Godzilla Comes To The Park
By Shadowgate
Rigby and Mordecai were watching an old Godzilla Movie from the 1950's.
Rigby said "Halloween is coming up and this is what we're settling for? I want a Friday The 13'th Movie."
Mordecai just ignored Rigby.
Rigby asked "what kind of Halloween pranks can we do this year?"
Mordecai said "we should show up at the park on Halloween night dressed as girls."
Rigby said "dressed up like girls."
Mordecai said "it would be something totally unexpected. Benson would be in so much shock that the feeling of looking so ridiculous would be worth it.
Rigby said "yeah but then we'll have to spend 10 minutes reviving Benson.
"After that everyone else will be laughing at us and we'll never hear the end of it. Pops will think it's just so adorable he'll be giving us dolls as gifts forever."
Mordeci said "yeah you're right."
Rigby pulled up an 8-ball and said "look into the future."The 8-ball showed a big sign left in front of their door that said in red letters GLBT =DEATH PENALTY!
It showed another picture of a Swastika and a picture of "FAGGOTS SHOULD DIE" spraypainted on the front lawn of their small facility they live in.
Mordeci said "oh no way. We've not seen any skinheads or psychos around here in a long time."
Rigby said "4 skinhead groups in Alabama along with the local Klan group that was in that little town all got together and planned a big attack. Three weeks later they carried out their attack in a town Colorado on a college campus. There was someone that a few guys from one of the skinhead groups were mad at for something. They figured that by telling other skinhead groups and the Klan group about how this person had pissed them off while living in Alabama. They said that if they could get even by striking that person with a surprise visit well not only would the specific few angry skinheads get their revenge but they could prove they had power to strike anywhere when working together."