Sated and slumped in the throne, Rumpelstiltskin watched as Belle smoothed her skirts and refastened her bodice. He was pleased, his mate was better than he'd imagined- and he had had a lot of time to imagine.

Ever since he'd killed the Seer, Rumpelstiltskin had seen Belle in his dreams. Every night for hundreds of years she'd haunted him, but when he'd searched for her, the stars and moon were never right, and he soon realized that he had to wait. And he waited, waited for her ancestors to be born, to grow, to die, he waited for her great grandfather to come into power, he protected the little village as well as he could, biding his time.

He stood, motioning for her to follow as he showed her the castle, leading her through the hallways and up and down staircases. With her hand in his, he felt more human than he had in centuries. Belle, for her part, peppered him with questions. Her curiosity was delightful.

That evening, they returned to the cave and ate dinner. Once they finished, Rumpelstiltskin undressed to only a pair of thin breaches.

"Undress," he grunted, voice still unused to talking as he motioned for her to join him by the fire, "Then come here."

He watched her strip, not bothering to hide his lust. Belle blushed as she sat across from him and the Beast magicked a length of cloth, trying it around her moth as a gag When her eyes widened, he ran his hands up and down her arms, sending her reassuring feeling.

Just for a little while, mate, I want you to practice using your mind to talk to me, he whispered into her mind.

He felt the gentle, tentative brush of her mind and he nodded, Good girl. Keep going.

Hello? Can you hear me? Her voice was soft in his mind.

Aye, I can, he replied, I must leave you soon, there is business I must attend to.

Belle's eyebrows pulled together in confusion, What do you mean? For how long?What business?

Don't worry yourself, Rumpelstiltskin communicated, It will only be for a few days. You'll be safe here- as long as you stay underground.

She nodded, and he continued.

But enough of that, close your eyes, I want to show you something.

Belle complied, shutting her eyes and Rumpelstiltskin gently sent her images of a meadow, with flowers as far as the eye could see. She gasped at the beauty.

It's an island in the south seas, he explained, no other living being but I have visited it.

It's beautiful, she told him.

I could take you there, this spring, if you'd like.

She opened her eyes, breaking the vision, Yes please! I'd like that!

Then what my little mate wants, she will have, he cocked his head, giving her a questioning look as he asked, Can you show me a place? Where did you like to spend your time?

Belle gave a little nod and closed her eyes, focusing. When Rumpelstiltskin shut his eyes he saw a library, bookshelves spiraling above him to the ceiling. Belle was beside him, smiling.

This is the library in my father's castle, she explained, I used to spend all day here reading as much as I could.

Suddenly, there were heavy footfalls and a male voice calling out, "Belle!? Belle?"

Belle gave off a wave of anxiety, breaking the vision and pulling away from him. Rumpelstiltskin reached across the gap to take off her gag.

Who was that? He asked, firmly.

"My betrothed," Belle said, looking away.

Do you miss him? The Beast pressed.

"No! No, there was no love between us," she said, and, although she couldn't see, Rumpelstiltskin nodded with approval. His mate loved no one, yet. He fervently hoped that she would, one day, grow to love him.

He was pleased that she didn't shy away as he picked her up, carrying her to their bed. He held her close to him as they laid down, one of his hands slipping between her legs to caress her slick folds.

Already wet for me, he cooed, Do you enjoy this?

"Yes, yes," Belle whimpered, hiding her face in hid chest.

I enjoy you so, he circled her clit. Belle trembled as her marks glowed with arousal.

Rumpelstiltskin wrapped her legs around him, slowly filling her, sheaving his cock inside deep inside her body. Belle tilted her hips, letting him push deeper as she moaned. He growled, trusting again and again, until, with a shutter, he came.

Belle sighed, head on his chest and the Best held her still, keeping his length nestled inside of her as they dozed off.

"Mine," he breathed.

"Yours," she agreed.