Chapter 12: The end approaches. Realities become more than an experiment.

"Gohan, what are you doing here again?" Minako asked. Goku reached behind his head and scratched it.

"Umm… my name is Goku remember?" Goku began. Vegita raised an eyebrow at Goku acting unusually cool.

"Do you know these girls, Kakarot?"

"Uhmm… well we sorta bumped into each other at one time" Goku confessed. DJ finally got up and rejoined the stunned group of girls (are they always stunned or slack-jawed like this?) and then became stunned himself.

"Goku?" DJ asked. The sayian took a look at the young man questionably.

"It's me, DJ!"

"The tough looking sayian? Wow you have gotten soft!" Goku said as he approached DJ and poked him in the chest once. DJ grimaced.

"This is my regular body. So you do remember Tyger huh?" DJ said. Goku blinked then noticed a mangled frame of a body that was behind them and recognized him as The White Tyger.

"What the hell happened to him?" Goku asked. DJ looked straight at Lydia with a sinister grin.

"She did this to Tyger. What are you going to do about it?" DJ asked. Goku turned to the purple dressed girl behind him and faced her.

"Is this your doing?" Goku asked Lydia with stern, cold eyes. Lydia couldn't help but to buckle under the looks she was getting from Goku. Lydia gulped once as sweat dripped off her face.

"I'm not sure how you did it, but if you were the one that killed Tyger, then you must be strong and somehow hiding it. I should be cautious, but regardless, I will not hold back." Goku said.

"She also killed Trunks and Goten as well!" DJ lied. Lydia broke out into a pure sweat and became very pale in her skin. She knew Goku from the stories her father used to tell her when he would talk about his home world and how he would watch this guy beat the life out of his enemies. Usagi was shocked that DJ didn't turn on her and tell Goku that it was her that killed the two boys. She was also very relieved.

"JADEITE! Help!" Lydia barely managed to get out before she was sent to her knees from a devastating blow to the stomach. She felt pain surge throughout her entire body as she coughed up blood and began to have breathing problems. Goku frowned.

"I thought she would be much more of a challenge than this!" Goku proclaimed. DJ shook his head with wide eyes. Goku had seen that look before many times on Piccolo indicating that the fight was far from over, but from what Goku could tell about the girl, she was as weak as a kitten as she finished coughing up blood and fell flat on her face.

"You needed me to do this? Are you sure she killed Tyger, Goten and Trunks?" the sayian asked.

"Humph, you people are pathetic. But then again, you can't send women to do the job of the men." Vegita commented. He would have usually gotten a blow on the head for such a comment especially from Haruka, but since he was with Goku and since ALL the senshi knew what Goku was capable of doing, they decided against it because Vegita looked like he was gifted with immense strength as Goku displayed. Vegita did however, get many dirty looks from the senshi and practically every reader of this fic. ^_^

"The fat lady never sang." DJ said unexpectedly. Goku raised an eyebrow at DJ indicating his questions, but all were soon answered as Lydia slowly stood up and wiped the blood from her face.

"Cheap Shot." Lydia exclaimed and stanced. Jadeite quickly joined Lydia and Meke as they all three lined up for a fight to the death with Goku.

"Kakarot, deal with these weaklings and hurry it up already! I'm your next opponent." Vegita's patience was growing thin.

"It's not going to be as easy as you think." DJ said to the sayian prince. The prince ignored DJ's comments. DJ got mad and addressed Vegita by pushing his shoulder to the side and forced him to face DJ. Vegita's eyes grew wide with surprise.

"Do you have some sort of death wish or something? I could kill you where you stand!" Vegita yelled at the young man. DJ did not flinch.

"I know. I know how powerful you are, how you hate Goku or Kakarot so badly because you are the prince of the sayians and he is a lowly working class sayian, right? Regardless, he can whip you any day of the week and that's why you hate him so badly. I hate to tell you, but this enemy you are about to face, not even Goku can take on." DJ said. Vegita still looked at him trying to decide if he should kill the boy where he stood or question DJ about how he knew so much about him.

"I just sent the girl to her knees with no effort, and the ki that these two are emanating are rather pathetic. Aren't you over-reacting a little bit DJ?" Goku asked.

"Goku! You know first hand that Ki isn't everything especially when it comes to fighting. You know about magic, right? That's their powers. They use attacks based on magic, not ki."

Goku heard this and immediately upped his guard as he took on the form of Super Sayian level 1. Vegita turned to Goku in surprise.

"You aren't seriously taking what the boy is telling you and believing it?" Vegita asked with gritting teeth. Goku nodded and upped his ki level so much so that it blew away Meke, knocked Jadeite to the stone wall, and sent Lydia flying over the wall completely. Vegita scoffed.

"Just by turning Super Sayian, he blew them away and you are telling me that even I the greatest prince of the sayian race can't hope to defeat her? Little boy you have a lot to learn about fighting!"

"You idiot, didn't you hear what I just told Goku? They don't have ki like you guys do, their attacks are based on magical properties that come from their destined planets." DJ said. Vegita rolled his eyes.

"I'll take them on, Kakarot. You deal with the girls in the mini-skirts, I'll take on the main one." The sayian prince ranted and flew through the stone wall to follow Lydia. No more than 2 seconds passed before the body of Lydia flew back over the wall and into the yard once again. Vegita suddenly appeared above the motionless body and began to unleash a fury of punches and kicks upon Lydia. The poor girl (?) didn't have a chance in hell from escaping the wrath of a dead sayian. (He is dead, remember?) He finally stopped, picked up Lydia and round-housed kicked her into the sky where she remained air born for about 30 seconds, then finally fell flat onto the ground, lifeless.

"That was painfully easy to do." Vegita spoke and snapped at Goku.

"Why aren't you done with these girls yet? I am still waiting for our re-match." Vegita barked.

"Is he one of the good guys, or is he a villain?" most of the senshi were asking themselves this question wondering about the new arrival.

"This is preposterous to say that this girl killed my son, the son of my rival, and that other working class sayian over there." Vegita pointed out Tyger.

"Vegita, your pride has always brought your downfall. Do you think this time will be any different? Haven't you learned anything yet, you stupid ape?" DJ asked. Vegita was almost ignoring the entire comment that DJ made up until he heard the word "ape". He turned and looked at the young loudmouth.

"Would you like your mouth to be ripped off by my bare hands or would you like to keep it?" Vegita asked DJ in a very threatening voice. DJ smirked and slowed the flow of time down. He then quickly put Vegita into a body hold that would make any man suffer a great deal of pain if he were to be put in the same position. DJ restored the flow of time and had Vegita in a pretzel lock. Vegita could hardly move without causing something on his body to feel extreme pain. Goku blinked at DJ as he did this.

"Now do you believe me? Ki isn't everything in a fight." DJ proclaimed. Vegita wasn't beaten yet. He gave his usual cackle and twisted his arm free, ignoring the extreme pain he felt getting out of said hold and held DJ by the throat. He untangled himself out of the hold and held DJ up by his neck. One more second, and this loud mouthed teenager would be no more, if that is it wasn't for Goku's intervention. DJ suddenly was able to breathe again as Goku took a hold of Vegita's arm and was holding him back from getting to DJ.

"Hold off on your anger for a bit Vegita, we are going to need all the help we can get, and right now, this boy is our best hope." Goku exclaimed. Vegita was getting really tired of Goku ordering him around.

"Why are you so bothered with that girl? She is dead! Just look at her." Vegita said as he turned to look at the dead corpse. Vegita didn't see a dead corpse, but a living, breathing young girl who was stanced in her usual fighting pose with her silence glaive.

"But… but how did… I killed…" Vegita did the standard 'stutter of surprise' as he realized the girl that he had just killed was standing up, ready to fight and didn't have a single scratch on her body from all of Vegita's devastating blows.

"You DBZ guys are not the strongest characters in any anime! And I'm going to prove it." Lydia said with a sinister grin and raised her glaive. DJ ran out in front of Vegita as Lydia was pulling down her silence glaive into a swing of death. She quickly stopped before she could hit DJ.

"Otou-san, are you really going to give your life to protect these people?" the future guardian of Saturn queried. DJ shook his head.

"Baka! You kill me, you don't exist! Since this is my entire fault by giving life to you, filling your head with all of these ideas and everything, it's about time I took some responsibility."

The sailor senshi didn't believe what they were hearing. The loud mouthed American was actually showing signs of shivery. Sailor Moon busted through the girls that surrounded her and stopped in front of DJ with her arms spread out wide open.

"Now what do you want?" Lydia asked Sailor Moon with very little interest.

"No one else needs to die Lydia, let us help you. We will help you with your anger and rage. You don't need to kill anyone else. If your father trusts us enough to join with us instead of his own daughter, don't you think he has a reason behind it?" Sailor Moon pleaded to Lydia.

"You hypnotized him with your damn Ginzhushou (Silver Crystal). Shi-ne! (Die!)" Lydia cried out and lifted her silence glaive once more.

"Goku! Don't allow that glaive to come down. Once it does, she will release the silence and all of us here will be killed, including you two." DJ said to the sayian behind him. Goku nodded and appeared in front of Lydia and kept her arms extended upwards.

"Vegita, finish her off while I have her distracted." Goku said. The sayian prince snorted in disgust at first, then raised his hand, formed a small ki ball and launched it at Lydia. It connected with its target and sent Lydia flying through the other side of the stone wall.

"That girl has to be dead by now." Vegita announced. "I put enough firepower in that blast to kill the Namekian. She won't be a bother anymore." Vegita scoffed and approached Goku.

"BAKA! BakaBakaBakaBaka! She is immortal! She can't die!" DJ announced to the two sayians. They both looked at DJ before Lydia flew back over the wall with her Silence Glaive extended in front of her and impaled Vegita, or so she thought. As soon as she landed on her feet looking at Vegita, he suddenly disappeared. She suddenly was faced with a fist to her face repeatedly.

"Vegita!" DJ shouted.

"Boy, if I hear one more word out of your mouth, you will be next after this one. I'm not going to kill her, I'm going to render her paralyzed and broken. She will have eternal life, but what good does it do her if she is severely beaten?" Vegita replied. DJ shut up for a second. The prince of sayians was right. How could he have not thought about something like that?

Vegita continued his beating until he stopped and knocked away a ki blast that seemed to have come out of no where. Vegita got up and raised an eyebrow.

"Who ever you are, show yourself and take your punishment like a man!" Jadeite appeared in front of Vegita. Neither man looked impressed at the other one.

"I can't allow you to continue in your violence. Shi-ne." Jadeite said and raised his hand and fired a ki blast point-blank in Vegita's face. The attack was dead on and knocked Vegita's head back. The smoke quickly cleared from the explosion of the blast and Vegita's head moved back into the same position as before.

"What are you trying to do, tickle me?" the sayian prince chuckled and began his beating on Jadeite. DJ scratched the back of his head. Even though Lydia and her crew were out numbered, they were going to have a time with her death and rebirth abilities. But it seems that the great Goku and Vegita are still mopping up the floor with them, so there shouldn't be any more problems, right? Meke quickly moved over to where Lydia was, unnoticed.

"Lydia-sama, are you alright?" Meke asked. Lydia quietly whispered to me, "Finish me." Meke was appalled at such a statement from Lydia. "My lord Lydia, I can't do such a thing!" Meke responded. Lydia grabbed him by the clothes Meke was wearing and pulled him closer to her.

"Do it, or else I'll make sure you never see light again!" Lydia hissed. Meke fearfully nodded and raised his staff (where did he get that from?) and struck Lydia in the heart with the sharp end.

"Damn it! Lydia is coming back with a vengeance now." DJ said to himself as a purple glow engulfed Lydia and suddenly, she was healed. She quickly stood back up to her feet.

"Now do you get it Meke?" Lydia asked. Meke nodded many times, then finally got out of her way.

"Now, my turn." Lydia said with a grin. Vegita stopped his pounding of Jadeite and turned to the revived Lydia.

"We still have one last weapon!" Sailor Uranus shouted to Lydia. Lydia looked at the wind senshi and cackled.

"Bring it on! If you really think you can stop me now, just bring it!" Lydia said with all of the confidence in the world. "No one, not even the mighty Goku himself can stand against me!" Vegita's eye narrowed at Lydia as the senshi brought out their last ace. Sailor Uranus opened the door of the shrine and there standing behind the door was a silhouette of a small girl with the same looking outfit as all of the senshi were wearing, shadowed of course for more drama. -.^

"Who are you?" Lydia called out. The voice that proceeded hers she knew well. All too well. The one person that could possibly stand in between her and total destruction of the earth wore the same senshi outfit that she did. She was the senshi of Saturn from the past. The original one and only, Sailor Saturn. (crowd gives standing ovation)

"I am the bringer of silence. I control the powers of death and rebirth. I will not allow you to bring silence to this planet of beauty. For love and justice, a pretty soldier in a sailor suit. Sailor Saturn! Forgive me, but in the name of the planet Saturn, I will silence you!" Sailor Saturn said. (aka Hotaru, she is so kawaii!!! *clears throat* o.o' am I being a little too obsessive?)

Lydia couldn't help but stand there as the younger version of her mother walked out into the moonlight of the night. Lydia's eye began to swell and tear up. Her mother was here, and now finally she could see her once more. Lydia casually walked up to the youngest (currently) member of the senshi clan.

"Mommy?" Lydia said in a cute baby-like voice. Sailor Saturn sweat dropped.

"Gomen ne (I'm sorry), but I'm no one's mother. I am not even married yet." The silence bringer responded with. Lydia smiled.

"Not yet." Lydia countered with. Sailor Saturn was quite confused, but she quickly shook off her confusion and stanced with her Silence Glaive in her hand, ready to strike. Lydia frowned as she began to walk around Sailor Saturn in a circle, closely observing her. Sailor Saturn remained in her position while keeping her eyes on Lydia as she walked around.

"Mom, you know very well that #1 If you kill me, you yourself will die also. #2 if you didn't know, I have the same powers as you do, and #3 I am immortal. So it won't do any good to use your final attack on me because although you will die, I will survive and live on because I exist forever more." Lydia finished her speech. DJ face faulted, and shouted to Sailor Saturn.

"If you die, then she will have never existed. The time altering theory!" DJ shouted. Lydia's eyes grew wider.

"You wouldn't dare try to kill your love! She is your future wife! You can't just throw her life away like it's nothing!" Lydia shouted back. DJ ran his ass off to the two Senshi of Saturn and took the silence glaive of Lydia and thrusted it into Saturn's stomach.

"Watch me!" DJ said with an evil grin.

"Noooo! Hotaru!" Sailor Moon shouted as she ran to help her teammate. The death senshi looked down at her impaled stomach. She shed a few tears before she looked up at DJ and then slowly lost consciousness and eventually slipped into the vastness of death. The body was lifeless before it ever hit the ground. Sailor Moon shoved DJ aside and pulled the Glaive out of her fellow senshi's stomach. She scooped up the innocent girl into her arms and began sobbing. DJ turned to look at Lydia, who was still there. DJ blinked a few times.

"Ok, wait a minute. As soon as she dies, you aren't supposed to exist." He commented. Lydia looked crossways at the young man.

"What the hell are you babbling about old man? You know damn well I can bring her back to life any time I want to. Sorry, but no time paradoxes today." Lydia said as she leaned over the dead body wrapped up in Sailor Moon's arms. She moved her hands over the girl and began emitting a bright purple glow from her hands. Sailor Saturn quickly took a breath after a few minutes and opened her eyes. Lydia stood up from her mother and looked at her father.

"Any other bright ideas, Otou-san? I hope now you finally get it. I can't be defeated. Thanks to you and a very good idea from my companion Meke, I will never be stood against." Lydia said and then turned to the group of Senshi and Sayians.

"Heroes and Villains beware. I am the ultimate weapon! I am the keeper of Life and Death itself! I can never be defeated. I exist now, and forever more." Lydia proclaimed. DJ sweat dropped.

"That was the lamest excuse for a speech I have ever heard!"

"It's not the speech that matters, it's the powers that I hold within me now that you should be concerned with." Lydia replied. DJ growled.

"Where in the hell is that Okibino any damn ways?" DJ asked himself out loud with a smirk. Lydia looked at DJ with a raised eyebrow. "3…2…1…" DJ counted down out loud as well.

"Shi-ne!" came a voice out of nowhere. Lydia suddenly realized she felt like she was sinking into the ground. No, she wasn't sinking into the ground, she had been cut in half, diagonally and was sliding off the lower half of herself. The upper torso fell to the ground before Lydia knew what was going on, and died.

"About freaking time you decided to show up again! But you and I both know that won't do much good." DJ said to the newcomer. Okibino swished her large pig tails back.

"What gave you your first clue? But it felt damn good to cut her down to size." The female sayian responded with. Goku and Vegita's eyes grew very large as they took notice of the sayian. No doubt she was female from the look of her, especially with the brown tail wrapped around her waist. Wait a second, brown tail?

"DJ, don't allow that sayian to look up!" Goku shouted. DJ blinked a few times.

"What are you babbling about now, Goku?" DJ queried. Goku raced over to the two. Okibino lost her voice as she recognized the person that approached them. Goku wasted no time in using an old fashioned bear-hug technique and captured the female sayian. Okibino took no time in powering up to Super Sayian and broke free of the hold Goku had on her and fired a few ki blasts at the pure hearted sayian.

"What is this pervert doing?" Okibino asked between ki blasts. DJ shrugged as he looked up into the sky to see the horrible thing that Goku was talking about. He saw nothing in the sky except for lots of space, many twinkling stars and the light from the full moon. Full Moon? Uh oh.

Okibino also took the time to look around into the sky to see whatever was bothering Goku. Goku quickly tackled her to the ground and faced her to the stones of the walk. Okibino struggled underneath the weight of Goku.

"Why don't you blithering idiots just destroy the moon and this won't happen." Vegita said as he raised a hand to the moon. DJ shouted to the top of his lungs "NO YOU BAKA!" as he slowed the flow of time down and ran his ass off to the prince and attempted to knock his already fired ki blast off course. Although DJ couldn't touch the ki blast while it was suspended in time, he could move Vegita to make him block the blast when time goes back to normal. He did just that and used Vegita's arm to push the blast upwards into the sky away from the moon. Time resumed it's course and Vegita re-directed his blast up into the night sky, completely missing the moon. Vegita did not look to enthusiastic.

"You dare stand against me?" Vegita said and stuck DJ in the face. Vegita didn't use much strength against the boy because he knew if he did, he would have severed his head clean off his body. Although Vegita used hardly any strength at all to move DJ, he did move DJ to the outside of the busted up stone wall.

"Vegita! That wasn't uncalled for!" Goku said. Vegita smirked.

"Do something about it then, Kakarot." Vegita replied. Goku was just about to do that when he suddenly felt a pulsating from underneath him. He looked down and saw that it was Okibino that was pulsating from underneath him. He quickly scrambled to his feet and distanced himself away from the female sayian. She slowly got up from where she was lying down and turned around to the entire group. Her eyes were blood red as her teeth were now replaced by fangs that would make any vampire proud. She snorted and growled as her body began to cover itself with brown fur.

"Way to go, Kakarot. Now we have an Ooruzo (giant ape) to deal with." Vegita said as the female sayian turned into what every sayian turns into by looking at the light of the full moon. The sailor senshi were just about speechless as the girl known as Okibino grew to a massive 60 Ft. tall. All of the senshi scrambled to get out of the yard. They were joined with the two sayian men as they arrived at the end of the stone stairway of the shrine.

"If you would have just allowed me to destroy the moon, this wouldn't have happened, Kakarot!" Vegita said with a huff. Sailor Uranus walked up to the prince.

"You talk a lot for such a short man. Why don't you try staying quiet and letting the grown-ups handle this?" she commented. Vegita's eyes grew red with burning anger. He would have done something about it, if it hadn't been for the large ape foot that tried to flatten both of the bickering teammates. The Hino shrine was leveled without any effort as the giant ape made its way out of the temple area, unleashing a soul-shaking howl. Sailor Moon still held onto the current day Senshi of Silence as they ran away from the dreaded creature.

Everyone was finally able to re-group in a street ally near the now destroyed temple. Sailor Moon set down Saturn and she was quick to her feet.

"We can not allow this thing to destroy all of Tokyo." Moon proclaimed. DJ sweat dropped.

"You should worry more about the earth than a simple city." DJ said. Sailor Mercury approached DJ.

"You seem to know everything that is going on here. Mind clueing us in on everything?" the ice based senshi queried. DJ hung his head low.

"With that thing on the loose in this world, not to mention a hell-bent silencer with eternal life, I'd say the chances of you guys winning are slim to none and slim just left town. So what does that analysis tell you?" DJ finished. Moon walked to the end of the ally with her wings spread.

"Going to save the world by yourself again, Tsukino Usagi?" DJ asked. Moon turned her head back to the American.

"I won't stop until everyone is safe. If one person looses their life, it will be because of me, and I can't live with that. Will you all join me?" Moon beckoned. The other senshi nodded and accepted the invite with the quickness. Hino-Usa joined in their 'team hand shake'.

Goku didn't hesitate. Vegita folded his arms.

"Is he not going to help, Goku-san?" Moon asked. Goku chuckled with a light hearted laugh.

"He may act like a stick in the mud, but he does have a sense of duty. Aren't you coming DJ?" Goku asked. DJ winced. This was it, no turning back now. If he joined them, then he would be here forever, fulfilling his destiny in this world. Forsaking the world he had be born in. He would also be in cahoots with his dispatcher (murderer). Which is it, a life with a hope and promise, or selfish pride?

"DJ!!!" Goku yelled at the young man.

"Wakata, wakata! (Alright alright) count me in." DJ said and moved in to join the group handshake. Moon was extremely relieved and happy.

"DJ." She said his name confirming her joy. Then she got a stern look on her face.

"Everyone, for the earth! We have to win!" Moon said. The entire group nodded (minus one prince) and ran out of the ally. The destruction had just begun, but already there was terrible chaos happening in the city. Dozens of buildings reduced to rubble as the massive ape made its way down the road. Fortunately, some one cried out "King Kong!" and almost 3 seconds after that was said, the entire Juuban district was cleared out and evacuated. (seems to me that Japanese have had a lot of practice in dealing with monsters, ne? (short slang Japanese term for "Am I right?")

The Ooruzu who was Okibino walked calmly down the road. By growing into the giant ape, the only thing that covered her was her brown fur, regardless it was still obvious that said giant ape was female by the mountains on it's chest. (Well, they are about that big now, wouldn't you say? I've never seen a female ooruzu before, have you?) That fact and the fact that she wasn't going completely nuts on the city are the only two things that was different from any other ooruzu attack on a city. True, her brown sayian tail was whipping back and forth between the buildings, causing the damage, but otherwise, the ape wasn't trying to cause harm or damage. It just looked confused and lost.

"Okibino!" shouted a voice from below the ape. The massive King Kong wanna-be stopped in her tracks and looked down at the voice it heard. The voice belonged to Lydia. Okibino raised her giant foot up, getting ready to squash the stupid girl, when she stopped as a result of Lydia unsheathing her Silence Glaive and pointing it to the monkey.

"Listen and listen well. I can forgive you for your insolence this time because I know the brain-washing of the Ginzhushou must still be messing with your better judgment. If you stop now and join with me again to seek out my revenge, I will spare you." The Ooruzu didn't look too enthusiastic.

"And if I don't?" the ape surprisingly responded.

"Then you face death. It's quite simple. Life by serving me, or death by turning your back on those that you have fought and bled for." Lydia finished.


Lydia got her answer in the form of a giant crushing ape's foot and the taste of asphalt. The monkey continued on it's course, heading in no particular direction. Meke quickly joined Lydia's crushed corpse and took out his pocket watch.

"3…2…1…" Meke said. After he said one, Lydia's body began to glow, and in the time it would take Goku to finish a bowl of ramen (which is like 0.000000002 seconds, damn that's fast!), Lydia stood, unhindered and completely revived.

"Damn that hurt, you ape bitch!" Lydia was getting fed up with nothing going her way. It was about time she got down to business. She proved to herself that she couldn't be stood against and that she could and can survive anything anyone threw at her, it was time to clean up the garbage.

"Let's go Meke. No more playing around and trying to make Sailor Moon suffer. It's time to unleash the silence." Meke nodded in agreement with a sinister grin.

"Hai, Lydia-sama." The elf-like creature replied.


On the same side of town, a young boy with a yellow bandana around his head made his way onto the street that the ape was walking on. He was tall, rather stalkly and built, he wore a yellow shirt, black pants, his shoes were tied up his legs to prevent his shoes from coming off in a fight. He carried a book bag on his back with a dark burgundy umbrella sitting on top of the pack.

"Where am I now?" the young man asked out loud to no one in particular. He then felt a thunderous tremble coming from below his feet. His first thoughts was the rumbling was a result of an underground subway. His second thoughts were an earthquake. Then, it suddenly became dark all around him. The moon was shining that night, this he was sure of. (Too bad he wasn't sure of where he was, especially at this point in time.) He then turned to the source of the overpowering shadow that loomed around him. What he was expecting was no where near what he saw with his own eyes.

"A giant monkey?" the eternal lost boy asked himself as he sat down his back pack, fear apparent in his eyes, but was not present in his actions as he cracked his knuckles, preparing for the battle ahead.


Moon was the first one to spot the hairy beast when she noticed a boy set his back pack down to his right side and take a fighting stance.

"Get out of here right now, you will be crushed!" Moon yelled. The group quickly joined Moon as she continued to yell at the traveler. DJ's eyes bugged out of his skull, then he laughed to himself. That laughter soon became an all consuming fit of giggles as DJ rolled a few times on the ground. Moon looked at the man in question as he quickly got up and wiped a few tears out of his eyes.

"This just gets weirder by the minute." Sailor Venus announced as she sweat dropped with the rest of the senshi that were witness to the fit that DJ displayed.

"Hey… (chuckle) RYOGA!" DJ said, trying to fight off the chuckles and giggles. Goku just joined in the group thanks to delay from fighting with Vegita to force him to tag along. Vegita resented the fact that he was helping a group of teenaged girls fight one of his own species, but a convincing conversation with Goku (that included Goku twisting Vegita's arm behind his back and refusing to let go until Vegita swore he would help) lead the two sayians to join the group fashionably late.

The boy at the feet of the ape turned his head for a brief moment to look at the person that called his name. He was forced to quickly break his momentary lapse of judgment to jump out of the way of a foot that came crashing down where the boy once stood.

"Ryoga, get lost again, we can take care of this." DJ said. Normally, DJ would love to talk with yet another anime character from one of his favorite shows (how many favorite shows does he really have?) but the pressing issue of Okibino flattening Tokyo caused his better senses to kick in and try to avoid a potentially bad situation with the eternal lost boy becoming a spot on the ape's giant foot.

"How do you know the name of Ryoga Hibiki? Answer me now!" Ryoga questioned the anime guru.

"No time, just make yourself scarce." DJ pleaded. Ryoga shook his head.

"And who is going to stop that thing from leveling this city?" the lost one asked. DJ sweat dropped. This was no time for questions and answers all over again, so he thought of a good diversion.

"Ranma Saotome is about 100 meters behind us. If you hurry, you can catch him as he is trying to force his way on your beloved Akane." DJ ran some of the words together, but he said them clearly enough that Ryoga should have understood. The desired results were achieved as the eternal lost boy clenched his fist into a ball.

"That Ranma… CURSE YOU SAOTOME FOR TRYING TO FORCE YOUR VISCIOUS AND EVIL WAYS UPON POOR AKANE! RANMA PREPARE TO DIE!" Ryoga shouted as he quickly doubled back and grabbed his back pack and took off in the same direction that he came from. Needless to say the entire group, senshi, sayian, and humans all sweat dropped once more at the short comings of the properly labeled 'Eternal Lost Boy' Ryoga Hibiki.

"Well, not the direction I had in mind, but at least we got him away from this place." DJ said. "The last thing we need are those psychos from Nerima invading this place." DJ finished.

"Who was that guy?" Rei asked with a blush in her cheeks. DJ sighed. Yet another senshi haplessly becomes a victim of a cute and lost face.

"That was Ryoga. The eternal Lost boy. Just pray that none of his friends decide to help us with Okibino."

"Why not? We can certainly use all the help we can get. Though he doesn't look like he could help much. Have you check the size of that thing recently?" Minako asked. DJ shook his head.

"If you have believed nothing I have said up to this point, believe me when I say this. You guys do NOT want any help from him, nor any of his friends. Haven't you figured out that size doesn't matter? Compared to the ooruzu, it will be a walk in the park to handle Okibino the way she is now than to have the people from Nerima help us. They would probably… no they WOULD do far more damage to this city than Okibino alone." DJ finished. He then got a lot of disbelieving looks from the whole team.

"Trust me. There is a fight each and every day in Nerima that would put the fights that Goku and Vegita endured through to absolute shame."

"You can't be serious. Majin Buu destroyed the entire earth once before. How can things be much worse than that?" Goku protested. DJ thought for a second.

"Leave it to Ranma and Company to handle this to themselves, and the earth will be doomed. Lydia will be easier to deal with than all those idiots in one place trying to 'do the right thing for the sake of others.'" DJ responded. Goku still gave DJ a disbelieving look, but went along with his theory. He didn't have much choice in the matter as Okibino opened her mouth and began to gather energy in it.

"She is going to attack. Everyone, hold hands. Goku, use your instant teleportation to get us out of here." Everyone complied except Goku.

"Who should I focus on?" the sayian asked.

"Who cares, just do it!" DJ shouted and quickly grabbed Vegita's hand at the last possible second before the attack came crashing down where they were. Seconds later, the entire group reappeared beside of Lydia.

"Way to go Goku, you could have picked anyone in the world to focus on, and you had to focus on the enemy." DJ said. Goku put a hand behind his head and chuckled. The ape turned her body to the right and looked at the ground.

"Goku, use Krillian's 'Destructo Disc' technique to cut off her tail. The rest of you, follow me. We need to stall this big thing in time for Goku to attack." DJ said and raced towards the front of the ape.

"Krillian's attack is called…" Goku trailed off before getting yelled back at.

"I don't care what it's called, just do it!" DJ said as he approached the front of the ape. Vegita stayed behind and continued to watch the group of super heroes do their job.

"Hey, you big fat ugly over-grown ape! Yeah I'm talking to you! You are nothing to me! I'm going to send you to the next dimension!" DJ said, then realized that if Tyger was there at that moment, he would have called DJ a lamer for sure.

"Ack, wrong translation!" DJ said. But the desired effect was achieved as the ape bent down and picked up DJ in it's massive right hand.

"I could easy toss you into my mouth and eat you for a light snack." Okibino said. DJ just shot his middle finger to the ape. Although, in America his gesture would have been found insulting, here in Tokyo, Japan, his act of intimidation was found pointless to the ape. Regardless, Okibino held the young man above her head as she tilted it back and was about to drop him in, when suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her back side.


Goku had powered up the attack that would swipe off the tail of the big ugly ape. He was taking aim and was about to fire that is until Lydia decided she would intervene and used her Silence Glaive to knock the aim off Goku's attack. She did just that and as the attack headed towards its main target, the part it was aiming for (the tail) was completely missed as it grazed the back of the ape instead.

"Ohh… that had to hurt." Goku said while wincing at the now bald and bloody back of the ape. Okibino turned her head and narrowed her eyes at her attacker. She suddenly dropped DJ and made her way to the attacker. Goku knew if he stayed in the same spot, the others around him would also be killed. So he began to levitate above the ground, and was instantly smacked down to the ground once more thanks to a heavy ape hand. Goku was kissing the canvas as Okibino's foot raised above Goku and already on the way from crushing him. The foot connected and Goku was in extreme pain. He let out a blood curdling yell as all of his bones began to crack and break inside of his body. Though, now dead technically speaking, Goku could still easily feel the pain that Okibino had intended for him.

"We have to do something!" shouted Sailor Jupiter. The tall brunette then turned to Goku's smaller counter-part.

"Well? Aren't you the only one that has the power to save him?" Jupiter asked Vegeta. The prince just scoffed.

"He is already dead. Why should I bother to save a dead man?" Vegeta replied. Jupiter couldn't believe her ears.

"Isn't he your friend? Then you should help him out instead of giving up and saying he is already dead!"

"You stupid woman. Kakarot is already dead! Read my lips. D-E-A-D. He doesn't live, he is pushing up daisies! He is dead already. There isn't much I can do for him and if there was, I would have done it already don't you think? I would much rather prefer if I could be the one to kill him, but since he is already dead, nothing I can do for him." Vegeta shouted and folded his arms and turned his head. While this was going on, Moon was debating against whether or not she should transform again and help Goku.

"If he is dead as you say he is, then why is he screaming in pain like he is now?" Jupiter asked. Vegeta snorted.

"It was his idea to keep his original body. That's what he gets." Vegeta said without looking back at Jupiter.

"Sailor Moon, you should use your new powers and help Goku out." Sailor Mercury stated. Moon shook her head no.

"What if I lose it again? How many people will die this time? A few innocents? Goku? Maybe all of you? I can't allow that to happen. I refuse, and I will fight like I am now." Moon said. Vegeta laughed.

"You are all fools. Why should kakarot need help from a group of school girls? Not to mention school girls that can't defend their own planet!" he smirked. Bad choice of words Vegeta. Sailor Uranus stepped up to the petite man.

"If there wasn't already a threat to this place, I would take you on myself." Uranus restrained herself from picking a fight with the sayian, but she still had to provoke him a little bit.

"Bring it on, all of you. I will kill you all with my bare hands." The short little shit of a fighter ranted.

"Enough fighting! Okibino is heading towards the heart of the city!" DJ shouted. Suddenly, everyone turned up and looked at the now bare backed sayain monkey as it headed towards (wouldn't you know it) the center of the city. Goku was lying very still in the same spot he was in before.

"If he wasn't already dead, he would be by now." DJ said and picked him up.

"Where is Sailor Saturn?" DJ asked. Everyone looked around and also realized that Lydia was gone as well.

"Damn it, she is probably trying to persuade Hotaru-chan into join forces with her." DJ said and began walking towards the city after the giant ape.

"Where are you going? Shouldn't we look for Sailor Saturn so we can revive Goku?" Jupiter asked. DJ shook his head.

"No need, he will be ok after a while. He is an anime character who happens to be one of the heroes. He will be ok somehow very soon." DJ said and continued walking.

End of Chapter 12

Author's Notes: My e-mail address has changed from [email protected] to [email protected] . Please note these changes and don't send mail to the AOL address. I finally have much time to work on this story, so expect update a lot more frequently! Thanks for all of your support. It's going to get better now!