DISCLAIMER: Don't own 'Our Girl' or it's chararcters.
A/N: In the case that Captain James might be dead and buried in Episode 5, a piece set after Afghanistan. I've deliberately kept them addressing eachother as Sir and Dawes because now it's become more of the banter and affection between them.
"You are not my usual type Dawes"
Molly linked her arm into Captain James's as they walked up Piccadilly circus, she smiled at him, "Oh I know i'm not sir...I bet your usual type are all larlie dar"
He smirked but didn't make comment, she laughed out loud, "I fought so! Well, I'm telling you somefink for nothing, you are haven't seen anyfing yet"
"Promises, promises"
Molly stopped on the curb, Captain James looked about them and frowned, "Why are we stopping...are we in danger of an ambush Dawes?"
Molly playfully slapped him on the shoulder, "Now you are being silly! No...I was finking about what you said last night"
Captain James turned from the steady flow of London traffic and looked at her, "oh? I said a lot of things Dawes, you are going to have to elaborate..."
"We did your night...that poxy pub in the country...you said I could pick where we go tonight"
Captain James had already spotted the object of Molly's destination across the way.
"A nightclub...", he said widening his brown eyes.
Molly raised her eyebrows, "What sup sir, you never been in a nightclub before?"
He pulled a face, "It's been a fair while..."
Molly shrugged, "I suppose we don't have to go in...we can just go somewhere else.."
"No no...if I said you could pick where we go tonight...then it's your decision and we go..come on then, lets not stand here and look at it...I'll lead the way shall I"
Molly had to smirk as she still tagged onto his arm and he lead the way across the road to the club.
He stopped short of the queue, "Am I dressed for this?"
Molly looked at him in his checkered shirt and Jeans, "You'll do sir...but your shirt could've have done with an iron..."
She then grabbed his hand and pulled him along after her.
Inside the music was deafening. And hordes of 20 something youth clubbing the night away. Up at the bar, Molly turned, "so what's your poison sir?"
Captain James looked down at her, "doesn't look like I've got much choice Dawes, it's going to have to be a lager"
"Me too"
Captain James already had his wallet out, "I'll get these..."
Molly was quick to make him put it away, "No...I said I was gettin them in, and I am!"
Once they were finally served, they took their drinks to a table and looked over the railing to the dance floor.
"Fancy a dance sir?"
He was like the rabbit in the head-lights, "errr...no...well...I don't actually do dancing...but...you can, and I'll gladly watch..."
Molly laughed, "oh yeah, I know your game sir...this dress is so tight you just want to have a good old perve at my backside!"
Captain James chuckled at her, "Oh come off it...would I do that?"
Molly took a sip of her drink, "You used to all the time in Afghan...don't you think I never noticed ya...because I did"
"Just as long as no one else did...anyway...are you going to have this jig about or what...?"
"Jig about? You are funny sir..."
"Are you teasing me Dawes? If you are I'm going to have to put you over my knee when we get back"
Molly stood up and smiled at him, "really sir? Well I best tease you a whole lot more then, won't I..."
And with that Captain James sat back and watched Molly walk down the catwalk towards the dance floor, he smiled at her when she wiggled her backside at him.
Later, they grabbed themselves a kebab to share, Captain James grabbed a handful of the fries and shoved them into his gob.
Molly held onto the box and found it highly amusing to watch, "blimey sir, you are turning into one of the locals"
"Your influence Dawes"
Molly considered him a bit as they walked on further up the street, it was beginning to drizzle.
"I've never had a boyfriend like you before sir"
Captain James turned around and pulled a frown at her, "What do you mean? Oh, someone who knows how to treat a girl rather than some scally who thinks a quick drink and a shag up the alley is a showing a girl a good time"
"How do you know my usual type?", then she burst out laughing, "Soz...but I was never that desperate"
They both walked further on then Molly paused, she placed her hand into his, "I wish you don't have to go"
Captain James binned the kebab box and took her other hand, "You know I have to go...do you know where you are going to be at?"
"No sir...just not with you and that makes me sad"
Captain James held her gaze, "me too...and I'm sure time will pass..."
"Come back to me sir"
He had to smile back at her, "I will..."
They carried on up the street towards the night bus stop, "So...back to your camp then Dawes..."
Molly wasn't looking forward to that.
"Gor blimey...now that's a whole different ball game...when you see my lot you'll wished you'd stayed in Afghan sir"
He kissed her on the lips as they jumped on the night bus, "I think I'll be the judge of that Dawes, don't you..."
Let me know what you think...it's all abit fluff I know...but I was thinking about doing one when Captain James goes to the estate and meets Molly's Mum and Dad.