Disclaimer: I only own my OC and that is all.

"Oh my god!"

"Who is that?"

"They're so hot!"

"Ne, do you think he has a girlfriend?" echoed throughout the school grounds as the students laid their eyes upon the new arrival.

I slung my school jacket over my shoulder, the sleeves of my shirt rolled up to reveal small wrists and long delicate fingers. A few buttons of my shirt were undone, but I wore a plain undershirt beneath to keep them from seeing anything else. The shirt was lazily tucked into my trousers, which were barely hanging onto my slim hips so that they slightly dragged against the floor, covering my basketball shoes.

'Why aren't they in class?' I thought, staring at the swarm of students. 'Well, I am late, so it might be their lunch time or something,' I concluded.

Yawning as I entered the school's corridors, I brushed my hair back and stared lazily at the many eyes on my figure, mainly female.

'Of course,' I mentally sighed in annoyance.

After removing my hand from my hair I headed towards the reception desk straight in front of me.

"Hello, I'm the new transfer student?" I smiled towards the receptionist and silently cackled as she blushed.

I waited patiently, quietly drumming my lithe fingers on the desk as she shuffled a few pieces of papers around before handing me a few.

After 20 minutes of blind searching I came across the main office. I gently knocked on the door and patiently waited for some sort of response. Getting fed up, I sat down on one of the waiting chairs lined up against the wall next to the door, chucked my jacket on my face, laid the papers on a chair next to me, and fell asleep.

"Oi." Someone poked me.

I groaned and shoved their hand away, dragging my jacket away from my tired face. Staring up at my assailant I was met with red eyes, darker hair, and matching split brows.

I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh and ultimately failing as a strangled snort left my unusually plump lips.

"Tch, what's wrong with you? You chokin' or something?" he asked.

Annoyed, no doubt. I furrowed my eyebrows at his response and looked up at him as he stood to his full height.

'Oi, oi. He's pretty tall. Still shorter than me though,' I thought, comparing our heights.

"If I was choking, why didn't you help me? Do you want me to die or something? Do you hate me that much? Even if this is the first time we've met? That's a bit harsh, don't you think?" I said and watched in amusement as several tick marks appeared on the baka's head.

I saw him raise his fist with a dark aura in the background and, just as he was going for the killing blow, the door to the principal's office opened.

"Kagami," he started slowly.

'Ooh sounds like he's gonna get scolded,' I cackled.

"What have we just spoken about? Was it just a wasted effort? Need I remind you what will happen the next time you cause trouble?" he said with a condescending tone.

I nearly fell out of my chair from 'Kagami's' crestfallen expression, but just decided on smiling widely when he glared in my direction.

"No, sir," he replied dejectedly before shoving his hands in his trouser pockets with, what seemed like, a permanent frown on his face.

I heard the principle sigh before saying, "Good. Now get back to class, you have twenty minutes before it ends. You don't want to have to stay after school, again, do you?" he emphasised.

Kagami just shook his head and turned to walk away, but not before fiercely glaring in my direction again.

'Ooh, scary,' I thought, rolling my eyes before a smirk befell my features.

At the exact moment he took a step, I just happened to stretch the long limbs attached to my lower body and both of my feet just so happened to catch him on his shins. I smiled in satisfaction as I saw him wince, still frowning mind you, (Don't ask how that works, IDEK) but for the sake of his 'manly' pride he just huffed and stormed off, holding his glare at me as he rounded the corner. How I could continue to feel it, even after he had turned into a different hallway, I had no idea. Shit happens.

"Right. Sorry about him. You're the new transfer student, I presume?" he questioned with a tiny smile on his aged face.


I nodded exasperatedly.

"There we go. If you need any help, feel free to ask anyone around, I'm sure they'll help you. As for your class, you're in 1-D. That boy you met outside was Kagami Taiga, he's a fellow classmate of yours."

He smiled, gathering all my folders before standing up and carefully putting them into a filing cabinet behind his desk.

'Oh? Kagami Taiga? Hmm, Kagami... Kaga... Baka... Bakag... BAKAGAMI!' I thought, clicking my fingers as a glittery background appeared behind me, full of yellow flowers and lone rose petals, topped with a dash of cherry blossoms.

"Uh, ok...ay." He sweat dropped. "Well, you're free to leave now, Mr _. (A/N this isn't a reader insert, I just don't want their name revealed yet!) However, classes are finished for today, but I'm sure you would like to check out some of our afterschool clubs?" he encouraged.

I contemplated his suggestion and decided that I might just do that.

'I need to scout out the school anyways, don't wanna get lost tomorrow.'

I sweat dropped.

After leaving his office, I swung my school jacket back over my right shoulder and shoved my left hand into my trouser pocket, starting my trek around the school and savouring the, what, five minutes? I had before classes finished.

"Oof!" I heard.

Looking down I saw a brown-haired girl fall over, a few papers scattered around her feet.

"Eh? Sorry, I didn't see you down there," I stated before bending down and picked up all the mismatched papers as a form of apology.

"Huh, basketball, eh?" I said, quickly scanning the contents.

'They look like statistics. Wait, Kagami, as in Bakagami? Woah, his statics are pretty high, if I do say so myself.' I squinted, making sure I read it right.

"Yep! I'm the coach for Seirin's basketball team, Aida Riko," she proudly stated.

'A female coach? Impressive,' I thought.

"I'm-" I started before getting cut off by the bell ringing.

She looked a bit startled, and ready to bolt.

"Gomen! I have to go! Come by the gym sometime, we could use someone with your height!" she said with a thumbs up.

I nodded at her and bid her farewell, "Ok. Bye, Riko-chin".

I watched as she easily blended into the swarm of students and sweat dropped as a load of eyes fell on my form, yet again.

'Jeez, can't a 'guy' get a break?' I thought, laughing quietly at the irony of the situation. 'Huehuehue. If only they knew- Oh, hey, that rhymed,' I cackled.