The Star Dragonslayer

Chapter 1:The Star Dragon

Hey^^ Guys this is my First Fanfic Ever,Yay, I hope its not too amateur but anyways this is a Fanfic for all you Lucy Heartfilia Fans(Myself Included)I just noticed that almost everybody try to make her the damsel in distress but I'm going to twist that up a bit HiHi(Crazy Smile).Lucy Will still use celestial spirit magic etc BUT she will learn a new type of magic while escapes after being kidnapped on a mission on a solo mission ALSO Lucy Will NOT Be OP She Like any other character will have reasonable limits to her abilities. As for the pairings im not quite decided yet It Might Be NaLu Or it may be GraLu IDK Also Possible Lemons In Future Chapters. But Anyways On To The Story^^.

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Fairy Tail or any of its Characters Hiro Mashima Does^^(Unfortunaly)

"Normal Talk"

"Normal Thought/Dream"

"Dragon Talk"

"Dragon Thought"

(At Lucy's Apartment)

(Lucy POV)

"NO STOP" I yell trying to stop what was about to happen in front of me, My whole team about be be murdered by a dark guild I run trying to save them it had been about 30 minutes since we started fighting against the dark guild and I was almost out of magic power.

"Open Gate Of The Lion,Loke!" I Yell In an attempt to save my friends but as soon as I summon Loke I feel a sudden wave of dizziness wash over me.

"No I cant run out of magic power yet" I think

"Loke Appears with a worried expression and goes to help me"

"NO I'm ok Loke Please Go save them" I Tell Him and get my whip to help fight.

"Release my Friends" I yell at Him

"NO Luce Run Get away!" Natsu yells at me in an attempt to save me as soon as I try To Get a hit one of the members of the dark guild catch it and capture me.

Lucy Im coming for you!" Loke yells and as soon as he starts running he gets defeated and disappears

"Now Bitch since the pink haired boy seems to care about you the most you'll have the honor of watching me finish him"

"NOOOO!" I yell as I watch Him Slit Natsu's Throat.

(Normal POV)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Lucy screams as she wakes up covered in sweat and tears

It was just a dream Why did I have a dream like was it trying to tell me how weak and useless I am? Lucy said to herself. When she looks at her clock she saw it was 12:00 PM oh great now im late.

Well I guess I should go to the guild. With that she went to take a shower and got dressed and left for the guild.

(At the Guild)

Lucy enters the guild hall and looks for Natsu and Happy and noticed that they weren't there so she goes to the bar and sits in her usual chair and greets a certain white haired bartender.

"Hey Mira!" Lucy greets the bar tender with a smile

"Hi Lucy!" Mira greets Lucy

"Have you seen Natsu or Happy?" Lucy ask Curiously

"Yeah Lucy They Left With Gray And Erza For A Mission Because You weren't Here" Mira Said

"Oh Ok" Lucy Said a Little disappointed that they left without her

"Well Im Going To Get a job Since I owe Rent Next Week Lucy said in a gloomy way Walking Up towards the job board

"Lets see This One Looks Fine:

Find The Sacred Jewel

Please help us find the Sacred Stone Lost In MT Higurashi


100,000 Jewel + A Free Feast in Your honor

"Hey Mira Im Going to take this job" Lucy Said in a sing song tone

"Can I see It" Mira Asks in a Curious voice and Lucy gives her the request

"Ok Thank You and good luck on your mission Lucy" Mira Said

"Ok Thanks I will" Lucy Said Running Out Of The Guild

(MT Higurashi Shrine)

Lucy Arrived at the shrine and was greeted by the shrine keeper.

"Hello Young Lady Are you the Mage from Fairy Tail?" the shrine keeper asked

"Yeah I am" Lucy said Showing her Guild Insignia

"Good Because We Need That Stone Back" The Shrine Keeper Said

"Why Is It Lost In Mount Higurashi?" Lucy Asked

"Because Some Thieves Stole It And That Stone is What Keeps the volcano from Eruption so that's why we need it back Urgently." Said the shrine keeper in a worried voice

"Ok I will get it…WAIT WHAT Theves You Didn't Mention Theves in The Job Request!" Lucy Said In a Scared Voice

"I Know That's Why I Added an Aditional 200,000 jewel to my Request" The Shrine Keeper said

"300,000 JEWEL!" Lucy Said In complete shock

"Maybe I Should Take This Job I could Pay My Rent For almost 5 months HeHe" Lucy thought Smartly

"OK Where Do I Have To Go?"Lucy Asked

"So Your Taking The Job?" The Shrine Keeper Asked Hopefully

"Yes I Am" Lucy Said In A Confident Voice

"Excelent, You Have To Go Up the Path Behind the Shrine and it will take you directly to MT Higurashi" The Shrine Keeper Said

"OK Perfect I Will Be Leaving Now" Lucy Said

(Timeskip: Mt Higurashi Top)

"Wow That Was A Long Walk" Lucy Said

"I Guess I Should Get Going And Find The Stone" Lucy Said

After Hours Of What Seemed she would never find anything She Finaly Found…

(Timeskip:Next Day Back At The Guild)

"WE'RE BACK!" Yelled Natsu as he entered the guild

He Was Greeted with HI's And Hey's and he went to our favorite white haired bar tender

"Hey Mira" Natsu Says Happily

"Hi Natsu!" Mira Says Back

Have You Seen Lucy?" Asked Natsu

"Yeah I didn't see her yesterday" Gray Said

"Yes Actually She left For Job Yesterday" Mira Says

"She Left For A Job Alone! Why?!" Natsu Asked Worried

"Yeah Why did she go alone?!" Gray Asked

"She Said That She Needed Money For Her rent and You Left Wihout her" Mira Told Him

"Oh What job did she take then?" Natsu asked Nicely

"To Find A Sacred Stone On MT Higurashi "Mira Answered

"Oh Ok I Guess Its Ok Then" Natsu Said

"Yeah I Guess" gray said Clearly Worried

(Flashback: Yesterday MT Higurashi)

"Gasp" So Many Thieves I Cant Possibly win" Lucy Said In Fear

When She Was Going To Run Away She Tripped on a rock and all the bandits heard her

"Look what we Got here boys A Pretty Little Girl Lets Get her Boys She'll take a hefty price in the market

"Market?! OH HECK NO! Im Not Something You Can Sell" Lucy Said Taking out a Golden Key

"Open Gate Of The Golden Bull, Taurus!" Lucy Said and Taurus Appeared

"May I Say Miss Lucy You Have Such A Smooooth body" Taurus Said making Lucy Sweatdrop

"Please Taurus help me beat these guys they want to kidnap me to sell me!" Lucy Said

(A/N Its My First time Writing A Battle scene So Sorry If Its not very Good)

"Of Couuuuurse Mis Lucy" Taurus said

"Heh little Girls putting up a fight huh lets get her boys might as well have a little fun wither befor selling her" The Boss Said

One of the thieves used fire magic which Taurus absorbed into his axe and used it against them

Fire Axe He Yelled and knocked out a few bandits but then got hit and disappeared.

"Oh No Taurus!" Yelled Lucy And Took out another golden key

"Open Gate Of The Lion,Loke!" Lucy said And Loke appeared

"Your Handsome prince has arrived" Loke Said

"Loke Please help me im going after the Boss take care of these for me" Lucy Says Running After The Boss

"Ok Lucy!" Loke Says While Fighting some of the thieves

Lucy Starts Running After The Boss And The Boss Finally Stops And Lucy Takes Out Her WhipTo Fight The Man

"It's a dead End no where to run now"Lucy Said in a Fake confident voice

"I would say the same to you girl" with that they start fighting lucy starts hitting him with her whip and he finally gets behind her and restrains her.

"I Got you know girl" The Boss Said with a smirk

"Now Im Going to Have a little fun with you before I sell Ya"

"No Is He…Is he going To Rape Me?!Lucy Thought with fear

NOO! Please don'tPlease Don't!" Lucy Cried She Felt So powerless She felt weaker than She had ever before.

"SHUT UPP" With That he covered her mouth and took her to a cave deep in the mountain of the volcano.

"This is the perfect Place Now Lets Have some fun with that he lowered his zipper and was about to do his deed until he heard a giant roar deeper inside the cave

"ROAARRRR WHO DARES ENTER MY DOMAIN!" Roared a Big shadow that came from the back part of the cave with that he let go of our favorite blond and started running away and unnoticed by him dropped the Sacred Stone

"*SNIFF* Who IS Still There" The shadow asked

Lucy Was Scared out of her mind she thought she was going to be eaten when she saw what the shadow was it was a large dragon!

The Dragon was a mesmerizing Gold color with aqua blue eyes and a mark on its forehead that seemed to represent a star

Lucy started struggling when she saw its claw moving closer to her until the dragon said in a very feminine voice "do not worry I will not harm you" The dragon then released lucy and lucy asked her:

"Why Did You Save Me?" Lucy Asked in a curious Voice

"For 2 Reasons Child 1st I was not going to let that man have his way with an innocent girl like you and 2nd You have all the quality's to learn my Dragon slayer magic."

"HUH, Me? Why do I have all the quality's to become your dragon slayer?" Lucy asked

"Because I sense You use Celestial spirit magic and I am Celestine The dragon of the stars"

"Oh I see"Was Lucys Smart Answer

"So Do You Want To Learn My Dragon Slayer Magic?"Celestine Asked

"How Long Will My Training Last? Lucy Asked

"It Depends On Your Latent Ability To Learn my magic But Sice you seem Fairly smart and already know the basics of magic power then I estimate 2-3 Months" Celestine Said

"Then I accept to learn your dragon slayer magic" Lucy Said Confidently

"Very Well Child BUT I warn You You May not leave here until you finish mastering Star DragonSlayer Magic And you can not tell your guild you are training with me" Celestine Said Seriously

"I Understand Please Teach me" Lucy Said

"Very Well Child What Is your name? Celestine asked

"Lucy Heartfilia" Lucy answered


A/N I Hope It Wasn't too bad I Finished at 1:00 am and I put a lot of work into it So Please Like And Review And Flames are welcome I use flames to see what I did wrong and try to fix it Thank For reading ;)