Chapter 20
I heard Peachstar gasp behind me, and I turned to see him stand. As if his injuries didn't exist, he pushed away from Redwillow and charged downhill. He was headed for Scourge.
I quickly followed him and, dodging paws and kicks, took a slightly different route. I ran in a large semi-circle and came up behind the overhanging rock Scourge was under. He was wrestling a shaking a ShadowClan tom to death, almost literally, in his jaws.
I saw Peachstar duck out of the fray and a stand a few tail-lenghts away from Scourge. "Scourge! Turn and face me so I can rip you to peices!"
Scourge dropped his 'prey' and slowly faced my leader. "H-How? But I killed you!"
Peachstar hissed with a hint of triumph, "You'll have to kill me nine times over to win this battle. The forest belongs to the clans!"
With a yowl, he leapt at Scourge, landing a clumsy blow to his muzzle and dodging to the side. Scourge retaliated with a swipe on Peachstar's flank. Blood gushed, and he just barely dodged a swipe that Scourge had used to kill the samw white tom in that alleyway.
I heard grass rustle behind me, and turned to see a BloodClan warrior creeping from the undergrowth. He hadn't seen me, so I silently came up behind his pale gray tail, and atacked. He yowled in suprised. I grabbed his scruff, and tossed him accross the clearing.
Making sure he stayed where he was, I rushed back over to my hidden hilltop, and resettled my eyes to the blood-stained battlefield. I squinted untill I could make out Peachstar's orange pelt. But, they disapeared almost as soon as they had appeared, up and over the slope downward, tails flying.
Suddenly launched into a panic for Scourge, I rushed after them and into the fray. Claws ripped fur, and it glinted brightly in the afternoon sun. Of course, blood was there too, looking nearly as bright and beautiful. I just chose to ignore that part- there was nothing beeautiful about blood. Or battle.
Especially when you hear:
"Scourge! Scourge is dead!"
I stopped moving. My paws wouldn't work- I mean that literally, they were frozen. BloodClan warriors swarmed past me, their eyes lit with confusion and fear. THough nojne of them looked at me twice, I could feel all of StarClan watching me. Their gazes burned my pelt more than the heat of the sun.
Suddenly jolted awake, I bolted against the flow of cats, ignoring their sharp collars. When I reached where the call had come from, I saw Peachstar standing over Scourge's body.
"No." I whispered. "Scourge? Please, please tell me you're okay. We were gonna leave everyone and find another forest." I collapsed beside him. "You didn't have to take this one for me."
His eyes were dull, no longer glistening like they used to. I remembered all the comfort he'd given me. All the times he had hunted for me. All the cat's he'd stared away.
I couldn't take it. He was dead.
"Scourge! No! YOU CAN'T DIE, NOT HERE!" My voice cracked, and I sensed cats gathering behind me. Then, they cheered, yowling their hearts out for victory and not even seeming to care that I'd just died here.
I hardly felt a cat sit next to me, but when I took a deep breath, I smelled Whiterain. She started to lick between my ears. I welcomed her, and started to fall into a deep, greif- filled sleep on her shoulder.
"Wake up dear."
Whiterain was calling me. I stood up, stiff and cold. When my eyes opened, I realized we were still in Fourtrees. Scourge's body had disapeared. My body cramped up when I thought of him. He was gone forever- I'd never see him again.
I'll always be here Beechpaw.
I looked around, and noticed a thick, black mist. Two spots of blue glowed, and I realized oh-so, gratefully, that they were Scourge's eyes. His beautifuly icey eyes.
You don't have to miss me. I didn't go to StarClan, only you can see me. Forever.
My heart flapped when he came closer. We brushed muzzles, and then, he disapeared. He faded like sunlight, beautifully and geracefully. My heart ached when I heard:
I'll always love you.