Elsa took a breath through the brown sack that was on her head. If her body temperature wasn't abnormally low she would surely be sweating by now. She moved her hands against the ropes that were constricting them. Someone had tied them much too tight and the skin was raw at this point. She wished they were the metal cuffs Hans had imprisoned her in. Metal was easy to break through; freeze it and it would expand until it cracked. Rope didn't freeze; it just became wet and heavy and annoying. She had no idea why she was here. What could someone possibly want with her? Granted, she was queen to a very successful, militant trade kingdom. However, Arendelle didn't have many enemies. Everyone was charmed by Elsa as soon as they were able to get past the magical ice powers. Of course there was still the Duke of Weselton, but Elsa didn't think he would ever be much of a problem. So who would kidnap her?

The only glance she'd gotten of her kidnappers was during the actual kidnapping. They were blonde, although there may have been a brunette boy, and pale much like her. She didn't recognize any of them from the various meetings she had attended. Other than that, she didn't know anything about them. They never spoke when they were around her and the bag had remained on her head the entire time, only moving when she received water and even then they never took it past her eyes. She was on a boat, she could tell by the way the ground was moving and she had been here for a few days, although it felt like a lifetime. The strangest parts of the entire experience were the occasional sounds she heard. They sounded like roars or growls, but they weren't dogs. They didn't sound like any animal she'd ever heard.

Suddenly she heard the door open. Heavy footsteps trotted down the steps and she held her breath as someone made their way over to her. Power buzzed in her fingertips as she prepared to strike should the moment present itself. The stranger knelt down and began to untie her feet before grabbing her arm and lifting her up. Elsa was led towards the stairwell before her captor practically threw her up the steps. The Ice Queen managed to twist her body just enough so that her face didn't hit the step.

"Watch your step" a girl's voice called out from above her.

"Sorry" Elsa mumbled before internally chastising herself. Even in the worst of circumstances she was still polite. It was embarrassing how deeply ingrained the royal behavior was. Elsa carefully continued up the stairs. Without any warning the sack was ripped off her head. Elsa blinked her icy blue eyes as she adjusted to the sunlight. She could make out a town with a couple of houses. It was primitive but she could tell that the buildings were new. Colorful masses were flying through the sky but she couldn't tell what they were. Finally, a blonde girl came into view. Her hair was braided intricately and pulled around her shoulder and she had wide blue eyes. She gave a small smirk as she took in Elsa's expression; blind panic thinly masked under royal dignity.

"Welcome to Berk".