
That was the first thing Kuroko saw.

"Akashi-kun... Are you crying?" He had asked.

No response. The tears just continued to come. When Kuroko tried to brush them away, Akashi stood up and left.

Since when did you start to ignore me? The blue haired teen asked, clutching his chest in pain. He called out to the red head again, but no response was given.

"Akashi-kun!" He yelled, running to him. Once he caught up, he said, "Akashi-kun, why are you ignoring me?"

He was used to people not noticing him, but ignoring was something else.

"Akashi-kun, please... Talk to me" He whispered. Akashi continued to walk and said something inaudible. Kuroko continued to follow, curious to where he was headed. The scenery looked vaguely familiar. More memories filled in the blank as he walked through the forest.

"Tetsuya, come here" Akashi ordered. Kuroko nodded, scooting over to the latter. Before he could asked, the red head pulled him into his lap and nuzzled his neck with his head.

"Tetsuya, I love you." The red head mumbled in the crook of Kuroko's neck.

"I love you too" the blue head mumbled.

The scene changed to something else.

"Tetsuya, you're going to fall" Akashi warned, watching Kuroko leap from stone to stone in the river.

"I'll be fine, Akashi-kun!" Kuroko reassured, but then slipping on a wet stone, falling into the icy cold river.

"Tetsuya!" the present red head exclaimed, recalling the memory. He was currently kneeling in front of the river from the flashback and let the tears run down his face.

"I'm... I'm dead" Kuroko gasped, watching Akashi touch the river water. He walked to Akashi and tried wiping his tears away, but his hand went through his face.

Akashi sighed shakily and slowly got up.

"I told you, didn't I?" Akashi asked into the wind, though staring right into Kuroko's eyes. "I told you, but you didn't listen"

"I'm sorry" Kuroko apologized, tears streaming down his face.

"If only I had stopped you before you started" Akashi blamed himself, clutching the area where his heart was. "Now there's nothing left."

"There's nothing left" Akashi whispered dryly

"There's nothing left"

Akashi thought he was hearing ghosts. "Tetsuya, I'm sorry" Akashi had said, under his breath, inaudible. "Tetsuya, why did you leave me?" More tears fell silently from his eyes and he wiped the, away, unable to like the feeling of the salty water that streamed out of his eyes every time he thought of him.

Ha... HahaH... Hah... This is what happens at 4 am. I don't know though, I mean I tried writing something sad but