Bright here: Thanks for reading. I hope you
enjoyed Manga Madness.
Ditto on the not owning thing mentioned in the other chapters.
~ * ~
Snowball rolling down a hill, thought Wufei looking at the chaos left of what
should have been a fairly straightforward orderly mission. This plan dreamed up
by the Angel of the Moon is lunatic. I truly appreciate that word now, lunatic,
Angel of the Moon indeed.
"So who do you think gets the most joy out of blowing stuff up," inquired Usagi
trying to iron out the last details of her plan?
Five voices responded. "Quatre?" Usagi wanted to know why Quatre had been the
only one to answer Trowa.
"Duo makes the most noise about enjoying explosives but Trowa goes through five
times the ammunition and explosives Duo does. He knows it is something he does
well and he is proud of himself for it. Every time Duo upgrades his Gundam for
more firepower Trowa has to add more firepower. Trowa feels an immense
satisfaction every time he detonates explosives."
Everyone stared at Trowa as if this was revolutionary news. Trowa ran his
fingers through his bangs fixing his hair but made no comment to support or
deny Quatre's statement.
"Trowa?" prompted Usagi. If it had been anyone else asking Trowa would not have
Trowa nodded acknowledging Quatre's words. "I want to run out of ammo," he
answered quietly not bothering to explain himself properly.
Duo jumped to conclusions and overreacted. "WHAT KIND OF A WACKO WANTS TO RUN
"DUO!" interrupted Quatre sharply.
Duo looked mightily annoyed that Quatre, Trowa's supposed best friend didn't
seem upset at all.
"Duo that's not what he meant," Quatre explained calmly. "He meant, he wants
the last bullet, the last bomb available to mankind to go up in smoke at his
hands; the last so there wouldn't be any more."
Duo's tirade ended abruptly with one look at Trowa's stolid calmness and he
flushed embarrassed. "Oh..." There are worse ways to embarrass one's self than
to make an idiot of yourself proving you care.
"That would be kind of cool," admitted Duo sheepishly.
The plan did have certain gaping holes of 'Oops should have thought of that!'
in it. One hole in particular, had to do with the destruction of Heero's pager.
Relena was currently in Lady Une's office pacing. Lady Une was making phone
"I'm not singing," stated Heero with a petulant look on his face that the other
pilots would have sworn he was incapable of.
"That's alright. I'll sing and Duo can help me!" declared Minako cheerfully
hanging off Duo's arm.
Duo wiggled his eyebrows at Rei who was looking at Minako with stubborn drama
queen pride.
"I'm singing," Rei answered back flipping her hair. "You and Duo can back me
"You can all be a Triet!" Usagi clapped cheerfully. "Quatre can play piano. You
can be a four-o!"
"Triet?.... four-o," murmured Quatre, who was trying to write out the plans on
a wipe board? He looked mightily puzzled.
Hotaru scratched her head trying to figure it out. Sometimes it was even harder
to make sense of Usagi then it was to make sense of Minako. "AH HA!" She
exclaimed suddenly causing Quatre jump. "Trio, and Quartet!"
Wufei was doing his best to ignore the lot of them. He was working on the
computer ordering 100 pizzas, 40 dozen hot wings, 30 dozen honey garlic, 80
cases assorted carbonated beverages, 40 dozen hamburgers, 50 cases chocolate
and vanilla ice cream bars, condiments, one portable stage, one shade tent, one
Trowa seated behind him suggested he order coffee and tea as well and maybe
even some custom balloons with the cover company logo on them. Wufei glared at
"Worried about how this will look on the expense report?" asked Trowa.
"Une will never let us live this down," grumbled Wufei.
"This is still less than it costs to fire Wing's Beam cannon once," Trowa
"We'll also need stickers, first aid kits, custom t-shirts, clipboards," Quatre
"I can handle the clip boards," offered Turk.
Quatre's cell phone went off and he went to answer it.
"Answer that and you're buying me an new pager Winner," stated Heero.
It was probably Lady Une trying to get hold of Heero.
Actually it was definitely Lady Une trying to get hold of Heero. She had
Rashid, Relena, and Dorothy in her office.
Rashid put down the phone looking worried. "There was no answer."
Dorothy who had been balancing a pencil on her nose stopped and looked up. "Is
Radio silence even unusual when they are on a mission?"
"They had a strange girl with them. I'm worried she might have been a spy," Une
Just then the Preventor accountant came in with a file in hand and a confused
expression twisting his face. "We've had a call from VISA about some unusual
charges on one of the credit accounts and I thought it was something you might
want brought to your attention. Why would one of our field agents be ordering
from these places $224 The Bouncing Balloon, $2863 Pizza Zoo, $4025 Party
Plaza, $2450 Stay Safe Depot, $830 Land of Loud Disc Jockey and Concert
"Alright I get the idea. Who does the account belong too?" Demanded Une.
"W. Chang."
At just that moment the remainder of the sailor scouts were standing around
Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Pluto.
"She's obviously not safe. I'm not going to de-transform until I know what
happened there. She was in trouble I know it!" Tuxedo Mask needed Pluto to open
the gate of time for him. He had held Usagi in his arms dead before. It wasn't
going to happen again. If Mamoru had one weakness it was Usagi. His universe
had no meaning unless she was in it.
Unfortunately the universe seemed to have issues with him being with Usagi.
He'd been: killed, brain washed, killed again, stricken with amnesia,
kidnapped, ensorcelled, brainwashed some more, stabbed, killed some more, all
to make him her enemy. Sometimes it worked for a little while but in the end he
loved her and he found a way to be true. The universe hadn't been satisfied
messing with Mamoru to prevent the stubborn romance and started messing with
Usagi. There wasn't a villain out there that didn't have unscrupulous plans
involving the soldier of the moon. Some believed the villains wanted the Silver
Crystal but as the Crystal was the physical manifestation of the pure and
potent power of Usagi's loving soul it all kind of amounted to the same thing.
Mamoru's future self had even tried to warn his past self through dreams about
all of the not nice stuff the universe had in store provided that the love
affair continued. The whole warning concept just hadn't gone well at all.
"Highness we cannot leave this universe undefended!" insisted Pluto.
"We also have a responsibility to Firefly and Kitten," stated Uranus. "Can we
at least get a picture of what is happening in the other dimension?"
"No you won't or no you can't?" asked Makoto worriedly fingering the Jupiter
Neptune was either fixing her hair or fixated on her mirror. "Something is
coming!" She warned suddenly. Makoto the only one still in ordinary cloths
The silver crystal is rather a big deal to the universe. When it up and
disappears, there tends to be consequences.
"Starlights! Princess Fireball! Sailor Galactica!" Makoto now Jupiter called
out. "You're here!"
Sailor Star Fighter waved a cheesy kind-of-friendly-like hello. Everyone else
looked grim and business like. Fighter asked the question they all wanted
answered. "Where's our happy dumpling head?"
Perhaps the question was not framed exactly how someone on a desperate aid
mission normally phrases such questions but essentially, whether Fighter had
referenced the Imperial White Moon Princess Serenity, Eternal Sailor Moon,
Angel returned to Earth, Messiah of Light, Usagi Tsukino or ... whatever,
(Dumpling, Meatball, Kitten, Sailor Brat all fall into the whatever category)
Fighter had still asked the question of the hour.
~ * ~
Everything was set up. Unless you count standing in plain sight and attracting as much attention as possible as hiding, there was very little stealth involved in this mission anymore. Crawling through ventilation ducts makes me want to sneeze anyway thought Heero pragmatically as he turned on the public address speaker for Rei and hit send on the last email.
"Good Morning CHEMINA CORP emplooOYYEEES!!" cheered Rei. "This morning we have
something special for you. The first ever Chemina Corp Safety First Fun Fair.
Participation is mandatory from EVERYONE. Yes that means you! Drop your
photocopying. Tell that customer you've got on the phone you'll get back to
them tomorrow!"
"Good grief is she always this much of a ham?" muttered Wufei.
Heero pulled on the head of his mascot safety bear costume. The costume had a
bandaged ear, a friendly smile and was wearing a green and white smock with the
'Safety First' logo printed on it. Heero picked up his balloons and lumbered
past Wufei perfectly imitating the looping gait normal to amusement park
Wufei's left eyebrow twitched.
"...To start of our festivities this morning we're having an emergency
evacuation drill," finished Rei activating the alarm with a smile!
Heero had previously hacked into the systems sending emails coded with high-
level OZ authorizations to fore warn upper management of the Safety Fair and
ensure complete co-operation.
Quatre unidentifiable in a full a HAZI-MAT suit and a cheerful 'Safety First'
smock was at the door of the tent with a clipboard in hand, welcoming employees
as they came from their emergency evacuation check stations. A clock was
counting down minutes. He was handing out florescent green 'I SURVIVED –
CHEMINA CORP' stickers and first aid kits. Minako was behind him arranging the
first to arrive into Safety Teams. Rei was on stage at the loud speaker making
announcements. Heero handed out a few balloons then joined Rei on the stage.
I wonder if the Tenshi would approve of the monitoring computer I installed
inside this bear head, wondered Heero. He scrolled between security camera
outputs and watching the pilot and senshi locator beacons while mechanically
waving a 'Friendly Safety Bear Hello!' to all the Chemina Corps Employees. He
flipped to Trowa's display. Trowa was waiting in his Gundam. Trowa nodded to
him obviously having noted the communication monitor light up.
"A-okay?" Trowa asked on check in.
"Hai," whispered Heero.
Hotaru was behind the scenes with Ami taking care of the Catering Crew and
delivery people. It seemed a bit of a problem. Delivery people came but they
wouldn't go away. And what was it with all the delivery people in this city
being large Arabians? They were extremely nosey too.
Duo and Wufei, who were in the guardhouse, nodded to Turk who was helping
coordinate the emergency drill then left. Wufei would take out communications
setting up an endless loop of voice message selections and 'your mail box is
over it's limit messages' rather then cutting the communications lines directly
which would have been more suspicious. The demon Mercury had come up with it.
Wufei has always suspected that email and voice message systems were evil.
Duo in a lab coat and hardhat escorted by a Chemina Corp OZ guard that was
definitely an insider went around and double-checked that the full safety shut
of procedures had been followed. My guardian angel wants me to make sure my
enemies are safe he thought in wonder. He thought about the events at the
Maxwell church. Why he wondered? Why did that happen and yet an angel was here
now protecting OZ?"
Duo and the OZ guard were making adjustments to the shut off valves on a
hydrogen pipeline when he remembered that Quatre had already asked the angel
that same question. "... elephino..." he breathed quietly, sadly.
"What was that?" the OZ guard asked.
"I said this is fine now," replied Duo with a cheery confident wave. His forced
smile became real moments after he plastered it on his face. Usagi obviously
cared and was doing her best to help. Maybe, here and now our own personal best
is the only righteous heavenly gift available to us that really matters.
"Do you go to church?" Duo asked the OZ guard.
~ * ~
"01 to 05 we have a problem. Over," Heero whispered inside the bear head while
allowing Minako to demonstrate first aid techniques on his bear paw. Heero
glanced up at Rei on the stage with one of the OZ bosses. Keeping upper
management actively involved in the safety day was one of the biggest
challenges of this mission. Heero hidden inside the bear head, glared at the
stage. Karaoke... maybe Duo was right and the girls were demons.
"05 to 01, I copy."
"Main gate called in. We have a surprise audit team from Chemina Corps largest
customer. Over," relayed Heero.
"How many? Over."
"Ten. Over. Hold on, the Tenshi is chatting with them. What is she doing out
there? She's bringing them in. Hn..."
"What is it? Over."
"Those are not customer auditors. The Safety First management team is here. Do
you want to go out for donuts after we're done here?"
Wufei got the message. "05 to 01, I'm going to stretch my legs a bit. Maybe
there's a donut shop nearby." What were Preventor Agents doing here? They were
going to compromise the mission. If there was an undercover team at the main
gate there had to be back up nearby. Wufei had to find them and get them out.
Quatre who had just handed out the last of the safety kits was doing a last
minute head count. The hazi-mat suit was horribly hot but surely Heero was
hotter in that bear suit. Out of the corner of his eye he saw something
alarming. A rather furious looking Rashid was just headed up to the stage. Now
the Maguanac's were terrifically loyal and very fierce fighters but 40 extra
large Arabians just don't blend into a crowd well. They had all of the finesse
of a rabid flock of obstinate ostriches. Quatre wasn't sure what Rashid
intended but he was fairly sure it wasn't Karaoke.
Minako saw Rashid at the same moment Quatre did. As one they rushed to
intercept him. Minako tripped over the microphone cable pulling it out of
amplifier and falling flat on her face. It was clumsy but effective in
preventing the Maguanac leader from being heard. One of the Maguanacs saw some
figure in a hazi-mat suit heading for their leader. They couldn't allow harm to
come to Rashid. Just as Quatre was mounting the first step to the stage he was
clubbed soundly on the back of the head with the butt of the burger flipper
Abdul in disguise had been using.
"Oh so sorry that was very clumsy of me," exclaimed Abdul trying not to grin as
the hazi-mat suited figure fell at his feet. Oz infidels, he thought to
himself, something had happened to Master Quatre. The Maguanac would stop at
nothing to make sure Master Quatre was safe.
Wufei didn't find the Preventor back up but he did run into Duo who was just
returning with the last of the Oz agents to complete the 'safety drill' and
begin the next stage of the plan. Duo was chatting about Karaoke and free
burgers. Wufei grimaced a little but was forced to accompany the group back to
the party tent, as it would look suspicious if he didn't check in with the rest
of them.
"Hi ya! Safety Hee-bear," called a smirking Duo to Heero who was waiting to
meet them. Duo frowned a little. Things sure looked lively in the tent. What
was going on? Was first-aide and Karaoke really that exciting? Heero was
focused on the Preventor situation and oblivious to the ruckus behind him.
"3 Little bears found Goldilocks. Stay safe," announced Heero. Both Duo and
Wufei had of course heard by radio the coded message from before. It was clear
enough to them that Trowa in his Gundam had located the Preventor back up and
they were in a safe location.
Heero signaled Trowa to begin bombing and turned around to notify the Sailor
Senshi they were ready for the containment barrier. As he turned around he saw
Quatre and Minako aka Sailor Venus were on the ground. The tenshi had been
distracted by the ice cream bars. The tent was full of Preventors and Maguanacs,
one small girl with dark hair aka Hotaru was the only thing making any attempt
to hold the Maguanacs back. Rei was fiddling with the speaker system. A good
number of the secret Oz agents seemed to be searching for guns although
thankfully Ami had the most of the incapacitated in practice first aid
bandages. Duo, Wufei and Heero stared at the mess that was the 'Plan'
~ * ~
It was at precisely this moment that Lady Une, Relena, Dorothy, Sally and the
two-dozen backup Preventor agents spotted the Sailor suited girls toting
weapons. The strangely uniformed group had with them a caped gentleman in a
full tuxedo and top hat; three girls in costumes that looked vaguely like
dominatrix gear, an oriental princess and a woman in golden armor toting a nasty
looking sword. ...Oh, and two cats.
"Those look like representatives from the same group that had a run in with you
Minister Dorlian," observed one agent.
Relena nodded worried for Heero.
"There's something big going on in there," announced Lady Une signaling to her
troupes. "If they've managed to take out the Gundam Pilots this is big. Detain
them," she ordered.
~ * ~
The first bomb that dropped was actually quite helpful. Not even Usagi Tsukino
could be so thoroughly distracted by ice cream bars that a Gundam dropping
bombs would go unnoticed. No one heard Rashid Kurama loudly demand the return
of Quatre Raberba Winner who had surely been captured with his fellow Gundam
pilots while infiltrating this OZ despot. The one OZ guard that had managed to
free his gun dropped it while ducking for cover.
Rather than a war starting between Preventor Agents and Sailor Senshi, a chase
began for the bombing had placed Usagi in jeopardy and Tuxedo Mask was drawn to
her rescue with a clear and urgent pull on his soul. The chase was just as well
as the lure of the Senshi had brought the Preventor backup into the danger
zone. The chase led to the comparative safety of the safety tent.
The Senshi did manage to get an energy shield in place.
No one was hurt, other than Quatre who had a nasty concussion that turned out
to be less of a headache then the eternal apologizes of the Maguanac Corps.
There is something to be said for the power of moonlight for there really
wasn't anyone that had any interest in OZ, world domination or germ warfare
when the smoke cleared. This was just as well as sorting out the mess left of
the safety fair would have been a very big job.
The Tenshi had returned to heaven or wherever. All the strangely costumed
individuals had disappeared in a brilliant beam of pink and golden light
complete with complimentary cherry blossom petals. Heero was the only one who
saw them go. He took off the safety bear head and waved once tentatively, the
ghost of a smile for a brief moment disrupting his mission focused glare.
~ * ~
"Explain all of this," demanded Une with one sharp gesture encompassing 40
Maguanacs, 34 Preventor agents, one ex-Queen, a hundred civilians
un-differentiable from a good two hundred ex-OZ soldiers, party supplies,
explosive, one heck of a lot of bother, panic and disturbance. The five Gundam
pilots stared at her blankly and silently for a good ten minutes. What was
there to say? "EXPLAIN!!" demanded Une.
"Mission Accomplished."