AN: Written for the Great Maze challenge on the Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges Forum. My prompt was "You found the key to defeating Voldemort and it was so easy, you wonder why no one thought about it. Tell me about your master plan while I get rid of the dead spider."

Snape stared at Dumbledore. "You want me to do what?"

Dumbledore sighed impatiently. "How difficult is this, Severus? Just Stun Voldemort, conjure up some ropes, tie him up, and Apparate to the Ministry! Then we can use Veritaseum to find out who all the Death Eaters are— because, let's face it, that's a pretty ridiculous resource to have and not use."


"While we're at it, we might as well use the Veritaseum to find out where all of the Horcruxes are, send a team of Aurors to find them, grab the Basilisk fangs from the Chamber of Secrets, and bang, get rid of them all at once!"


"We'll keep Voldy locked up— I mean, it worked with Grindelwald— and then once Harry's on his deathbed, we'll just Imperius Voldemort and make him kill Harry."

"But why—

"Isn't it obvious? Harry is the seventh horcrux, Severus! The only way the Voldemort-bit inside of him can be destroyed is if Voldemort kills him. Unless he loses that irritating noble streak in his old age, I'm sure he won't mind dying in a valiant way, even if he is ninety years old at the time."

"But sir—

"You see? It all works out perfectly! Harry can spend the rest of his life in blissful happiness, fall in love with that Weasley girl, and have beautiful children. No need for any of that nasty pain, death, or tragedy. Once Harry, the final horcrux, has been destroyed, we can kill Voldy once and for all. I mean, it might take a while, but it's really much less complicated. Besides, this way, Lupin and Tonks can live happily ever after, Bill Weasley doesn't have to get attacked by a werewolf, and I don't have to die! Everything is better for everyone."

Snape stared at him, bewildered.

"Why are you still standing there?" said Dumbledore. "Go defeat the Dark Lord!"

Snape, still looking confused, pulled out his wand and vanished.

Fifteen minutes later, he reappeared.

Dumbledore glanced up from the stack of paperwork he was examining. "Is it done?"

"Yes, sir. The Dark Lord is in captivity and they're administering Veritaseum as we speak."

"Good, good," said Dumbledore. "Now can you please go tell that Ronald boy to kiss Hermione already?"


Dumbledore shook his head. "Clearly I have do everything around here," he muttered.

"I just defeated the Dark Lord!"

"Yes, yes, well done!" said Dumbledore sarcastically.

"Actually, it wasn't that difficult—

"Oh, just get out of here," said Dumbledore, waving him away. "I need to get Kingsley elected as Minister of Magic. Honestly, this world would be a mess if I wasn't running it."