Hi everyone,

So this is the last chapter. Thank you everyone for sticking with me for so long. I do appreciate each and everyone of you, especially those who kept reviewing so diligently and those who wrote me messages.

I can't quite believe that it's actually done...

There is still a little outtake, that I will post soon-ish, a little M-rated something that I will publish as a one-shot.

I also want to say that this is by no means my last story but it will be a while before I have time to finish one of those lying around on my hard drive. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as I have and I wish you all the best.

Take care, everyone.

Chapter Twenty-three

When Hermione woke up the next morning, Fleur was already gone. It was a bit unusual but nothing that hadn't happened before. Most likely, the French witch had forgotten to prep something the evening before and taken an early start.

Her first class that day was her own transfiguration class and so she made her way directly there. On her way through the hallways it was suspiciously quiet. She didn't even run into peeves or Mrs. Norris. She prepared for the class that was about to begin and had a breakfast muffin she had brought along. When she was done, she was still alone. None of her students had shown up yet. For a brief moment, Hermione thought that they had decided to ditch her class because they were unhappy with her teaching but then the voice of reason returned and she figured that something else must be going on.

She looked around the hallways but no students were in sight. A sneaking suspicion crawled up Hermione's spine.

Something wasn't right here. Even if all the students were in class, there would still be a few stragglers and those that had free periods and would roam the hallways. AT the very least the ghosts would be around.

Hermione drew her wand and cast the counterspell for the invisibility charm. Nobody appeared. Suddenly, Hermione was very aware of how empty everything looked, it was eery. She decided to keep her wand in hand. Constant vigilance. She did not survive a war on sheer luck alone.

Hermione's most logic part of her brain told her to go to the Headmistress' office. Either she would find Minerva there and could tell her about the spooky silence or she could use her floo if she encountered something on the way.

When she arrived and spoke the password, the gargoyle dutifully turned to reveal the stairs. Hermione walked up and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, Hermione decided to go in anyway.

There was nothing out of the ordinary. She looked around without disturbing anything. Maybe McGonagall had left a clue, like a time table or something.

Hermione jumped in fright when the Sorting Hat suddenly spoke loudly, 'Snooping around, are you?'

Hermione turned around and glared at the hat.

'No, I'm just trying to find a clue for where the headmistress is.'

'That's snooping around.'

'Alright, so I was snooping around. Happy now? I have other problems now. I need to find the headmistress,' Hermione huffed, annoyed that the hat was right.

'She's in the Great Hall. You should go there instead of going through her things.'

Hermione huffed some more but turned and left the office. The Great Hall would have been her next destination anyway.

The empty hallways felt menacing to Hermione. She saw shadows everywhere and the suits of armour were no help either. The only sound she could hear were her own footsteps echoing.

As she came nearer to the Great Hall she could suddenly hear voices. There seemed to be some commotion there. Hermione picked up her pace. The voices grew louder and Hermione could hear single words but nothing that made sense. It just seemed to be incredibly important and it reminded her of the buzz when they had planned their defence of Hogwarts on the day of the final battle. People were prepping this or gathering that. But what was going on?

When she reached the door and opened it, she could see what must be the whole school bustling around, looking incredibly busy and chaotic. There were students of all houses and all ages sitting and reading, running back and forth. It had the chaos of a swarm of mosquitos at night but all the purpose of a bee-hive in summer. That would explain why nobody was in the hallways.

She spotted Fleur dashing back and forth between students. It seemed like she was answering questions. Minerva directed pupils into groups and sent them off to...Elvira. Elvira Munn was bossing around other students far older than her, handing out books that she duplicated with a confident Geminio spell, and then sending them off to different areas in the Great Hall to read. Hermione couldn't help but smirk at the sight of it. Elvira reminded her so much of herself at that age. She truly hoped that Elvira would have the chance to eventually find real friends, like she had, and not just the library.

Suddenly, Ginny appeared before her,'Ah, I see you finally found us. Welcome to the miracle factory!'

Ginny was all business but still very chipper.

'Ginny, what is going on here?' Hermione asked, glad to finally get some answers.

'McGonagall has gathered everyone in the Great Hall this morning to ask for volunteers. She said you needed a miracle and she would at least try to provide you with one. When she asked who would want to help every single person got up from their seat. It was pretty cool.'

Hermione went pale at the thought of Minerva disclosing to the whole school what was a very private matter to her. Fleur appeared at her side, steadying the young witch.

'F...Fleur? Did Minerva tell everyone about my arm?'

Fleur nodded and smiled softly, 'She came to ask me about it last night. It was a very impressive moment this morning when everyone got up to volunteer. It is a pity that none of them 'ave read Dead Poets Society. It would 'ave been grand.'

'Fleur! How could you? You know I didn't want anyone to know!' Hermione grew angry but before she could voice any more of her disappointment, Minerva found them.

'Hermione! Please let me apologise for breaking my promise but I just couldn't do nothing anymore. You said you needed a miracle and everyone here is pitching in to give you one. Many of the students have voiced their discontent about not having said anything sooner, then they could have done this months ago. Some of them actually felt hurt, that you wouldn't give them a chance to help. I'm really terribly sorry for breaking your trust, Hermione, but I would do it again for a chance to find a cure.'

Hermione's anger disappeared as quickly as it had come and was replaced by feeling touched at what she was beginning to comprehend only now. Minerva was called away before anyone could say anything, though.

'They are all doing this for me,' she whispered, not yet quite believing what she saw.

'Yes. It's their way of thanking you for everything you did for all of us. You got hurt putting your life on the line, so they all could have one. They feel, the least they can do is help you heal your battle wounds,' Ginny said.

Fleur went to answer more questions as Narcissa entered the Great Hall with a flock of students in tow. All of them were levitating piles of books in front of them. Hermione recognised them as Bellatrix'.

'Miss Weasley, could you take these off me and tell Miss Munn that these are the last ones. Thank you,' Narcissa said with authority. Ginny complied and the students followed her to the front of the Great Hall, where Elvira was already ready for them.

'They are going through all of my sister's books. Everyone is pitching in. If four eyes see more than two, I'm sure hundreds must be able to find something. I have to thank you Hermione. This is the first time, I have seen Slytherin house united and working together since my arrival,' Narcissa said before making her way to the Slytherin table.

Hermione was touched beyond words. Still rooted to the spot, she let her eyes travel. It was incredible. All of these people were willing to do for her what they refused to do for their own education – read complicated books on magic from beginning to end. She wasn't sure what the lower years were hoping to achieve but maybe they were the epitome of fresh eyes on the problem. And it wouldn't do to underestimate them.

Hermione couldn't just watch. She made her way towards Elvira and asked her for a copy of a book. Elvira looked up at her Professor, clearly torn between two thoughts. Then, she resolutely said, 'No. You've read them already anyway. You are more useful to us if you help answer questions...err, Professor.'

As soon as she had said it, the little Slytherin blushed at the thought of having just refused her favourite Professor. She relaxed a little when Hermione accepted on grounds of Elvira knowing better what they needed.

And so Hermione spent her time running back and forth between students and answering their questions about details they needed to rule out a spell they had found and other questions that would help them find a solution to Hermione's problem. One third year Hufflepuff told her that she was so happy to finally be able to give something back, after having gotten so much from Hermione. She knew that the girl had lost her father in the war but she seemed to somehow credit Hermione for the survival of her mother and siblings.

Hermione noticed house elves appearing, some asking around about the students' needs, some bringing pumpkin juice, tea and little snacks. Very few of the students actually left their work to eat or take a break. She had never seen any Hogwarts student work with such determination. Hermione wondered what Minerva had told them to motivate them to work so hard.

And so Hermione answered questions all morning until they finally died down. Being idle didn't help Hermione distract herself from the pain in her arm. She was about to get herself a book too, when somebody at the Ravenclaw table got up and yelled, 'I've got it!' pointing at the book in front of him.

Everyone's attention was instantly on the sixth year.

'I mean, I've got something that is potentially maybe hopefully of help,' he backpaddled a bit.

Nervously, he lifted the book and said, 'If the dagger vanished to a secret location. It must be something that has meaning for Lestrange. She wouldn't just choose a place at random. It has to be somewhere she knows well enough to be sure nobody would find the dagger except her.'

'Get to the point, man!' another student yelled.

'Erm..yes, well. I think the dagger might be here in the castle, in the Room of Requirement!'

Hermione deflated and shook her head.

'We've tried that. We've searched the whole castle including the Room of Requirement. I was there myself. The room is empty,' Ginny answered for all of them. Everyone returned to their books. Fleur, Minerva and a few others had settled down at the teachers table perusing copies of the books as well.

After another hour or two of more research and more pumpkin juice, Hermione suggested to stop the students from looking for possible ways to find the dagger and to maybe make a concerted effort to just look for potential spells that could be active on the wound, and find a counter curse.

Narcissa interrupted the young woman and shook her head, 'We need the dagger. Without the dagger, none of them know what to look for. It could be a combination of any of the spells in those books.'

'BUT WE DON'T HAVE THE DAMN DAGGER!' Hermione exploded. She jumped up and sent her chair sliding back as she glared at the Slytherin in front of her.

Hermione calmed herself down again, and as she sat back down, the students went back to their work too.

After a few more minutes, a student joked that they should just try to summon it. And another chimed in.

'Yes, have you tried summoning it? Keeping it simple?' he shouted.

Fleur nodded and explained that they have.

Frustrated but not giving up the students went back to work. Some had taken to walking around with their books in hand to stretch their legs and others were lying on the floor on summoned and transfigured rugs and blankets.

One clever student had shortened the Slytherin table by the part that was unused anyway and in its stead produced a few comfortable armchairs that students could use for a while before making room for the next one.

By mid-afternoon, the Great Hall was unrecognisable. Means and ways to keep comfortable had appeared but none of the students had given up.

Completely out of the blue, Elvira snapped close her book and stared into the sky replicated on the ceiling. She closed her eyes and let her mind wander. People didn't pay her much attention. They could all understand the need to rest their minds.

After a few minutes, she piped up, clearly addressing Hermione, 'Professor? Is there a spell that works like the Geminio spell, for duplicating items but for those objects that one currently doesn't possess?'

Hermione just stared at the girl as if she had three heads. But before the Slytherin could ask if she had said something wrong, Hermione was on her feet and sprinting out of the Great Hall as if chased by snatchers. Fleur was immediately on her feet but Minerva held her back.

'Let her go. She's onto something.'

'Did I say something stupid?' Elvira asked, clearly concerned about what her favourite teacher might think of her.

'No, Miss Munn. It seems you haven't. I don't know of any such spell but it looks like you gave Miss Granger an idea,' the headmistress soothed the worried girl.

Meanwhile, Hermione was still running. Her muscles burned and her lungs screamed for oxygen. The blood in her arm was throbbing worse than ever but if this would work, the pain didn't matter. Knowing that everyone, including Madam Pince was in the Great Hall, she burst open the doors at full speed. The bang echoed through the library as Hermione went to retrieve what she was looking for.

In the Great Hall, everyone was unsure of what they were supposed to do now. Madam Pomfrey suggested a break and for everyone to move around a bit and have some food.

Fleur grew increasingly antsy with every minute of Hermione being gone.

'Sit still. Fidgeting won't return her any sooner,' the headmistress chided a nervous Fleur Delacour, who promptly complied.

It had been over an hour now and Hermione was still not back.

'That's it, I'm going after 'er!' Fleur announced but the words were barely out of her mouth when Hermione appeared in the door frame, carrying three books and a couple of pieces of parchment. She was panting heavily but it didn't keep her from determinedly walking to the front of the hall. Midway, she stopped in front of Elvira, bowed down and looked her straight in the eye. Elvira immediately blushed.

'You, my girl, are pure genius. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise,' Hermione said and even though nobody thought it possible Elvira blushed even more.

'I told you she has a crush on her! Take care, she'll be a real contender once she's grown up,' Ginny whispered so only Fleur could hear her and giggled briefly. Fleur just smirked and smacked Ginny's shoulder for the inappropriate comment

Hermione had made her way to the lectern and as she started to speak the golden owl on the front of it spread its wings.

'Miss Munn's question has reminded me of something I read years ago, when I was in the library for a bit of light reading,' Hermione started and ignored the snickering at her announcement.

'In these books there are three spells. Each on their own don't do anything remarkable but combined, they do exactly what Miss Munn suggested. I've used the last...' Hermione spoke and struggled to find the time, 'well, however long I was gone. I've used that time to put the three spells together and created a new one. I've tested it on small items. It works. But it only works if one has a connection with the person that owns the original object. By the way, Ginny, you have a second pair of Quidditch gloves now,' Hermione said and turned to toss them to the youngest Weasley.

'You have created a new spell in roughly one hour?' Professor Flitwick said, obviously baffled by the fact. Hermione nodded.

'Remarkable, very remarkable,' the diminutive teacher muttered as he sat back down on his chair.

'Anyway, it means that we might be able to summon the dagger or rather reproduce the dagger. But it also means someone who was close to the owner has to do it or it won't work,' Hermione finished her announcement.

All eyes turned to Narcissa. It was clear to everyone present that she would have to cast the spell, being the sister, and all.

Narcissa got up and walked over to Hermione, looking at the scribbles on Hermione's parchment before she shook her head.

Loud gasps and booing filled the hall. Fleur was about to draw her wand to hex the Malfoy woman into next week when Ginny of all people held her back.

'No, Miss Granger, I'm not the person who should cast the spell. Yes, I'm her sister and I knew her well but I was never close to her. I think it would be best if you cast it yourself. Nobody was closer to her than you were in that moment. I had never seen her so frustrated before but I have also never seen her exercise so much restraint either. As horrible as it may sound, I could tell, she liked you. She respected your determination and your guts. Everything she did, she did because to her it had become personal. In her twisted mind she forged a connection with you by stick...by doing what she did,' Narcissa struggled to get out the last words. Getting to know the people she had fought for so long in the last few months, had taught her a lot. She was still a Malfoy, née Black and that had to count for something but she had learned that they were not so different from her.

Hermione swallowed, took a glance at her notes and flourished her wand with determined precision. Nothing. She tried again. Still nothing.

'Calm down. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune out the audience. Focus and then try again. Trust me, I know it works,' Draco said before retreating back to his mother.

Hermione had nothing to lose. She would always have those painful memories, what difference did it make to let them wash over her again? She did exactly as Draco had told her. Everyone was holding their breath when Hermione swished her wand once more.

With a pop an object appeared on the table in front of Hermione. Fleur's eyes grew wide as she saw what it was.

'La vache! It worked, 'ermione. It really worked!' Fleur cried and hugged her girlfriend as if it were the last time.

The Great Hall erupted in cheers. Relief swept over the students like a tidal wave. Suddenly, moral was at an all time high and they really believed that they could beat time. For the first time in months, Hermione was hopeful.

Narcissa took the dagger. She unsheathed it and looked at it closely. She could feel the magic that ran within. It was the unique finger print of her sister's magic. She focused and began her analysis.

She announced spell after spell and all of them were noted down. The list was discouragingly long.

When Narcissa was done, she put the dagger back and sat back down.

Minerva instantly took charge and ordered Fleur and Draco to collect the best potioneers and head to the dungeons to work on a cure. She sent Professor Flitwick and the Arithmancy teacher to do the same. The brightest minds and most skilled would be able to come up with something. Having too many people work on one thing would only make them slower. She allowed the rest of the school to either remain in the Great Hall or return to their common rooms and announced that classes would not resume for the rest of the day. Needless to say that this was good news to the students. Most of them stayed, not wanting to miss the great finale when they would finally repair Hermione's arm. Some took a walk or simply walked the hallways to stretch their legs. Nobody wanted to go too far for fear of missing out.

Meanwhile, Hermione had withdrawn to a quieter corner. She didn't have to numb her arm in secret anymore but she didn't exactly want everyone staring at her either. When she was sure nobody was paying any attention to her she got started on the injections.

But she had forgotten about Madam Pomfrey's sixth sense for patients. The matron went white as a sheet when she counted the amount of Lidocain Hermione was pumping into her arm.

'How long have you been using this amount?' Poppy asked concerned.

Hermione just looked at the nurse and gave her a shrug.

'It doesn't help anymore, does it?' Poppy asked softly.

Hermione let her head hang and didn't even try to hide the tears as she shook her head. She knew they were working on something and that they at least had a list of curses now but the pain seemed overwhelming.

'How long, dear?' Madam Pomfrey wanted to know. 'How long have you been running around, suffering through undulled pain in your arm?' The nurse gave her patient a look that conveyed her empathy, but also her sadness. She was impressed by how much this young woman would take to avoid others worrying about her but she was less impressed by how stupid that was.

'I don't know. Too long,' Hermione sobbed and slumped into the waiting arms of the usually so strict matron. Madam Pomfrey just held Hermione, knowing she was secretly long for another's arms but that other person was busy saving the girl's arm, so she would have to do.

When Hermione had calmed down a bit, she handed her a handkerchief and helped her to stand up.

'How about we get you to the hospital wing for a while? We don't know how long they'll take and in the mean time you can rest.'

Hermione complied without protest as Madam Pomfrey led her from the Great Hall. She could have helped her to her own bed but both of them knew that Poppy was already plotting how she could safely knock Hermione out if the pain got too much again.

She offered to send someone for a book, when Hermione had settled onto one of the beds but the young woman declined, claiming she wouldn't be able to concentrate enough anyway.

'Do you want me to stay here or would you like some privacy?' Poppy asked. Hermione wished Harry or Ron were here. Unlike Fleur and Ginny, those two were so rubbish at potions and charms that they certainly wouldn't be part of any task force and could keep her company. But as things were she preferred to be alone.

Elvira Munn dropped by briefly to bring Hermione some snacks and a bottle of pumpkin juice. But seeing her role model so exhausted only broke her heart. Of course, it made her admire her more but the feeling of helplessness eventually made her retreat.

Later, some of the boys from sixth year came by and brought along their comic book collection.

'When I was sick in primary school, Mum always bought me comic books to read. It usually made me feel a little bit better to see Batman beat the bad guys or Wonder Woman schooling a villain. We thought that maybe you need a bit of distraction,' one of them said.

She was touched by their concern but she was hanging onto a thread. The pain was at an all time high.

As the boys left, one of them turned back around. 'This is what us mortals call light reading by the way,' he said and winked.

Hermione smiled without meaning to. This boy had the same irreverence Harry had when it came to bedside manners.

From time to time Poppy checked on her but, as expected, there was no change for the better.

After what Hermione thought to be hours, as it had turned dark outside a while ago, the bright woman gave in and fished one of the comic books from the box next to her bed. Maybe Batman could distract her. At the very least, she'd be able to feel the Joker's pain when Batman beat him up.

Eventually, Hermione fell asleep. It was a fitful rest, but that was better than none. Poppy had put away the colourful muggle literature and spread a blanket over her patient.

Very late in the night, Hermione woke up. She blinked several times but despite the soft light from a lamp not too far away, it took her a couple of seconds to realise where she was and what was going on. She wasn't sure if she was so disoriented because of her waking up in a foreign environment or because her arm felt like someone had poured acid on the wound. She whimpered in pain but before Poppy had reached her bed, the doors to the hospital wing swung open. Fleur, Ginny, Draco, Professor Flitwick and Minerva McGonagall approached with grim faces.

Immediately, Hermione interpreted that as a bad sign. They hadn't been able to find a cure. They all looked dead on their feet and for a moment Hermione flashed back to a zombie movie she had once watched with her Dad. Then, Hermione noticed the vials in Fleur's hand. They were filled with a nasty looking, poison green liquid with a few streaks of something darker that seemed to be alive as it swirled around in the vial, like the liquid was squirming inside. As terrifying as it looked, it gave Hermione hope once more. They had at least come up with something that they deemed worth a try.

'We were looking for you in the Great 'all but they said you were 'ere,' Fleur said as she sat down on the edge of the bed.


'The students, of course.'

'They are still there? Why on earth are they not sound asleep?' Hermione wondered.

'They insisted,' Minerva interjected. Judging from the commotion out side the door, half the school had come to be the first to find out if the potion worked.

After a short silence, Hermione looked to Fleur's hand, where the two vials still rested.

Fleur followed her gaze and explained, 'We 'ave come up with something. The potions team 'as created this vile elixir and the charms team has fortified it with a few extra counter curses. We don't know if it will work or 'ow it will work.'

Fleur fussed around with Hermione's hair and rubbed her good arm. She was clearly very nervous but trying to hide it for Hermione's sake.

'Whatever it does, we can be sure it will not be fun. Lifting Bellatrix' curses was never fun for those who tried,' Narcissa interjected.

'We did our best,' Ginny said, her voice was breaking.

Hermione gave all of them another good look before pulling up her sleeve and trying to remove the bandages. Her fingers were shaking so much that she couldn't even begin to open it. Ginny wondered if she was shaking so much because of the pain or because she was scared. But then Ginny remembered Hermione during the final battle. Her wand had never been even a little bit unsteady, then. She didn't even want to imagine how bad it had gotten if her best friend was shaking so much.

Fleur held Hermione's arm steady and removed the bandages with her free hand. As she revealed the wound, a few of those present weren't able to keep from gasping. Narcissa had to steady herself on one of the hospital beds and Draco went paler than he had been on the day Hermione had received that wound. Minerva had set her face in a way she only did when she braced herself for something that required her face to keep void of emotions.

The scratch that so clearly read Mudblood had turned into a deep gash that went far too deep for anyone's taste, it was opened broadly and there was blood, pus, and other gooey stuff visible. The skin around it was an angry red colour and was, no doubt, inflamed. Poppy had never seen a wound like that from any dagger. No wonder the muggle drug didn't help anymore.

Hermione found Fleur's eyes and immediately calmed down. She brushed a strand of blond hair behind Fleur's ear and even managed a smile.

'I trust you,' she said and nodded.

Fleur unstoppered one of the vials and the liquid began to move faster in its confinement. Hermione had never been less interested in any list of ingredients. She watched as the green liquid was poured into the wound.

Everyone waited and watched with baited breath but there was nothing. They were about to suggest going back to the drawing board when suddenly everything happened at once.

A greenish smoke rose from Hermione's arm and the young woman screamed in agony. She started thrashing around completely mad from the pain. Fleur quickly wrapped her arms around her and in an incredible feat of presence of mind and reflexes, Ginny grabbed Hermione's wrist to keep the arm with the wound still. Draco had recovered from his earlier faintness and stepped forward to see if the potions was doing anything else besides nearly killing this woman from the sounds of it. He couldn't be sure but it seemed like there was less gooey stuff in the wound now and he could swear the angry red had turned a shade lighter.

'It's working,' he said breathlessly.

'Yes but much too slowly,' Ginny interjected as she fought against Hermione to hold still her arm. The young witch couldn't believe how much stregth Hermione had in her arm. With an iron grip on her wrist and the other hand on Hermione's upper arm, she finally managed to keep her still enough for Draco to see. She knew that no matter how hard she gripped her friend, she'd never even feel her hand over the pain in her arm. Tears were streaming down Ginny's face. She couldn't believe she was doing this. She had once asked Harry how he had felt down in that cellar while Hermione was screaming upstairs and he had answered that being down there, doing nothing, felt like he was up there doing the torturing himself. His words echoed in Ginny's head as she observed the glacial pace at which the wound seemed to get better.

'Oh sod it,' Draco swore and grabbed the other vial. He didn't care if Hermione would kill him for it if it didn't work but he had a hunch and it was better to try something than just standing there watching the witch writhe in agony. Draco unstoppered the second vial and poured the liquid into the wound. Hermione's screams picked up volume again.

'What did you do that for, you bloody pri...genius,' Ginny rounded on him only to change her tune as the wound seemed to be healing faster.

Encouraged by his success, the blond man reached into his robes and produced two more vials. They had found the right potion, they had just underestimated to potency needed to counteract his aunts spells.

Fleur's muscles were already burning like fire and had only gotten worse when Draco had administered the second dose. Hermione was developing unprecedented strength as the pain had spiked again. Fleur was practically on top of her girlfriend pressing her into the bed to keep her from thrashing about.

Draco unstoppered both vials and poured them on Hermione's arm at the same time.

This sped up the healing process by eons. Within a few more seconds of hell for Hermione, the wound had fully healed. There wasn't even a scar left.

Slowly, Hermione calmed down and Fleur let go carefully. Ginny loosened her grip and winced at the bruises that were already beginning to form on Hermione's wrist and upper arm.

Completely, robbed of her strength and barely conscious, she smiled faintly at Fleur before slipping away into darkness.

Madam Pomfrey was immediately at her side, examining her and running every diagnostic spell she could think of. Twice.

'She's unconscious but otherwise fine. It's as if there had never been even a scratch on her,' she reported and everyone let out a deep breath. In their elation, they completely forgot about their britishness and hugged each other. The relief they felt was monumental. Ginny felt like she could fly all alone without the help of a broom.

'We should tell the others, they'll wonder what the silence means,' Fleur suggested and Minerva was on it immediately.

There were cheers and hugs and magic sparks as the news spread from the students immediately in front of the door all the way back through the hallways to the Great Hall.

When Hermione woke up, she was in her own bed. Her Hogwarts bed. She wasn't sure how she got there but that wasn't what irked her. Something was off, something wasn't quite right, something was...missing. And then Hermione's brain caught up. The pain was gone.

She looked at her bare arm and grinned. All those weeks of constant throbbing had gotten her so used to the pain and now it was finally gone. She didn't know where all the bruises came from but it didn't bother her. Someone would explain eventually. She turned around and wrapped her arms around the sleeping form of Fleur and fell asleep once more. Finally, all was well.

When they woke again in the morning, they were both overwhelmed by how great it felt to finally be free of Bellatrix' shadow. They hadn't noticed how heavy it had been until it was gone.

'Thank you, Fleur,' Hermione said gratefully.

Fleur simply smiled.

'Would you tell me what exactly happened? I can't remember anything but the pain,' Hermione asked quietly.

Fleur nodded and tucked a stand of hair behind Hermione's ear before retreating her arm back under the warm blankets. The fire had gone out in the night and the air was chilly.

'We 'ad to try several combinations of potions before we came up with something that didn't either melt the cauldron or explode or evaporate residue-free. But eventually, it worked out. Draco could become a great potioneer if 'e set 'is mind to it. We went to find the group working on spells and after a bit of time they 'ad something. The first spell exploded the vial and only thanks to Filius' reflexes we didn't get the stuff all over ourselves. Eventually, it looked like it 'ad worked, so we all went to the Great 'all to find you. But there were only a bunch of students telling us that you 'ad been brought to the 'ospital wing. I got very nervous and practically ran to get to you. On the way, we picked up Minerva and Narcissa. You know what 'appened then. After the potion started to work, you began screaming and thrashing around. I 'eld you down and Ginny gripped your arm. That's where the bruises come from. Draco noticed that the potion did work but way too slowly. Obviously, there was no time to make it more potent, so he just opted for pouring more of it onto your arm and it worked.' Fleur explained the events of Hermione's healing, never forgetting to stop in between to kiss her girlfriend.

'I love you, Fleur. I'm sorry, I ever doubted you,' Hermione said sincerely.

'There is nothing to be sorry for. It was a 'ard time. I don't care about it. I care about now and about our future. I'm so 'appy, I could explode with emotions,' Fleur said and kissed Hermione some more.

'Where is our valedictorian?' Minerva asked nervously. Fleur shrugged, she knew the headmistress was nervous about having the first proper graduation celebrations after the war and she wanted everyone dressed and robed as soon as possible. Fleur had no idea where Hermione had gone. She had excused herself to take care of something and hadn't come back since.

'I'll go look,' Ginny volunteered but Fleur held her back and she would go and Ginny should enjoy the bustle of her one and only graduation. Harry and Ron had just arrived a few minutes ago and Ginny decided to go and see if her boyfriend had already managed to lose his tail of admirers and journalists.

Fleur headed towards the castle and away from the hectic excitement of what Minerva had set up on the school grounds for a wonderful graduation in the fresh air and under a sunny sky.

She found Hermione in her transfiguration classroom, in front of her desk, sorting some papers.

'It's funny how I always feel when you are near. It's a pity you can never really surprise me,' Hermione said without turning around.

'Yes, but I 'ad not planned on surprising you with my presence alone,' Fleur whispered as she slung her arms around Hermione from behind, pressing her body closer to Hermione's. One of her hands slid over her flat stomach and the other went to cup Hermione's breast through her clothes.

Hermione gasped and put her hands on the desk in front of her for stability.

Fleur used Hermione's slightly bent position to put one of her thighs between the young woman's legs. Immediately, Hermione pushed back, seeking friction through her jeans.

Within an instant, her heart rate had picked up and her breathing had gotten heavier.

'Mmhh, you like this, don't you?' Fleur silently said as she let her hands roam some more, enjoying her girlfriend's response to the sudden ambush.

Hermione pushed harder against Fleur's leg. In the time it had taken her mind to realise Fleur's intentions, her body had already reacted to her touch. She knew she was wet. Very wet. And very needy. Her whole body was screaming at her to quench that burning need somehow.

Between silent moans and other affirmative noises, she still needed her hands to support her bent frame.

'Fleur,...' she moaned pleadingly as the French witch had opened the last button of her shirt and now freely ran her hand over the skin of her abdomen. She had pushed her bra out of the way and let her other hand play with one of Hermione's breasts. The young witch's nipples were rock hard by now and Fleur revelled in the sound Hermione made as she pinched one of them.

Prim and proper Hermione Granger found herself in a classroom in a state of some undress, bent over her desk, undulating her hips against her girlfriend's leg, unashamedly begging for release.

The thought of that warmed Fleur's heart and other places in her body. She took pity in the writhing witch and snaked down one of her hands to pull up Hermione's skirt. Her hand quickly found its way into the young woman's knickers.

'Merlin, you're wet! When I came here, I thought I'd tease you a little bit and then make you wait all through the ceremony before giving you what you want,' Fleur whispered. 'Which is why I left the door open.'

Hermione made a strangled sound. Even though it was unlikely, any moment someone could walk past the door and see them. She was surprised to find that it only turned her on more. Not that she would actually want to be discovered in this rather compromised position but the danger of it was adding to her excitement.

'Please, Fleur, don't do that. Don't make me wait,' Hermione begged between gasps. Fleur's fingers found her clit and Hermione bit her tongue to keep silent.

'Non, no waiting. Now I want to make you come so 'ard that they can 'ear you all the way down on the school grounds,' Fleur answered and plunged two fingers deep into Hermione.

The young witch groaned. She knew that Fleur could do that. She had done it once before in France, when Hermione had tried to keep silent to avoid unwanted attention in the gardens but Fleur's tongue had made her own unexpectedly vocal. Before she could ponder her chances of withstanding Fleur's finger's she felt herself clenching around them. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her knees almost gave in. Relentlessly, Fleur continued and sped up her movements. She knew Hermione was barely standing, mostly upright because of Fleur's other arm holding her, pressing her close.

Only a few seconds later, Hermione's whole body went rigid and she dug her nails into the desk. She came moaning Fleur's name.

Fleur gently removed her hand and wrapped both her arms around her girlfriend to stop her shuddering. Hermione was still catching her breath, when Fleur started to re-button her shirt for her from behind.

'I love you, chérie,' Fleur said.

Hermione turned around in Fleur's arms and kissed her.

'I love you too,' she muttered against her lips and then grinned.

'Let's go. I have a speech to give.'

Hermione pulled Fleur out of the classroom after her.

'What were you doing there anyway? Fleur asked as they walked to where they were supposed to be.

'I was walking around the castle. I wanted a last glimpse of it when I can still see it with the eyes of a student. I'm fairly certain that before long I will only be able to see it as a teacher would,' Hermione explained before taking the stage to deliver her speech that would mark the end of an era and the beginning of her new life.

And in the end, everything was ok.