His demand was written in blood. It covered the outer walls of the village. It covered the walls of the homes inside the walls. It dripped down the hallways leading to her bedchamber. Belle awoke seeing red.

I demand the Lady as my mate. Give her to me or you will burn. The Beast

"Belle I cannot let you go with this- with this Beast!" Sir Maurice cried a half an hour later, "How can you even think of it?"

"Papa! He keeps us safe! Our ancestors made a pack with him long ago, he would guard us in exchange for one demand. This is it," Belle said.

"As your fiance, I will not allow it!" Gaston bellowed, "His mate, who does he think he is?"

"No one," Belle tilted her chin defiantly, "decides my fate but me. I've made my choice, I will go."


"Good bye Papa," she said quietly.

"Belle!" the doors shut behind her.

She was brief. Collecting a few items and her cloak before trudging out into the forest. And then, standing in a clearing, deep deep in the forest, did the reality of what she'd done sank in.

She'd left. She'd left her home, her father, her village to save them. She'd left to become the mate of a beast. Was he a actual beast? Was there any man inside of him? She'd only ever heard stories of the dark Beast of the forest. They said he look much like a man, but greenish and with gold fleck scales. The stories said he made deals and was ruthless and primal.

Belle didn't notice the purple mist circling her. It moved closer surrounding her.

"Hello?" She called, "I'm here! You don't have to hurt the town, I'm here!"

The was a rustling in the woods to her left. She turned and the noise moved, circling her. Her pulse quickened. Belle stepped back, foot catching on the root poking up from the ground. She fell backward only then noticing the purple mist enveloping her.

And then he was there. A man with skin that caught the light, with piercing eyes, with a dark smile, with straggly hair that was cut long.

Darkness ebbed at her vision as the mist stole her conciseness. The Beast reached out a long finger to touch her cheek.


She closed her eyes.


Belle wasn't sure how long she had been unconscious. She only knew that the Beast had found her before she'd black out. Now she stretched her arms and legs, hesitant to test out her limbs and discover her new surroundings.

She was warm, in a comfortable soft bed? She opened one eye and, yes, she was in a bed of sorts. A bed of sorts in a dark stone chamber. She was also nude.

The Beast-man had stripped her of her gold dress (she noted it shredded and torn) and left her wrapped in a old quilt. Belle flushed at the though of him undressing her. She pulled the quilted tighter around her as she sat up. She was not in a stone chamber but a cave, with an odd fire pit to her right and what looked to be the entrance to her left.

Footfalls echoed as the Beast entered. He wasn't a large man, but he looked powerful dressed in a strange leather tunic with animal hides draped over his shoulders. He carried two bowls.

He left the hides fall to the floor as he knelt in front of her.

"Are you the Beast?" Belle asked, "The one who asked for me?"

He nodded, "Belle mine now."

"W-what are you doing to do with me?"


Belle did not find this answer enlightening or comforting. The Beast took one of the bowls and pricked his finger with a knife hidden under his tunic. A drop of blood fell into the bowl, and the liquid inside glowed for a moment.

"What is that? What are you doing?" she asked.

"Be still," was her only reply.

He moved quickly, pulling away her blanket so she was exposed to him. He then grabbed her wrist and pulled her down so she was laying on her stomach.

"Be still," he repeated gruffly.

Belle shut her eyes tightly, feeling embarrassed and vulnerable to be laying face down and naked in front of a man she had just met. A man- if he was even that- who had declared that he was going to mate with her.

She felt a cool touch on the back of her neck. It moved down across her back in a pattern. After a few moments, Belle realized that the Beast was painting her with the strange liquid. His ministrations moved across her back and legs and arse.

"Good girl," he murmured before rolling her over to continue on her front.

Belle watched him dip his figure in the bowl again before creating a pattern across her shoulders. He moved down her navel and along her hips. He spread her legs and moved between them, eyes dropping momentary to study her sex.

He lifted one leg to draw on the inside curve, close to her center. Belle involuntarily moaned in pause at the touch, causing the Beast to smile as he worked. He moved down her leg and then to the other leaving his odd, intricate patterns on her body.

The Beast leaned over her then, still between her legs, and began on her breasts. His touch as feather light but felt like fire on Belle's skin. She moaned again, face hot. It was new and alarming the effect his touch had on her. He started with the left breast, with the nipple last, which he covered in paint. Then the right, in which he repeated the same process but before finishing, he bent and sucked her nipple into his mouth, then kissed it and said, "mine."

He sat up and announced, "Mate is marked."

He took her hand and- before Belle has her senses together to understand what was happening- pricked her finger. Letting a drop of blood fall in the second bowl. He stood and moved to leave.

"Wait!" Belle cried, finding her voice, "I'm... marked?"

The Beast nodded, "Now sleep, mate when wake."

Belle looked down at her skin but the patterns he'd drawn had dried and soaked into her skin. She slept, feeling afraid and oddly excited for what awaited her when she awoke.


Belle didn't know how long had passed but when she awoke the Beast was poking at a fire he'd lit in the fireplace. She sat up, quilt wrapped around her again.

"What is your name?" she called out to him. The Beast stood, silent, and approached her. He was holding a goblet and, like her, was undressed.

He knelt in front of her and pulled her to her knees opposite from him. He lifted the cup.

"Beauty and Beast, two become one," he took a drink and added, "forever."

He held it to her lips, forcing her to drink too. The wine spilled from her lips but the Beast did not seem to notice. His eyes had grown black. He threw the cup aside and pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her roughly.

They fell onto the bed together, the Beast rolling Belle onto her back. He kissed her mouth then let hi kisses slip lower, across her jaw down to her throat. He kissed her racing pulse, punctuating each kiss with the decoration of "Mine." He kissed her until he reached the spot where her neck met her shoulder, choosing there to use his teeth.

Belle screamed in both pain and pleasure as he bit her, drawing blood. He lapped at the place knowing the mark would last a long while. His hands, meanwhile, busied themselves. One hand held her hips down whilst the other caressed her breast. His mate moaned, a pleasing sound, but he enjoyed the noise she made when he pinched her nipple even more.

He lowered his mouth to the other breast, kissing her before lapping at her other nipple. He pinch her again and let her buck into his mouth, then sucking on her like a new born babe.

The hand from her breast moved between her legs next where she had grown wet. He found her most sensitive bud of nerves and rubbed her there. The Beast grinned darkly as his mate writhed and begged for more, please, more, beneath him. He had chosen well.

He pushed her legs open harshly and lowered his mouth to her dripping folds. He lapped at her sex, tongue and teeth and long fingers teasing her until she broke.

He moved up her body again, kissing her so she could taste herself. Belle opened her eyes to look at him. His own eyes had gone black, staring at her with lust.

He thrust into her, not bothering to be gentle. Belle cried out, her body not used to being stretched so.


"Rumpelstiltskin!" Belle cried as he trust into her again. He found a steady pace and continued, his movements rough and primal.

Belle cried out his name again as she clenched around him and came a second time. Rumpelstiltskin, the Beast, only lasted two thrusts more before spilling into her.

He pulled her close, petting her hair as she fell asleep.

My Belle, his voice whispered in her mind, Sleep well, you are safe.