A/N: since A Deal For Peace is almost finished, I've been thinking about new projects. I decided to try with drabbles.
They will be random (some connected and some will stand alone), of various genres, and the updates will be whenever I have the inspiration and the time.
Title: Dead
Words: exactly 100
Universe: Canon, more or less (Itachi revived by Edo Tensei)
"I love you."
"I'm a dead man, Sakura," Itachi replied harshly, looking her in the eye. "Stop with this nonsense."
Sakura's answer was a soft smile. "I'm not saying that I love you because I want you to reciprocate, and I'm well aware that you are dead." She took a deep breath. "I'm making my feelings known to you. And I'm not asking for anything in return. That's what you don't understand, Itachi." This time her smile was broken.
Itachi took a few shuddering breaths, before engulfing her in his arms.
"For what's worth… I love you too," he murmured.