AN: We've come to the end of our little journey; I hoped you've enjoyed reading it as much I have enjoyed writing it. A big thank you for everyone that's reviewed, followed or favourited this story...Love to you all!
"Well Doctor Cooper, that was…unexpected." Amy finally managed to breathe again after surviving what had to be the most electrifying experience of her life. All of her fantasies couldn't have prepared her for the tumult of sensations that had coursed through her body when Sheldon had finally made her his.
"Uh-huh…" Sheldon murmured as he reached out a languid hand toward her, and Amy shifted over on the bed so that her head was resting on his shoulder as she idly ran her hand through the little patch of hair matted to his chest. He was still struggling to catch his breath and Amy was making it all the more difficult as she trailed her hand down his chest to make lazy circles over his abdomen; Sheldon reached up a hand to stop her sneaky hand moving any lower and raised it up to his lips to press a kiss against the ring that he had slipped on her finger just before he had set her down on the bed.
"Vixen…" He whispered softly and Amy leant forward to brush another soft kiss against his swollen lips.
"Hmm…is that your stomach growling or you?" Amy suddenly found herself shoved to one side as Sheldon dived for his phone.
"Holy crap on a cracker!" He exclaimed, borrowing a phrase from Penny's vocabulary. "We were supposed to meet the guys for dinner at eight thirty! I booked a table at the Olive Garden and said I would let them know whether it was a go or not."
"Relax, superman. You were faster than a speeding bullet once you got me where you wanted…Look, it's only a quarter to now." Amy pointed over to the nightstand where she could just make out the glow of the numbers without the aid of her glasses.
"Oh…I guess that's not such a good thing in the bedroom is it?" Sheldon looked away from Amy, his cheeks tinged pink. He found his chin being taken in a firm grasp as Amy brought his face around to hers.
"Sheldon…it was amazing, a little fast admittedly; but we have the rest of our lives to work on it. I remember Penny saying that her first time with Leonard was an absolute disaster and it was like sleeping with her brother; I assure you, Sheldon; you have nothing to worry about in that department."
"Okay…that sounds nice, 'the rest of our lives'. But for me, I don't think it could ever get any better than what I felt with you…" Sheldon ran his fingers gently down the side of Amy's face and leant in to press a soft kiss against her lips…
"Uh-huh, none of that if you want to go to dinner." Amy pulled her lips away Sheldon's after the kiss rapidly turned heated, and dragged the sheet away to wrap it around her body. "I'm going to start the shower, five minutes each and we should still be able to make it."
"It's no good hiding from me now, eidetic memory remember?" Sheldon smirked from the bed and sucked in a breath as Amy dropped the sheet and sashayed into the bathroom. He flopped back against the pillows and flung a hand over his eyes. "That vixen will be the death of me yet."
"Sheldon, are you coming in or not?" Amy called out over the roar of the shower.
"I'll wait for you to come out, if I come in there now we definitely won't make it to dinner on time." Sheldon rose from the bed and padded over to where his clothes were neatly folded on the chair.
"I've finished." Amy announced from the doorway, and Sheldon looked over to see her small frame enclosed in a large bath towel. He dropped a kiss on her nose and grabbed another towel from her shelf as he strode into the bathroom.
"And he looks just as good leaving as he does coming in." Amy muttered as she followed Sheldon's naked form go past her.
"I can still hear you." Sheldon called out from behind the curtain, his voice tinged with amusement.
"Darned Vulcan hearing." Amy murmured under her breath as she selected a clean set of lacy, black panties and matching bra from her dresser. She shook her dress out to check for signs of wrinkles and satisfied that it was still good to wear, slipped it over her head, smoothing it down over her hips until it fell into place.
"Mmm…I like this dress." Murmured Sheldon from behind her, and Amy leant back with a wink.
"Yeah, I can tell." Sheldon shifted his hips back slightly and gave her a wry grin.
"It's got a mind of it's own…"
"Think of it like a Pringle…you know 'once you've popped, you can't stop'."
"Not helping, Amy." Sheldon groaned as he stepped into his briefs and trousers, adjusting himself carefully as he pulled up the zipper.
"Sorry." Amy said with a sincere smile, but her inner goddess was doing a little happy dance at the thought of Sheldon being 'happy' to see her. "Don't put the tie back on." She said suddenly as Sheldon pulled on his waistcoat and was about to do up the top button of his shirt in order to put his tie back on.
"Okay…" Sheldon agreed stuffing his tie in his trouser pocket. Amy walked over and smoothed his hair down at the back as well as a little at the front.
"There, sexy nerd; but not too hot. Gotta protect what's mine, can't have all the other women flocking like bees around a honey pot."
"No other women, not for me Amy." Sheldon promised with a glint in his eye and tapped her bottom lightly as he nudged her toward the vanity mirror. "Go finish up what you need to do and I'll call for a cab."
"I can drive us." Amy offered as she swiped a little mascara over her lashes and applied a little lip gloss. She decided against blusher, as the glow in her cheeks was more than enough.
"I thought you might want to celebrate with a glass or two of champagne." Sheldon explained and then looked down at his phone with a smile. "Hold that thought, it seems that Leonard and Penny are on their way up right now."
"I'm ready." Amy walked over to Sheldon's side and he immediately reached down to grasp her hand; holding it firmly within his own as they stepped out into the hallway to greet their friends.
"Ooh, Sheldon…someone's let loose a little this evening! I see you've managed to lose your tie already…" Penny nudged Leonard's shoulder and his eyes widened as he looked at the subtle differences between the couple. Their whole body language was far more relaxed and the way Sheldon kept sneaking a glance over in Amy's direction told him all he needed to know.
"Congratulations, buddy. I take it she said yes?"
"Of course, did you ever doubt it? I have been told that I can be very persuasive." Sheldon remarked casually dropping a wink in Amy's direction and loving the way that her cheeks flushed at his remark.
"Show me! Show me!" Penny demanded and Amy tugged her hand out of Sheldon's grasp to flash the beautiful emerald on her finger. "Oooh, shiny!" Penny turned Amy's hand from side to side watching the ring catch the light.
"Come on Penny, let her go…" Leonard tugged Penny away from Amy and leant over to brush a kiss against Amy's cheek. "Congratulations, Amy."
"Thank you." Amy returned Leonard's thanks with a warm hug and only released him when Sheldon cleared his throat.
"Do you think I could get my fiancée back now, please? We're going to be late."
"Hang on a sec, I just want to grab a couple of these." Amy dropped Sheldon's hand once again and ran over to the sideboard to gather up a couple of the miniature vases. She handed one over to Penny and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "That's for being my bestie, and for helping Sheldon out today."
"Oh Sweetie! I can't take this, Sheldon bought them for you!" Penny admired the tiny vase and tried to hand it back. Amy crossed her arms behind her back and refused to accept it.
"Sorry, no backsies."
"Okay, I love it!" Penny held onto the vase and Sheldon sighed again, looking at his watch. "Alright! Alright! Let's go."
The four of them left the apartment, Amy carrying another three of the vases. When they got to the restaurant she handed one over to Bernadette, one to Emily and passed the last one across to Raj; who blinked back tears of joy.
"I'm finally one of the girls!" He cried out and flushed as Emily squeezed his arm and assured him that she certainly didn't think so. Sheldon stood up at the table as the waiter came over with a bottle of champagne.
"I'd like to announce that Amy Farrah Fowler has granted me the honour of agreeing to become my wife." Cheers and a round of applause went up around the table and Sheldon cleared his throat again to indicate that he wasn't quite finished yet. "As you know neither of us are particularly religious and so we've decided on a small intimate wedding to which we hope you will all attend; there will only be a few additional guests that have yet to confirm their acceptance; but we've decided that we would rather share our special day with the people that matter most to us…and then have a whopping great hoedown in Texas at a later date."
"So, when's the wedding?" Leonard asked, and with a few presses of his phone Sheldon send the invitations out around the table. "Are you freakin' kidding me?" He cried out as he saw the details appear in his calendar. Penny checked her phone as did everyone else.
"Holy crap on a cracker Sheldon, if you were a member of my family my dad would be checking whether you'd knocked her up already."
"Oh My God! The Shamy already did the deed!" Howard took one look at Sheldon's twitchy expression and looked around the table. "Come on, you don't see it?"
"Howard, you are two seconds from being struck off the wedding list completely." Amy warned in a low tone and shifted slightly closer to Sheldon, wrapping an arm around his waist. Sheldon looked down at her and smiled briefly at her before turning back to Howard. He jerked his thumb at his fiancée and replied; "What she said." He turned around to the rest of the group as his phone started buzzing in his pocket. "Get that darlin', would ya?" Amy reached in to his pants pocket and scrolled through the messages.
"Wil says 'hell, yeah'. Stuart needs to check with Debbie first, but he thinks it will be okay."
"Now how about the rest of you? Who's up for a couple of days in Vegas? Our flights are booked for ten in the morning and the chapel has been booked for seven o'clock. Anyone that wants to back out, now is the time to do it." Sheldon looked around the group. "Come on, quit ya lollylaggin'; I need a show of hands for those that are comin' to watch me get hitched. The first man to raise his hand gets to be best man; and the first female gets to be maid of honour." There was a sudden flurry of hands and Sheldon smirked at Amy. "Photo finish. Too quick to judge…guess it will have to be Leonard and Penny after all."
"Vegas, baby! Come on, Leonard we need to go home and pack!" Penny jumped out of her seat and ran around the table to wrap her arms around Sheldon who remained quite stiff in her arms, but didn't flinch away.
"Gentlemen, I have already taken the liberty of clearing our absence with President Siebert. He owed me a favour or two for what he's making me do at the University." Sheldon shivered a little at the thought and Howard frowned over at him.
"Yeah, in all the excitement I forgot to ask; how did your interview go, do you still have a job."
"Unfortunately yes, President Siebert has promoted me to Junior Professor and I start giving my first lectures in a few weeks' time."
"Wow Sheldon! That's amazing, double congratulations." Howard reached across the table to shake Sheldon's hand and Sheldon reluctantly returned the handshake.
"Enjoy the rest of your meal, it's seems that our ride is about to leave and as we came with Penny and Leonard we must depart with them also. The cheque's already been taken care of, so don't worry about a thing. We'll see you at the airport in the morning." Sheldon reached down to take Amy's hand once more and they followed the other couple out of the restaurant.
"It's nearly nine o'clock Sheldon, do you want me to drop you off at the apartment first and then drop Amy off? Or are you going to be okay getting to bed a little later?" Leonard called out from the driver's seat as Sheldon followed Amy into the backseat.
"Oh, I'm not coming back to the apartment tonight. Amy will drive me over in the morning. Really, Leonard you would think as an engaged man yourself, that it would be highly inappropriate for me to abandon my fiancée on the night of our betrothal." Sheldon shocked Leonard into stunned silence and Penny nudged him to bring him out of his daze.
"Told you Howard was right, Amy just wants to get him out of those pants again." Penny muttered to her fiancé as she fastened her seatbelt.
"Vulcan hearing, Penny." Leonard murmured in response as he checked the traffic before pulling out.
"Considering that I almost forgot that I had even arranged the dinner, for once Penny you are almost right." Sheldon piped up from the backseat. "I say almost, because it is completely the other way around. Amy referred to me as a Pringle earlier and I think she has got it right."
"Pringle?" Leonard asked, not quite certain what bizarre universe he had stepped into, especially when he heard Amy giggling from the back seat and trying to hush Sheldon.
"Yeah, apparently once you've popped you can't stop!" Sheldon gave a little growl and pulled Amy over onto his lap, and started to nibble on the soft skin of her neck. Penny covered her ears and kept her eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead as she urged Leonard to pick up the speed a little. A stray look in the rear view mirror had him agreeing wholeheartedly, especially when he saw Sheldon's hand start to slip under the hemline of Amy's skirt.
"Here we are!" Leonard announced with a sigh of relief as he pulled up outside of Amy's building. Sheldon nearly tore the door off the car as he wrenched it open, pulling a giggling Amy behind him. Sheldon gave Leonard a quick wave goodbye before he started running into the building with Amy urging him on.
"We've created a monster." Penny said in disbelief as she watched the couple disappear into the lobby. "They were full on making out in the back seat of your car!"
"I know, could we please not talk about it anymore! I think I have that image burned permanently on my retinas." Leonard sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I only hope they settle down before we get on the plane; can you imagine what it would be like stuck next to a couple of horny teenagers on an hour's flight to Vegas?"
"Horny teenagers?" Penny repeated with a chuckle and then groaned. "You're right, it's like they are both sixteen; tackling that first flush of rampaging hormones…Urggh…let's make sure we don't sit anywhere near them. I remember it taking a couple of years for me to get used to things."
"Yeah…me too…It will be worse for them though…they've got nearly thirty years of pent up sexual tension to get rid of, I don't think they're gonna do that in just one night!"
Once again, Leonard was right; Amy and Sheldon nearly didn't make it to the airport on time due to the fact that Sheldon insisted that they save time by sharing a shower…Forty minutes later, they were wrinkled as prunes and running late. Then they nearly missed their own wedding due to the fact that Sheldon saw Amy emerge from the dressing room in her nurse Chapel outfit and was overwhelmed by the sudden onset of Pon Farr. Things never really settled down once they got back home; Sheldon's apartment door was always locked from the inside after Penny had accidentally walked in on the newlyweds sharing 'breakfast' in Sheldon's spot and she vowed never to borrow milk ever again. When Amy announced she was pregnant shortly after the wedding…well, it came as no surprise to anyone. Howard summed it up best of all: "What did you expect? They certainly practised enough for it! If it were an Olympic sport, they would have won triple gold by now."