Disclaimer: I do not own Corpse Party or it's characters...


"I have something to tell you..."

"Huh? What is it?"

"I am transferring to another school.."


"Satoshi calm down"

"W-Why? Why are you transferring!?"

"I have no option"


"I-I have to go now.."

"W-Wait! Naomi! Don't go!"


"God dammit Satoshi! Shinozaki help me out!

"On it!"


-Flashback End-

"Satoshi!" Yoshiki yelled, Satoshi opened his eyes fully and observed, his head moving left and right. "Where am I?" He said. "You passed out, I guess telling you the big news made you very happy that you actually passed out" Yoshiki said.

"Oh yea..." Satoshi stood up. "3 weeks until graduation.."

"You need to have a more happy tone in it! We are finally going to college! Isn't it great?" Yoshiki said, very happy that his dreams of going to college is going to come true.

"It doesn't even make sense, the fact that your grades are low and you are aiming for College?" Satoshi yawned.

"I realized that my goal was to go to college last week.."

"Wow, you should have realized earlier.." Satoshi said, he looked down very upset.

"You look upset man! Are you still thinking of Nakashima?" Yoshiki spoke. Satoshi sighed and slammed the wall. "You think it's easy to see your long time friend leave!?" Satoshi yelled in rage.

"No man I feel you, plus maybe a certain someone feels the same way.." Yoshiki looked over at Ayumi. "Who? Shinozaki? Yea I guess Suzumoto left.."

"Yea, anyways just focus on your future Satoshi, she is already gone we can't do anything" Yoshiki said.

"I guess you are right, but if I forget her.."

"Dude, focus!" Yoshiki hit Satoshi's back. "Yea..focus.." Satoshi mumbled.

Yoshiki smiled and turn to look at Ayumi. "Go for it.." Satoshi said. Yoshiki raised a brow "What?"

"I said go for it.."

"I don't get it.."

"You should stop trying to hide your feelings for Shinozaki, it's obvious you like her"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yep, the blushing, staring, nervousness, kindness, he-"

"I get it!" Yoshiki interrupted the brunette. Satoshi snickered. "Shut up!" Yoshiki said his temper rising. "You should shut up and go flirt with her!" Satoshi yelled out loud on purpose.

Yoshiki gasped "Lower your voice.." Yoshiki quietly said. "You need to make a move" Satoshi muttered.

"Everyone! Yoshiki Kishinuma lik-"

Yoshiki covered Satoshi's mouth. "Sorry everyone! It was a false alarm!" Yoshiki yelled receiving many weird faces.

The bleached hair boy sighed and dragged Satoshi inside a empty classroom. Letting go of Satoshi a very angry expression crept on Yoshiki's face.

"I told you to shut up!"

Satoshi chuckled the fact that he antagonized Yoshiki. "Sorry man, I haven't been this happy for a while.." Satoshi said, his head hung low.

Yoshiki's face softened and unfolded his arms. "I guess seeing Nakashima leave really affected you didn't it?"

"Obviously, you knew I had a crush on her ever since 3rd grade.." Satoshi said his voice low.

Yoshiki looked at Satoshi, feeling bad for him, his crush left him in this school with ton of girls wishing to date him, especially Ayumi which bothered him so much.

"Yo! Can we go play pranks on people?" Yoshiki randomly spoke out those words. He was trying to cheer up his friend.

Satoshi looked at him, a short smile began to form. "Hell yea! We haven't done that for ages!"

"it has been 4 months.."

"Let's just get to it" Satoshi quickly walked out followed by Yoshiki. "Wait, I left my stuff at home.." Yoshiki said.

"I got 2 pairs"

"Did you literally kept them in your locker?"


"Wow, you were waiting weren't you?"

Satoshi looked over his shoulder. "I guess I was, I always wanted to try this prank" Satoshi said.

"Which one?"

Satoshi showed him his items for a prank. "Dude! We are going to be suspended if they find out we did this!" Yoshiki whispered.

"I rather get suspended so I can go find her.."

"Not the time to think about it, let's do it!" Yoshiki said.

"Did it work?" Yoshiki said. "We heard screams, so yea it worked" Satoshi looked inside the locker room.

"We seem like perverted guys looking into the girls locker room.." Yoshiki said. "It's funny seeing girls scream when they are scared"

Both chuckled until they almost saw a disturbing scene, it was just in time when they both heard a teacher.

"A teacher! Let's go!" Yoshiki whispered, both quickly ran out onto the hallways.

"There you are Kishinuma" A female and familiar voice said. Yoshiki turn to look so did Satoshi.

"Shinozaki?" Yoshiki said. "What do you need..?" Yoshiki said softly.

"I just need help carrying cakes to the gym" Ayumi said, her hands colliding. "Cakes? Why cakes?" Yoshiki questioned.

Ayumi looked at him "It's someone's birthday.." Ayumi said looking at Satoshi then at Yoshiki.

"Oh!" Yoshiki said and turned to look at Satoshi. "Dude I'll catch you later, I have to do something right now.." Yoshiki said.

"Alright, I am going back to lunch" Satoshi said. Yoshiki nodded and waved goodbye, so did Satoshi.

"You don't really have to me it THAT big for Satoshi's birthday.." Yoshiki said. "I just want to make it BIG for him, he deserves a happy day" Ayumi said.

"It's not only because of that, it's because you like him, right?" Yoshiki sadly spoke. His heart began to hurt.

"How do you know?.."

"Because you told me.." Yoshiki said, he looked away. "Did I? I guess I don't remember telling you.."

"Just like you forgot my confession.." Yoshiki muttered under his breath.