The wine glasses were abandoned in the kitchen as they stumbled down the hallway towards the master bedroom. Their progress was hampered by the fact that neither of them were watching where they were going. They bounced and ricocheted off the walls as they moved down the hallway until one of them finally threw out a hand to guide them. They stumbled again when they reached the bedroom and John grunted as his back hit the wall. Sherlock pinned him there with his body as his hands roved over his lover. The kisses weren't elegant and neither were the sounds. Sherlock thrust a thigh between John's legs and straightened to lift the shorter man an inch off the ground. John's groan rumbled through both of their chests as his fingers dug into Sherlock's lower back. One hand ran up Sherlock's back and grabbed a handful of hair to pull his head back. Sherlock gasped as John attacked his throat and nibbled at the edge of the bandage covering his bonding bite.
"I want you to fuck me. Your arse has had way too much fun. I want some now," John growled and Sherlock's knees went weak.
Oh, he knew John wouldn't adhere to the stereotypical Alpha and Omega relations. If there was pleasure to be had, John Watson would accept it in any form. Sherlock growled and pulled against the grip holding his head. Instead of loosening any, the hand tightened as John kissed down his chest and nudged him backwards. John started nibbling and sucking at one pert nipple just as they reached the bed and the back of Sherlock's knees bumped against the mattress. John crowded him until Sherlock sat heavily on the bed and continued to fall backwards. Though he never released his hold on Sherlock's hair, John cradled him with his arm around his torso as he crawled over the lean body and straddled the narrow hips to kiss him again. Sherlock ran his hands up John's muscular thighs before curving around to cup his arse. John smiled into the kiss as he ground against Sherlock's cock. The grip on his arse tightened and he felt the vibrating growl rumble through Sherlock's chest. One of Sherlock's hands released his grip and started patting next to him on the bed searching for the bottle of massage oil they had purchased that day that also doubled as a lubricant. Finally finding it, he growled and wrapped both arms around John to forcibly roll the two of them. John didn't mind; the move pressed Sherlock's groin tightly against his and he could feel the hard length that was about to be in his arse. Pushing Sherlock away from his body, John rolled his torso to pull off his shirt and quickly wiggled out of his trousers. Sherlock followed and rid himself of his clothing; snapping his arm to the side when the cuff caught on his wrist. Falling back onto John's body, he braced his hands against the bed, shoulder width apart as he slowly kissed down the other man's chest. John's arms slid up and curled over Sherlock's shoulders, his hands tracing the sharp shoulder blades. Solid muscle rippled under John's fingertips as the lithe form slowly moved over his body and fiery kisses rained down upon him from Sherlock's devilish lips. Occasional nips of teeth brought gasps from John's lips as his body slowly relaxed into the mattress.
Sherlock lowered himself to his elbows and shifted his weight to one side. While kissing across John's skin, he slicked the fingers of his free hand and slipped his hand between the powerful thighs. With a breathless sigh the thighs fell open and Sherlock paused to revel in the moment. The kisses he now placed across the skin were revered tributes to the body of John Watson and who he was to Sherlock Holmes.
He could feel the delicate fuzz that covered John's abdomen as he kissed over him. His fingertips rubbed small circles around the puckered hole and occasionally pressed against the warm flesh. He didn't penetrate yet but continually teased the muscle as his mouth kissed back up John's side. His mouth latched onto a nipple and he rolled his lips over his teeth before gripping the nipple and tugging gently. At the same time, he slid one slicked finger into John and felt the sudden heat engulf the digit. John's chest thrust up into his mouth and the muscles clenched around his finger. The reaction startled Sherlock and his finger slipped from John as the older man grabbed him by his hair. Neither of them moved but continued to pant slightly. John flexed his grip in Sherlock's hair before relaxing and moving to card his fingers through the curly thickness.
"Did I hurt you, John?" Sherlock whispered against John's skin as his hand rested on the inside of the pale thigh.
Sherlock didn't want to think that he had hurt John. He was operating partially on instinct, partially on vague memories from his heat and partially on the research he never thought he'd use. He had never expected to find someone he wanted to share his heat with, let alone someone who wanted to actually stay with him. The thought that someone would want to willingly engage in sexual congress with him was shocking. So he never learned how to do this properly or what to watch for. Now he might have hurt the one person he cared most for.
"No, you didn't hurt me, Sherlock. Just...been a long time...forgot how good it is. Keep going," John murmured as his own hand brushed down his side and gently cupped his bollocks.
Sherlock swallowed against his suddenly dry throat and moved his hand back between the thighs as he pressed upward to kiss John.
His slick finger slid back into John just as his tongue brushed against his lips. John's free arm wrapped around his shoulders and his hips bucked in eagerness. Sherlock's fingers were long and muscular from his years at the violin and he used them well now. When the grip on the first finger loosened, he slid in another and felt the new sensation jolt through John.
John tightened his grip around Sherlock's shoulders and gasped against his mouth. His body was awash in sensations that he wanted to drown in. He wanted to drown in Sherlock and never come up for air. His hips were rocking in a steady rhythm now as Sherlock's fingers stretched and rubbed and twisted inside him. A wave of heat washed over him as his prostate was stroked with deliberate intent. He had a vague idea that Sherlock probably hadn't had occasion to do this before but he was making a damn fine showing of it for his first time. His pre cum dripping cock testified to that as fresh lubrication was added and a third finger was applied. John might have forgotten to breathe for a moment as the stretch seemed to steal his breath away. Before he could understand the motion, the hand fondling his bollocks moved to tightly grip the base of his penis to stave off orgasm.
"Sherlock, me now," John whimpered and dug his nails into the taut shoulder, hoping he understood and would comply.
Sherlock most certainly did understand and he quickly slathered his cock with lubricant before shoving a pillow under John's rump.
Bracing himself over John's form, he felt the other man's heels catch behind his knees as he started to lower his body. One of John's hands wrapped around the back of his neck with his thumb at the carotid and the other hand cupped his lower rib cage; he could feel the pounding pulse through each hand as he held his mate. Sherlock brought one hand down to help guide him but then put it back before slowly lowering his hips. The first inch of his cock slipped in easily but then it became tight. A shuddering breath slipped from his lips and a shiver raced down his spine as his hips eased back before moving forward again.
"Tell me...tell me if it's too...much," he whispered even as he felt the heels of the legs wrapped around him digging into the back of his thighs.
"Keep going...slowly."
The roaring lust from earlier had faded to a simmering desire with an acute need for connection. The only sounds in the room were their soft pants and moans as Sherlock worked his way into John's body. The heat took his breath away and he felt a bead of sweat trickle down his back and settle in the dimple at the base of spine. He was suddenly aware of everything around him unlike ever before. The softness of the sheets under his hands. The strength of the thighs bracketing his hips. The soft groan as he eased forward another inch. The way John's eyelashes fluttered as he bit his bottom lip and slowly released it. Sherlock relaxed his arms and lowered his torso to John's as he gently kissed the slightly swollen lips. John's eyes lazily opened as Sherlock pulled back from the kiss.
"Magnificent," Sherlock murmured, looking down at the upturned face.
John slowly smiled as the hand at Sherlock's waist flexed and tightened his grip. His other hand shifted until his warm thumb could brush against Sherlock's sharp cheekbone. He could see the undisguised awe in Sherlock's eyes and they held gazes until John's hand lowered and his thumb brushed against the plush bottom lip.
"Brilliant," he replied just as softly and saw a brief, blinding smile before he was kissed again.
Sherlock's hips eased forward again and a few breathless moments later he had bottomed out. Holding steady for a few moments, he soon withdrew and the slide back in was exquisite. John's body arched into his and Sherlock suddenly slid both his arms under John's arched back and clutched him tightly to himself. His lower back and hips were doing most of the work now as he kissed, licked and sucked at John's collarbone. John's arms were wrapped around Sherlock's upper back and the desire for completion began to take control, their movements starting to lose their original smoothness. Sherlock could feel the fluttering of John's arse around his cock and the responding churn at the base of his spine. It wasn't going to be long now. Just as he sucked in a lungful of air for an orgasmic cry, John rolled his lips over his teeth and gently bit over the bandaged bonding mark. Sherlock's orgasm was instantaneous, so strong and sudden that the breath he just took seemed to have disappeared. All he could do was press his face against the pillowcase as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. His body jerked and trembled as he thrust deeply into John twice more. A sudden flood of warmth against his abdomen proceeded a long and drawn out moan from John as his head dropped back to the pillow. Only a few words were exchanged during the entire coupling but both men felt like they had exchanged far more than just words. Sherlock nuzzled against John's throat and released small puffs of hot breath against his skin.
"I love you, John," he whispered into the darkness that enveloped them.
John rubbed his cheek against the curly head and took a deep breath before releasing it.
"I know. I love you too."
Nothing else was said as Sherlock carefully withdrew and used a discarded shirt to clean the two of them. They pulled the sheet and blanket up to cover them and laid so they faced each other. In the darkened room, cocooned together under the covers, hands caressed and explored. Soft words were exchanged until both men fell asleep.
John stretched his legs out and propped them up on the opposite seat in the private jet. Mycroft certainly could be a wanker at times but he did know how to travel, John mused and glanced over the aisle at Sherlock. The younger man had immediately seated himself in front of a small table and started reading through the envelope of documents he had collected earlier in the week along with their passports. John knew better than to try and snag a few sheets while Sherlock was reading through them. Better to wait until he was done and then read through the documents. That is if Sherlock doesn't immediately fill him in. Looking at his mate, though, he had a feeling that Sherlock would definitely fill him in. The expression on Sherlock's face had become darker with each passing moment until he finally sat back with a soft snort and rubbed his face. John waited for a moment to see if Sherlock would go back to the documents or if he was done.
He didn't respond but John saw the subtle twitch that indicated he had been heard. He was startled when Sherlock slid from his chair to his knees beside John and buried his head in John's abdomen. John carded his hand through Sherlock's hair and gently massaged the scalp under his fingers.
"Are you okay?"
Sherlock hummed softly and rubbed his face against the clothing while the hand closest to John wrapped around the leg nearest to him. His fingers slid between the seat and the bottom of his thigh to feel the pressure of the muscle. His other hand reached up and gripped John's forearm that stretched to his hair. John pulled his legs off the chair and sat up to curl slightly around Sherlock's head.
"Hey, hey, talk to me, Sherlock. Tell me what's wrong."
"Tupton sold his Omega sibling," Sherlock mumbled against the fabric and took a deep breath of John's scent before sitting back on his heels.
John's hand slipped from his hair and settled on his shoulder while Sherlock kept his grip. There were shadows in Sherlock's eyes that John hadn't seen earlier. He leaned forward and kissed Sherlock softly, bumping their foreheads together before sitting back up.
"Now tell me what you found out."
Sherlock went back to his seat at the table and John moved to the seat across from him. The table between them was covered with the documents from the envelope. The majority looked like graphs and money exchanges; business documents.
"Tupton started early. He became the head of the house when his parents died and apparently picked up a very bad impression of Omegas. It's unsure whether this came from his parents or from somewhere else. Regardless, he had a younger sibling, Omega by all reports. An investigation showed that soon after the first heat, the sibling disappeared. Tupton was the iconic grieving brother but future politicians seem to have a knack for lying."
Sherlock snagged a sheet of paper and nudged it towards John before leaning back in his seat. "He played the politics game fairly well, making connections and forging alliances. Coinciding with most of his new connections or political moves there would be a rash of missing Omegas. Mostly unbonded Omegas but a few bonded were taken. The descriptions of the few bonded that disappeared match those of bodies found scattered throughout the mainland. He documented every Omega he took and where they went. Who they were sold to and even received regular reports. Any Omega offspring were sold just like their mothers and kept as another...recepticle."
John felt ill as he started to read through the papers.
Female Omega - 19 years old - Serial No. 04825 - Sold to R. Lucianto - Bred five times before being put down
Male Omega - 42 years old - Serial No. 02419 - Sold to M. Slatson - Current status of 02419 is sex slave to Mr. Slatson's son
"Jesus, Sherlock. Can we help these people?" John looked up and eyed his lover as he rubbed his forehead before dropping his arm back to the armrest.
"Mycroft is already on it. These came from the laptop they found at Tupton's manor. He had multiple fronts to hide the transactions and several high ranking people that were instrumental in keeping it all hidden. Mycroft is having a field day."
John narrowed his eyes at Sherlock's tone and was about to berate him but noticed the subtle body language. This wasn't about Mycroft, this was something else. John dropped the papers back to the table and leaned back.
"Talk to me, Sherlock. What's going through that head?"
"Sentiment," he grumbled in reply.
John snorted and dropped his gaze to the papers on the table before looking back up at Sherlock. "I know you. You don't get sentimental about people you don't know."
Sherlock smiled briefly but continued to look off to the side. He turned his head and his gaze skittered across John's face before he looked out the window at the clouds. His stare seemed to lock on something outside the window but John knew that look. He knew that look intimately because he had seen it before on Sherlock and he even had that stare before himself. He was staring internally and seeing old memories.
"The truth?"
John raised an eyebrow at Sherlock's quiet question.
"I do prefer the truth when it's possible."
Sherlock's lips twitched and his arm closest to the widow came up and he gently tapped a knuckle against the thick window.
"I was thinking about how close I came. How close I was to being one of his serial numbers. Sold and used as some sex toy with no name. It never crossed my mind, before, how...fragile my position was as an unbonded Omega. I read over his ledgers and what he would do to...break in new Omegas. I've never been one to imagine outcomes outside of logic made me realize...just how lucky I was to find you. Of all the Omegas out there...thank you for choosing me."
John stared at Sherlock's profile as the younger man stared out the window. He saw the delicate fingers rubbing small circles on his thigh. Sherlock never admitted to being in an uncomfortable situation but he inevidently found himself in such situations. He usually became twitchy or exhibited a mild form of obsessive compulsive disorder. John knew how awkward emotions were for Sherlock.
With a smile, John shifted forward to the edge of his seat and reached out to grasp Sherlock's knee. He squeezed it and gently shook the appendage until Sherlock turned to look at him. His eyes were guarded, expecting a rebuke for showing his emotions. John was saddened that his Sherlock's past had caused that guarded look.
John smiled and rubbed his thumb against the inside of the knee. Eventually Sherlock shyly smiled back and John stood to step around the table. He swiveled Sherlock's chair around and slowly moved to straddle his lap. The seats were large enough that he could easily wedge his knees beside the long thighs. In this position, he towered over Sherlock and the genius had to tilt his head back to look up at John. Sherlock's eyes were still guarded but questioning as John reached up to gently brush aside a stray curl from Sherlock's forehead. Resting both hands on his shoulders, John slowly kissed across Sherlock's forehead and down the left side of his face until he reached the ear. Gently gripping the lobe between his teeth, he tugged and felt the body under his arch slightly at the sensation. He released the flesh and spoke quietly.
"Please, never feel like you have to hide your feelings from me. I will never dismiss them or deride you for having them. I love you and I love everything about you. Logical and illogical emotions; logical and illogical deductions; I love your experiments...most of them, most of the time." John giggled and Sherlock huffed gently under him. "But the fact is, that there is no one that I care more for than you. No one that I want to spend more time with. And no one else that I want...desire...lust after as my bondmate. No one else but you, Sherlock Holmes."
John ran both hands along his jaw and tilted his head back to capture those cupid's bow lips. He felt Sherlock's hands grip his jumper and try to pull him tighter against his body. The kisses weren't fierce or demanding, these were gentle and reassuring until Sherlock eased his grip. John sat back slightly and looked at Sherlock as the younger man slowly opened his eyelids. The guarded look was gone and now he looked relaxed and...happy.
"Good now?" he asked softly and he was rewarded with another shy smile.
Sherlock nodded. "Good."
Sherlock strode down the hallway of the penitentiary and nodded briefly at the guard that opened the door for John and himself. They were at a military grade facility designed to hold enemies of the country. They had landed back in England the day before and now were on their way to visit Tupton for a final meeting. The pale grey stone of the walls and floors clashed horribly with Sherlock's bespoke suits and John's colorful jumpers but they knew they weren't going to be here for long. Mycroft was allowing them only ten minutes but Sherlock knew it wouldn't take that long for what he had to say.
Another guard was waiting beside the door to one of the conference rooms that lawyers used to meet with their clients. He nodded at Sherlock and opened the door for the two men then closed it behind them. Tupton sat in the center of the room with his feet and hands handcuffed to the floor and table. The table hid the thick brace on his knee but John could well imagine the damage that bullet would have done. Tupton glanced at the door and did a double take once he recognized his two visitors. His expression hardened and a sneer twisted his lips as he glared at the two men. His nostrils flared momentarily and his glare shifted to John.
"So you finally claimed him? Knew he'd bend over and take it from anyone."
"I didn't take it from anyone," Sherlock quipped with a snarl and the glare was aimed at him.
"We're not here about that, Sherlock. Stay focused," John said and crossed his arms as he leaned against the door.
"You're perfectly right, John, as always," Sherlock replied with a glance at him before he turned to Tupton.
"We're here to clue you in on what's going to happen. Your trial has been postponed to take into account all the evidence against you that was collected from the estate in Pula. Your other cohorts are going to be arrested and brought here as well. All of them will also be told that you gave them up because you got greedy. And you're in the general population here," Sherlock smirked while it took a moment for the implications to strike Tupton.
Tupton knew the kind of men that he dealt with. If they were going to be here with him then his life was forfeit. He needed solitary confinement. His panicked gaze jumped from Sherlock to John and both men were grinning. Sherlock seemed to know what he was thinking when he spoke again.
"Oh, no...Pat. They're not going to kill you. That'll be too boring. They won't kill you because the rest of the penitentiary population will stop them. Because they will have been told how you sold your Omega sibling into a sex ring. Told how you ripped young Omegas from their families and branded them as property, selling them to be cruelly used. Do you know the percentage of Alphas in this penitentiary that have offspring?"
"Around eighty-two percent," John remarked casually and Sherlock looked at him.
"It's really that high? I was estimating about seventy."
"It was but then some government official decided to have a few bus loads of volatile Alphas brought over. The really savage kind that go after anyone that abuses Omegas," John replied and smiled darkly at Tupton.
Sherlock straightened from where he was leaning his hip against the table. He started patting the pockets of his Belstaff while speaking. "So, John and I decided to bring you a few gifts to make your time here more...pleasurable. Ah, there it is."
From his pocket, Sherlock pulled out a plastic bag and reached in to grab the object. Shoving the plastic bag back into his pocket he set the object down in front of Tupton and saw the man's eyes go wide in fear and understanding. It was a six inch long anal plug that was roughly 2.5 inches around at it's widest part. Tupton stared at it horrified as Sherlock started speaking again.
"You see, a lot of the Alphas in here are very protective of their Omegas; either in here or on the outside. And once they find out what you were doing to Omegas...they might not like you very much. You'll probably want to use this to keep yourself stretched open for those that really don't like you."
At this point John stepped forward and pulled out a round container from his pocket to set it next to the anal plug. In bold lettering across the side it read 'Medical Grade Lubricant' which John turned just so Tupton could read it clearly. John braced one hand on the table and slung his other arm across the back of Tupton's seat. He looked at the plug, at the tub of lubricant before looking at Tupton.
"It's medical grade so you should only have to reapply it every, oh...six or seven penetrations. You need to stay slick so they don't tear anything. You can just think of each and every Omega that you sold off every time they mount you," John hissed sharply into Tupton's ear before straightening.
"Let's go, Sherlock. We're done here."
The once proud Alpha was still speechless in horror when the door closed, his fate now sealed.
Neither man spoke as they left the penitentiary. The day was actually bright and sunny when they walked through the last security gate and towards the parking lot. The trip back into downtown London passed quickly and soon they were back in their flat at 221B Baker Street. John brewed them both a cup of tea and he relaxed in his chair as Sherlock wandered around the flat playing his violin. It was a quiet evening, both men thinking over the case and what they had coming up. Sherlock had a few other cases in his Inbox that he was mulling over. John had some upcoming shifts at the clinic. Thoughts about the clinic started to nag at John and he mulled them over before realizing what was bothering him. Slowly setting down his cup, he leaned forward and pressed his elbow into his knee as he placed his chin into his hand.
The man in question turned to face him but continued to play.
"When did you finish your birth control?"
The violin bow screeched horribly across the strings before Sherlock clutched both violin and bow to his chest. He stared at John as the doctor stared back at him. Both gazes slowly lowered to Sherlock's abdomen as if expecting the creature from Alien to appear.
Sherlock looked up at John and cautiously raised an eyebrow in question.
John looked at him and shrugged.
"Oh bollocks."
This is the final chapter. Thank you everyone that has stuck with me through this story. It has been an interesting ride. I hope it was at least amusing to most. I don't know what or when I might post a new story. I have a few in the works but nothing really showing promise. Hope to see everyone around and thanks again for reading.