Your father called me the other day asking for you to come stay with me

I don't own any of these people. If I did the staff would definitely be cleaning my room. I haven't decided if this is sufficient to stand alone or if it needs a follow up. Feedback would be appreciated.

Your father called me the other day asking for you to come stay with me. I wish you could, baby, but it's just not a good idea right now. If you came then John's kids would want to stay with us too and it's just not a good time. Don't worry though. Your father will find somewhere to put you.

Love, Mom

Lucas read the e-mail for what felt like the hundredth time. The words had not changed. Worry gnawed at him. After his last screw up, his father was given two choices: be around and cut back work hours or find someone else to take care of him. Social Services had said in no uncertain terms that servants did not qualify as caregivers. Lucas did not know what would be worse whom ever his father found or whom ever Social Services found. He had hoped his mother would take him in to live with her. At least she was someone he knew.

'God, how could I have been so stupid?' he thought to himself. None of this would have happened if he had not mixed two stupid little wires. He had not meant to blow up his lab. He had not been hurt and his safeguards had put out the fire. That did not matter to Social Services though. Kids should not play with adult things. Three degrees and they did not want him to touch even a microscope.

"Sir." Lucas turned around to see one of the staff standing in the doorway. "Your father is downstairs."

"Here?" Lucas paled and stood up. Shakily he said, "I-I'll be right down."

The decision he had been waiting for had been reached and now he wanted to do anything to avoid it. His father was standing by the fireplace not looking pleased at this interruption from his work. Lucas entered the room and stood hesitantly near the door shuffling his feet.

"You're going to join the crew of the SeaQuest," his father said without turning around.

"SeaQuest? B-but that's a military sub-submarine." Lucas was startled by the tremor in his voice.

"I financed a lot of that boat. They agreed to take you as a favor," he said stopping as he turned around and saw Lucas's face. "You really screwed up this time."

Lucas flinched.

"You should be grateful. On SeaQuest you'll be allowed to work in the labs if you behave. Would you prefer I let Social Services have you?"

"But, Dad, couldn't I go back to school?"

"I told you when you got this last degree that it was going to be the last of school for you. I'm not wasting more of my money on worthless degrees."

"What if I come work for you?"

"And blow up my labs? No. I have more important things to do with my time than waste it baby-sitting you. SeaQuest or Social Services? What's your answer?"

"SeaQuest," said Lucas quietly, angrily, sadly.

"Good. Pack your bags. You are due there at 7:00 am sharp tomorrow."

"It wasn't really my choice was it? I would have been shipped off to sea no matter which one I chose."

"Of course," stated his father smiling emotionlessly. "Having Social Services take your son away is bad for publicity."

Lucas turned woodenly and headed for the door.


He stopped having heard some unidentifiable emotion in his father's voice. It was the first emotion his father had shown all evening.

"They would have been bad for you too. I wouldn't want that," he said quietly to Lucas's back. Without another word, Lucas left the room blinking tears from his eyes and went upstairs to pack.