A loud crunch echoes through Cosima's apartment followed by a loud exclamation of 'fuck!'

"Cosima, what did you break?" Delphine comes into their bedroom seeing Cosima on the floor. "Are you okay?" Delphine rushes to her side and pulls her up.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. But I think I broke my glasses and my contacts kinda, maybe fell down the sink last week."

"What about your spare glasses?" Delphine asks intertwining their hands.

"Those were my spare glasses." Cosima looks down at the floor ashamed.

"Pauvre petite chiot." Delphine says she lifts Cosima's face up and kisses her on the nose. "What am I going to do with you?"

Cosima shrugs. "You could take me to get some new glasses."

"Now? We'll be late for work." Delphine says.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Cosima says

"Or I could give you these." Delphine says reaching into her dresser. She pulls out a brand new pair of glasses. "After the last few times I thought it was a good idea to keep a spare pair or two around the house."

"You are too good to me, baby." Cosima says quickly kissing Delphine on the lips and wrapping her arms around Delphine's neck.

"Wait, did you say 'or two?' Cosima asks

"Oui. The glasses were on sale so I decided to buy a couple more pairs." Delphine says

"How many is a couple?" Cosima asks amused and curious.

"Well…" Delphine says

"Delphine?" Cosima asks, now she's really curious.

Delphine reaches down to the drawer beside her and opens it. It's filled with cases of glasses.

"Delphine! I'm that clumsy!" Cosima says slightly offended but still amused.

"Mon amour, I love you, but the employees at the glasses store have started to recognize us because we go there so often." Delphine says

"I guess you're right." Cosima says. "You know this is the sweetest and most adorable thing anyone has ever done for me." Delphine blushes. Cosima kisses her again. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, chérie." Delphine responds.

"Anything?" Cosima asks mischievously.

"We're going to be late for work again, aren't we?" Delphine asks

Cosima answers her with a deep kiss.