Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or Glee. I'm really just attempting to make it through some of my prompts and this one jumped out at me.
Warnings: Het, Slash, Kurt-bashing, AU, canon-bending, Flashbacks in later chapters
When Accidents Happen, Learn To Shut Your Mouth
Kurt could confidently say that he was in a great place in his life. He was studying at Dalton Academy, he was part of a great glee club that were treated like rock stars, and he wasn't one to brag too much but he just landed the best boyfriend in school- possibly the whole state. To say he was walking on cloud nine would be an understatement. He was on cloud nine, ten and twenty. His happiness mainly stemmed from finally getting a one Blaine Anderson, and that only happened after the death of Pavarotti, but such small details were inconsequential when you looked at the larger picture. He was dating Blaine Anderson, he was attending a school where his sexuality wouldn't be the cause of scorn and bullying, and sectionals were up soon. All the stars and planets in the universe aligned to finally let him shine.
It was because of this daze, and the fact that he was scrolling through the pictures of him and Blaine together on his phone, that one morning as he was walking towards his first class, an economics class that he never saw himself using in the future, he completely missed the person standing by the bulletin board and walked straight into him. Stuttering out a quick apology, Kurt stepped back to make sure the poor –and completely in his way- soul he knocked into was alright only to be met with a horrible sight. An 18 car accident on the freeway couldn't compare to this sight. The boy, who Kurt instantly noticed was smaller than his boyfriend –oh how he loved being able to call Blaine that- was wearing ugly worn flannel pajama bottoms, an oversized crimson Dalton sweatshirt, his hair was a rat's nest of dark locks, he wore the most ungodly thick black framed glasses and, probably the worst crime of all… he wore socks with sandals. Socks and sandals… what was he? Some 80 year-old Italian man that hadn't learned basic social niceties at all in his life?
Kurt's brain shut down at the mere sight of him.
The boy, for his part just nodded his head in acceptance and turned back to the bulletin board to finish pinning up whatever poorly crafted poster he was holding. Kurt's mind was a mess of fashion faux pas' and insults meaning he could no longer look at this assault against Holy Mother Queen, Fashion. How someone could leave their room or even think of pairing such things together baffled him. Wanting to look away –no, desperately needing to look away- Kurt redirected his attention to the boy's poster hoping to cleanse his mind of such visual torture. After all, a five year old with crayons and no sense of color coordination was sure to produce something better to look at than this boy. There was no way the poster was going to make him want to burn his eyes out like he currently wanted to.
That was a mistake.
The boy was pinning up a sign inviting students to attend the Dalton Academy's Spring Fashion Show. As Kurt's mind instinctively scanned anything related to fashion, he learned that Dalton apparently had a Design club, and they used the main auditorium in Carnegie Hall to hold a fashion event to showcase the club's efforts.
His eyes looked between the poster and the boy, to the poster and to the boy… the two just did not fit. It was like pairing Versace with a Wal-Mart knock off in the same outfit -so horribly wrong it was incomprehensible. Kurt, without any hesitation because there was no way he would let this faux pas pass, ripped the poster down and threw it in the boy's face. He would not stand for this.
"This is wrong, so very wrong." He screeched, attracting attention. "If you are any indication of what this 'club' thinks is acceptable attire outside of… a Salvation Army Mix and Match, then please cease before you blind the entire student body with your fashion nightmares," Kurt spat out in his usual haughty and well-practiced posh voice. The thought that a boy like this could be in any fashion club was horrendous in his opinion. Fashion was all about looks and style, and this… thing was a black mark on the entire industry. Kurt wouldn't allow that to happen.
They lived in a Democratic society that at one point came together and decided that it was their duty to lay down some fashion guidelines. The holy book, Gucci Guidelines, stresses that fashion isn't just a dress or shirt, but it's everything from the sky all the way down to your attitude when getting dressed. The complete lack of respect or care that this boy puts into his appearance is a slap in the face to every great mind that came together to make sure that this noble country could function properly with well attired people. Did he think that he was some exception and could just do as he pleased because he was a rich little boy? No, sorry, but the world doesn't work like that.
The boy looked at him blankly and without saying a thing turned away and took out a new poster from his bag and pinned it up. Kurt was god smacked at this boy's audacity to ignore him. Did this boy not know who he was? He was Kurt Hummel- Fashion Queen of Dalton, and soon to be supreme judge over all fashion nightmares. Well not yet, but once everyone recognized that he now possessed the best accessory, a one Blaine Anderson, he would be. He already updated his blog, the news should be out soon.
The boy walked away while he was mentally throwing a hissy-fit, his pace was slow and sluggish which matched his outward appearance perfectly. Kurt stared after him. This thing was causing his brain to have a hysterical mental break-down, and Kurt wasn't sure if he should be happy it was removing itself from his presence or upset that the boy thought he could just blow Kurt off like that. Needing to save the student body, and partly to feel vindicated after such a blatant insult to his person, he tore the new poster down and shoved it in his bag. When he saw Blaine he would be sure to tell his boyfriend about the disaster this could be. He left quickly, not even looking back.
Kurt in his indignation, failed to notice the boy turning around and putting up a poster for the third time.
Kurt had to wait until after his morning classes before he could storm into the dining hall and slam the offending poster down in front of Blaine, barely missing the lead vocalist's pasta salad. "You will never believe what happened this morning," he started. His voice sounded higher even to his ears but he knew it was because of stress. He would need to be extra thorough with his skin-care routine tonight; the stress could not be good for his complexion. The other males in his dorm will just have to suck it up and not complain that Kurt as taking even longer than he normally did in the bathroom.
Blaine, his amazing boyfriend, looked at the poster and his eyes lit up in recognition. "It's that time already?" he asked. Completely ignoring him by turning to other Warblers at the table, Blaine handed them the poster. "The fashion show is coming up."
To Kurt's frustration, the other Warblers all started chatting happily about the event, leaving Kurt stunned a third time that day. He was indignant; didn't any of them recognize that?
"You don't understand," He wailed as he gracefully threw himself into the empty seat beside his boyfriend. "The boy putting these up was a mess. I have never seen such a crime against fashion in my life, and I live with Finn. Have you ever seen him trying to put an outfit together before a date? It's like watching a color-blind Sasquatch trying to work out which foot goes into the dirty jeans first and whether he should wear the hideous brown shirt that matches his fur or the revolting green that clashes. It's horrible."
"What boy?" Blaine asked him. His boyfriend didn't even take the time to appreciate his insult towards Finn, but instead of getting angry, Kurt decided to focus on what was more important at the moment, and that was 'the boy'.
"I don't know who he is but he was tiny, like garden gnome small, and he was wearing these flannel-"
"Beaumont!" Jeff cried, completely –and quite rudely- interrupting Kurt.
Beaumont, the name did not fit the boy, especially after seeing the tangled mop of dark curls the boy owned. Beau, the French word for beautiful, would have fit Thad's depressed looking tuna salad more than the boy.
"Well whatever his name is, he is a terror to the fashion world-"
"Beaumont is?" Kurt scowled as he was interrupted again by Jeff. What was the blonde's problem? "I don't think that's a nice thing to say about him, especially since he's-" Jeff said with a frown.
"Please! Have you seen him?" Kurt asked, this time cutting off the blonde warbler. He didn't care if it wasn't very nice it was the truth.
Nick sent him an odd look, but it was Blaine that spoke up. "Kurt, you know there's a no bullying policy here at Dalton, and what you're saying could be taken the wrong way. Please be careful," Blaine said quietly while looking behind Kurt.
Kurt huffed. "I'm just stating my opinion on the matter. If this club wants to garner an audience then they should have sent out someone who actually knows a thing or two about fashion to advertise it," he explained.
"But that's the thing…" Blaine started, "Beaumont does know a thing or two about fashion."
Kurt gave his boyfriend a horrified look. "He does not!" He protested. Were they even talking about the same boy? Because if they had one look at the boy he saw this morning they would all be backing him up like they should be.
Thad, a junior like Kurt, and part of the council, cleared his throat pulling all attention to himself. "Kurt, you are new to the school, and you don't know everyone, that's understandable. But right now I need to ask you to stop these hysterics."
Kurt scoffed. He wasn't being hysterical.
"Henri Beaumont, or known as Harry, is the son of famous fashion designer Marie Beaumont, or Marie Beau," Thad explained, but before he could continue Kurt's brain shut down again. Marie Beau?
"The Marie Beau?" Kurt hissed. The other Warblers nodded their heads and that snapped something in Kurt's mind, demanding attention.
Digging through his bag he pulled out his latest fashion magazine and flipped the pages until he got to the Beau Fashion House pictorial. Their new line was gathering rave reviews, but the main focus was the face of the line. The model was never named so the media had taken to calling him 'The Face of Beau', and every photo shoot he did gathered nothing but praise. Kurt spread the centerfold on the table and stared at the model.
The model had thick dark locks, shorter on the sides and longer on top, which were expertly styled into a curly do that draped over one side of his forehead. He was shirtless but wore a sharp blazer with low riding jeans. His chest was lightly muscled, but the way he turned his head to look at the camera sideways, drew all attention to his perfectly delicious jaw and neck line. The pose, the clothes, his eyes, all of it was stunning and Kurt could admit he spent a few nights fantasizing about the model. He was gorgeous!
Blaine looked over and let out a whistle. "It still shocks me every time I see that picture. Beaumont looks great."
Kurt shot a look at this boyfriend but kept his mouth shut for once. Looking closer at the model and comparing it to the boy he met this morning he could see some similarities. The nose was the same, and he guessed the jaw was similar. Of course, in Kurt's mind the photographer had to have used every feature in Photoshop to make that boy look this good. But he appreciated the effort.
"Marie Beau…" Kurt whispered.
Thad chuckled. "Every year there is one freshman that really stands out, that becomes like a school myth. Last year the stand out star freshman was Blaine, the boy who could sing and dance like he has no limits. But this year it's Beaumont. Everyone knew the second he walked into the school that he was something else. It was the president of the Design club that recognized him first, and before he could even take three steps into the school, the senior had approached him and asked him the join the design club. I don't think anyone has ever been recruited that fast before. " Thad confessed.
"But what's he doing here?" Kurt asked. "He's a model! He should be at some posh European boarding school in France or something, not here..."
Thad gave him another odd look. "Who do you think attends Dalton?" He asked. "This is a very exclusive boarding school that's ranked in the top five of all schools in America. The tuition alone would make any middle class citizen cry. Sons of celebrities, high ranking military personal, politicians, and CEO's go here."
Kurt flushed at the insinuation. He knew he wasn't from a rich family. His father owned a garage after all and Kurt needed to save for months just to afford a marked down Marc Jacobs sale item. His father had given up all his savings and his new wife Carol's as well just to pay for one semester, and then appealed to the Dean to get a bursary to help pay for the whole year. "I didn't mean it like that…" He backtracked. "This is a French fashion magazine. Beau's headquarters are in France… why isn't he in France?"
Thad just shrugged his shoulders. "Why does it matter? He is a student of this school, and like every other student he deserves his privacy," stated firmly.
Kurt waved the older boy's words away. "I doesn't matter anyways I guess. If that is the state he presents himself in everyday, than that boy desperately needs some fashion intervention. It's a crime against nature for a model to ever be seen less than their best."
Thad sat up straighter and shot Kurt a dark look. "Leave him alone," He bit out.
Adopting a completely affronted look, Kurt dramatically gasped and clutched his chest. "What for? If none of the fashion heathens in this school are willing to step up and help the poor soul, than it is my right as a fashionista to be the one to do it."
"Kurt, I really think you should stop," Blaine pleaded beside him.
"Not now Blainey boo," Kurt dismissed his boyfriend. He was completely focused on Thad and his aggressive stance. "I'm trying to help a fellow student, and you Thaddeus," Kurt spat his name, "are preventing me. I thought this school was about helping each other and being supported, not-"
"I am trying to help a fellow student," Thad cut him off. "Kurt you just transferred here while it has been a few months, you still haven't learned everything about Dalton, or even the Warblers. I am telling you to stop because whatever your opinion may be about Henri Beaumont, it should stay in your head."
Kurt scoffed. They lived in America, there was a little thing called 'Freedom of Speech' here. Clearly Thad needed study more than he did if he didn't even remember that.
"Beaumont is a recluse, he likes his solitude. He doesn't even talk, so any fashion tips or connections you are hoping to make are just pipe dreams. Instead of trying to help yourself under the pretense of being neighborly, you should focus on yourself first. This isn't public school where teachers will let you get away with everything, and pass you because they don't want to see your face anymore. You need to work hard to maintain your GPA or you will be bounced to the curb faster than Wes can bang his gavel if you don't maintain the academic standards the Warblers expect." Thad continued.
"My grades are fine. I admit that the homework is a little more time consuming than at McKinley, but honestly I don't see people getting kicked out of the Warblers just because they aren't a genius. I mean you're still part of them aren't you?"
"Since you've been here I have yet to see you even approach the library to study or do homework. I'm in one class with you and you never pay attention. You are either playing on your phone or flipping through magazines. You said this school is about helping each other, well here I am trying to help you. Do your homework, study, and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Do that first and then think about saving the world from bad Christmas sweaters and sweatpants later." Thad in a rare fit of frustration stood up sharply and walked out of the dining hall without properly putting his tray away.
Kurt huffed. "What's his problem?" He asked with an irritated pout. Honestly, all Kurt wanted to do was help Harry Beaumont, and yes, possibly gain a valuable friend in the fashion industry that would just love to a shower him with designer clothes after Kurt helped him burn the horrible clothes he owned. And why did he need to work so hard in class? Teachers were the same wherever you went. Whether in public school or private, they only droned on about stuff you would never need outside of the next test. Kurt wrote down the highlights and glanced at them before class. He didn't need to study like some maniac. He was going to be a great Broadway performer, not some… politician.
"He's part of the design club," Luke, another warbler volunteered. "Well not part of really, but he does volunteer to be a living mannequin. Beaumont uses him frequently to tailor clothes. Plus, he lives near Beaumont and he's helped Thad and the Lacrosse team out of a tight situation before. He's like the one of the only people who has ever heard Beaumont talk."
"I thought he said Harry was mute?" Kurt was confused.
Jeff was the one to answer him. "He's not mute. He just doesn't like to talk. Everyone has their quirks." Jeff shrugged his shoulders like it didn't matter, but the whole thing confused Kurt. Why would someone choose not to talk?
"Well I'm sure I can get him to talk. Being a model he must have so many interesting stories to tell, but doesn't think anyone here would want to listen," Kurt announced. It was the only logical conclusion. Now that he thought about it, the hideous outfits must be some cry for attention. It was one thing to be looked at because you're a model, but it was another to have someone to talk to about being a model. Thad may be close to Harry or whatever, but Thad was just some meat headed jock like Finn. He wouldn't understand the difference between a Haute Couture and the bargain rack.
"Kurt," Blaine had that pleading note to his voice again. "Pease just listen to Thad and leave Beaumont alone."
"And why should I listen to Thad?" He asked harshly.
Blaine frowned at him. "Thad is on the Warbler council and a Warbler Senior," He said like that explained everything. And to everyone else it did, but not to Kurt.
"And…" He prompted waiting for more.
"And nothing. As a Warbler senior and council member you should show your respect towards him and listen to him. He was giving you good advice while asking you to leave Beaumont alone."
"Please, Thad is not a senior. He's a junior like me." Kurt argued. "And just because he heard Harry talk once doesn't make him the ruling authority over who can and cannot talk to Harry."
"Thad may be a junior but he is your senior when it comes to the Warblers. This is his third year as a Warbler and it's only your first. Also Beaumont likes his solitude and you should respect that, and if that's not enough than you should recognize how much work and effort goes into planning a fashion show and leave him alone to get everything done without interruption." Blaine tried.
"Exactly!" Kurt agreed loudly, deciding to ignore the senior comment. Seriously, what period were they living in that they worked off a rank system? "I understand the position he is in, I did organize the whole Bad Romance number we did at McKinley during Gaga week, so it would only be beneficial to him if I lent my expert hand in the fashion show."
"That wasn't my point Kurt," Blaine said with exasperation.
"Of course it was. I'll just go hunt Harry down right now, and after a much needed make over I will tell him I'm helping with the fashion show." Kurt stood quickly, eager to rush out of the dining hall and befriend Harry Beaumont.
If he had been paying any attention, he would have slowed down. But he didn't. In the end as he flailed his arm out to exaggerate a point he was about to make, it knocked a tray flying. The general area around the Warbler table went silent as all the boys turned to see what happened. Kurt turned slowly, hoping he didn't do anything too damaging, but it wasn't to be.
Standing behind him with a shocked expression on his face, stood Harry Beaumont. He didn't look the same at this morning, he had at some point changed into his Dalton uniform and lost the hideous glasses, but the spaghetti splashed across his face and dripping down from his hair and onto his blazer ruined the image.
A single noodle slid down the boy's face and landed with splat on the floor. The sound seemed amplified due to the silence surrounding them. Kurt was about to apologize but before he could an angry Thad was in his face.
"Kurt! The Hispanic boy seemed at a loss for words and closed his mouth before shaking his head and turing away to help Harry. He produced a napkin form his pocket and wiped some sauce out of Harry's eyes before addressing him again. "We will talk about this later," the senior Warbler threatened.
Kurt didn't say a word, he was too embarrassed. Instead he watched as Thad bent down and retrieved the fallen tray and plate. He stood up, grabbed his bag and then steered Harry towards the door. "Let's get you cleaned up okay, Beaumont?"
Turning back to the table Kurt could see his boyfriend holding his head in his hands. Jeff looked upset and was fidgeting in his seat. Nick, Luke and the other Warblers at the table refused to look at him. Nick in particular had a n embarrassed flush to his cheeks as he packed away his lunch. "Why didn't anyone tell me he was walking behind me?" He hissed. Honestly, for supposedly being a 'family' that 'looks out for each other', they could have told him Harry was so close. Kurt would have held back a little if he had known Harry could hear him.
Blaine looked up and gave him an annoyed look. "I tried but you wouldn't listen. He was sitting behind you the entire time," he whispered, well aware of the listening students around them.
"Behind me?" Kurt squeaked.
"Yes!" Kurt was mortified.
"Did he hear us?" Kurt asked quietly.
"I would assume so. He was eating just fine until you started talking about him. Jeff tried to stop you without making it obvious so you wouldn't embarrass yourself, but you're very stubborn and you cut him off," Nick spoke up. "I think Beaumont was going to try and slip out before you turned around and noticed him.
"Please Kurt, just leave Beaumont alone," Blaine pleaded with him.
"Of course I will," Kurt said to placate his boyfriend. Of course he had no such plans. After all, he had the potential to make one of the best connections in his entire life, he wasn't going to just let such a thing slip by because his boyfriend and friends didn't want him bothering some kid. Kurt needed this connection to the 'House of Beau', he deserved it.
I don't have a Beta, but if anyone wants to volunteer, yay! If not, then boo...