Epilogue: Music of My Soul

Azure Phoenix ordered his Military Soldiers helped Twilight and her friends out from the ocean while the Autobots climbed up and over the battleships. The soldiers helped Twilight and her friends in drying themselves up with the towers and hairdryers. As Azure approached to the girls and Dragon Strike Force, the latter saluted before him.

"At ease, my friends," Azure Phoenix said humbly yet firmly. He turned and glared at both Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle. He spoke, "Shadow Dragon, you had disobey my direct order again."

Shadow Dragon bowed down, "Forgive me, sir. I did... what I had to. For this world and my friends..."

Guilty and regretful, Twilight Sparkle shook her head in denial. She came to the front of Azure Phoenix, "Please, sir. Don't blame Shadow Dragon. It's me. I'm the one who convinced Shadow Dragon to help us. And... my Shadow Dragon convinced him to help me and friends, and save the world too. I'm sorry."

Twilight bowed down before Azure Phoenix. The latter looked unimpressed and unpleasant with her as he remarked, "Yes... I am completely aware of that, Pony Twilight Sparkle. You not only had defied me, but also you had made me difficult to handle the situation. Based on the report I had received lately, you had failed to defeat the Dazzlings. You had an affair with my commander. You cost our alliance's effort by delaying and doubting yourself. You defied and ignored my order to challenge the Dazzlings. You put our world jeopardy. You destroyed one of historical buildings of United States!"

Twilight remained silent and quiet as she looked down. She felt guilty and irresponsible about the situation she was facing and especially the . The Rainbooms, Crusaders, Sunset and Flash looked upset and angered by Azure's accusations. Lance, Nyx and Spike remained silent and quiet as they prayed Azure Phoenix gave her a chance that she meant no harm. Shadow Dragon and Dragon Strike Force remained firm yet concern of what they were seeing. Yeagar Family and Autobots felt that as well.

"AND-!" Azure Phoenix exclaimed in anger. Twilight yelped in fear while she looked down. He sighed in defeat, "You had save us all..."

Twilight gasped in shock as she looked up and looked at Secretary of United States. He bowed before her. War Phoenix Military gasped in surprise and shock of what they were seeing. Master James quickly bowed down before her. Seeing what they were doing, everyone but Lance, Spike and Nyx did what Azure Phoenix and Master James; bowed down before Twilight Sparkle. The Autobots and Dazzlings did as well.

Spike whistled happily, "I could get use to that."

"Oh Spike..." Nyx giggled in amusement as she picked him up before patted his head, "Don't forget what happen from Equestria Games. I don't want to have a nervous and worried brother again."

Lance nodded his head before patted on his stepsister's head gently, "That's true. Just be yourself."

Spike sighed in annoyance before scratched his head gently and chuckled, "I guess so..."

Azure Phoenix stood up and looked at Twilight Sparkle. He the spoke firmly, "Minister Master James Hong and Schemetrick."

"Your excellency?" Minister James and Schemetrick asked calmly.

Azure continued, "Have the Alliance Contract and Ambassador Documents ready at once for her to sign. I want both Humans and Ponies to be on alliance, like what we did with Autobots. But also, I want her to be the ambassador in representing for her world."

"At once, Mr. Secretary," Schemetrick saluted.

Master James was stunned as he stammered, "But-but-but-but, your excellency! There was no position for the ambassador. I was sure of it."

Azure Phoenix had his eyes rolled up, "Very well. If you insist, I could replace her on your job if you don't tell me a truth."

Master James yelped in shock, "Forgive me, sir! I didn't mean to lie. It's just that-! How can we be sure that we can trust her? What happen if she really tried to attack you when you turned your back! No offense, young lady. I'm just being cautious."

Schemetrick sighed in annoyance, "If she wanted, she would have done it when she came to our world. Besides, Master James; our Secretary knows what he's doing. He knows who to trust..."

After some thoughts, Master James sighed in defeat, "Very well. I will can get the Ambassador Document while Schemetrick gets the Alliance Contract Document."

Everyone and even Schemetrick chuckled in amusement as both him and Master James turned and headed straight to the Secretary's Office in getting both Alliance Contract and Ambassador Recruitment Document.

Twilight turned to Azure Phoenix as she bowed again, "With all due respect, Mr. Secretary; I already have a position. As the princess, I have my own duty to lead and protect my world. So, I cannot take that position." Azure Phoenix nodded his head in understanding. She turned and brought Sunset and Flash before him, "But these two will. They are my trusted and reliable friends to count on. They will be my ambassadors for Equestria. If there's the problem, I'm sure your ministers can help them."

Flash and Sunset yelped in surprise before showing the crimson burning on their faces. Twilight continued, "Don't worry; you two. You both will be fine."

"We'll do our best, Twilight," Flash said calmly.

Sunset nodded, "Me too."

Azure Phoenix took a golden phoenix badge out. He handed it to Twilight Sparkle, "This is the symbol for earning my trust and alliance. Both Humans and Ponies are now in alliance, along with the Autobots."

Twilight smiled happily as she jumped and hugged Azure Phoenix tightly. He looked surprise and shock by it before chuckled a bit.

"Is she allow to do that?" Spike asked in surprise.

Everyone shrugged in not sure or care about it. Both Azure Phoenix and Twilight Sparkle departed from hugging before they bowed down to each other.

Azure Phoenix smiled while nodded his head. He then turned and glared at the Dazzlings who were sneaking and heading to the lifeboats. He groaned in anger, "And where do you three think you're going?!"

Three Dazzlings yelped in shock and feared. Sonata gulped in fear, "Um... Going to Bathroom?"

Adagio and Aria turned and glared at Sonata. Was she seriously? Anger, Bladestrike and their soldiers armed with their blasters at them.

"Hate doing this. But worth our escape!" Aria exclaimed in fear.

As Aria threw the small ball down, it exploded up while launching black smokes out. Everyone coughed out loud from the smokes. As soon as the smokes dispersed, they found their little yet former enemy disappeared from sights. They gasped in shock.

"They're gone!" Laxtinct and Pinkie exclaimed in shock.

"No, they're not; mate," Shane's voice called. Everyone turned and looked at Shane who pointed at the lifeboat. Autobots blocked the Dazzlings who were trying to reach the lifeboat. He spoke, "They're just there; trying to escape..."

The Dazzlings were about to turn but blocked by the War Phoenix Military Soldiers. Twilight and her friends came to the positions. They looked at the Dazzlings. Autobots armed with their weapons.

Drift huffed, "Such dishonorable and disrespectful to their kind."

Crosshairs grunted, "These girls got some nerve of trying to mess with our world."

"Yeah..." Hound nodded his head as he loaded up his Cybertronian Shotgun, "I'd say we blast them now, so we can save some troubles in the future!"

Bumblebee beeped, "You say it!"

The Dazzlings yelped in shock and worry. Dinobots growled in anger and wild as they transformed into their Dinosaur Modes. They were about to bite off their preys. Optimus Prime held his right hand up in preventing his allies from attacking. Everyone watched of what Optimus Prime do with the Dazzlings.

"You three, step forward," Optimus Prime ordered. The Dazzlings yelped in shock and worry. They stepped forward and before Optimus Prime.

He continued, "I hope you learn your lessons, Dazzlings especially what happen now. Making a deal with dangerous yet terrified demon could put not only you and your friends in danger, but the world as well. Galvatron is the dictator and warlord of Decepticons who stopped nothing to achieve his goals of total conquest and control of his kind. As for Dark Curse; he maybe the Sozo-zhe, but he show no mercy nor caring to his creations. Whenever he created something for his purpose, he expected the results. If failed, he brought destruction upon them before creating the new. This is something that no one and not even extraterrestrial beings such as us make a deal with someone like him. I hope you understand it."

The Dazzlings gulped in fear and worry. Adagio spoke up, "We didn't mean to bring destruction to the humanity. We just need their negative to make us strong and survive it. We just want the world to adore us and appreciate us."

"But that's no excuse of you to force students to adore you," Sunset spoke firmly. The Dazzlings turned to her as she continued, "I know that. I've been there before. I used blackmail students' fears against themselves, so I can gain both adoration and supports to become popular. But I learn something that makes me popular. Having friends."

Twilight approached and patted on Sunset's shoulder, "Well done, Sunset. I'm proud of you." Sunset turned and looked at her best friend, "Rather than just forcing people to adore you, you have to earn it by making friends with them. This is something that the Dazzlings could learn a thing or two."

Grimlock growled in anger as he lowered his head down. He gave the Dazzlings an angry yet wild roars in front of their faces. They yelped in shock and feared before screaming out like girls. Everyone remained silent and quiet.

Sunset nodded her head, "Even Grimlock agreed with us, he wasn't very pleasant with your doing in making people to adore you. A beast like him earn the friendship with us by helping and fighting along with us to save the world."

"Now that you understand the lesson," Twilight spoke firmly, "it's time for you to face your punishments. You may had the conscience now, but you still committed the crimes for both controlling the students; and helping Dark Terrorists and Decepticons. You have to accept it."

The Dazzlings looked shock and worry as they gave some thoughts. They sighed in defeat before nodded their heads in agreement. They really did committed the crimes and they had to pay for it.

"I'm afraid they're right. We did committed the crimes. We might as well accept it now, girls," Adagio said in concern, "No point in running away. I guess we've got lots of things to learn..."

Aria and Sonata nodded their heads in agreement with Adagio Dazzle. The Dazzlings held their hands up. Anger waved his hand at the surrendered Dazzlings, the soldiers moved in and apprehended them on the handcuffs. Anger was about to move them, Azure held his hand up. Anger looked at his cousin; who narrowed his eyes to both Saber Dragoon and Laxtinct. Anger nodded his head in agreement.

Both Aria and Sonata approached to both Saber Dragoon and Laxtinct. Both of them were about to having some goodbye chats.

Saber hugged Aria Blaze gently and passionately. He spoke softly yet sadly, "I'm sorry for what I had to do. But always know that I really love you so much since the day we met at Mexico."

Aria sobbed and cried in despair and pain as she hugged him back, "Me too. And to be honest, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry for lying to you. But always know that I too loving you so much too. I really enjoy that night when we're both alone to sleep. You made a good champ with me in the sleep."

Saber nodded, "I know. So as you, babe. I'll try to visit you someday."

Aria smiled, "I know you will, spiky..."

Saber and Aria kissed on each other's lips gently and passionately.

Laxtinct cried and sobbed in pain and despair as he hugged Sonata Dusk tightly yet passionately. She patted on his head gently and calmly while nuzzling his head.

"It's okay, Lax. It's okay. Everything's fine," Sonata comforted Laxtinct.

Laxtinct cried unhappily and saddened, "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for what had happen! I really wanted to be with you. I really love you so much! I'm sorry for everything!"

Sonata sighed before patted on his head, "I know. But I had to accept this crime. So, it's pointless for me to run away. As long as I love you, nothing matters to me. Don't worry. At least you'll get to visit me sooner or later."

Laxtinct sniffed in despair, "Yeah. I promised, Sonata."

Sonata and Laxtinct quickly kissed on each other's lips gently yet passionately.

As soon as two members of Dragon Strike Force and Dazzlings finished their kisses, Military Soldiers came and moved three Dazzlings to the Battleship's bridge. Both Aria and Sonata waved their goodbye gesture to the waving Saber Dragoon and Laxtinct. Adagio sighed in defeat. Both Aria and Sonata came and patted their hands on Adagio's both shoulders.

"Cheer up, Adagio. You'll get the chance," Sonata said happily.

Aria giggled, "Yeah... Hopefully he has the same temper as you are, Adagio."

Annoyed by Aria's comments but found it funny, Adagio giggled a bit, "I suppose so. But at least we three girls get to stick together till the end."

All three Dazzlings nodded their heads in agreement. As soon as the Dazzlings moved away, Twilight and her friends turned to the Autobots. Everyone smiled in relief and happy that the fight finally had ended and saved the world from danger.

Optimus Prime looked at Twilight and her friends. He lowered and bowed down before Twilight and her friends. He spoke humbly, "Twilight Sparkle, I'm most honored to meet you and fight alongside with you to save this world."

Twilight bowed down, "I'm too honored as well, Optimus Prime. I was so amazed by you. My friends and everyone talked about you, especially your story. Your speech, your fight and the way you react to your enemies... They're just... amazing and great. You reminded me of my mentor."

"I see... But you must know that I only did it to help and protect both my brothers and friends from here and Cybertron. Freedom is right for all Sentient Beings. To gain it, we have to sacrifice something important to save the lives of thousands; even it means to kill my own mentor."

"Sentinel Prime? It must have hurt you. I'm sorry for you."

"Do not be grim of my past," Optimus sighed calmly, "Past is in the past. There was nothing we can do about it but to learn and accept it. If we do it, we can build our own future for the better."

"Yeah... I know what you mean," Twilight said calmly before bowed down, "Thank you again."

Optimus Prime nodded his head. The Rainbooms, Crusaders, Flash and Sunset surrounded her, Lance, Spike and Nyx as they all remarked and commented happily about the latter for being accepted and complimented by Optimus Prime. The Autobots smirked in please and impressed about Twilight and her friends' friendships and accomplishments. Dragon Strike Force smiled in impressed and amazement of the girls.

Shadow Dragon approached to the Rainbooms before he spoke, "Now that the fight is over. I believe you and your friends have one more performance to perform with another band."

The Rainbooms looked shock yet surprise of what Shadow Dragon had said. The rest of Dragon Strike Force gathered up and stood behind of Shadow Dragon while smiling proudly.

"What do you mean by that," Twilight asked in shock and concern.

Rainbow nodded her head, "Yeah, Twilight's right; we're far way from Canterlot High and not to mention, we never get the chance to see the Hyper Linking Dragon."

Applejack sighed in concern, "Yeah... We may had won the competition, but we've got no chance in playing the band with them."

Dragon Strike Force laughed wildly yet happily, making Twilight and her friends confused and shocked.

Terrorcreep smiled, "Do not worry, my friends. We're not laughing for amusement but surprising, my friends."

Blazefist smiled, "Yeah, you're looking right at them, girls."

The Rainbooms gasped in shock and surprised of what Blazefist had said, Aqua smiled before leaned against his right side and said, "We're not only military strike force, but also the musical band you're looking at."

"Humph hmm..." Saber Dragoon nodded his head, "We're the Hyper Linking Dragon!"

Everyone but Autobots and Yeagar Family gasped in shock and surprised. They looked and stared at Dragon Strike Force, with both surprises and anxious. They were looking at the band right in front of their eyes!

"No way!" Crusaders but Jade exclaimed in shock and surprise.

"Wow... Just wow..." Flash said in surprise before being speechless.

Sunset nodded her head, "These days are getting more surprising than before. I'm impressed and happy for it now..."

Fluttershy gasped, "I don't believe it. All this time... we were actually with them from the beginning." She squealed and giggled happily, "This-is-so amazing!"

Pinkie hummed in concern and worry before sighed in concern, "To be honest, I thought Hyper Linking Dragon would have been Lance Justicestrike, Sammy Starburst, Ashley Iris Twilight, Metalgear, Steelkick, Kouni and Boomer Boom! They would make the awesome band as these guys are."

"Yeah, that would make an awesome band," Laxtinct remarked happily.

Flare Tiger nodded her head, "Yeah. But again, it got rejected again by JusSonic when Power Master wanted this to happen. But in this story, we get the chance."

Everyone looked at Pinkie Pie, Laxtinct and Flare Tiger with blanking, shocking and worrying looks of what they just heard. Pinkie smiled happily before shrugged.

"You three are so random," Rainbow said in annoyance.

"We know what you mean, Rainbow," Tailtech and Icy nodded their heads in agreement.

Rarity awed in upset as she looked at hers and her friends' small parts of torn yet burnt rockstar dresses, "I work so hard to create them. I was hoping that these dresses would make an exquisite and fashion-style."

Shorty chuckled a bit while patted on Rarity's right shoulder before smiled, "Don't worry, Rarity. I will take care of that."

Rarity smiled in relief before she had her hand touched on his. Dragon Strike Force, Rainbooms and Crusaders chatted happily while laughing together as well. Autobots and Yeagar Family smiled in impressed and amazement.

Spike whistled before chuckled happily, "This is definitely quite adventure but minus the 'extinction' event part. That was dangerous and scary."

Nyx giggled happily as she held Spike before giving him a scratch, "Come on, Spike. We overcome a lot of dangerous and scary before. So, there's nothing to be afraid. No need to worry, Spike."

Nyx and Spike yelped in shock. Lance chuckled happily as he grabbed and held her up on his left shoulder before remarked happily, "Yeah. You bet we will. So, no matter what we faced, we will overcome it till the end. Everything will be fine."

"Yeah," Nyx and Spike exclaimed happily.

Three Children of Twilight Sparkle smiled happily before laughed and giggled happily and wildly of what they had chatted before. Twilight smiled in relief and happy in seeing her friends being happy and joy. Shadow Dragon patted on Twilight's shoulder. She turned and looked at him. He smiled gently and sincerely while leaving his hand in front of her.

"You ready to rock, Twilight," Shadow Dragon asked gently.

Twilight smiled as she held his gently, "Yes. Let's rock."

Shadow Dragon smiled. They both held each other's hands while looking at each other both passionately and happily.

"Let's make our lovers to see and hear our songs," Shadow Dragon said calmly, "I'm sure both my Twilight and your Shadow Dragon be happy for it. They will love it as the symbol of our loves for them. What do you say, Pony Twilight?"

Twilight nodded her head, "Yes, we will, Human Shadow Dragon."

Principal Celestia stood before students, staffs and military soldiers as she made an important announcement. Optimus Prime and the Autobots stood up as they watched and witnessed the event. Yeagar Family, Wheelie, Brains, Joshua and Darcy were on Bumblebee's shoulders while Shadow Dragon's Family and Crusaders were on Optimus Prime's shoulders. The show was about to begin...

"Ladies and gentlemen! The time is now! And the winner of this 'Battle of the Band' is Rainbooms!" The crowds went wild and happy for the announcement. Principal Celestia smiled in relief as she continued, "Therefore, they will have the chance in playing together with the most popular band: Hyper Linking Dragon! So, let's rock and roll!"

Everyone cheered and cried wildly and happily, including the Rainbooms' friends and fans. The beating drums sounded loudly before it calmly and gently. The sound effects banged before the song sang. As the curtains pulled up while having the cleaned and cleared smokescreen emerged out from the ground, both sides of shadow figures appeared on the scenes.

Instead of wearing the damaged Rockstar Dresses the Rainbooms worn, they worn another set of Rockstar Dresses (Animated Shorts Dresses) while Sunset removed her leather jacket while dressed in red dress with orange-yellow skirt, blue jean with blazing fire and brown high-heels. The dresses were guven by Shorty Thinking. The Rainbooms were in Anthro Forms.

Dragon Strike Force or known as Hyper Linking Dragon appeared on the show as well. They all dressed in their rockstar dresses. Shadow Dragon dressed in crimson sleeveless T-shirt with golden dragon and blue jean as the Lead Vocalist. Blazefist dressed in his crimson shirt with fist on blazing fire, black vest and blue jean as the Guitarist. Shorty Thinking dressed in whitish shirt and pants with sunglasses as the Violinist. Saber Dragoon dressed in greenish T-Shirt with Twin Swords and black long pants as the Bassist. Aqaustroke dressed in cyan sleeveless shirt tied by the black jacket and black shorts as Second Guitarist. Terrorcreep dressed in blue T-Shirt with Vampire Symbol within black suit and pants as the Drummer. Laxtinct dressed in greenish small hat, greenish jacket, black T-shirt and blue jean as the DJ Jockey Player. Tailtech dressed in white and red cap, orange T-Shirt with Wrench Symbol and blue shorts as Keyboardist. Icy dressed in her cyan-white mixed dress with long skirt and blue jean as the Flutist. Flare Tiger dressed in her crimson Shirt with her bellybutton to show, brown sleeveless vest and black pants as the second Bassist. Flash was there as well as the Third Guitarist

Both Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon played their instruments while singing together as one; the combination of harmonic and hard rock songs.

The clapping hands and stomping feet were sounded. The Rainbooms played their instruments as hard as they can while singing harmonically. They then looked at each other for the moment before smiling proudly.

Rainbooms: Hey, hey, everybody
We may seem as different
As the night is from day
But you look a little deeper
And you will see
That I'm just like you
And you're just like me.

Terrorcreep banged the drums for three times. Laxtinct shaken and played his DJ Jockey in unleashing the sound of determination and heroic effects for the moment. Shorty Thinking played his violin as hard and determined as both Shorty and Terrorcreep sang loudly.

Terrorcreep and Shorty Thinking: Robotic warriors give it their all
Fight in disguise, till the victor stands tall

Hyper Linking Dragons played their instruments as they jumped up for the moment. They slammed and landed their feet to the ground hard.

Hyper Linking Dragons: Transformers
Defenders of truth
Robots who fight in disguise
When the battle is through
Only the strong will survive
Till all are one

Icy played her flute for the moment. Both Rarity and Tailtech played their keytar and keyboard in harmonically. Shorty Thinking played his guitar, followed by Rainbow, Flash, Blazefist and Aqaustroke played her guitar gently before Applejack and Saber Dragoon joined in. Twilight sang harmonically.

Twilight vocalized: Oh... For every day I look around me
For every time I see you near
I thank the stars whose light surrounds me
I thank the earth that keeps you here

Sunset took over as she sang harmonically as well before looking at Twilight Sparkle for the moment on her left, and then on her right: Flash Sentry.

Sunset: 'Cause I will only follow
My true heart
And I can see it clear now
Right from the start

The Rainbooms played their instruments harmonically while singing as well.

The Rainbooms: You were my little pony
I used to wonder what friendship could be
My little pony
Until you shared its magic with me

Laxtinct rubbed his disc for the moment before Terrorcreep banged the drums thrice. As Shadow Dragon sang, his band played their instruments in rock and roll style. Flash joined in the song.

Shadow Dragon: Unknown soldiers fighting the war
Use the power and wisdom from those long before
Leads them on to victory
Lights their darkest hour, their one destiny

Flash: Truth has its moment and right always wins
Prepare for the fight, let the battle begin

The Rainbooms sang at once while showing and dancing around for the moment. Hyper Linking Dragon acted as the backup singers in singing their own style of song.

Rainbooms: So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
To stand up tall now
To any hate

Blazefist and Aquastroke: You've got the Touch!
You've got the Power!

The Rainbooms: So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we depend our friendship
'Cause best friends stick together
We love and tolerate
My Little Pony...

Hyper Linking Dragon took over the role as the lead band for singing while the Rainbooms vocalized harmonically and calmly.

Hyper Linking Dragon: Transformers
Defenders of truth
Robots who fight in disguise
When the battle is through
Only the strong will survive
Till all are one

Shadow Dragon: Galaxy's warring foe retreats to its darkest corner
With the enemy gone, they will finally live on
As they revel in their victory

Twilight and her band took the role as they sang harmonically, joyfully, calmly and happily while the Dragon Strike Force played their rock and roll songs. As Twilight sang till her end, her Human Friends; one-by-one, singing each one word before Sunset sang happily.

Twilight Sparkle: If one falls down (down)
We all come around
Yeah, you're so free
To be anything, anything that you want to be

Rarity: Generous!

Applejack: Honesty!

Pinkie: Laughter!

Fluttershy: Kindness!

Rainbow Dash: Loyalty!

Sunset: The magic of friendship
Is what it's all about

Rainbooms: YEAH!

Rainbooms continued singing while their backup singer Hyper Linking Dragon sang theirs for a moment.

Laxtinct and Flare Tiger: You've got the Touch!
You've got the Power!


Rainbooms: So get up get down
If you're gonna come around
We can work together
To stand up tall now
To any hate

Tailtech and Icy: You've got the Touch!
You've got the Power!

The Rainbooms: So get up get down
'Cause it's gonna make a sound
If we depend our friendship
'Cause best friends stick together
We love and tolerate

Twilight and Shadow Dragon took over as the lead singers while looking at each other for the moment. They both smiled happily and proudly before they danced happily.

Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon: I'm gonna be myself
No matter what I do
If we want to win
We'll put our differences aside
We'll stick together and
fight till the end!

Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon sang together as one for their own and respective ending song.

Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon: Jump up make a sound (Hey!) [Transformers]
Stomp your hooves turn around [Defenders of truth]
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around [Robots who fight in disguise]
Jump up make a sound (Hey!) [Transformers]
Stomp your hooves turn around [When the battle is through]
Canterlot Wondercolts
All for One, and One for All [Only the strong will survive]

Wheelie cheered and cried wildly and happily, "Come on, everyone!"

"Yeah! Sing together!" Brains cried.

Everyone sang and dance together happily and joyfully including the Rainbooms' and Dragon Strike Force's best friends and allies. Both Principal Celestia and Secretary Azure Phoenix danced happily in tango style.

Everyone: Jump up make a sound (Hey!) [Transformers]
Stomp your hooves turn around [Defenders of truth]
Start now, make a change,
Gonna come around [Robots who fight in disguise]
Jump up make a sound (Hey!) [Transformers]
Stomp your hooves turn around [When the battle is through]
Canterlot Wondercolts
All for One, and One for All [Only the strong will survive]

Everyone: My Little Pony [Transformers]
I used to wonder what friendship could be [Defenders of truth]
My Little Pony [Transformers]
Until you shared its magic with me [Robots who fight in disguise]

Everyone: My Little Pony [Transformers]
I used to wonder what friendship could be [When the battle is through]
My Little Pony [Transformers]
Until you shared its magic with me [Only the strong will survive]

Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon: Till All Are One!

With the song ended, both Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon jumped up before landed on the ground before showing their poses. Everyone cheered and cried wildly and happily for them both while commented and remarked happily. The former bowed down before them.

Autobots, Yeagar Family, Joshua, Darcy, Crusaders, Lance, Spike, Simmons and Shadow Dragon's Family came to the Rainbooms and Hyper Linking Dragon as they gave the comments to the latter. The latter smiled proudly and happily of their comments. Lance, Nyx and Spike jumped and hugged Twilight happily and passionately.

Both Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon smiled proudly while looking at each other for the moment before they gave thumbs up. Trixie popped up between the two while showing both angered and frown side.

Trixie exclaimed, "You may have vanquished the Dazzlings and win this competition, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!"

Trixie was about to throw her smoke bomb. As the cigarette knocked on her head, Trixie fell to the ground. Everyone looked shock and concern. Recognizing the cigarette, they turned and glared at Hound.

"Hey! Don't look at me," Hound protested before pointed his thumb at Wheelie and Brains, "It's these two."

"Hey! I just want that witch shut up," Wheelie complained.

Brains nodded his head, "Me too. Me no like her. She's way worse than Alice! Freaking annoying witch."

Everyone chuckled and giggled happily of what Wheelie and Brains had commented. Rainbow had some thoughts about what happen next while looking at her pony friends.

"You know, Twilight is going back to Equestria soon," Rainbow said calmly before turned to Sunset, "The Rainbooms could really use someone to help Fluttershy on backup vocals."

Proud and relief to hear it, Sunset turned and spotted an axe guitar neared to the speaker. She approached it before playing it hard and wildly for the moment.

Sunset stopped as she commented, "I also play guitar."

Everyone was in great shock and surprise of what they were seeing. Wheelie whistled happily before cheering like a monkey. They turned and looked at shocked Rainbow Dash and calmed Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow looked at Twilight; who nodded her head calmly. Rainbow nodded her head back.

Rainbow turned to Sunset and smiled, "We'll see."

The Rainbooms charged in and gave Sunset a hug. Sunset was both shocked and surprised by it before smiled happily. Everyone awed in happiness and relief in seeing the 'happy ending' theme...

Everyone including Twilight and her children gathered at the outside of Canterlot High's Entrance. Twilight and her friends dressed back of their regular attires. Twilight had signed her Alliance Contract with the Human Government and Autobots as the symbol of peace and unity while appointed both Flash and Sunset as the ambassadors. Twilight and her family were ready to go back home since their mission was completed.

Applejack sighed in upset, "Sure wish you could stay longer."

Twilight sighed while nodded her head in agreement, "Me too. But I have responsibilities in Equestria that I have to get back to. Its citizens need me, and especially my pony friends and my Shadow Dragon. But now I can go through the portal whenever I need to. This isn't goodbye. It's just goodbye 'til next time."

Everyone thought for the moment of what Twilight had said. They all smiled in agreement that they will get to see their best friend from Equestria again, and hopefully to meet her pony friends and boyfriend.

But Twilight wasn't the only one going back home, Shadow Dragon was dressed in his black motorcyclist leather jacket and pants while holding his helmet. He was ready to go back to the city as well. He turned and looked at his family as he spoke some last words to them. He hugged Dragon Kick, Mighty Heart, Jade and then his own adopted father: Tao. They will miss him. Dragoking came to his master as he too wanted to come.

Twilight turned and looked at Human Shadow Dragon. She headed straight to him. She stopped before Dragoking, who raised his head up and looked at her. He smiled before giving Twilight a lick; making her giggle happily. She then patted his head gently.

Both Twilight and Shadow Dragon looked at each other for the moment. They both smiled happy and relief.

Twilight asked, "Going back home to see your Twilight?"

Shadow Dragon nodded his head, "Yeah... Besides, I could use a very long break with her. Hopefully, nothing interrupt my honeymoon with her. She's my girlfriend, of course."

"Yeah. And remember, spend as much as time and caring for her. She really needs you, just like how much I needed mine."

"I will. And thanks for everything, Pony Twilight. You really are a magical and special..."

Twilight nodded her head in understanding. She turned and noticed Optimus Prime headed to the middle of the road, along with Autobots and Yeagar Family. The Military Truck brought the large modernized cybernetic jetpack. He took and picked it up as he worn it up on his back. She and her friends came to him.

"You're leaving already?" Twilight asked in shock.

Optimus Prime nodded his head in confirmation, "Yes, Twilight. I must leave." Twilight and her friends but Autobots and Human Allies, looked confuse and worry about it. Optimus continued, "Galvatron and Decepticons are still on the run. While they maybe the threat, our Creators are the one."

"Creators? As in Soho-ze?" Applejack asked in worry.

"That can't be good," Fluttershy said in fear.

Rarity gulped, "I'm worry now. I get the feeling that they weren't pleasant with their creations."

Optimus Prime shook his head, "They are the Creators of our kinds and the Allspark. We were nothing but their slaves before we freed by the Dynasty of Primes and Dinobots. But now, they want my head. And I cannot endanger the Earth for my sake. I wish I could stay and stop the Decepticons but... if I remain here, lives could be in danger. I cannot afford of the risk."

"Duty must come first..." Twilight sighed, "I wish we should get to know each other. Do you think you get back here?"

Optimus Prime sighed, "Twilight Sparkle... I cannot guarantee that I will return here safely, but... if this world has your Human Counterpart, then... it is possible that your world may have ours."

"Is that possible," Nyx asked in surprise.

Lance shrugged, "Who knew? It might be possible too."

Spike chuckled a bit, "That's for sure."

Optimus Prime nodded his head, "No matter what forms we are, we will always be friends and comrades from beginning till the end. Never forget that; Twilight and her friends." He turned and looked at the Autobots, "Autobots, Decepticons are still on the run. Gather your brothers and comrades together; and together, you all will defend this world and its kind, just as before. Let our fallen comrades' effort be not in vain."

Autobots and Human Allies nodded their heads in agreement and understanding with Optimus's words. Twilight and her friends nodded their heads in agreement.

Optimus Prime activated his jetpack; readied to leave the Earth Shadow Dragon came to his black Motorcycle before getting up on it. Dragoking slithered and wrapped around on his master's body in diagonal shape. They both were ready to go home. Twilight and her three children reached to the Horse Statue; they were ready to go home as well.

Optimus Prime, Shadow Dragon and Twilight's Team waved their goodbyes to both Autobots and Human Friends as the former were ready to go. The latter waved back as well. Optimus Prime flew straight to the sky. Shadow Dragon rode his motorcycle out. Twilight and her children entered the portal of Horse Statue. And all they did was watched and saw their friends off.

"That was some kind of adventures," Flash commented.

Sunset smiled and nodded her head, "You bet. I'm just glad that everything was alright."

Flash turned to Sunset while smiling before he blushed, "Hey, Sunset?" Sunset turned and looked at him. He continued, "I was wondering. Do you think we can start it over again?"

Sunset gasped, "You mean..." Flash nodded his head. She blushed before smiled. She then leaned close to him, "I would love to..."

On Friendship Rainbow Castle, pony forms of Mane Five and Shadow Dragon were still waiting for their friends returning home from the Human Realm. As the magic sparkled on the Magic Mirror, Twilight and three children had returned home safely while transforming back to their pony forms.

"TWILIGHT! SPIKE! NYX! LANCE!" Mane Five and Shadow Dragon cried and cheered happily.

Both Mane Five and Shadow Dragon charged in and gave four ponies a warm yet grateful hug. Shadow Dragon gave Twilight Sparkle a warm welcome for the moment. They then departed before looking at each other's eyes.

"Welcome home, Twilight," Shadow Dragon greeted.

Twilight sniffed a small drop of tear while smiling, "Yes... We're home. I love you..."

Shadow Dragon gave Twilight a nuzzle, "I know."

Twilight giggled happily as both Twilight and Shadow Dragon sang together happily.

Twilight and Shadow Dragon: Now that you're loving me.
It's so Heavenly.
So Heavenly here...

Twilight and Shadow Dragon gave the long yet gentle and passionate kiss on each other's lips. Mane Five awed happily. Lance, Nyx and Spike laughed softly together.

Nyx smiled, "Now that's the couples I wanted to see. Our mom and our dad..."

Lance chuckled in amusement before bringing Nyx to him as he gave her a nuggie, "You've got that right, sis. Happy Family Ever."

Spike; had his eyes rolled over, chuckled, "Yeah... Let's not go through some love triangle. The last thing we can't stand the most is being accused."

Finding Spike's joke amusement, Lance and Nyx laughed happily yet amusement. They and Mane Five then watched Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle giving a long passionate kiss to each other's lips.

Far away from Canterlot High, Galvatron and his remaining minions about 100 of them stood on the hill watched at the event.

Galvatron snarled in anger, "Shockwave, how many of our Decepticon Troopers had survive?"

"Nearly 100, my liege," Shockwave said calmly before wheezed heavily, "Most of our officers were killed on the battlefield. What must be done?"

Galvatron turned to Shockwave, "Nothing... Nothing can be done now. But-" He looked up and stared at the sky, "Lockdown's ship is somewhere here. We can use that as our means of necessary to leave and assistance. We leave at once."

Shockwave bowed down, "Yes, my liege. At once..."

As Shockwave turned to his back and ordered the remaining of Decepticon Troopers in preparing to move out, Galvatron turned and glared at the Canterlot High. He then gave a loud yet fierce growling. He didn't expect that he would lose to not only Autobots and Humans, but also the High School Students and Ponies in Human Skin.

Galvatron growled, "This is mere the beginning. Do what you can, Optimus; Decepticons shall rule this universe... forever..."

Galvatron turned his back and headed straight off. He transformed into his modernized yet futuristic truck before rolling off. His Decepticon Troopers transformed into both ground and air transports as they all followed him.

Within the deep of sea, the large blackish metallic submarines were swimming away and heading to the next location. Within the submarine's bridge, Dark Curse stood before the command center. His pilots were controlling the ship. MechaStahl and Guildenstern were checking thoroughly on the injured and wounded Swipestrike from the medic chamber.

Kishin Akuma and injured Crimson Skull came from his master's back. Kishin bowed down, "My Lord; despite some setbacks, we have retrieved some of the remains from the Ellis Island. Blood of our captives and some remains of our equipment."

Crimson Skull nodded, "Yes... With these under our hands, we can still win the war. But also, we still have Swipestrike with us. He's still alive. So incredible..."

Dark Curse smirked darkly and evilly, "Yes... The Humans may had averted the Extinction; but the next time we do, they will not be so lucky. After all, I'm always two steps ahead of my enemies. After all, this is merely the beginning..."

Dark Curse chuckled evilly and darkly that echoed out loud in the large command center room. Both Kishin Akuma and Crimson Skull smirked darkly and proudly of their master's. The war was far from over...

At the stage, the Rainbooms were setting and preparing their instruments up for the next practice. DJPon-3 was setting up her own DJ Jockey. Dragon Strike Force, Crusaders, Yeagar Family, Autobots and Simmons were gathered at the stage as they were preparing to watch and witnessed the show.

Sunset was sitting neared to the speaker as she wrote her diary,

'Dear Princess Twilight,

Missing you already, and I hope you'll be back soon. Things are definitely looking up for me here at Canterlot High. But I know I still have a lot to learn about friendship. Hope you don't mind if I write to you for advice when I need it.

Your friend, Sunset Shimmer.'

"You ready or what?" Rainbow Dash called Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset smiled as she closed her book up. She got up while picking her axe guitar up. She headed straight to her Human Friends as they were armed with their instruments.

Sunset exclaimed, "Ready!"

Flash smiled proudly, "Yeah... Sunset is gonna rock the house. This is gonna be fun."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement with Flash.

"GO FOR IT, SUNSET! OLE! OLE!" Wheelie cheered wildly before whistled like a wolf.

Brains chuckled a bit, "Oh Wheelie... So you're serious about it?"

Wheelie turned to Brains while smiling, "Yeah, I am. I'm done of fighting and running. I'm gonna stick with Goddess of Sun till the end."

Brains sighed, "I'm gonna miss you, buddy."

Wheelie smiled, "Me too. We still get the chance to see each other. After all, we're buddies. And I'll be there to help you."

Brains smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah..."

Everyone turned and watched at the Rainbooms in preparing to perform their latest music performance.

Pinkie clapped her drumsticks four times, "One! Two! Three! Four!"

The Rainbooms played their instruments. Rainbow Dash played her guitar gently and calmly. Pinkie played and banged her drums harmonically. Sunset took over as she played her guitar gently. Applejack sang. Rarity took over and sang the song.

Applejack: Once upon a time
You came into my world and made the stars align

Rarity: Now I can see the signs
You pick me up when I get down so I can shine

The Rainbooms sang together happily. Everyone from the audience cheered and gave an applause to the Rainbooms.

As the music song continued playing, the event had happen on the school for past few days. Sunset was carrying her unzipped yet more opened bag that consist of both her diary and Wheelie since he had some bad claustrophobia due to him being trapped in the metal box by Mikeala.

The book vibrated and glowed brightly. It was about to fall. Wheelie screamed for help while grabbing tight on the book. Sunset gasped in shock and worry. Both were about to fall but grabbed by Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The latter gave both Wheelie and diary to her. Sunset smiled as put Wheelie on his bag while holding the diary. She smiled while taking Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo for hangout.

Angel was sitting on the top of pole lamppost's top. Sunset jumped twice in getting Angel down but failed. Both her and Fluttershy looked and stared in worry and feared that they won't get Angel down. Terrorcreep grabbed and held Sunset up before Angel. Sunset smiled as she got Angel down before looking at Terrorcreep who smiled back. Terrorcreep landed on the ground while allowing Sunset gave Angel to Fluttershy. Three of them smiled happily.

Rainbooms: Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows

Rainbow Dash: Friends, you are in my life
And you can count on me to be there by your side

Sunset Shimmer: And when the music comes alive
We sing our songs to lift us up so we can shine

As Sunset, her Rainboom Friends and Crusaders were passing the school's hallway, the students cheered and greeted them with gentle, kindness and joy of their expression and tones. Sunset and her friends looked at each other. They smiled proudly and happily. They also hung out together with Dragon Strike Force for studies, chatting and fun.

At the gymnasium, Cade Yeagar and KSI Executives were standing before the students. Cade, Joshua and Darcy were teaching them about the career of being inventor while adding the importance of morality for lives and consequence from their experience.

On Soccer Field, the Autobots had some quality time with the Crusaders. Bumblebee radioed the best music and song for them to listen and dance. Hound tell them the story of how the Autobots and Humans became friends and allies. Drift showed them of what it was like being a samurai. Crosshairs was sleeping on the field. Crusaders and two Minicons chuckled happily as they drew a dodos on his face. Shane and Tessa were talking and chatting with the Crusaders of how they got together in the first place and adventures of fighting alongside with the Autobots. Tao, Dragon Kick and Mighty Heart kept their eyes on the Crusaders.

On present, The Rainbooms continued playing their instruments and song before raising their hands up on midair.

Rainbooms: And the sound that we hear in our hearts
Makes a crescendo
And the light that ignites in the dark
It makes us all glow
And shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows

Rainbooms: Together we stand
As the rain begins to fall
And holdin' our heads up high
As the sun shines through it all

Vice-Principal Luna spotted Azure Phoenix and Principal Celestia were dating and talking with each other for the old time sake from the Sugarcube Corner. Azure Phoenix retired from being Secretary of United States. The former smiled proudly and happily in seeing her sister and former brother-in-law reconcile and gotten together.

Sunset and all of her friends visited the Dazzlings from the Terror Block Prison. While the Dazzlings were not enthusiastic and pleased of their staying, but they were happy that they got some visits from Sunset and her friends. Laxtinct made some jokes that Sonata took it funny and amusement. Saber Dragoon and Aria Blaze chatted about their old times. Sunset helped Adagio about being responsibility and friendship. The Dazzlings were pleased of learning the lessons from the former and expressing optimistic and positive attitude.

Optimus Prime was flying in the dark yet endless space as he was searching and seeking his Creators in order to protect his comrades and friends from danger. Upon seeing more terrifying and dangerous ships in front of him, he charged in and battled his enemies.

On Cybertron, both Alpha Trion and Primus looked at the space. They both did was smiling. While they were relief that Optimus Prime let go of his both past and guilt, they also concern yet hoped that he would remained be himself and find some peace...

At Equestria Realm, Twilight and all of her pony friends were having fun at the greenfield. Lance was playing hide-n-seek with Crusaders and Spike. They were having great time and fun together. Dragon Strike Force chatted happily while having their times together with their friends. Mane Five and their boyfriends were having some chats, and especially both Shadow Dragon and Twilight Sparkle as they both gave each other nuzzles while giving a long and passionate kiss.

Cast: And the sound that we hear in our hearts
Makes a crescendo
And the light that ignites in the dark
It makes us all glow
And shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows

Rainbooms: We shine like rainbows

The Rainbooms finished their last stroke of the song. They looked up and gave the audience a bow. Their friends cheered wildly and happily while giving them the applause. Everyone smiled happily and proudly.

In the whitish modernized chamber, the Human Twilight who was dressed in her scientist clothes while wearing glasses as she was checking and studying on the readings and works from the Canterlot High School since last year and today's. Human Nyx was eating her cereal breakfast while Spike ate his dog food.

"No doubt about it," Human Twilight said seriously while putting her glasses properly, "Everything what I see was true. I wonder what kind of Equestria my counterpart was living. It seems interesting and magical..."

Spike barked happily. Nyx giggled happily as she held him while giving a pat on his gently and passionately.

"Yeah. I really want to see my twin sister. I wonder how and what she looks like," Human Nyx asked curiously, "It would be great to be friends with them and of course the friends Pony Twilight made with."

Human Twilight smiled while looking at her younger sister, "Yes... I know what you mean, little sister. I too wanted to know what was special of them."

"Having good hearts, that's what," The voice spoke calmly and firmly. Human Twilight, Nyx and Spike turned and found Shadow Dragon and Dragoking standing before the entrance. The latter smiled happily. Shadow Dragon smiled, "I'm back..."

Human Twilight charged in and gave a warm hug to Shadow Dragon. Dragoking came and wrapped Human Nyx up while giving her a lick. Human Nyx giggled happily.

Human Twilight looked at his eyes while smiling, "Welcome home, Shadow Dragon..."

"Yes, I am," Shadow Dragon said calmly and happily.

Twilight and Shadow Dragon: Now that you're loving me.
It's so Heavenly.
So Heavenly here...

Both Human Shadow Dragon and Human Twilight Sparkle gave the long passionate and gentle kiss to each other's lips. Human Nyx, Puppy Spike and Anaconda Dragoking smiled happily in seeing both of them together again...

At the Secretary Office, a 30-years-old young man with brown gentle and spiky haired dressed in his white shirt, black vest and black long pants was sitting on his chair while checking and looking on the files. Overseeing the reports and pictures, he smiled in impress and interesting. He was known other than Strikespell.

"This is most certainly interesting," Strikespell said calmly, "I wonder what else you had in store, Pony Twilight Sparkle. Your 'magic' will be perfect use for Military."

Strikespell did was giving a smile...

The End...

Main Casts:
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle (Pony and Human)
Matt Lanter: Shadow Dragon (Pony and Human)
Peter Cullen: Optimus Prime
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack (Pony and Human), Rainbow Dash (Pony and Human)
Adrian Libman: Fluttershy (Pony and Human), Pinkie Pie (Pony and Human)
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity (Pony and Human), Vice-Principal Luna (Human)
Rebecca Shoichet: Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle (Singing Voice)
Shannon Chan-Kent: Pinkie Pie (Singing Voice)
Deveigh Chase: Nyx (Pony and Human)
Cathy Waseluck: Spike (Dragon)
Jesse McCarthy: Lance Justicestrike (Pony)
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom (Human)
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle (Human)
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo (Human)
John DiMaggio: Crosshairs, Leadfoot
Ken Watanabe: Drift
Mark Wahlberg: Cade Yeager
Nicole Petlz: Tessa Yeager
Jack Reynor: Shane Dyson
Kazumi Evans: Adagio Dazzle, Rarity (Singing Voice)
Diana Kaarina: Aria Blaze
Maryke Hendrikes: Sonata Dusk
Shylo Sharity: Aria Blaze (Singing Voice)
Madeline Merlo: Sonata Dusk (Singing Voice)
Latham Gaines: Dark Curse (Mutant)
Frank Welker: Megatron/Galvatron, Soundwave, Ravage, Shockwave's Brawn Head, Scorn, Various Decepticon Troopers
Josh Keaton: Swipestrike/Drake Blackstar (Human), Longblade (Mutant)

Vincent Tong: Flash Sentry (Human)
David Faustino: Blazefist (Human)
P.J. Byrne: Laxtinct (Human)
Janet Verney: Aquastroke/Aqua (Human)
Matthew Mercer: Terrorcreep (Human)
Kate Higgins: Tailtech (Human)
Kristen Bell: Princess Icy (Human)
Jackson Robinson: Shorty Thinking (Human)
Will Friedle: Saber Dragoon (Human)
Jennifer Hale: Flare Tiger (Human)
Stacie Chan: Jade Adventure (Human)
Douglas Rye: Azure Phoenix (Human)
Tom Kenny: Wheelie, Rumble
Reno Wilson: Brains, Frenzy
John Turturro: Seymour Simmons
Charlie Adler: Starscream
Scott McNeil: Stinger
Corey Burton: Shockwave's Brain Head
Crispin Freeman: Breakdown, Blazing Insect (Mutant)
David Kaye: Lugnut
Keith Szarabajka: Laserbeak
Liam O'Brien: Crimson Skull (Mutant)

Kelly Hu: Iris Crystal (Human)
Sab Shimono: Tao (Human)
James Sie: Dragon Kick (Human)
Neoh Nelson: Mighty Heart (Human)
Nicole Oliver: Principal Celestia (Human)
Malcolm McDowell: MechaStahl (Human)
Stanley Tucci: Joshua Joyce
Sophia Myles: Darcy Tirrel
John Swasey: Kishin Akuma (Mutant)
Scottie Ray: Shredkiller (Mutant)
Benedict Cumberbatch: Sauron (Mutant)
Isaac C. Singleton Jr.: Machine Dragoon
Kathleen Barr: Trixie (Human)
Lee Tocker: Snips (Human)
Richard Ian Cox: Snails (Human)
Dee Bradley Baker: Dragoking, MechaInfinite, Sevenstrike
Keith Silverstein: Demon Assassin (Mutant)
Rosa Salazar: Poisonserpent (Mutant)
Richard Epcar: Myotis (Mutant)
Dave B. Mitchell: Master Monk (Mutant)
Craig Parker: Nazgul (Mutant)
Sean Pertwee: Houndkiller (Mutant)
Greg Berger: Grimlock
Mark Allen Stewart: Strafe
Travis Willingham: Slug

Kirk Thornton: One-Eyed Anger (Human)
Roger Craig Smith: Bladestrike (Human)
James Hong: Master James (Human)
Quinton Flynn: Schemetrick (Human)
Leonard Nimoy: Alpha Trion
Patrick Stewart: Primus
Darius McCrary: Jazz
Jess Harnell: Ironhide
Robert Foxworth: Ratchet
James Remor: Sideswipe
Greg DeLisle: Elita One, Arcee, Chromia
Brian Dobson: Jolt
Mark Ryan: Jetfire, Topspin
George Coe: Wheeljack
Ron Bottitta: Roadbuster
Dave Wittenberg: Mirage
Shia LaBeouf: Sam Witwicky
Megan Fox: Mikaela
Josh Duhamel: William Lennox
Tyrese Gibson: Robert Epps
Dough Ertholtz: Strikespell

Finally, it's done. I'm gonna take at least two to three months for rest. I have a special reason of recreate the concept of this crossover because this year is important to two Hasbro's Famous and Favorite Shows and Movies. So Happy 30th Anniversary to Transformers andHappy 'Horse' Year to My Little Pony. But I will be on touch. See ya.

Author's Notes:
1) The performance was supposed to be part of the ending but got denied by JusSonic for hisRainbow Rocks Remake. But I make it here.

2) The part where Azure congratulated Twilight and got hugged by her was inspired byDisney Mulan.

3) The song that Rainbooms and Hyper Linkin Dragon performed is the combination of deleted song 'My Little Pony Friends' and 'Helping Twilight Win the Crown' fromEquestria Girls and 'Till All Are One' and 'Touch' from Stan Bush.

4) The dresses that Rainbooms worn are from Rainbow Rocks Animated Shorts.

5) The song that Ponies and Humans of both Twilight and Shadow Dragon sing was from All Dogs Go to the Heaven 2.