Hello everyone, I thought I might share with you my favourite shipping within Fire Emblem Awakening. I just love the idea of Gangrel x Emmeryn, so I hope I do it justice.
Nightmares. Every bloody night, nightmares. It was always the same, thunderstorms, graves of sand, and Her. She who had sacrificed herself for what she believed in, She who had inspired all around her. Where once it would never have affected him, he now regretted his decisions every day. Especially these days. Gangrel now found himself as no more than a low-life lackey of a sea tyrant. Not that he minded much; actually he didn't really care what happened to him. He knew he was all but dead. When he woke up every morning after such restless nights, he was reminded of all that he had lost. He shifted the shovel in his hands to keep his fingers from going numb. At this current time, he was tasked with shovelling through the ruins of the latest village they had plundered for anything worth salvaging and selling. He knew if he didn't find anything, there would be a beating and no food for tonight, but he didn't really care. What he did care about was that small group of wyverns flying in his direction. Not wanting to be caught slacking, Gangrel went back to shovelling. As did the other men tasked with the same job.
As the wyverns got closer, Gangrel also saw the body of warriors, berserkers and other soldiers employed by the Pirate King following close behind. And heading the group on foot was the king of pirates himself, the self-proclaimed lord Zanth, tyrant of the seas. Gangrel squinted behind the group with unease, a show of force only meant one thing, a battle was about to break out. Knowing this, Gangrel dropped all pretences of work, Zanth wouldn't care at this moment in time. It wasn't a long wait before the host was upon them.
"Listen up yer Maggots, works done fer the day. Grab yer weapons from the men 'ere and get ready ter fight!"
Wanting to know who they were up against, Gangrel spoke up "Who are we fighting against?"
"Watch yer tongue Maggot! It's M'lord to yer, and no one asked yer to speak! However, yer in for the fight of yer lives. The Cavalry's here for our arses and it's the blue Princeling of Ylisse ter boot!"
With that statement, Grangrel completely zoned out from the rest of the commotion, the army to which he had lost his whole life to was now forming up to strike again. Perhaps this time, Gangrel thought, he might get lucky and fall in combat. He absentmindedly toyed with the pendant around his neck.
Gangrel was rudely jolted back to reality by one of the berserker's, who silently handed him a Levin sword after whacking him with it to gain his attention. Gangrel felt more secure holding a Levin sword, knowing what was to come. It wasn't long before they herded onto an open field to engage the opposing army.
Walking through the Ylissian camp was a daunting experience, almost every face he ran into gave him a hostile look, with some even going as far as to make threatening gestures. Gangrel found solace in the fact that striding beside him was the prince himself. Though the blue haired man had stated that running him through with a sword would be an enjoyable experience, he said that Her influence on his life had taught him the art of forgiveness.
"These will be your quarters," Chrom explained as they reached an empty tent," I have taken the liberty of not bunking you with anyone for the foreseeable future, this should give you enough time to settle in and for the rest of the camp to get used to you."
"No need to bunk me in an empty tent Princeling, if they want to slit my throat, they will." Gangrel didn't believe in niceties and beating around the bush, and he wanted to establish that right now.
Chrom gritted his teeth in annoyance "I was being polite, Gangrel. But do not worry, I have told people that if anyone touches you, they answer to me. Also, tonight I want you to meet someone, I will send Robyn to collect you." And with that, Chrom left.
Gangrel set about unpacking his meagre amount of belongings, A pretty stone he was told to be a dragonstone, his pendant and the jewel encrusted ring he had managed to hide from the thieves and vagabonds whilst being enslaved with the pirates. The ring was a family heirloom, and it was the most precious thing Gangrel owned. Setting aside his few items, he noticed that his bedroll was already laid out along with a small cupboard, table and chair, all of which were either foldable or easy to transport while on the move.
With time on his hands, Gangrel left his tent, keeping to the shadows of tents and dodging out of the way of passing shepherds. Gangrel disdainfully recalled a time when he strode with purpose, strength and pride, instead of skulking like a common thief. Nevertheless, he made it to the perimeter of the camp and fled to the dense tree line, where he found a comfortable spot amongst the nettles to think.
Gangrel lay face down in the dirt, breathing shallow to try and stop the wound in his side from opening any further. Chrom stood over him for a second longer before turning away and voicing his victory to all those who were near. Gangrel's consciousness started to slip…
He awoke to the sound of wings and the nauseating feeling of flight, and by cracking his eyes open, he could just make out who could only be Aversa in the saddle. With no energy to even keep his eyes open, Gangrel just lay there and slipped in and out of consciousness. When they touched down however, he was gently removed from the saddle and then placed in a field. Aversa than leant over him and gave him one of her genuine smiles.
"As much as I despise you Gangrel, I must thank you for what you have done for me. As such I have taken care of your wounds as best I can and will leave you here. These are the lands of Zanth the Sea King. It will be a hard life, but it's all you deserve. I'll leave you now, I've done what I needed to do, and that's all I care about. Don't weep too much over me!"
And with that Aversa re-mounted and flew off, leaving him lying in the field. It wasn't long until he was found…
The shadows created by the light filtering through the canopy of the tree's had a strange soothing effect on Gangrel, and he reflected on how he had changed. Though he knew he was just as liable to provoke and enrage someone for fun, he also knew the gravity of his actions, even if only in hindsight. When he thought back to his days of power, he remembered the power he had held, and abused, and although he wished to hold that power again, Gangrel knew he could never allow himself to. When one spends four years of hard labour with nothing but their thoughts for company, its remarkable what things one thinks of. And for Gangrel, his mind remembered Her.
Gangrel must have dozed off, because the next thing he knew, Robyn was kneeling in front of him, nudging him awake with a smile on his face.
"Gangrel, It's me Robyn, I've come to take you back to camp"
"How did you find me? And I'm not budging either, I'll be murdered back there!"
"I found you because you walked right past Khellam apparently, and don't worry about the camp Gangrel, Chrom and I have it covered, now will you please come?"
"What's in it for me?"
"You say you have changed right? Become a better man? Well to do that, you may need to see and talk to the people you inconvenienced, and we have someone that you might want to see. Don't worry though, if you truly meant that you were trying to change, this will only make you see the error of your ways and help you along."
"And if I refuse?"
"Then we deem your claim as false and treat you accordingly – As a liar, and a man thought to be long dead!"
"Fine, I'll come."
Robyn extended his hand and together the two headed back to camp. The Tactician was in an oddly cheerful mood, and unfortunately, it was hard to ignore, or hate for that matter, and Gangrel found himself liking the tactician as the man spouted famous battles fought in the past. While back in camp, many of the shepherds and soldiers had retired, thus leaving the camp quieter than what it had been earlier in the day. Gangrel estimated that they had made it to almost the centre of the camp before they stopped in front of a white tent, of which voices could be heard. The tactician had a cryptic look on his face as he lifted the flaps and ushered the Trickster inside. Who he found in there brought him to a standstill.
Chrom and Lissa sat around a table, with a third chair occupied by an imposing, young blonde woman, who was looking directly at him with a puzzled expression. Gangrel was speechless.
"Wh-What! B-B-B-But H-How? She d-d-died, I saw her die!"
Lissa rolled her eyes and excused herself from the tent, while Chrom's expression only hardened as he sat there and observed the Mad King. Lady Emmeryn for her part, cocked her head to the side and looked into his eyes before stating
"I…know you. You are…some...one important."
Her voice was so soft and pure, the voice of innocence. It was the halting and the slight slur in her voice however, that Gangrel noted above the others. He knew then that though she was alive, as remarkable he himself being alive to him it seemed, that she was disabled. Chrom, too reacted.
"She recognises you Gangrel. Are you aware you are the first that she has recognised? But why you of all people?" Gangrel looked from Chrom to Emmeryn before replying to Chrom
"Why am I here? After what I did to Her, why am I here?"
"You are here, because if you were serious about being a changed man, you first needed to see what your actions had caused. Emmeryn here has lost her memory along with having acquired a speech impairment. I don't know why, but she seems to remember you…." Before either could speak, Emmeryn spoke up
"Gan…grel, I like… that…name. We are…friends…yes?"
Something inside Gangrel cracked at hearing those words. For four years he had thought about nothing but Emmeryn's last words as she had sacrificed herself. He had thought of nothing but the way she had vied for peace, and how he had ended it. She had changed him, and now here he stood, while she stated they were friends in such a childlike manner? This was wrong, so so wrong. With a panicked look in his eye, Gangrel sidestepped Chrom who had opted to stand and address Gangrel, and bolted from the tent. He could not bear to see what he had caused, especially since every night he relived his mistakes. And now, now he would dream about her broken form as it rose from the fall, as it rose and asked "can we be friends?"
He found himself back in his tent, somehow having forgone the camp perimeter while in his panic, He sat on his bedroll and thought about the events that had just occurred, She – Emmeryn – was alive, broken yes, but alive. He had caused her the injuries, and yet she still wanted to be friends. He knew it was because of her lack of memories, amnesia, that had allowed this to happen, for all he knew, as soon as her memories came back she would hate him. But what mattered now was the fact that she remembered him. Then something occurred to him, why was he so emotional? He knew why, with those nightmares that haunted him each night, he had come to deeply regret taking the exalts life, come to realise and understand what she had preached. It had changed him. The sound of his tent flap opening made him face the newcomer, which turned out to be Chrom.
"Only cowards run Gangrel, I can't say I'm surprised"
"I'm no coward princeling, I was just struck by the gravity of my actions, and your sister's innocent plea. I am deeply sorry for the pain and suffering I have caused her. Now if you'll excuse me, I need some time to myself."
"Before I leave, I need a favour from you Gangrel. And as much as it pains me to ask you, it seems to be the only logical path. Since milady has at least remembered you, you may be the key to regaining her memories. You may be the key to healing her. Rectify your past mistakes Gangrel, by healing her. It's the least you can do."
The prince was shocked to find tears rolling down the Tricksters face.
"Of course I'll bloody help you! If only to make her better. The man I once was, was deluded by power and greed. And though he still resides in me, it pains me to see the repercussions of the pain and suffering I caused. Now I ask again for you to leave my tent. I need time to myself."
"Very well," and with that Chrom left. Gangrel sank down into his bed roll and tried to stop the emotions that were overwhelming him. He calmed himself by breathing slowly, a tactic he had learned from the flying vixen who had left him in a field. In no time at all, he fell asleep.
The sound of his tent flap once again alerted Gangrel to the presence of someone in his tent. Though the sound was faint and he could tell the person was using exaggerated care to be silent, the Mad King's senses were usually very keen, and as such Gangrel slowly moved his hand to the hilt of the knife he had placed near his bedroll before he went to sleep. He heard the flap being lowered back in place and assumed his unwelcome visitor was in the tent. With fast reflexes, Gangrel sprung up and flipped over the crouching figure, startling the would be assailant before landing behind her and placing a blade to her throat.
"Peekaboo," Grangrel whispered menacingly, "I heard you…."
Well, that is chapter one done. I know I skipped the recruitment battle for Gangrel, but it wasn't really crucial for the story. This chapter was just put in place to help get the setting and main views across I guess. Also, I would like to offer you guys the chance to pair some of the characters. Only a few will have an impact however in the actual story.