Yes I know there were holes in this story, but hey over the years of reading books and such you ever notice there is something missing from the stories you read? You go back and re-read the story over and over again, hope for a sequel to help answer those questions, and some sequels have them and some don't. I usually will use my imagination for the most part.

Thanks again for all the reviews.

A couple years had passed with nothing too spectacular to speak of in the terms of anything cataclysmic like the last time. Dib started to work alongside Professor Membrane, and during that year he managed to bring the lab even further ahead of its time than before. Possibly because of all that time dealing with Zim in the past helped greatly in that aspect. Something, Dib tried to not give him too much credit for, but would say it silently to Gaz who would smile faintly at him. Dib always knew she wouldn't at least rub in his face like, Zim probably would. Although there was one time he did come to Zim for something, and Zim in his typical old way of treating him by trying to belittle him at first before agreeing to help. Dib, for some reason had a strange feeling he simply did that out of pride in some aspect, or possibly in the end to make Gaz happy since they were now mated or married. Whichever you wish to say in Irken or Earthen custom.

Most of the time he was working so he never ended up with a place of his own, so he still lived at home. It wasn't like he was too lazy to find a place of his own, he felt odd coming home to an empty place. It felt lonely. He never got the hang of being alone just yet after she left. So with his dad being home more now, it wasn't like he came home to some place empty. There was always the sound of another person in the house. Yes, he missed having someone to hold in his arms even if he didn't get a chance to do it so often with her, but it was still there enough to be tangible.

His dad and himself had a more solid father and son relationship than before. It was good to finally get him out of the house a little more often than annual family night. There were times, Gaz would join them, and other times they would be both be together. Dib felt a little more happier there than the depression that was accompanied at feeling he wasn't at all loved by his own parent. When he asked Gaz about this. Asked if he was a little insane in feeling that way, she told him that he wasn't because she always felt it. She was sorry to act like such a bitch towards him when she was younger. On occasion she would apologize for that. Dib saw the change in her. She had an edge to her still, but it was softened more. When she was giving him a hard time for the hell of it simply to turn around at the end of the night to hug him just to thank him. Dib smiled that at least he was closer to her too.

While family life was improved and career was fantastic, Dib was lonely. So one day he just took a drive up the mountain to one of the overlooks, and got on the hood of his car to watch the horizon. He laughed at himself for thinking how lonely he is and deciding to go some place to be even more lonely. What a genius he is. He sighed as he watched the stars twinkle and turned his head when he heard the slight crunching in the ground marking movement of something approaching. Turning his body in that direction to get ready for whatever it was, he went slack jawed when she slid on his hood next to him.

"I'm surprised you didn't mark my Voot over your car or even landing." Tak said casually laying down on his hood.

He sat staring at her feeling like poking her with his finger. "My mind was preoccupied." Was his reply.

"With what?" She had this twinkle in her eye as she quirked her eyebrow ridge up in challenge.

He scanned her entire body noticing she was actually wearing a dress. Not a uniform. She must of noticed how he lingered on her legs as she adjusted the hem of her dress. "You." Very quickly and very hungrily, he wrapped his arms around her, being mindful to support her head, and kissed her deeply.

Tak smiled against him returning his kiss. She laughed a little when she felt a breeze hit her bare legs. Dresses are weird for someone who didn't wear them, but she wanted to greet him in something different. "Dib." She whispered pausing their kiss to roll him on the hood of his car while she laid on top of him. "I left to not only collect that bounty, but to have time to think. This is all new to me so if I trip in this whole thing, please understand."

Dib's heart was beating, but he didn't wish to assume. "What are you saying to me?"

Removing her dress, she gave him a long kiss before her answer. "I want to be with you. Maybe try for another smeet."

He knew it wasn't exactly romantic, but he'll make it up to her in time, he just had to slide from under her to grab her in his arms. "Want to try now?" He knew that smile was confirmation enough as he placed her into the backseat of his vehicle. Yes, it wasn't romantic, but he knew Tak had a voracious appetite.

Clawed digits danced along the panel as the owner of them concentrated intensely. Behind him his insane little robot was dancing around and singing. After so many years of dealing with the insane little robot, Zim could do both things, he can ignore him on the best of days, and not on the worst. Sometimes he couldn't ignore him how decent his mood was. If Gaz was down there, she'd be able to put a leash around him, but she wasn't, so he was intent on ignoring the silly thing.

"Mastah? Whatcha doing?"

Zim can make out his reflection in one part of the monitor as he stood there innocently with a stuffed animal held akimbo against him. "Gir, I told you what I was doing fifteen minutes ago. Don't you remember?" Zim asked patiently.

Zim can see that he was thinking about it because he just stood there with those innocent cyan eyes. "Is it about chickens?" He finally wondered.

Zim remained patient as he tried not to tense up. "No, Gir, concentrate. What do you think it is?" He said slowly hoping he will catch on.

Placing his hand to his mouth, Zim heard humming sounds till he replied, "Oh, it involves something red, and explosive."

Smiling, Zim looked back down at the control panel. "Very good, Gir. It does have something do to with something red and explosive."

Gir cheered at making Zim happy running off playing with his squeak toy. Zim was blessed with silence from him for now.

"Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?" Came Gaz's soft voice from behind. "The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world."

Zim didn't realize she came down until he heard her voice, but hearing her soft mocking, he turned his face a little to regard his purple demoness almost dropping his jaw at her attire. Burgundy jacket top, that hugged her gentle curves nicely, and flowing out in some sort of tail that dropped down past her knees in the back while showing him tasteful cleavage and a almost short black skirt underneath. Swallowing, he asked, "Excuse me?"

"You and Gir remind me of these mice on this cartoon." Gaz mentioned with a coy look while taking her time walking to him. "They're Pinky and The Brain. Yes, Pinky and The Brain. One is a genius. The other's insane."

"Mice, you say?"

"Zim, don't be insulted, at least your the genius and Gir is insane." She replied as she casually moved her hand over his buttocks softly while smiling devilishly. "What is my mate doing right now? Or should I say, Tallest?"

Unbeknownst to Dib, Zim secretly managed to overthrow Red and Purple from being the Tallest, and in the short amount of time he did take over a planet. Technically two planets with the help of his demoness. Turns out with Earth and how politics are now all around it isn't the same as it use to be, so controlling the Earth's highest officials became no big deal. The second planet was something so many had a suspicion of, but it was Zim who knew exactly what was below the surface.

"Earth won't be enslaved, but it is nice to pull strings isn't it?" Zim asked with a sly smile as he watched his queen lean against the panel. "Wedding present to you, my Gaz."

"Thank you and of course Dib won't be wise to that just now, not like he should worry about it. Although you have those people I've been complaining about." Gaz ran her hand along his claw.

"Seeing that those Martians were very unstable. Probably from being so close to the sun all these centuries. That weapon they were amassing has been taken over by the Elite, and as for them I'm keeping them a secret from NASA. No matter how many times I tell them not to explore there they want to launch something on that surface. I can't keep on showing images of that section in San Bernardino all the time." Zim explained with a quirky look in his eyes.

Laughing at that, she ran her hand along his stomach. "That is the thing about scientists, they are determined for their answers. Remember how, Dib is." Gaz reminded.

"Yes, I know how your brother is."

"You put Tak back as an Irken Elite."

Moving his hand through her hair, the plan forgotten. "You must of spoken to her."

"Of course when I went over to the house, she was there. You realize you made my brother very happy." Wrapping her leg around his, she purred. "Zim, you don't want it to get out that you became soft."

Melting into her, he whispered in her ear. "I love making you happy, my demoness."

Feeling the kiss against her neck from him, she almost melted, but held tight. "How about if I return the favor, Mate. Would you like that?"

Nipping at her neck, he was already answering her non-verbally.

"Zim, we are expecting a smeet." She whispered and smiled at him pausing to look her in the eyes. Gaz loved his expression. He was stunned and elated at the same time. "Would you like to hold off on this here, and celebrate in our room together?"

Pausing the program, Zim lifted her up in his arms ordering the computer to take them immediately to their room. Now they may have to get to Irk faster than anticipated so she can give birth there. When he mentioned that to her on the way to carrying her to bed, she just smiled while ripping off his clothes. His queen was way too perfect for him.

A Month Later

He heard it. Caught the transmission. It was too similar to the time before Zim arrived. Dib's eyes widened, his ears perked up even more, his pulse not only increased, but dipped at times. "nooooo." He said that so low, so soft that it was barely audible in itself as he ripped off his headphones to race out of the room he shared with Tak now.

Tak was in the bathroom finishing off from cleaning herself off with chalk when she saw him speed past the door. She should of been use to this after a month of living with him, but as she calmly placed the chalk aside to call out to him, she was lucky enough that this time he halted for her. If he wanted to know what his possible latent power might be, it might be his gift for running extremely quick.

"Did you know about this, Tak?" He questioned as he wheeled around to look at her as he fumbled to put on his coat.

Tak was calm as she kept a level gaze on him. "About what, Dib? This is about the 10th speed off session you have done out of the house so far."

"Well... This is the first time I'm questioning you about something, so I'm assuming you know about this." Dib wished he had something to wave in front of her instead of his undone hair right now, but all he could do is ask.

"Well what I know about interfacing is most of the stuff you have taught me." She instead said.

Dib stared at her dumbfounded, and also a bit flustered. "No! Although... No! I have to go." Grabbing the handle, he flew out the door to run to Zim's. Tak just smiled as she went to go after him.

Arriving at Zim's door, he was surprised to have it open for him without knocking. "ZIM!" Dib called out.

"Wow, Dib, there is no need to shout." Came Gaz's calm voice as she wandered from the kitchen. "Hey Tak."

Dib heard the door close behind him as Tak entered silently past him. "Hey." Looking at her abdomen, Tak smiled at her. "You look to be progressing nicely there."

Smiling she touched her slightly swollen belly now as she walked over to the couch. "Yeah. Thank goodness I don't have to wait 9 months until this baby comes out. Yay to smeets."

Dib glanced between them both and to Gaz's stomach. "You're pregnant? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I did, Dib, but you were too busy concentrating so I figured you would find out once I have a baby in my arms." Gaz answered sweetly. "Congratulations to becoming an Uncle. Dad knows. He sent us gifts."

The day that his dad pays attention and he didn't was the day he needed to re-check himself. "Sorry, Gaz. Where's Zim?"

"Meeting, down below. Should be done by now." Standing up again, she guided them to the elevator that will be able to have all three of them in there, and took them below. Stopping at the floor, Gaz stepped out first. "You done already?"

"Yes, my love." Zim replied happily.

"Greetings, Tallest Zim." Tak said with a sly smile.

"Greetings, Captain Tak." Zim said back.

"Your a Tallest now, Zim?! You knew about this, Tak?" Dib questioned.

Gaz stepped to Zim's side to lean against the panel. "Found something interesting today, Dib?"

"Don't be cute, Gaz. I heard the transmission. I heard about Mars. What about Earth, Zim?"

"No need to worry about Earth. Earth is to be left alone. Those Martians though... That is a different problem all together." Zim informed him. "I reinstated, Tak because she deserved it, and also for you if you really wanted her, which I can see she did."

"Well, thanks there, but are you going to enslave Mars now?"

"Dib, you are never happy, are you?" Zim stepped forward placing a hand on his shoulder. "Those crazy buggers there will help out when need be. Why enslave a race like this? I actually like them."

"You think I can honestly believe you, Zim?"

"Geez, Dib. If anything he might control the worlds leaders once in a while. Come on, you know they need guidance more than anyone." Gaz said nonchalantly.

"The control brains did that with the Tallests until they got out of control. It is best to reign stuff in." Tak explained simply taking his hand. "Look at me, Dib. Okay I am staying here with you with the occasional time of me going to Irk, but mostly I am here with you. I haven't lied to you about my feelings or why I'm here so please trust me."

"You are allowed to come to Irk when she comes there. I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing it." Zim invited.

"I won't be here that much anymore, Dib. I'm sure you want to see your nephew or niece." Gaz hinted at.

Dib mostly examined Tak and Gaz as he tried to have some faith placed into him. Groaning out though, he nodded his head. "Fine, I'll try to trust you, Zim, but I swear if you..."

"Yeah I know, you'll disect me like the alien scum that I am." Zim finished for him as he snaked a arm around Gaz's waist. "Okay now let us wreak some havoc!"

Dib flashed him an unamused look at that last statement. "You really had to go there, didn't you?"

Shrugging, Zim winked at him. "Why not? Someone has to."

The end.