Disclaimer! : I do not own the Nasuverse or Dark Souls

Chapter 1

The Chosen Undead stared at the fading Gwyn , Lord of Sunlight. He swore he saw the hollowed lord smiled at him. He watched as the body disappeared from where it lay. The battle from before was difficult. Gwyn may have been weakened from being burned inside the kiln but he was still strong to keep him on his toes.

He suddenly felt warmth from his left hand. Raising it , he was surprised to see a soul. Then again , he shouldn't feel surprised at all as this has occurred multiple times before , it didn't change now. The soul looked like a roaring flame. He could compare its image when he would use his pyromancies but he knew the soul in his hand was more potent than that.

Gwyn's soul was powerful and if Manus was still alive , he would kill anyone to get it. He heard a groan from behind and turned to see his partner Solaire , slowly waking from unconsciousness.

"By the lords, I felt like I was hit by a drake" he moaned in pain. The Chosen Undead chuckled and helped the Warrior of Sunlight up to his feet. He stumbled around but his hand kept him steady.

"No my friend , you were hit by Lord Gwyn himself. You took quite a blow but it doesn't look fatal" Not that it mattered as he was Undead , he would've returned back to the closest bonfire but the pain of death was still present. Dying was still not something to be taken lightly.

Once Solaire was able to stand straight , he grabbed his hand and put the Soul of Gwyn into his palm. Solaire looked at the Soul surprised then looked at his friend. "Is this? The soul of Gwyn?" he questioned while staring at flame like soul with awe. A nod answered his question.

"But I did not defeat him , you did. I do not deserve to take what is rightfully yours" Solaire was humbled to see his friend shook his head and push his hand away "Your adventure to seek for your own sun still continues my friend, you have much to live for and this will help you along the way. My journey ends here".

Solaire nodded sadly , he knew the fate of the Chosen Undead and he would surely miss him "Then this is goodbye". Solaire was surprised when his friend hugged him tightly and he returned the gesture.

"Yes this is goodbye my friend but surely we will meet again in another life" He was being optimistic but he knew the First Flame would consume him . In the end, he decided to let his final memories be a happy one.

"Go my friend , the embers of the first flame must be rekindled and I do not wish for you to get caught in it too" . Solaire picked up his shield and sword dejectedly and walked towards the exit. He wish to help his friend but this is what he wanted and he shall respect that. Before he left , Solaire suddenly remembered something.

Taking an object out of his pocket , he threw it towards the Chosen Undead "Catch!" . The CU caught the object and was surprised to see a locket. It was larger than the pendant he found at the Asylum as it was the size of his palm. He looks towards Solaire confused.

Solaire grinned under his helmet "It's something to help you remember them" . With a final wave , Solaire left leaving him to his thoughts. He opened the locket to see a piece of folded paper. He unfolded to see a sketch of him , Quelaag and Quelaan. All of them were smiling happily under a night sky.

Behind it were words written onto it . It said " The Chaos Servant , The Chaos Witch and The Fair Lady together watching the stars". He smiled at it. Remembering how he and Quelaag fought each other until Quelaan begged them to stop fighting. How he saved Quelaan from her sickness by collecting so many Humanity. How he returned their bodies by destroying the Bed of Chaos.

A tear drop fell from his eyes as he knew he was leaving them forever. "I am sorry but this is my fate". He kept the sketch inside the locket as he wore it. In his last few moments , he will cherish every memory of them.

With a determined look , he walked towards where the Gwyn stood. "This is not the end" he muttered . A smirk was on his face "This is just the beginning!". And with that , the first flame was rekindled and the Chosen Undead was consumed by fire.

A great flame covered a part of Fuyuki City . Hundreds of people were being consumed by the fire. Kiritsugu looked around and was digging through the rubble hoping that he could at least saved one person. It did not matter who he saved , as long as one lived he could be the happiest man in the world.

Avalon kept his body from being too injured from the flames that were sure to give his body at least third degree burns. The cuts and bruises he got from digging through rubble did not compare to the feeling of devastation that he had caused. Ignoring the pain , he pushed a rock away only to be horrified as he saw that he was too late , the person was dead.

Footsteps suddenly echoed the burning area. Kiritsugu turned his head to see a small red haired boy walking , his eyes glazed over. He stared at the boy in shock. They boy kept on walking , not caring for the flames around him or the people that begged for his help.

Unknown to Kiritsugu , the boy had gotten rid of everything that would stop him from getting out alive. He had gotten rid of his memories to not feel any attachment , he had abandoned his emotions to stop any doubt but in the end it was not enough. His body was too tired and he collapsed onto the ground.

Not wasting any time , he ran towards the child fallen body. Quickly taking out Avalon , he inserted the sheath of King Arthur into him. He saw the magic of Avalon quickly working and the burns and wounds the boy had gotten was healing but at a slow rate.

Kiritsugu couldn't believe it but he had saved someone , he actually had saved someone from the flames . He cried happily and gently grabbed the boy's arm. "Thank you , thank you. Because you are alive. I have been saved".

The boy barely awake saw the man crying. Why was he crying? Was he sad? Why is he saying thank you? Why is he happy?. The boy kept questioning himself but his last thoughts before unconsciousness claimed him was 'I wish I could be happy as that man '

Kiritsugu slowly carried the boy but noticed a weight on the boy's chest. Taking it out , he saw that it was a locket. It look slightly burned. Returning it to the boy , he continued to carry the boy to safety.

If Kiritsugu was more aware of his surrounding instead of putting all his attention on the boy , he would have seen a crow watching the whole situation.

The boy who has been dubbed as Shirou by Kiritsugu looked at the other children in the hospital beds. He was curious about them. Shirou thought he had gotten rid of his emotion but every single time he looked at the locket that was in the palm of his hand , he would smile.

Shirou was able to fake emotions well enough so that he didn't alienate the other kids who were showing emotions all time. When he was alone with Kiritsugu , he would show his true self as Kiritsugu had shown his. He was a Magus , a magic user. Shirou wasn't surprised because he didn't know how.

He looked at the boy beside him . The boy had short black hair and glasses. His name was Shiki Tohno. Shiki was friendly and he figured out his emotionless state unlike the other children who was still oblivious. It did not stop him and he was persistent trying to become his friend.

Shiki was always visited by his sister , Akiha Tohno. They were on a vacation with their father when the incident happened. Shiki was caught in the blast and the force of it blew him to a wall and broke his arm.

A week after the incident which was called The Great Fuyuki Fire , Shiki was registered out of the hospital . Before he left , Shiki called out to him "Goodbye Shirou , may we meet again Chosen Undead". The title felt familiar and suddenly he felt compelled to speak "And to you , Bearer of the Curse".

Both Shirou and Shiki blinked in confusion. Shiki shrugged and waved at Shirou with his only able hand. Shirou waved back.

Kiritsugu watched from a far and thought 'Chosen Undead? Bearer of the Curse? Does that boy Shiki have a curse? Is Shiki implying that Shirou is an Undead of sorts. Questions with no answers. Yet'.

He looked at the boy following his parent and sister. As they left , he entered the room. Shirou's eyes were immediately on him and he smiled. 'Shirou has been showing a lot more emotions than before' he knew when Shirou was faking it but this was genuine.

"Well you look happier , what's got you all smiling" he moved to sit right beside his bed and closed the curtains. Shirou looked down and Kiritsugu followed his gaze. There in his small palm was the pendant. Shirou stared at the locket with a smile. It creeped out Kiritsugu a bit as he didn't blink.

Snapping his fingers in front of Shirou's eyes , Shirou blinked and look at Kiritsugu "I don't know but whenever I look at it , I just feel immensely happy" Shirou tilted his head as he tried to solve why was the locket making him happy.

Kiritsugu smiled and took the pendant from Shirou which he immediately tried to take back "Don't worry Shirou , I'm not going to take it. Just to examine it". Shirou reluctantly calmed down.

Now that Kiritsugu had the locket , he took a good look at it. There were initials written on the top , it was slightly burned but he can still read it. "CU?" 'What could it mean?'. His mind flashed the word Chosen Undead but he ignored it in favor of opening it.

He opened it to see a piece of paper that showed slight burning signs at the edge of it. Shirou moved closer to see what it was. Kiritsugu opened it carefully , his paranoia taking over. He was surprised to see a sketch of a man and two women. Shirou froze and stared at the sketch.

Kiritsugu looked between the man in the sketch and Shirou and saw the resemblance. 'Could this man be Shirou's father? One of the women his mother perhaps?' Kiritsugu worriedly thought. He didn't want to lose Shirou now , he would be a broken man without him.

"Shirou are you okay?" Shirou stopped staring and looked at Kiritsugu seeing him worried. "Could this be my father and mother?" He asked himself. Kiritsugu turned the page around much to Shirou's protest. They looked at the back and saw words. Kiritsugu just looked confused and was about ask Shirou's opinion when he saw that he was mesmerize by the words that were written.

Folding the paper , he put it back in the locket. He gave it back to Shirou who happily kept it close to him. They continued the rest of the day having a conversation.

One of the nurse that worked there was staring at the boy with a smirk . "How interesting , I did not expect for the power of the First Flame to be in a city like this. I will come for you soon Chosen Undead" he walks away to continue her job which he would immediately quit soon after.

She had a toy to play with once more and he was going to make sure that she would be able to keep it. If one were to listen properly , sounds of snake hissing could be heard.

Shirou was registered out of the hospital and was officially adopted by Kiritsugu. With the help of Kiritsugu , Shirou was able to feel emotions once more and faked those he couldn't .He brought the boy back to his home. Shirou looks around the Traditional Japanese House with awe.

His stomach growled and he blushed in embarrassment. Kiritsugu chuckled in amusement . Shirou glared at him and went to the kitchen to look for food. He frowned when he saw most of them were either packed food that needed to be heated or fast food.

"Where's the food?" Kiritsugu raised an eyebrow at the question. "These are the food Shirou" Shirou frowned at the statement before pointing his finger at him as if accusing him of a sin. "You need to buy actual food!" Kiritsugu sighed "Do you even know how to cook Shirou cause I don't". Shirou grins "Well I can always try". He sighed again "Alright , next time I'll buy some ingredients for you to cook with".

The doorbell rang and Shirou looked surprised not expecting a guest. Kiritsugu knew the person was standing there for the last few minutes thanks to the bounded field. 'Did the Mage Association find me already?' Kiritsugu silently took his thompson and hid it behind his back.

They both answered the door. Shirou felt dread when he saw the person who rang the doorbell. He couldn't understand why. It was a girl most likely at Shirou's age with short blue coloured hair in a blue sundress. She was holding a bouquet of flowers.

Kiritsugu was the first to speak "Well hello , who might you be?". The girl beamed up to him "I came to see who lives here now as no one has been living here for years". Kiritsugu felt a bit wary of this girl but answered her "Well that's because I have been living in Germany. I returned to Japan recently and bought this house a month ago".

The girl smiled "I maybe late but better late then never! Welcome to the neighborhood". Kiritsugu didn't know how but he felt truly threatened by this girl and he was tempted to shoot her out of paranoia. "You still haven't answered my question yet , who are you".

She gave a grin "You can call me Gwyndolin".

Yay! I have done my first fanfic!

Had this idea all of a sudden and i decided to immediately just type it down before it disappears. So now i got my idea down , it's time to make a story. If i can even finish it...

I didn't really planned the first chapter , i just followed what my brain was shouting at me to do. English is not my native language but i'm more proficient in it. I still expect mistakes in it as my english is not perfect. Shirou will still have his tracing but i don't know if i want to give him UBW.

Hope You Enjoy!