesture she returned. She took a deep breath and jumped through the portal.

Finn fell to his knees and punched the ground. "Darnit! I had so much to say! I just… I just…"

"Then say it." Tony said. Finn looked at him with an incredulous look. PB put a hand on his shoulder and looked at Tony. "That just isn't possible. With Fionna back in her world, it would be impossible to find her out of the infinite possibilities."

Tony smirked. "I don't know about that." He pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it to Finn. The human looked at it and found that it was a watch not dissimilar to Fionna's. "Press the red button." Tony directed. Finn raised an eyebrow before complying. Once the button was pushed, a ringing noise came from the watch. Then, a familiar voice.

"What the what? This is one freaky watch. Hello?"

Finn perked up. "Fionna!?"

"Finn!? What's going on?"

Finn looked at Tony in confusion. "How?"

"You can thank Prismo. When he saved me, he offered me one wish. I asked him to give you guys some way to talk to each other from your different worlds." Tony replied.

Princess Bubblegum examined the watch. "This is incredible! Now that I have your dimensional coordinates, you two can use the portal to visit any time! Prismo is a genius!"

Jake, wearing an empty pie tin on his head, snapped his fingers. "My man!"

"Any time? That's… that's…" Finn and Fionna shouted in unison. "Mathematical!"

The apocalyptic events of recent months was now nothing but a page in Ooo's history. Finn and Fionna's relationship only grew as time went on. Finn even had a chance to go to Fionna's world, having a very hectic encounter with Jake's counterpart. Tony remained with Breakfast Princess. The kingdom rejoiced at their Princess' love and accepted him with open arms. Nonetheless, Finn and Jake always welcomed the human back at the tree fort, inviting him to go on many adventures. Princess Bubblegum kept the portal in her lab, available for Finn and Fionna's use. She would check on it sometimes, but it never changed. She often wondered about other worlds, but after these past few months… perhaps it would be best to leave it at wondering.