Author notes:
1)English is my second language. Forgive me for any mistake.
2)I don't own FNAF. I only own the plot for this story and the eventual OCs
Mike Schmidt was a 24 year old man who had just finished college. He was a young man with brown hair, honey colored eyes and a medium built. He had majored in robotics. Something that his parents disagreed with. They knew why their son wanted to learn about robots, but it was simply unhealthy from their point of view. They also had complained a lot when Mike had decided to move back to his hometown.
He had said it was because of the famous factory that creates some robots t work on industries and that he wanted to work there. It was partially true, thou. He was indeed working with his curriculum to impress the management and get a job there, but he had other goals in mind before he did that.
That he did not tell his parents.
He didn't want them worrying needlessly and also because he was an adult and he could make his own choices without having them butting into his every decision. But he couldn't blame them for worrying about him…
Mike was looking for a job offer at a pizzeria he used to go as kid. He didn't care in which position he was hired. He simply had to go there. One day, he had found a newspaper add about Freddy's Pizzeria hiring someone to work as security.
After he read the whole thing, he couldn't' help but to frown a little bit. Sure, that was what he was looking for, but the payment was a bit low for his taste. Just 120 dollars/week from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. He would have to live in a very tight budget or get a second job during daytime. He had to worry about when to sleep later on.
He then prepared his curriculum and decided to go on the following day. He wore a somewhat big blue cap, a button shirt and jeans and then took the bus to the pizzeria.
The moment he arrived, he couldn't help but to feel a tad nostalgic seeing the pizzeria's logo from the outside. It had huge neon letters saying "FREEDY'S PIZZERIA" and under it with small letters "Where the fun never ends!" and on its side a big painting of the main robot's head, Freddy, and smaller heads of Bonnie and Chica on each side of Freddy.
Sure the logo was cheesy, but it also made Mike wonder if a certain pirate was still there since he was excluded from the logo.
He stepped inside and was welcomed by a surge of emotions. Some pleasant and others not. He had rehearsed this moment most of his life, but the scenarios in his head couldn't fully ready him for the real deal.
He tried to focus on the smell of the hot pizza being served to the clients, on the arcade games that ate countless hundred dollars for the chance of earning one dollar worth of prizes.
Good old times.
The place was quite crowded with both children and adults having a good time. He then froze for a second to see the band playing and singing on the stage. They were the main attraction of the pizzeria. The bear, Freddy, the bunny, Bonnie, and the chick, Chica.
Most of the adults simply thought the songs were playbacks and the animatronics simply pretended to be playing the instruments and singing, but others knew the truth, like Mike.
He shrugged and searched for an employee to ask where the manager was. He then approached a waitress, who was red haired with green eyes and was wearing a shirt and pants, both with the logo of the pizzeria. "Excuse me, miss. Do you know where I can find the manager? I'm here to apply for the security guy job."
She frowned a little bit and said: 'Really? I mean, I think there are some better jobs out there. You see, the previous security guards were…"
"Miss Amanda! You shouldn't gossip around1" a voice form behind her said with a strange emphasis on her name.
Behind her there was a slightly chubby man with grey hair over his head.
"Mr. Fazbear, this man here is applying for a job…" she said as she pointed to Mike who was a bit confused at that situation.
"Very, well, then. I'm Freddy Fazbear. Owner of this establishment. Nice to meet you." He said extending his right hand towards mike, who shook it.
The older man gave a smile and turned to Amanda: "The clients over there want to pay their bill, Amanda."
The waitress hesitated for a second and said to Mike: "Excuse me." And then went to the table to receive the cash from a small family that were about to leave.
Freddy turned back to Mike and said: "Let's go to my office, shall we?"
The two then walked through a door that had "Authorized People Only" painted over it with a big picture of Freddy, the animatronic, signalizing a "no" with his index right finger.
"You've named the main animatronic after yourself, sir?" Mike couldn't help but to ask.
The man smiled back at him and said: "Yes. He was the first one my father built. He started a small office that made robots and I became interested into using one of his creation here at my pizzeria. One would think he would give his son a discount, but his motto was 'business before family and friends'." Then the older man gave a laughter as if he had told a joke.
Mike forced a big smile just to not be rude.
"But the moment I saw that Freddy was a success, I've bought two more to be my showmen."
"Don't you mean, three?" Mike asked.
Freddy's smile faltered as he asked: "Pardon?"
The younger man stuttered for a while seeing that the man's gaze wasn't that much kind anymore. "W-well, I've used to come here as a kid. I remember four animatronics working here."
The older man sighed and said: "Oh, right. Him… An accident happened and that's why I cancelled his shows. It was a pity, thou. Kids loved him."
Mike didn't comment any further on the matter as they now silently walked towards the office room with a plaque that said "Management" on it.
The room wasn't that big. It had many metal archives, a desk and two chairs. A big one obviously to Mr. Fazbear and the other to whoever he wanted to talk to.
After they've sat, Mike handed him his curriculum and started looking at it.
"So your name is Michael Schmidt?" that was the first thing the man asked because the name sounded familiar for some reason.
"Yes, sir." Mike said a bit nervous hoping he wouldn't remember about him. 'I shouldn't have said that I used to come here.'
The man then shrugged it off by thinking that he simply used to be a regular. He then quickly scanned it, not really reading much. But he was a bit conflicted as why would a robotic graduate want to work as a security guard.
"Well, son, I hope you don't intend to steal any secret from my robots. They may not like it." He said with a somewhat threatening grin.
Mike quickly stated: "No, sir. That's not it. I admit that my interest in robotics begun here, but I originally intended to apply for a position at your father's company to fix robots. Please, don't take this the wrong way, but I need this job just to pay my bills while I try to apply to it. There's even the chance I might not even be hired by them, so I would like to have a job to fall back on."
Then after an awkward silence, he said: "Unless I'm not hired here, of course…"
After another much longer silence, Mike started to fidget around and to sweat a little bit, even thou the air conditioning was working very well. Then the older man gave him an actual more gentle smile and said: "Very well, then. You are hired."
Mike beamed with the news, but then Mister Fazbear started to explain with a more serious face: "There are a few rules thou. The shift starts at 12 a.m. and ends at 6 a.m. It's going to be good if you arrive a bit early, not later. Second, Don't engage the animatronics. They like to walk around at night, but they are harmless. Just avoid that they aren't stolen. All you have to do is stay at your cubicle, I'll show you and monitor them to keep them safe and sound. Easy job, right?"
Mike simply nodded at the man's exposition. "Good. Now let me show you where you are going to work. There are a couple of emergency electronic doors that you can use to shut down. But they consume quite a lot of energy and we can't afford to spewnd too much energy at night, so use them with caution. They are designed to open when the energy runs out to prevent the person inside from being locked. We, of the Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria vouch for security."
Mike resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but he tagged along with the man.
Then the two got up and Mister Fazbear gave him a tour at the Pizzeria explaining where was everything the other man needed to know.
At night, Mike had decided to arrive a bit early. At around 11:30 p.m. The last person on the pizzeria, a janitor called Andrew, who had black hair and brown eyes and a strong body, gave Mike the keys and told him that another janitor, John, would show up at morning to work and then he could leave the pizzeria.
But before he left, John told him: "Listen, dude, I think it would be better if you quit this job. These…robots aren't safe to be around at night. Last night security guy left this place traumatized and I think Mr. Fazbear coerced the guy to not say much."
Mike then replied: "Thanks. But I already know what the robots are capable of."
"What do you mean?" Asked Andrew confused.
"Some other employees gave me the same warning." Mike quickly said, hoping the man would drop it.
Andrew shrugged and said: "I hope you know what you are getting yourself into. My name is Andrew, by the way."
"I'm Mike." He replied as he shook hands with the other guy.
"I know Fazbear wouldn't like it, but don't hesitate in calling the police if the robots start threatening you." Andrew said seriously.
"Okay. I'll. Thanks for the advice." Mike said a bit anxious.
After Andrew left, Mike was all alone. Well, he was the only human left and there was still fifteen minutes left for midnight. He had to hurry.
He borrowed one of the chairs from the dinning hall and went straight to his objective, an area called Pirate's Cove, which was a stage with closed curtains and a sign saying "Out of order."
Mike was about to go past the curtains, but he halted for a second. He suddenly felt very anxious. He started to tremble as well, but he gathered all his strength to move past the curtains into a quite dark area. He had to pass his hand over the walls until he found a switch to turn on the light.
Most of the decoration he remembered was now gone. The only thing there now was a fox animatronic wearing a eye patch over his right eye. Mike gave him a good look trying to calm down his own breathing.
The red fur of the fox robot was torn a bit on the chest and the fox's yellow pants had seen better days as well.
Mike then placed the chair in front of the animatronic and then sat down. He looked at his clock and saw that there were only three minutes left to midnight.
He removed his cap with his left hand as he sat down and waited for midnight. He moved his free hand through his hair. The sides of his head had a set of peculiar scars that resembled a bite mark…
Mike could feel his heart pounding faster and his breathing intensifying. He was facing the pirate fox that had given him many fond memories during his childhood.
He was one of his very first friends
But also was also the one who had bitten him.
End of chapter 1
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