Charles can't wait for the birth.

His abdomen has dropped, which means the babies are in position. Why they won't just get on with it, Charles would like to know.

He has been continuing to teach nevertheless, which Erik views with mixed feelings.

But he hasn't really got any reason to worry, Charles believes, because they are as prepared as they can be. He has been telling his mate this. Repeatedly. And Erik has not yet resorted to forcibly keeping him in bed, so that counts for something.

And okay, it also is rather nice to be waited on hand and foot. Charles feels reminded of his time in Westchester. Though he tied his own shoes there since he had the dexterity to do so.

He's just very ready to be rid of his enormous belly. And his feet hurt. And he feels cranky and hungry all the time. Erik has been a lot more patient these last weeks, though he has patted Charles' rump meaningfully a couple of times when Charles let his mouth run. (Though he wouldn't really spank Charles so close to the birth… would he?)

Anyway. School provides a nice distraction at least. The children are a delight.

Charles had to cover the human reproductive cycle last week, because inquiring young minds wanted to know everything. It was quite fun. He invited a couple of his friends to help explain the different expressions of human sexuality and how they fit together. The children seemed very appreciative.

Today Charles has arrived at school with the by now usual huge bag of snacks, plus his bag of books and supplies. It's nice that Erik insisted on accompanying him to school and carrying all of this. The first few periods have gone really well, concentrating on local history and maths. Now the children are quietly writing an essay about what they learned about the animals living in their woods. The terrarium with the collected specimen is in good view at the front of the classroom. Charles has encouraged the children to come and have a look when they need to. He doesn't believe in just having them memorize everything when you will always have sources to cite or hard evidence in front of you as a scientist.

Charles is quite proud of the kids in his class. They are eager to learn, and very easily fascinated by a wide array of subjects. He hopes he can help them to retain their love of learning as they grow older and take on more responsibilities on their farms at home or in a trade.

Already his private library has become more of a public lending library to the kids and also some adults in the village.

Thankfully Armando is very happy to help him keep a register who has borrowed which book. Charles on his own would have lost track a long time ago.

Everything is quiet and peaceful.

Until he feels a sudden cramp in his abdomen that makes him gasp.

The children in the first row look up from their writing. Jean asks „Are you all right, Professor?"

Charles tries to smile reassuringly. „I'll be fine, thank you. Could you go and fetch Mr Carnegie please?"

Jean nearly runs out the door and comes back with Alphonse a minute later. The vicar only has to take one good look at Charles to know what's up.

„Children, you finish your essays, I'll be by to check on you in a short while. Kurt, come with me. Charles, this way."

Charles doesn't protest, just lets himself be led to the back room where Alphonse sits him down on a sofa.

„Kurt, run along to Mr Lehnsherr and tell him to send for Mr McCoy. He'll know what to do."

Kurt nods and takes off running.

„And you try to relax, my dear, I'm gonna bring you a nice cup of tea." Alphonse tells Charles with a pat to his shoulder.

„Thank you." Charles mumbles and tries to remember the breathing exercises Hank showed him.

It's really happening. Up until now there was still a slight feeling of unrealness to this whole pregnancy, but the contractions feel very real.

If only Erik will hurry up and get here soon.

The doorbell of Hanks office is ringing wildly. Not an unusual experience in Hank's line of work. Fortunate that it's in the day and not the middle of the night.

Hank grabs his bag and opens the door. His face lights up when he sees Alex Summers in front of him.

„You need to come quick, doc!" Alex tells him urgently.

„Of course."

Hank just tells his neighbour where he is so people can find him in an emergency, and then they are off.

Alex has arrived in the wagon of the Lehnsherr farm, with their stallion Max impatiently scuffing up the earth in front of it. They get on the bench in front quickly, Hank puts his bag in the flatbed of the wagon behind them and off they are.

On the way back Hank gauges how far along things had progressed when Alex left by the answers to his questions. It seems that everything was going as expected. Soon he'll be there to see for himself.

Hank does not worry overly. Charles is young and healthy, there have not been any complications so far in his pregnancy, and his living conditions are far better than those of most patients of Hank. The most challenging thing will probably be to keep Erik calm.

For now he will enjoy the ride back with Alex.

Things are going as well as can be expected when Hank and Alex arrive. Charles is sitting on the birthing stool, Erik is supporting him from behind, and there are lots of towels and bowls with hot water nearby. Sean and Armando are hovering around the door.

Charles is also cursing up a blue streak, and Erik is looking a bit frantic around the eyes.

"I am never having sex again! Who came up with this fucking ridiculous design of the human body that childbirth has to be so painful?!" Charles grits out between his teeth.

Erik throws Hank a pleading look and mouths HELP!

Hank strokes the sweaty hair out of Charles face (which has the added benefit that he can get a first estimate of his temperature). "Depends on who you ask, I guess? If you follow Darwin's theory of evolution there must be some advantages for survival in the whole design."

Charles glowers at him. Hank smiles back.

"You're doing beautifully. I'm gonna wash my hands and then have a closer look, okay?"

"If you can do anything to speed this nightmare along, now is the time."

"I'll do my best. Is it okay if your boys come in Charles?"

Charles waves his hand tiredly. "Why not."

Hank beckons the boys inside and then washes his hands while he directs them. "Alex, you change places with Erik. Erik, you and Armando go make that tea I left with you last time."

He had taken Armando aside during his last visit, and talked to him about how important it is to calm down the Alpha parent during a birth. Their protective instincts go into overdrive and they want to help their mate in any way possible. On the other hand they can't do very much to help with the actual birth, so they are left worrying without an outlet.

Armando has promised to reassure Erik with tales of the births of his younger sisters and cousins.

Hank's exam of Charles shows that things are progressing nicely, and he tells Charles as much. The glare of the first time parent just makes Hank smile. He is used to that and worse from people in labour.

The tea that arrives shortly after gives Charles at least something to focus on besides the contractions. Hank also helps him with the breathing exercises, which are meant to reduce the pain somewhat.

It shouldn't be long now.

Erik can't remember a time in his life when he ever felt more helpless. Perhaps back after the funeral of his parents, when Ruthie just couldn't stop crying some days, and all he could do was hold her.

He can't do much more than hold Charles now either.

His mate is in pain, and Erik can't do a lot to make him feel better.

He tries to let all his love show in the way he supports Charles' back behind the birthing stool, in the way he murmurs comforting words into Chrales' mussy locks, in the way he is there for Charles to scream at or even bite if he wants too.

If there is any way he could have taken over carrying the children to term and giving birth to them, he would have in a heartbeat.

As it is, he can only be there for his mate.

In the end, all goes as well as it can. The children are healthy, Charles didn't lose too much blood, and Erik didn't tear his hair out. Hank is very pleased.

Charles and the babies have been washed, put into fresh clothes and have retired to bed. The twins already nursed for a bit, and are now sleeping between their parents.

Erik is protectively wrapped around his exhausted mate and offspring.

Hank's work is done here.

When he gets to the kitchen the farmhands greet him with big grins. They have been a great help today. Armando made sure there was always food and hot drinks for anyone needing them, and copious amounts of boiling water to sterilize the equipment.

Sean holds up a bottle of Charles' homemade berry wine with a twinkle in his eye. „To celebrate."

Hank chuckles, and takes the seat next to Alex. „Yes please. We have a lot of reason to."

They are all bringing out toasts.

"To the children's good health!" Armando says.

"To Charles' speedy recovery!" answers Hank.

"To Erik concentrating on his family so we can have some fun" Sean adds with a mischievous grin.

"To Hank and his magic hands, may he help many more people in need" Alex says quietly, and blushes.

"Hear, hear!" They all clink glasses and enjoy the berry wine.

Hank looks to Alex next to him, and can't help smiling. He really, really likes this young man. He's not a man of many words, but he is always there when needed.

"Thank you for your help today." Hank tells him softly. "I was really relieved that you took over the Alpha duties while Erik was preoccupied."

Alex looks back at him with very soft eyes, and then carefully puts his hand on top of Hank's. "Thank you. Is this okay?"

Hank laughs. "More than okay, and more than welcome."

That makes Alex smile shyly. "I'm glad. Perhaps … I could treat you to dinner sometime?"

Hank knows he's grinning like a lovestruck fool, because that's what he is. "Yes please."

Alex squeezes his hand. "Great. I'll set it up."

On the other side of the table Sean exclaims "Fucking finally! I'll drink to Alex finally getting his head unstuck" and the whole table dissolves into laughter.

Hank sips his berry wine happily. Seems like the birth of the twins is not the only new beginning today.

The End.

You guys.

We finally got there.

I started this story back in 2012 when my depression was at its lowest point, and I was feeling very hopeless and insecure and vulnerable. Some of those feelings you will find in the characters of this story at some points.

It was a way for me to escape my sad reality, and also cheer myself up. If I couldn't have a loving relationship and the life that I wanted, at least the characters in this story could.

Now, 7 years later, I am at a much happier place in my life. I still haven't found the Erik to my Charles - or rather the Irene to my Raven as it were ;D - but I am really, truly feeling better.

This was made possible because I have a wonderful family and friends who kept reaching out when I couldn't do so myself, so that I could get the help I needed.

And also the hundreds of fanfic authors who wrote wonderful fic that helped me through the darkest places.

Guys. If anyone of you needs help or just someone to listen to, reach out. If you have a trusted person in your life, tell them. If you don't feel you can talk to anyone in real life, feel free to drop me a comment.

I hope you all enjoyed this journey of our lovely Brat and his Basketmaker.

Their adventures will continue in "The Scientist and The Silversmith".

Until then!

