Chapter 1

Tsukino Usagi was to the point where anything would be preferable to living her life. None of the others got what it was like for her, her parents were continually coming down on her for grades, for being out at all hours and she couldn't tell them why. Her dreams were starting to indicate that she was the damned Moon Princess they were all looking for. She wasn't allowed to express even one bit of doubt or the high and mighty Hino Rei would come down on her like a ton of bricks. She should be embracing her destiny, not whining like a little baby.

She glares at the innocuous broach that had started it all and she comes to a decision, she tosses her communicator and broach on to her dressing table before grabbing a pair of scissors and chopping her hair off. She places it in a bag and then changes clothes. Little known fact she did not just own girly clothes, thank you very much. Soon she has on a black t-shirt with black shorts and purple leggings. She grabs the shoes she would put on and then puts everything she wanted to take in her subspace pocket. Her money, she had more saved than anyone, including her family realized, is in a black wallet in her subspace pocket as well.

Her first stop would be a salon to get her hair done. She would no longer be a blonde. Tsukino Usagi would cease to exist and in her place Taiyō Conejo. Half Japanese half Spanish. Thankfully she did in fact know Spanish. In first grade she had, had a Spanish pen pal, whom she had written until a year ago when she had died in an earthquake. Her brother had written to tell her the news. They still wrote to each other in memory of his sister and she would inform him of what was going on.

Two Months Later:

Conejo smiles as she watches Marcus Damon, an auburn haired teen her age wearing a white t-shirt with a red orange short sleeved shirt unbuttoned on over that, and blue jeans with tennis shoes, deal with another set of punks that had been getting fresh with her. It had been surprisingly easy to set up her identity as Taiyō Conejo, sure she still had to wear a school uniform, this one was green and maroon, but she had Marcus around to deal with the perverts. His Japanese name was Masaru but he preferred the Americanized version, Marcus. His green eyes were alight with joy, Marcus truly enjoyed fighting while she did not.

That was what made them such good friends, Marcus accepted the fact that she didn't like to fight and she accepted he loved fighting. That was when an orange dino like creature helped him. A pink creature standing on two legs having a moon motif appeared beside her, " They're after us, they wanna take us back. "

" Who are you and whom wants to take you back? " Conejo asks.

" I'm Lunamon, my friend is Agumon and its DATS that wants to take us back, to capture us and never let us have any freedom. "

Conejo frowns and picks Lunamon up, " Marcus and I won't allow that, I don't like to fight, but I can if I must. " It was then Conejo noticed the girl wearing a pink government type uniform, she noted the girl as someone to avoid. She also had dark pink hair, " Marcus, empacar esto, tenemos que salir de aquí. Hay ojos poco amistosos aquí( Marcus, wrap this up, we have to get out of here. There are unfriendly eyes here). "

" Una moment, Ne. " Marcus calls out and once his battle with Agumon is over Conejo levers them both up and drops a smoke bomb. Once back at Marcus' place Conejo sighs.

" Lunamon, how are they tracking you? " Conejo asks.

" Our digital signatures, why? " Lunamon answers.

Conejo nods and dives into her workshop. She had discovered a love of electronics and she quickly starts jamming Lunamon and Agumon's signals. Marcus frowns as the digimon explain everything that was going on. " That's just wrong. "

" Agreed, I got a look at that device the dark pink haired female had and I should be able…" Conejo trails off as two flashes of light appear in front of her and Marcus. Marcus held an orange and white version of the device while she held an orange and silver version.

" Okay, I guess I don't need to build them then. Marcus, they'll only be safe in your house, or in these. "

" Can they be tracked to here? " Marcus asks.

" I highly doubt that. " Conejo says, she'd gone to a lot of effort to make it so the Mercury Data Computer couldn't find her, why would tech here on Earth that was still centuries behind the Data Computer be able to find her or track anything or anyone she didn't want tracked.


Commander Sampson's eyebrow twitches when Fujiaeda Yoshino and Lalamon report in and state that they had lost Raptor's One and Two. They hadn't even gotten a good look at the teens that had been present in the area. Kurosaki Miki and Shirakawa Megumi only add to that when they report they can't even track the raptors now. " Do you have any names? "

" I wasn't close enough to hear them. " Yoshino admits.

" I was still in the Datalink so I couldn't hear anything either. " Lalamon admits.


Mizuno Ami was beside herself with worry over Usagi-chan while Rei had taken the opportunity to be the leader. The raven haired girl was becoming more and more of a bully. If that was what Usagi-chan had, had to deal with no wonder she had left without a trace. Usagi-chan had never been allowed to air her concerns as Rei-san had just told her to basically suck it up. Usagi's family was going on with their lives as though she had never been a part of them. Luna was kicking herself for not realizing the blonde was close to her breaking point, though she was still living with the Tsukinos, as Sailor Moon had asked Shingo to be nice to the feline. As long Luna kept her head down and made no noise she'd be fine.

Damon Home:

The next day dawns to show Conejo in her school uniform showing up at the Damon home, she knocks on the door and Sarah opens it, smiling at the dark haired part Spaniard that was always welcome. What no one knew was that Conejo had a standing appointment hair appointment to keep her looks up, she could not afford to screw up. If she had her way Tsukino Usagi would never see the light of day again.

One day she may just have to tell Marcus the truth, but she didn't want to until she was old enough that she could no longer be dragged back home. Usagi had been dissatisfied with her life for quite some time. She'd been content to deal with it until Sailor Moon had come into her life. Once that had happened Usagi had, had enough. Conejo walks in and goes straight to Marcus' room, " Either wake up now, Marcus, or I get the bucket of ice cold water that will be dumped south of the border! "

" I'm awake, I'm awake. " Marcus calls out and he blitzes by her on his way to get ready for the day.

Sarah chuckles at this and Conejo joins her in the kitchen, " Threatening Marcus like that, you're cruel. "

" Yes, she is, but I like that about her. She can at least defend herself if need be, unlike some of my class mates. " Marcus says.

Conejo smirks, she'd been the only female to actually stand up to him and Marcus respected that. " Come on, I don't want to be late, Marcus. "

The previous night they'd convinced the digimon to stay in the digivices until they could figure something else out. They didn't agree with all digimon being treated the same. Even Marcus admitted that they should at least try talking to them first. If they were being unreasonable then they should use force. Conejo had managed to effect Marcus that much, but he still loved fighting. The pair head out the door and Marcus sighs, he knew Conejo was hiding something from him. He just wasn't sure what though he hoped one day she would tell him.

He was still the only one she really connected with and he had yet to truly figure out why. Unless it was because he actually let her speak her own opinion, let her be herself.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or Digimon.