Spin the Bottle: Garcia

Alternate chapter title: Dreams

She hadn't had so much fun in months. This evening she'd been laughing nonstop, everyone was toasting her, and things with Morgan were OK again.

Bliss. This was bliss. Better than being with Sam because those moments never lasted. Every time she looked at that bottle—for she planned to keep it—she could remember this. Every time she walked into the Round Table room she could envision it as it was right now: the chairs shoved against the walls and the table carted away for the night. Every time she saw Hotch, she could remember his blushing cheeks when Reid kissed him, and the way he'd embraced Morgan.


"Penelope, you are a wonderful woman. I just want to say that I wish you all the happiness in the world, and none of the tragedy. Keep smiling." Hotch raised his glass.

Penelope Garcia flushed with giddiness as Hotch walked back to his seat. It was her turn!

JJ had replaced the bottle for him and Garcia leaned out to spin it, the hem of her orange bubble skirt crinkling as she did so. "Okay, let's hope I can break this jinx. Not that I don't want to kiss you, sir, I would be perfectly fine with kissing you!" She realized how her words sounded and rushed to amend them.

"I would be perfectly fine with kissing you, but go ahead and break the curse," Hotch returned, eyes crinkling. Garcia smiled back at him.

All right, baby. Point me true!" She exclaimed, and spun the bottle. It went wildly around until it landed on...


She scrambled to her feet, rushing to meet him in the middle.

"Okay, I know nobody else had a chance to do this because we all spun Hotch, but for future reference, this is how you kiss a woman," Morgan said. "Unless you mind. This would be breaking the rules."

"Break away," Garcia grinned, and Morgan dipped her in his arms, causing her stomach to jump.

He kissed her deeply and pulled away slowly. "Happy birthday to me," Garcia whispered.

"Baby girl, happy birthday to you," Morgan returned. "I love you."

"I know it."

A few minutes later, when the vodka had been polished off and Garcia was wondering what exactly to do with the bottle—fill it with colored sand? Paint it? Fill it with something else?—Morgan stood up.

"I have one more game suggestion for the evening, before Hotch escapes from our clutches. Four words: Seven Minutes in Heaven."

The team fled before he finished speaking: Rossi and Hotch escaped together, heading towards their offices to grab a few things before leaving and Reid and Callahan, without speaking, had a race to the elevator. JJ lingered for a moment, then she shook her head at them. "Seven Minutes in Heaven is a far cry from Spin the Bottle, Morgan," she said, smiling. "I have to go too, though. I told Will I'd be home early."

"Drive safe," Garcia said, hugging her again. Then he and Garcia were left alone, holding their empty glasses.

Garcia just looked at him. "Is your offer still open?" She asked, her tone turning seductive.

"When are any of my offers not open to you?" He returned, but then his phone beeped, and moments later, Hotch came back in, a reluctant Rossi trailing behind. Looking towards the elevators, Morgan could see Kate and Reid emerging from the same one they'd just went down in, and JJ came back from her desk.

"What, you want to play after all?" Morgan asked, and Hotch shook his head.

"We have a case."

A/N: This is my first time writing for the whole team. JJ and Rossi were definitely hardest, and Garcia and Morgan's thoughts were also hard.

Thank you for reading!