New destines

Old problems!

The trial of the Dursleys

Vernon and Petunia Dursley were brought before her majesties court. The charges were read 55 counts of child abuse, 47 of sexual abuse of a minor, 250 counts of pandering a minor, and thirteen counts of attempted murder of minor.

The Dursleys, had taken a plea deal and pled no contest to all charges.

The evidence was brought forth. Photographs so graphic it sickened the judge and she needed a recess. The physical and blood evidence from Harry's cupboard was then presented. The last photos were of harry himself, the scars on his body were sickening. His hands were scared from work around the house with caustic chemicals His back riddled with deep scars that had built up over years of constant whippings that were never given the chance to truly heal.

After the judge reviewed all the evidence, she turned to the Dursleys.

"In all my years as a judge I have never seen anything that matches this. To subject anyone to such horrific acts let alone being done to an innocent child left your care. If I had it to choose you would be given the death penalty, as I do not, you will be given life without the possibility of parole. There is a prison controlled by a group in the UK. That is the only fitting punishment for you. One of their operatives will pick you up and deliver you there this evening. May God have mercy on your souls.

With that a large black man with an earring took the paperwork. Kingsley Shacklebolt was pleased to give these muggles what they deserved they would reside in Azkaban before the night ended.

The Dursleys had their one and only experience with a portkey that evening. The landed on a boat dock in Scotland looking out onto the North Sea. A small boat that looked as if it would never leave the dock awaited them. An owl held a letter out to them. Petunia knew what it was having seen her parents receive them from her sister. She took the note with a shaking hand.

Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon

I'm sorry this happened, All I ever wanted was a family that loved me. Instead that family was murdered, then I was given to you.

All I ever wanted from you was a little bit of love. I know if it had been My parents with Dudley they would have loved him as their own. Please think about it.

Harry Potter

The letter reached Harry before The Dursley's had left the courtroom. Life in Azkaban, it gave him no peace knowing it.

He sent them a note, knowing it would be the last communication he would ever have with them.

The Grangers had a very nice Mercedes. But it just wouldn't handle some of things that needed done. Sirius went out one afternoon and came back with Range Rover. Once he had added enchantments to keep away the Bobbies and make it crash proof and gave it an unlimited supply of petrol and a constant magical tune up they were ready to roll.

The first outing was to a cemetery in Little Hangleton.

Harry, Hermione, Sirius, and both Grangers adults were on this little expedition. They discussed the Ring and it's probable protections. This included no one was to attempt to put the thing on.

As they reached the cemetery after a five hour drive, the plan was put in motion. Sirius would do a bit of grave robbing while Harry and Hermione got the ring.

Sirius headed off with Dan looking for the Grave sight they needed.

Harry Hermione and Emma went to find the Guant Shack. Bringing Emma turned out to be a very good idea; they came upon the muggle repelling wards quickly. She could not take it and went back to the car.

Harry and Hermione Disabled the wards quickly having seen the scene before in Dumbledore's Pensive. They got to the floorboard in front of the fireplace and Harry Heard the Snake below talking to it self. Tom had left Nagini to guard his Horcrux. Harry put up a containment ward around the snake as he had seen Voldemort do before the last battle. This kept the snake from being able to hurt them.

Sirius thought of away not to disturb the wards and bought a plastic erector set in a muggle toy store, they built a small crane that was hand operated. Harry lowered the bucket of the crane into the hole and lifted the ring out easily. He then dropped it in a lead lined Box. The two left the shack with Nagini floating angrily behind them.

Sirius and Dan on the other hand had found the Riddle plot in the cemetery. The bones of every Riddle in the place were banished; they were replaced with transfigured rabbit bones. This should mess up Voldemort's plans of a new body. They all met back at the Range Rover, Harry was thinking how to get rid of Nagini. Sirius had the idea, They reinforced the containment field around the snake then Sirius injected the tip of his wand and set off Fiend fire inside the field. Another Horcrux Gone in sixty seconds.

Albus Dumbledore had been at the Dursleys trial, He had hoped to save the wards on that house by getting the Dursleys off. Some one had put a magic dampening field in the courtroom. Nothing he did seemed to work. He had never seen anything like it, he couldn't even get a spark to come from his wand. The Dursleys had been doomed to Azkaban. The house would be taken for non-payment Harry was free of them. How could everything fall apart so fast since the boy ran away? It was as if some one could anticipate every move he would make, but that isn't possible no one knew he had even set these things in motion.

Prime ministers office 10 Downing St.

The meeting between the two ministers had been productive. With closer ties between the two governments the statute of secrecy was easier to maintain. It also worked to the muggle advantage of being able to help the squibs acclimate into mundane society also it gave the mundane government a force that knew the magical world and could jump in and lend a hand if needed.