So this is my first Legend of Zelda fanfic. Honestly, I played Twilight princess and absolutely loved it! =D But I'm super bad with names and all. I tried to just use the names from the games but I really have no idea who is who. So everyone else is pretty much some random character I thought up. You might see a familiar name pop up somewhere here and there. But be warned! NONE of the characters may have the same personality as they did in the games. To tell the truth, I first wanted this story to be a ROTGxFrozen story, but somehow it didn't fit as well as LOZ. So in saying, Link's personality might resemble Jack more and Zelda might resemble Elsa/Anna more.

Well, I hope you like this story and enjoy it. =D

It was horrifying. The sun had just sunk behind the hills leaving only the last light of the day. It stained the sky with blood and darkness. Not even the moon or stars came up to replace that light. Zelda, with only the body of a child, rode a large steed towards that remaining light in hope to catch it. It was the only hope left for her. She daren't look back, but she can hear the loud thunderous steps behind her. Zelda flinched as the flickering of darkness sting her with cold enough to freeze her instantly. With each touch, blood spilled from her pale ivory skin. But she daren't cried out loud in hope that whatever was following wouldn't find her. However, to her dismay, the sound only got closer to her. Although she tried with all her might not to look, she slowly turned her head.

There it was. The thing that horrified her entire soul. Two flaming red eyes staring right at her. Although it may still seem a bit at a distance, its eyes were as big as herself. Its body engulfed in the shadow impossible to make out it is. Just as it neared her, it let out an evil, menacing laugh. A laugh so evil that it shook the ground along with her soul. Then it came closer and closer. By then, the sun had disappeared completely. She was the only light left. The thing roared a mighty sound no humans or demons have ever heard of. It jumped up into the sky and came down upon her.

Zelda screamed and jumped out of bed as if trying to dodge. Suddenly, she realized it was only a dream and found herself falling face down to the floor. Quickly, she threw out her hands in front of her to catch the ground. With momentum, she flipped her legs above her hoping to do a front flip. However, with the weird position she started out with, she instead came to an awkward cartwheel, front flip, frog jump and landed on her butt. She did it so gawkily that she came down with quite the force.

She sat there with a twisted face while waiting for the pain to numb. Then she slowly got up thinking that she was going to feel that for a few days. She began walking towards the open window and felt her ankle sprained. Walking, she thought about how the hell she sprained her ankle when it never touched the floor.

She reached the window and put her hand to rest on the cool glass. She sighed. Lifting her leg, she began to massage her ankle. Then she thought back to that dream. It was the same dream, again. She had that dream every night ever since she could remember. The only things that would change would be her clothes, the type of horse, the landscape, or her hairstyle. Other than that, everything was played out exactly the same. Her mother, before her death ten years ago, told her that it was a sign from the Goddesses. But what kind of sign? Something wants to kill her? But if it was a sign that she was going to die, why did she die already? Because in the dream, Zelda was only about nine or ten years of age. But she's already eighteen!

Zelda sighed and put her head against the coolness of the window hoping that it would cool her head for a bit. She stared out into the open kingdom. The moon was up high, probably a little past midnight. The stars shone bright tonight. Some lights were still lit up in the city, enough to see a shadow of a passerby.

Zelda tried not to think of the dream. She tried to think of the beautiful night sky. She tried to think of her duties in the morrow. She tried to think of her mother. But somehow, her thoughts flowed back to the dream. She then realized something a bit different with this one. Just at the last moment, before the darkness and the eyes consumed her, something green came in front of her. Not knowing what it was, Zelda smiled. Somehow, this memory made her a bit happy. Maybe it was the sign that her dark and boring life at Hyrule Castle will come to an end soon when she marries the prince of Ruleas Kingdom in two weeks' time. Whatever it is, this green thing in her dream gave her hope that her life may be bound for something more.

On the break of dawn, Zelda had dressed in her favorite gown. The dress is made of white silk. On the bottom of the trimming, it was laced with a beautiful purple design. Covering the white dress, purple diamonds were attached to various spots along with beautiful designs of glittering flowers. The top was a dark purple corset that tightly lined her shape, also slightly cupped her breast pushing it up to make it look larger. Then white sleeves of the dress was hanging a bit but the wristband was laced with also the same pattern as the bottom of the dress. Along with that, the wrist came all the way down that it made out a triangle that only covered part of her middle fingers, revealing the rest of her fingers. She wore her favorite necklace, a gold spiral cord and a hanging ring. She remembered her mother told her that she was born with the ring in her palm.

She had put her hair up in a stylish do with the curls falling to the front of her left shoulder. She put on her forehead crown piece with a delicate emerald style instead of her usual crown. She walked to the courtyard where her carriage awaits her. Her servants had already packed her belongings on the wagon behind her carriage. Several of the servants and maids that is to accompany her were standing nearby giggling at a jokes some of the men had made. About two dozen soldiers stood in the courtyard in a perfect lines. Their iron armors and weapons glittered in the rising sun.

As she approached, the servants and maids silenced and formed a line with their heads bowed as low as their waist. The doorman opened the carriage door for Zelda with his head also bowed, but only to his shoulders. Standing on the right side of the door, was General Drusus. Instead of bowing, his right hand was on his chest in symbol of respect and loyalty.

"My Lady." General Drusus spoke in a strong and admirable voice. Although he was quite young for his age to be a general, he had already served two generations of kings; her grandfather and now her father. Looking at him with the weary from battles, he may look to be of forty. But Zelda is quite sure he may only be in his early thirties. After all, he first became general when he was only fourteen, and that was towards the latter part of her grandfather's reign.

Zelda looked to him and smiled. "Is everything all set?"

Drusus made a quick bow purposely avoiding eye contact when he saw that shimmer in her eyes. "Yes, my lady. We are ready to depart at any time."

Zelda felt a tinge of disappointment, but daren't let that show. "Then let us depart."

Drusus hesitated. "But, my lady. The king…"

"Never mind the king."

Drusus held his breath. Everyone knew the situation between the princess and the king was not a pleasant one. So no one really tried to get involved. Whoever did either became a reliable asset or crudely punished. Only greedy nobles would take the risk to do so since their punishment was taken more lightly because of their status. Even Drusus being the king's favorite general whom he trusted above all else knew his place to not intervene.

"Yes, my lady."

Drusus stepped back and allowed Zelda to climb aboard, although once outside the castle walls, he knew she would rather go on horseback or walk. Just as Zelda ascended the first step, she heard a loud clumsy laugh.


Zelda cringed at that voice. The voice she hated so much for ten long years. The voice that imprisoned her in this hellish nightmare. The voice that repressed her freedom. The voice that boomed so loudly that it embarrassed even her bones. The voice that soullessly let her mother die. The voice that didn't care for her but his own selfish greed. She hated that voice so much she would rather stab herself multiple times while drinking poison and drowning in a lake of acid. That voice belonged to her father, the King of Hyrule.

Zelda can hear the fat lazy steps descend the stairs slowly towards her. She wanted to just jump into the carriage and tell Drusus to hurry away from this awful place. But she couldn't. She was bound to him in blood and soul. And she hated that. No matter how much she hated him, he was still her father.

Zelda slowly turned around and tried to put on her best smile, even though it still looked like a murderous grin. "Father." Zelda managed to say repressing her anger.

The King walked up to Zelda, with his bully almost popping out one of its buttons. "Are you going to leave without even a good-bye?"

"That was the plan. Who knew you'd wake up this early?" Zelda scowled in her mind. "Of course not. I was just about to have one of the servants to give the announcement."

The King smiled. "I'm glad you thought of me. I brought you a departing present." He turned to the carrier on his side and grabbed it before he could step up. It was wrapped neatly in a golden box about a foot wide. He gently handed it to Zelda. "Your mother would've wanted you to have this when you got married."

Zelda admitted she was a bit shocked at this. Her father giving her a gift from her mother? Whoa! News alert! This has never happened before. He had thrown away most of her mother's things, except the ones that Zelda kept herself. Even if he did keep them, he'd make sure Zelda will never see them or she'd be punished severely for it. But Zelda was hesitant to take it thinking he had something up his sleeves. But when she saw in his eyes the seriousness and generous gesture, she took it.

It was a bit heavy, she admitted it. Almost too heavy to fit into this tiny box! What the hell is in it? She was hoping it wasn't some sort of huge iron ore or something. Cause that would be just a weird wedding present from her mother. And to be honest, her mother was a bit weird at times. Zelda turned and handed it to Drusus, who took it easily, but still with a surprise to his eyes.

Before she knew it, her father had reached out and given her a bear hug. Everyone was a bit shocked to see this. It was the most serene and virtuous gesture he had ever given her ever since the death of her mother. Zelda could do nothing but to slightly hug him back. She thought she heard a sniffle but when they parted, there were no tears.

"You look so beautiful, my darling." The king said softly.

Zelda winced. "Okay, this is awkward. Who the hell is this, and what did he do to my evil-hearted father?"

After Zelda didn't answer, he chuckled nervously. "I see that you're wearing your mother's dress. It looks beautiful on you. She would've been proud."

Zelda smiled weakly. "Uh, thanks."

Then he saw her necklace. "Oh, you're wearing your necklace. That's good. It'll keep you safe from harm." Then he reached for it and flinched as if it zapped him, in which it actually did making Zelda surprised at that. But instead of wincing, he actually felt relieved it zapped him.

Zelda touched her ring and traced it. It was hot, but not burning. It made Zelda wonder why.

"Good luck on your journey. I will see you soon." The king said as he handed her a smaller gift he took out from his pocket. Then he turned to Drusus. "Keep her safe."

Drusus did the hand gesture and bowed slightly. "I will, your majesty."

She bowed to him and entered the carriage feeling overwhelmed by this. In fact, she felt a bit suspicious. As the carriage began the head out, Zelda peeped out of the carriage window. She saw the grim look on his face as the carriage started out. It was a bit strange. He looked like he actually cared and was saddened at her departure to her future husband's kingdom where she would wait until her wedding day. But something caught her eye. The moment before she was about to lose the view of him, she saw a slight shadowy smoke on his shoulders. At that moment, his caring face turned into an evil grin.

When they had finally reached outside of the walls that protected the kingdom, Zelda stretched without a worry about what she would look like. She popped her head out of the window and shouted towards the front. The maids walking besides her carriage started to giggle. This brought a joyful smile to everyone's face. Of course, they all know her too well.

The troops in front stopped making everyone else stop behind them. Instead of waiting for the doorman to open the door, Zelda pushed out quickly. She looked around. Out here, there was nothing but farmland. No one knows her and no one cares. She was free to do whatever she wished. The only chances she'd get to be this free was when her father was too lazy to go to another kingdom to negotiate and made her go instead. Other than that, it was only when she snuck out with Drusus and the boys to go practice in the forest, and when she snuck out as a maid to collect herbs.

Zelda looked to the back of the trail. There were some servants behind the carriage talking carelessly. There were three wagons. The largest one was filled halfway. The two smaller ones were filled only about a third purposely looking like there was too many things. The soldiers stationed at the back was also starting to take off their helmets and armors for a lighter load. The king always made them wear heavy armor even when they inside are in the castle or resting. Zelda helped make a design that is lighter and more durable during travels. They quickly changed into those that they stashed away in the wagon hidden. Even Drusus changed. He liked the design Zelda made better anyways. It was much stronger, lighter, and easier to move in than the ones that the King had made for them. And on the plus side, it was fancier and made them look even more intense.

After Drusus was done changing, he pulled both his and Zelda's horses towards her. He handed the rein to her and smiled. "We're going to do that again?"

Zelda smiled sheepishly. "Yep. I'm sure I'll beat you this time. I got the fastest horse after all."

Drusus laughed at this. "I told you over and over. It's not about which horse is faster. It's about the rider."

Zelda put her hands on her hips. "I'm sure I weigh less than you. Plus, you got your armor and stuff. It's going to weigh the horse down."

Drusus laughed again. "The armor won't matter as long as you know how to ride."

Zelda frowned at that, but jokingly. "I know how to ride. I'll teach you a thing or two this time for sure."

Drusus looked away chuckling. He shook his head in disbelief and in joy. "Alright, whatever you say, Princess."

Zelda smacked him on the arm, only to forget that he was wearing an armor and ended up hurting herself. "I told you to call me Zelda." She spoke after she shook her hand to relieve it of pain. She noticed that she seemed to be putting a lot of damage on herself today.

Drusus sarcastically bowed to her. Zelda giggled and lead her horse to the front. Some of the horse riders wanted to join in too so they started gathering with them. Drusus gave the order to the rest of the group to meet up with them at the rest stop. Some of the maids giggled as they boarded the abandoned carriage by the princess. The servants jumped on as well. Some servants started to clear out the two smaller wagons and stack it on the larger wagon. Then they got on those wagons and let the massive horses (four per wagon. They lied, half-truth, to the king that they needed the extra horses in case of an emergency) take them. They slowly went forth. A few of the maids got on to the horses with their loving soldiers. Zelda giggled at that. It was a bit romantic, and Zelda admitted she was a bit jealous. The other maids got on the wagons with the soldiers, pairing up with their own lovers.

One of the girls on the horse with a rider began to shout out the rule. And suddenly, she started counting down. At the last moment, Zelda and Drusus sped out along with the other riders. It didn't take long for them to disappear from the view of those coming at a steady pace. They weren't afraid of the country side. This is still the land of Hyrule, and it was perfectly safe.

Zelda had lost the race again although she got better. She actually beat most of the riders this time. Usually she'd end up last. She didn't quite understand why she would lose when she weighed practically next to nothing compared to these soldiers with muscles and armors to weigh the horses down. It was like they used magic to make them faster or something. As they turned around to head towards the rest area, Drusus began to lecture Zelda again about riding a horse. They all got off the horses and began to walk to the rest area to let the horses rest a bit from carrying them. Something about the position she was in and stability. Zelda really didn't get it. She copied them exact but she still lost. As they neared the rest area, they can spot the other group slowly approaching. Drusus and Zelda handed their reins to the other soldiers as they led them to the field to eat.

The other group also put their stuff away and led the horses to the field. Drusus and Zelda went inside the tiny restaurant to rest. The owner, knowing exactly who they are, brought them the usual. And of course, he was well-prepared this time for their arrival.

As Drusus took off his top part of the armor, he leaned back with one arm positioned to hold him up. His free arm raised his cup of water to drink. "I promise you the next time we're not busy with other things I'll teach you the proper way to ride a horse."

Zelda pouted. She had been upset at how she lost again over and over. However, she was still happy. "Your way of teaching sucks, you know." Then she started mimicking his voice. "No! Legs apart! Arms raised! Faster! No, that's wrong! Do it again!"

The soldiers, maids and servants laughed at this. Drusus was a bit embarrassed by it and gave them a glare in which they turned away with a smile on their face. "I don't sound like that."

"Yes you do! Ask anyone here." Zelda said laughing.

Drusus turned to the soldiers. "Do I sound like that?"

No one answered. Instead, the soldiers started sniggering. Drusus's face turn red. "Whatever. I still think I'm a fine general."

"But a bad teacher."

They couldn't hold in their laughter anymore. Everyone started laughing so loud. Drusus, embarrassed, kicked two soldiers sitting in front of him softly enough for them to just jump up. This drew on more laughter. It was fun as they rested there. After a bit, they brought the horses back and continued on their journey. After all, they only have a week to get there.

They soon came to the Dark Forest. Here, they have to rely on a tracker since no one, not even Drusus, has ever gone through this forest. The Kingdom of Ruleas lies just beyond this forest. Drusus had hired a tracker to take them across this forest.

Zelda held in her breath. She can see the gloominess of the forest. It's no wonder it's called the Dark Forest. She rode her horse closer to Drusus. "Is that-?"

Drusus intercepted her. "Yes, it's the Dark Forest. I've never been to this side of the country before. It's as rumors said."

Zelda saw a man stand near a shelter there. He was still quite a distance away for her to make out what he looked like. But she knew one thing for sure, he was wearing green. The same colored green she saw in her dream. She frowned at this. Somehow, seeing that presence calmed her heart. But that's exactly what was making it irritable. Why is seeing a strange man making her feel calm?

"Is that our guide?"

Drusus nodded and spoke sarcastically. "He did mention he'd be wearing green."

"Do you know him?" Zelda asked.

"Only from what rumors say about him."


Drusus cleared his throat. "They said that he emerged from the Dark Forest. His clothes were quite torn and bloody. But he was fully conscious and doesn't seem like it bothered him. Although he claimed that he came from the Kokiri Forest, people believed him to be a demon from the Dark Forest."

Zelda grew wide-eyed with this. "Why do they say that?"

"Because the Kokiri Forest lies within the Eastern Province. This is the Southern Province. Why would he circle around through the Dark Forest just to come to Hyrule. He could've just gone straight into Hyrule."

Zelda stayed silent. "So how'd you meet him?"

Drusus smirked sheepishly. "Actually, I've never met him before."

Zelda raised an eyebrow at him. "So, you paid a total stranger who emerged from the Dark Forest that everyone else claimed him to be a demon from it to guide the Princess through?"

Drusus looked at Zelda. "He was the only guide. No one else has ever been through it and back several times to live and tell it. Why? Is that bad?"

Zelda laughed sheepishly. Then she clicked her tongue sarcastically. "Nah. It's cool. Yeah, we can totally trust a strange guy that everyone assume is a demon from hell to lead us through hell. Pssh! It might even be the best adventure of all!"

Drusus glared at Zelda who seemed gloomier and gloomier as she mocked him. "I'll protect you, don't worry about that."

Zelda shook her head. "Oh well, we're here already anyways. Plus, with the time limit, I don't think there's an alternative."

When they neared the stranger, he was already sitting down and starting a fire pit. With his head down, Zelda could only see his messy dirty blond hair swaying with the wind. He wore what seems like a green tunic with an odd design. His white pants clung loosely on his legs, but tight enough to see the muscles beneath it. His brown boots with an iron tip came up to his knee. He had a sword and what seemed like a wooden shield. On his head, he wore a long pointy cap that droop down to his back. Honestly, it looked kind of funny like that.

He was poking at the fire when they finally reached him. Drusus mounted down and approached him. That was when the stranger looked up. Zelda felt herself gasp but caught herself. He was dead handsome. His face was young, compared to Drusus, but firm. His lips were a shade of masculine light pink. His sky blue eyes glowed brightly even as the sky got darker. Zelda couldn't help but stare. She is quite sure the other girls were staring as well. Just then, he turned and looked to her, their eyes catching a moment. Zelda looked away and pulled up her hood to hide her face.

"Are you Link?" Drusus spoke as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Link only blinked at him. He didn't bother to grab his own sword lying right next to him. Instead, he started poking in the fire again. Everyone looked a bit tensed. However, Zelda realized that she may be the only one who seemed calm. Somehow, no matter how she looked at him or how mysterious he is, he does not seem dangerous.

He only nodded. Drusus was a bit tensed. Although he may look young, Drusus can tell that Link has a lot of experiences with the sword. Even with a troop of soldiers riding up to him, Link didn't even bother to pick up his sword or look nervous. He was too calm.

"Let us get going then." Drusus commanded.

But Link only shrugged. He still hasn't said a word. Drusus became impatient. "What are you waiting for?"

Link looked up to Drusus. His eyes changed. It was still calm, but more deadlier. However, as he shifted his gaze to Zelda, she noticed how his look suddenly became soft. He looked away back to Drusus. Then he looked at the whole group. He sighed but kept poking at the fire without saying a word.

Drusus felt irritated. "Never mind then. We shall proceed onward with or without your guide."

As he lifted his hands in the air to signal moving forward, Link reached down and picked up his sword. Although he didn't show it, Drusus felt a pinch of nervousness. However, Link only stood up and brushed himself off. Then he turned away, away from the forest.

Zelda was surprised that Link was actually walking away. She quickly hopped off her horse and ran right in front of him, blocking his way. Link was a bit surprised by this. Their gaze locked and Zelda felt a burning sensation inside of her. Luckily it was getting dark that no one can see the redness on her face.

"Please. We've never been through it. We will gladly appreciate it if you help us. We will reward you greatly." Zelda pleaded hoping it'd make a difference.

Link looked away as if blushing himself. But there was a dark cloud over him and he didn't want to reply. Drusus came to Zelda and pulled her away from Link. He shook his head and led Zelda away. Just as he was about to help her mount her horse, Link shifted and turned to them.

"You'll only get yourself killed entering the Dark Forest at night. We should at least wait until dawn." Link said looking down.

Everyone looked at him. Drusus hesitated. "No, we have to hurry. We don't have much time left. If you don't want to risk it, then so be it. But we must go."

Drusus lifted Zelda up on her horse and he mounted his soon after. They started towards the forest. Zelda looked behind her to see that Link was looking at them. She saw him bite his bottom lips. Soon, he started jogging towards them. By the time he reached them, they were at the outer edge of the forest.

"Alright, I'll lead you. But you must follow my rules. No exception or whatsoever."

Drusus held in his breath. He wasn't sure he wanted to go with that. But for now, it'll do. "Fine. What is it?"

Link looked to the forest. Zelda can see the darkness in his eyes. It told a great, long story of suffer. "There's only one rule in this forest." He turned back and looked at Zelda. His eyes now glowed with danger. "Either run or kill anything that comes out at you. Otherwise, you're dead."