January 1, 2013
It was the beginning of a new year, and Levi had been venturing around downtown, in order to enjoy the cityscape after a long day at the office. His assistant Hanji had been getting on his nerves all day, with her non-stop talking and frankly, he was stressed out. It had been awhile since he had walked around downtown. He was here every day, but only for work. He rarely took the time to just walk around and relax. He usually woke up, showered, got ready, ate breakfast, drove to work, tried really hard not to strangle Hanji, drove back home, cleaned, did paper-work, ate, and went to bed. He lived a simple, routine life, really.
He was beginning to think that he should free his mind by walking around downtown more often, when out of the corner of his eye he saw something unfamiliar. He looked up at the sign that read, "Maria's Coffee House." He had never seen this place before, so it must have been fairly new. Levi wasn't usually the type of person to go out for coffee, but today he felt like trying something different. He inhaled slowly, and then exhaled as he walked towards the doors. Upon entering he saw a counter with two workers standing behind it. He observed the small blonde-haired kid taking peoples' orders and the tall, brunette who was behind him making the orders. He couldn't see what his face looked like, but what he could see, caught his attention. Levi had never really been attracted to other males, but something about this boy left him unable to look away. He had wild brown locks that looked really soft, his back was lean and long, his shoulder blades were being displayed nicely under the tight white button-up, and his ass looked great in the tight black jeans he was wearing.
"Damn," he said under his breath, lost in thought.
Levi was suddenly shot back to reality by the voice. He was too distracted to realize he had been next in line. He looked at the blonde boy who was giving him an odd look, and hoped he wasn't blushing after being caught looking around to "see what the store had to offer." He walked up to the counter and glared at the boy smirking at him.
"What would you like to have today, sir?" he leaned in closer, whispering, "Besides that…" shooting a glance towards the other worker, "He's not on the menu."
Levi was shocked and a little angry at what he had just said, but chose to ignore it.
"I'll have a black coffee."
The boy's eyebrow shot up, and he stared at Levi for a second and began to laugh. This just made Levi angrier.
"Do you have a problem with that, you fucking brat?"
After a couple more seconds of laughter the boy stopped and stared back at Levi.
"Wow, a black coffee? Really? I can't remember the last time someone ordered that. How plainnn."
Levi was starting to get really pissed but before he could open his mouth to say anything the brunette turned around and firmly placed his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"That's enough, Armin. Let him order what he wants and don't harass him for it."
He then shot Levi a smirk that registered him speechless, before turning around to make his order. Oh god, he was even more attractive from the front. It may have only been a couple seconds, but Levi had taken it all in. He had small but muscular arms that poked out from the folded up sleeves of the button-up, a tight chest that tempted Levi from under the shirt, a waistline where the button-up was tucked in at that was screaming Levi's name, he had thin but manly hands, his neck was so smooth-looking and his Adam's apple looked perfect to nibble on, he had a nice jawline, his lips were so soft-looking and rosy, his nose was seemingly perfectly aligned with his nice face, and oh god, his eyes were breath-takingly beautiful and he just couldn't help himself from getting lost in those green-blue eyes.
"Man, are you done eye-fucking him yet?"
Pulled harshly back to reality again by the blonde worker, he clicked his tongue and asked him how much he owed him.
"You owe me $3.25. You're lucky I don't charge you extra for being such a creepy old man. Heh."
Levi shot him a death glare that slapped down the boy's ego as he took out his wallet and paid for his coffee. Once he handed over the money, he turned, and walked towards the tables as his work shoes clicked on the hardwood. Finding a table in the back away from most people, he pulled out a chair, took out a newspaper from his brief case, and began to read. A few minutes later, an enticing voice broke his concentration.
"Here's your coffee, sir."
He looked up from the newspaper only to get lost in a sea of teal eyes.
"Oh, thanks."
He took the coffee and smiled up at the boy. He set the cup down on the table and quickly went back to "looking at his newspaper," as the attractive worker walked away. He couldn't help but watch him as he did from over his newspaper. He had such a nice ass.
Over the course of about 45 minutes, he drank his coffee, and read the newspaper. To be honest though, most of the time was spent curiously watching the barista hard at work filling orders. He stood up, pushed his chair in, and walked towards the shop's doors. As he was exiting he heard a familiar voice call out to him.
"Thank you for coming! Stop by again!"
He walked away with the intentions of doing exactly that.