There was a knock on her hotel door, breaking Regina out of her thoughts. She didn't know why she was so nervous. She had seen every emotional and physical side of Emma and Emma had seen every side of her. They were in love and just last night they were making love. Tonight was different though. Tonight they were going on a date. The first date they have ever been on and fuck was she nervous.

Emma had insisted on doing this the right way. She even rented a second hotel room for the night, just for her to get ready in. Now she was here to pick Regina up for their first date. Seemed a little crazy for them to be newly weds and just now doing this, but then their relationship has been a whole lot of crazy. She took one last glance in the mirror, then made her way to the door.

Regina opened the door to find her wife smiling shyly and holding a single deep red rose. Her breath caught at the sight. Emma was dressed in a very nicely fitted tuxedo. It was black and it complimented her figure in all the right places. Gods, she even had on heels. Emma was equally speechless when took in the sight of Regina is a sleek strapless black dress and a pair of six inch deep red heels.

"You look beautiful." Emma smiled and handed her the rose.

"Thank you." Regina blushed lightly and accepted the rose.

"Shall we?" Emma asked while offering her arm. Regina took hold without hesitation, closing her room door behind her. They walked in a comfortable silence to the elevator. Regina waited for the doors to close before she spoke.

"So where are you taking me?" She turned to address the blonde.

"It's a surprise." Emma smiled at the pout of Regina's lips. "But you'll love it... I hope." she shrugged nervously. Regina smiled and lifted Emma's chin with her hand.

"I'm sure I will love everything my wife has planned for me tonight." she leaned in a gave her a sweet and gentle kiss.

The ride to the restaurant was nice and quit. Emma drove the BMW and they held hands the entire way. When the reached their destination, they handed the keys to the valet. Regina had taken her place on Emma's arm once again and was completely amazed by the restaurant her wife had selected. She couldn't hid the shock or wonder on her face when she realized is was Spanish cuisine. Emma was loving every second of it.

The checked in with the hostess, reservation for two under Swan-Mills. Once they were seated, they began to browse the menus. Well, Regina did. She looked up and raised a brow when she noticed that Emma had yet to even touch hers. The watching her with a loving smile. She glanced back at the menu and everything clicked.

"You don't speak Spanish." It wasn't a question.

"Nope." Emma replied easily.

"Then why pick a Spanish restaurant?" Regina inquired.

"For two reasons. Well three, kind of. I remember you telling me about how you missed your father's cooking." She noticed the intake of breath and the slight sadness in Regina's eyes. "I figured Taco Bell probably wouldn't compare, so I found this place." Emma grinned widely. Regina chuckled at her.

"And the other reasons?" the brunette asked.

"Have you ever heard yourself speak Spanish? It's sexy as hell." Emma stated. Regina couldn't stop the blush. Emma reached across and took a beautifully tanned hand in her own. "And... I love everything about you and I wanted to experience this part of you. I want our kids to speak Spanish and everything." Emma finished, not realizing what she had said.

"Kids?..." Regina asked quietly.

"Oh.. Well, yea... If you want to, that is. I... I would love to have a little Regina running around." Emma shrugged shyly and looked down at the table. She missed the bright smile on Regina's face.

"I would love that..." Regina's response caused Emma to snap her head back up.

"Okay... Awesome" Emma returned the smile. "So what are we going to eat?" She asked.

"I think I know something you would like." Regina smirked and waved over the waiter.

"Hablas espanol?" She asked the waiter.

"Sí señora" the waiter replied.

"Bueno . Para empezar ... tendremos las croquetas de chorizo con un aderezo ranchero picante y luego mi esposa y yo compartiremos la paella a la marinera." Regina finished and hand the menus to the waiter. Emma sat quietly and stared, amazed at how fluent her wife was.

"Y para beber?" The waiter asked.

"Dos vasos de sangría, por favor." The brunette replied easily. After a few more spanish words were exchanged, the waiter walked away to put in the order. Regina turned to Emma, to find the blonde staring at her.

"Sexy as hell..." was all Emma said. Regina chuckled and patted the cushioned area next to her.

"Come sit next me." She requested. Emma complied, immediately sliding to the other side of the booth. As soon as she settled, Regina leaned in and kissed her sweetly.

They stayed huddled together, stealing kissing in between their light conversations. It was almost like being home on the couch while Henry lay on the floor watching cartoons. There was no place more comfortable than in each others arms. They were interrupt when the waiter returned with the appetizer.

"Gracias" Regina spoke softly and received a smile and a nod in return.

"So what is this?" Emma asked, eyeing the dish. One thing for sure was it smelled delicious.

"This is something my father used to make often. My mother hated them, but he would let me help him make them on days that she worked late or was out of town. They are croquetas, croquetas de chorizo. Its potato and sausage fried together." She finished by picking one up and holding it out for the blonde to taste. Emma took a bite, eager to try it.

"That is really good!" Emma exclaimed after swallowing the food. She had moaned when the flavor had initially hit her taste buds.

"And, I had them bring this for you." Regina gestured to the spicy ranch dip that she knew Emma would love. Sure enough, the younger woman was dipping her next croquetas into the sauce and savoring every bite.

The main course had arrived shortly after. Regina had again explain the dish. It was various seafood over Spanish rice. They enjoyed their meal over a little bit of small talk. Emma insisted that Regina make something like this for dinner at home. She was sure Henry would love it. Once they we finished eating, Emma paid for dinner, with only a little protest from Regina, and they headed out for the car.

After the restaurant, Emma took Regina to a jazz club. They had live music going and it was a very relaxing end to their date. They cuddled in another both and enjoyed a couple glasses of wine and the music being played. After her second glass, Regina had taken to whispering dirty things in Spanish in Emma's ear. Emma had no idea what was being said, but she knew it was turning her on. By the time she had finished her drink, she was ready to go.

They rode quietly up the hotel elevator holding hands. It took everything Emma had not push Regina against the wall and take her right there. She tried her best to keep herself composed, because she wanted to give her wife the perfect first date. So she continued to hold her hand and walked the brunette beauty to her door. Regina turned to look at Emma, and leaned against the door.

"I had a really good time tonight. It was perfect. Thank you." She gave Emma's and a gentle squeeze.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." She paused to give a soft smile. "You're welcome." She finished and wonder about the chances of getting caught fucking Regina in the hallway.

"So... Do we end this date like a proper first date..." She pulled Emma flush against her "Or should I invite you into my room?" Regina wasn't even trying to hide her intentions.

"Well, we aren't exactly known for doing things the proper way." She moved her hands to Regina's hips and pushed into her. She bit her lip to stop the moan. "But this, I want to do the right way. You deserve nothing less." She pressed a gentle kiss to plump lips before stepping back. "Goodnight, Regina."

"Goodnight, Emma." She smiled softly, then turned to enter her hotel room.

As soon as the door was shut, Emma took a deep breath to calm herself. Then with an about face she quickly made her way to her own room. There was no way her night was over. She had one more little surprise planned for her wife. Regina stood leaning against the door for a moment, trying to calm herself as well. For a brief moment, she actually thought Emma would be serious and end up staying away tonight. But if she knew her wife... Emma would be back.

Regina decided to be ready, so she unzipped her dress and slid it off. She hung it neatly over the chair near the vanity, then took a quick look in the mirror. She knew Emma would love the her in this. She touched up her lipstick and checked her hair, then grabbed her silk robe and slid it on and tied it up. By the time she was finished, there was a knock at the door. She opened the door to see Emma standing there, still dressed in her tux.

"I couldn't stay away." Was all Emma said.

It was all she needed to say. Regina's red lips curled into and incredibly sexy smirk and she turned and stalked back towards the bed. Emma entered the room and closed the door behind her. She leaned against the door and watched as Regina walked to the bed, removing her robe as she went. When the robe was off, She tossed it on the floor and turned to look at the blonde. Emma bit her lip and took in her wife, standing there in a deep red strapless bra, panties, and garter belt, all of which matched her heels perfectly. She pushed off the door and moved slowly to her wife.

"Straight to the point..." Emma eyed her hungrily. "You look beautiful." She had reached the brunette and placed her hands on her hips. "I have something for you, too" Her thumbs rubbing gently across the skin about the garter.

"And what is that?" Regina had moved her hands to Emma's shoulders. Emma suddenly pulled her flush against her body and kissed her. Her finger instinctively tangled into blonde curls as she deepened the kiss. She couldn't stop the moan that escaped when she pushed further into Emma and felt the bulge against her core. One hand slid from Emma's hair, down to her center, cupping the phallic member. "And what do you plan on doing with this?" She asked, her voice full of lust.

"I plan to make love to you." Emma spoke as she looked into brown eyes. She then moved to Regina's ear and continued. "But first... I want to fuck you" Regina growled and once again attacked Emma's lips.

Her hands went to work on Emma's clothes. Even with the frantic kissing, it didn't take long to get her down to nothing but her white dress shirt, bra, and strap-on. Regina purposely left the white shirt on her, but had it completely unbuttoned to reveal the black bra underneath it. Regina's arms hung loosely around Emma's neck and they continued to kiss. Emma's hand slid to her wife's back side and she grabbed hand fulls, as she began to direct Regina to the wall.

Once Regina's back hit the wall, Emma's hand came around and made their way to her breast. She gave firm yet gentle squeezes, causing the older woman to moan into the kiss. Emma knew there was probably no need for four-play, but it can't hurt, right? So she moved one hand, slowly trailing her nails down the smooth tanned abs and slid her hand into damp panties. Regina gasped when felt fingers gliding through her slickness teasingly. Emma kissed her way down her neck, to her breast and began kissing and nibbling through the red bra.

The wetness on her fingers combined with noises the brunette made, were driving Emma crazy. She just had to get a taste in. She made quick work of the red panties and dropped to her knees. Regina screamed out and her hips bucked forward when she felt Emma's tongue glide across her center. Emma savored the taste, scratching her nails gently over Regina's taut stomach. Regina ran her fingers through golden locks, while her other hand took one of Emma's and brought it to her breast. They massaged it together as Emma's tongue continued to tease.

Regina was panting heavily when her wife rose back up and crashed their lips together. Emma trailed down to her neck and began to suck, determined to leave her mark. Regina was so ready, that she had wrapped one leg around Emma and was rubbing herself against the phallus. It was getting to the point where she just could not take anymore of the teasing. When whispered "Fuck me" in Emma's hear, she was quickly spun around.

It was like a natural reaction she spread her legs and pushed out her ass, getting ready to be taken. Emma took a moment to take in the sight and groaned. She grabbed Regina's waist with one hand and used the other to guide the phallic member to her lovers entrance. She moaned at the resistance she felt when she began to push it in. At nearly the exact moment, Regina herself groaned at the feel of it. She then gasped as Emma continued to slowly pushed all the way in, pause for a brief moment to give her wife some time to adjust.

She started at a slow pace, taking the small gasps and whimpers coming from the older woman. Once those gasps turned into moans and the hips in front of her began to move on their own accord, she new Regina was ready for more. She steadily increased her momentum, plunging into her with increasing fervor. Regina's moans became a mix of cries and short sharp breaths as Emma pounded into her. Regina new she wouldn't last much longer. It felt too good, and just thinking what Emma was doing, let alone her actually doing it was maddening. To help herself reach her peak, she began rubbing her clit.

Emma knew Regina was getting close, but she wanted to see it. She wanted to see that moment her beautiful wife crashed over the edge. Without warning, she quickly pulled out, cause the brunette to whimper. Regina didn't have to wait long, because she was spun around and her leg was being lifted. Emma push back into her and Regina held onto strong shoulders. She kissed her her way to Regina's ear and gave it a nibble before whispering "Cum for me".

Regina could feel her climax building. Her head flew back against the wall and she cried out Emma's name as she feel over the edge. Emma slowed her thrust down and took in the sight. She knew this would never cease to amaze her. Just the idea that she could bring out such emotion in the woman in her arms, was incredible. It was something she would always cherish. When Regina began to calm, she looked down to find green eyes filled with love and lust. She couldn't fight the pull that brought her lips to soft pink ones. Hell, she didn't want to fight it.

Emma gently pulled out while their lips continued to war against each other. Emma's dominate act had done nothing but fuel Regina's desire for more. Emma pulled back from the kiss and slide her hands around to grab handfuls of the tanned plump rear.

"That was for whispering Spanish in my ear." Emma said between kisses.

"Mmm... While I enjoyed that very much... I want to make love to you." Regina whispered as she began to pull Emma shirt off on her shoulders.

She wasted no time removing Emma's bra and pushing the blonde onto the bed gently. She crawled after her as she moved herself closer to the head of the bed. When she came to a stop, Regina hovered over her, straddling her hips. She moved her hands up Emma's side and gently massaged her breasts, leaning down to kiss her passionately. There were soft moans coming from both lovers and Regina couldn't help the small rolls of her hip. She broke away from pink lips and kissed, licked, and sucked her way

down Emma's body. She came to a stop at perky breasts, wanting to give them the attention they deserved.

Emma moaned as she felt the tongue glide across he nipple. Her hand tangled into Regina's hair and she arched into her wife's touch. She wanted to feel more of her, so she reached up and unclasped the lacy red bra, letting it fall down smooth tan shoulders. Once Regina had finished with her breasts, she sat up briefly. Just long enough to move her bra out of the way, then went back in for more heated kisses. The feel of Regina's body pressed against hers was bliss. It was beginning to feel a little awkward with the harness still strapped to her legs. Emma moved her hands down to remove the harness, only to have her hands halted.

"Leave it." was all Regina said as she gently pushed Emma's hand away from the harness. Regina sat up slowly and positioned herself above the phallus, gasping quietly as she slid down onto it. She reached out for her wife's hands and placed them on her hips. She then made a couple of test rolls with her hips, cause the blonde beneath her to groan.

"Can you feel it?" She asked her lover. Emma only replied by moaning and using her grip on soft tan hips to add more pressure. Regina took it as her cue to keep moving. She stared into lustful green eyes as she continued to roll and grind her hips seductively. She knew she was putting on a show and she knew her wife was loving it. Her hands traveled up her body and she gently massaged her own breasts, giving her nipples a little tug. Dual moans pierced the air as Emma watched the beautiful brunette perform for her.

Regina left one hand on her breast, while the other traveled up her neck and to her lips. She wet two of her fingers, then moved them to her clit and began to rub circles. Emma was moaning and gasping at the sight and feel of her wife riding her. Regina panting with her thrown back at the feeling of her fingers and Emma pushing deeper into her. All the sensations were bringing them both to the edge quickly. Regina fell first. She whimpered and fell forward against Emma. The orgasm hit hard and she let out a cry of ecstasy.

"I love you so much, baby." Regina continued to grind her hips, hoping to bring Emma over the edge and she rode out her own orgasm.

"Fuck, Regina!" Emma cried out as she tumbled over, her hands squeezing soft tan hips. They res their heads together as their bodies slowly come down. "I love you, babe."

Mean while in Storybrooke...

David and Henry are watching television...

"Uncle David?"

"What's up, bud?"

"Where do babies come from?" Henry asks nonchalantly.

"Ummm... Why do you ask?" David questions.

"You and Aunt Mary are gonna get a baby, right? Are you gonna buy it?" Henry asks. David chuckles lightly.

"Well, yes, we are going to have a baby, but we aren't going to buy it." He corrects Henry, not sure where to go with this conversation.

"Then how does it get here?"

"Well, Mary Margaret will be growing the baby in her tummy." Yea... That answer sounds simple enough.

"In her tummy?!" the 6 year old exclaims. "How the heck can a whole baby fit in her tummy?"

"Well, the baby starts off really tiny and as it grows, her tummy will grow with it." This is going good, David thinks to himself as he sips from his glass of water.

"And then she poops it out?" Henry asks with an adorable look of disgust causing David to choke on his water.

"No, no. She doesn't poop it out, Henry" David manages in between coughs.

"That's what happens to the food in our tummy." Henry states matter-of-factly. "How does the baby get out? How did it get in there? Did she have eat it? Henry's eyes grew wide.

"Ummm... I think you should asks your moms when they get back..." David replies, hoping Emma wont kill him later.


"Because..., Your mom had you... So I'm sure she knows a lot more about it than I do." It wasn't a completely lie..

"Oh, Okay." Henry seemed to be okay with that answer. "But..."

"Okay! I think it's a good time to head to bed. Yep... Man I am tired..." David finishes with an exaggerated yawn.

"Can I hear a story?!" Henry asked excitedly.

"Of course. Mary Margaret tells the best bedtime stories." Again, not a lie.

"Awesome!" Henry exclaims as he takes of in the direction of the kitchen where Snow is cleaning up. David remains on the couch, hoping to get through the next two days with out anymore talk of the birds and bees..