They all walked behind her, each of them in silence, they had the cheek to not trust her, they wanted to apologise but Clementine didn't want it.

She held her head high and kept walking, her feet where hurting her but she kelt walking, the rest had stopped for Rebecca, she looked round her shoulders and saw them stopping but she didn't.

She wanted to walk away forever, but her walking was stopped when Nick pulled her to a halt, "Clem, just stop okay? Rebecca needs to rest" He must of ran to catch up with her because she couldn't see the group.

"Well just let her, I'm not stopping for anyone, especially people who don't trust me.." She growled at him and continued her walking, she was joined by Nick.

"We do trust you" He looked around his shoulder he was getting further and further away from the group, but somewhere inside him he was glad to alone with Clementine.

"Yeah three people, You,Luke and Pete" She narrowed her eyes and looked towards him with a fed up expression.

"Come on now, don't look at me like that.." He looked towards his feet, the dirt and mud sticking to them but he didn't seem to mind, he would flash a couple of glances at her now and then.

They walked in silence, it wasn't a bitter and lonely silence, it was a welcomed silence, he wanted to hear her voice and see her smile but right now that's gone out the window.

The wind had started to pick up and the sun had started to rest, by the time it was night they had found a cabin, they where debating wether or not to go back to the rest of them but it had started to rain heavily.

"Do you think the others will be okay? She asked while drying herself off with the left over towels, the cabin was in good shape, the beds where clean, and there was running water.

" you think people live here?" She asked another question while cleaning her hands with water.

Nick was in the kitchen getting himself a drink of water, its been a while since he's had a drink "I don't know.." He hopes not because he wants to sleep in a bed tonight.

He walked up to the bathroom she was in, he leaned against the doorway, she was busy cleaning her face and hands, she turned around and jumped "Oh god, you scared me!".

She walked out and gave him a light pat against his chest, he felt his face burn up, he looked away from her and walked towards the living room, she was looking out of the window, a thunderstorm was on its way and she doesn't like them.

He was getting tired, with a yawn and a stretch of his arms he was about to head upstairs "I'm going to sleep", her eyes widened at the thought of being alone when theres a thunderstorm.

"No! Don't go!" She pulled him off the stairs and pulled him towards the couch.

He nearly fell over when she forcefully pulled him off the stairs, "H-Hey, you alright?" He could see her looking towards the window, he tried to see what she was looking at but when a loud boom of thunder was made, she yelped and covered her ears.

A faint smile placed along his lips, and he led her towards the couch, "Guess you don't like thunderstorms?", she jerked her head up and shot him a angry glare.

He raised his hands in surrender, "Woah, woah okay, god you're eyes can kill a man.." She covered her ears again when another loud boom of thunder happened.

"God..i hate thunderstorms!" She brought her knees up to her chest and tightly closed her eyes, He wrapped an arm around her waist and in one quick second she was sitting on his lap.

She buried her head in his chest and tightly gripped his t-shirt, his heart beat was faster than normal, his breathing was a bit quicker, he took he started to rub at her back, she could feel the warmth of his fingers and his breath against her hair.

She let out a squeak and shifted closer to him when the thunder went off again, he started to rub at her lower back, she opened her eyes and looked up at him, "Why does thunder have to be loud?" She pouted angrily, when her eyes met his, there was something in them, she couldn't figure it out but it was like he wanted something.

"I don't know, i always missed my chemistry classes" He smiled at the memory of him and Luke skipping chemistry just to go and jump roofs, they were the good days.

"Chemistry?" Her eyebrows in confusion, the word was new to her.

"Its just another word for science basically!" He was still rubbing at her back, his heart was still racing, he could feel his cheeks heat up and he knew why he was feeling like this, he wanted her.

The thunder had started to go away, she jumped off his lap and ran up towards the window, it was still dark, she was hoping the rest of them was okay, even if she hated them she didn't want anything bad to happen to them.

He stood up and walked over to her, he placed his hand on her back "They'll be fine" he was also wondering if they where okay, she turned around and gave him a hug which he didn't expect but he gladly wrapped her in his arms.

"I hope they are, well just Luke and Pete , i don't care for the others!" She growled and tightened her hug.

"You don't mean that, of course you care for the others!" He let her go and kneeled down to her level, "Thats a lie!" She tried to defend herself but he was right she did care for them.

"Don't defend you're lies Clem, i can clearly see that you care for them" He brought her back in for a hug and she gladly accepted it.

"I'm just upset at the fact that they still don't trust me!" She gripped him tightly and whispered into his neck, her breath hot against his neck, it was building up the feeling inside him.

His hands found themselves grabbing her ass, she jumped back and slapped him "Nick!" She hissed at him, he jerked his head back in pain "Shit, oh shit I'm sorry!" He raised his hands in front of him and he stood up quickly and ran upstairs slamming the door behind him.