Hi everyone,

As some of you know, I'm usually writing HG/GW stories, but lately I've been reading so many Fleurmione stories that I kind of got into this pairing. And as luck would have it, I had an idea for my own.

Let me warn you of a few things. This story is rated MA for a reason. There will be mature material in later chapters and if you have a problem with any of that or lesbian relationships, it's probably best if you go look for another story.
I also want to say that this is not one of those stories in which Fleur and Hermione face the next great evil after Voldemort and it is also not the kind that comes up with the most fabricated reasons to create artificial drama.
I wanted this to be a feel-good story of sorts. That doesn't mean there are no hardships at all, but I'm saying that they won't break up over a ridiculous misunderstanding or something like that.

I was planning on publishing one chapter per week for as long as I can manage to do so. Let me know which day you prefer, I'll make it a democratic decision.

I will write back if you review or message me, but I won't do a long list of replies at the beginning of each chapter, unless there is something that is interesting to everyone.

I have one more thing before I'll let you get on with the story. There will be a couple of things in French. I hate to have translations interrupting the reading, but some of these chapters are really long and I hate scrolling too. Please tell me if you prefer translations right away in brackets or rather as footnotes. Or maybe you prefer to have no translations at all because you all know how to use google translate :) I'm fine with either.
It's been about 12 years since I've properly used the language. So please pardon my French ;) If there are any native speakers out there that would feel like correcting me on grammar, spelling or general use of the language, I'd be delighted.
That goes for English speakers as well - I'm not a native and I'm sure there are a couple of typos and other mistakes.

But now, let's get on with it. This is the first chapter and it's pretty darn short for my standards but I promise the next ones will be longer. Enjoy!

[Edit: I don't know how it happened but I think I fixed the formatting issues now. I will try to avoid it next week. Maybe I can find out until then how it happened. The case of the missing words has also been solved. Translations are at the bottom, as you seemed to prefer it that way.]

Chapter One

When she opened her eyes, Hermione found herself in the dark. An attempt at moving her head resulted in a jolt of pain shooting through her body and she quietly hissed between her teeth. Slowly, her eyes adjusted to the darkness and she could see the wooden beams on the ceiling and the painting on the opposite wall, depicting lavender fields in the south of France, slowly swaying in the wind and the bluest ocean as backdrop. Hermione studied the painting for a bit, she could've sworn she could even smell that ocean.

'So, I'm not in Malfoy Manor anymore,' Hermione deducted. She let her palms feel the crisp sheets on which she lay but instantly interrupted her attempt at moving her arms due to the spike of pain caused by the movement. Slowly, she allowed her mind to go back to her latest memories. The snatchers, Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix Lestrange, her wand and knife, Dobby. Dobby! The brave, little elf had come to rescue them. Merlin only knew how he had found them and who had sent him, but Hermione knew she had no way of finding out without talking to someone. Where was everyone? What is this place?
She decided to focus on the things she could find out and tried to sit up. Her body protested violently but Hermione gritted her teeth and forced herself into a more vertical position.

When the pain had subsided and her breath evened out a little, Hermione looked around the room and saw white curtains framing a half-opened window.
Hardwood floors with a very plush looking carpet next to her bed. A bed. Hermione closed her eyes and for the first time properly realised that she was in an actual bed with downy pillows and crisp sheets and a soft mattress. Someone had made sure she was comfortable, so this most likely was a friendly place. She laughed at herself. It was the simplest creature comforts she had started to miss while on the run with Harry and Ron.

On the bedside table was a tray of vials, some empty, some still filled with potions of various colours and Hermione was about to force her arm to move to get a better look at the labels on the potions, the door suddenly opened. Hermione remained stock still, looking at the figure slipping into the room, obviously trying to be quiet.

As soon as the door was closed, the person turned around and found Hermione upright in her bed.
'Mon dieu! Tu t'es réveillé,' the figure said and Hermione then recognised Fleur and safely assumed Dobby had brought them to Shell Cottage. In the far corner of the room a candle flickered to life and doused the room in a soft glow that gave just enough light to see without hurting Hermione's eyes. That was when she noticed the dull aching in her head.

Fleur moved quickly towards Hermione and sat down on the edge of the bed.
'I'm so relieved. 'ow are you feeling?' Fleur asked and Hermione noticed the bags under the French witch's eyes.
'Everything hurts and I don't know what happened after Dobby crashed that chandelier on Bellatrix. How long was I sleeping?' asked Hermione, still trying not to move her body.
'You came 'ere six days ago. The boys and Luna are 'ere too. You weren't sleeping, 'ermione. You were more dead than alive, when you arrived, unconscious,' Fleur said, tearing up.
'Bill and I noticed that someone 'ad penetrated our wards. We were convinced that Death Eaters 'ad found us and grabbed our wands, ready for battle. Imagine our surprise to find you lot on the beach. Would you like a glass of water?' Fleur explained hurriedly as she summoned an empty glass from across the room and filled it with water. A smile spread across her face. Never before had she been so relieved.

For the first two days she was convinced that Hermione would need a small miracle to survive. She hadn't slept until the third day, when Bill had started a fight over Fleur's fear of losing Hermione. They had set up a rotation and kept watch over their friend, a few hours at a time for each of them.

Hermione took the glass from Fleur. Her arms were still protesting but she did her best to ignore it. The cool water felt wonderful in her mouth and throat. An image of the desert, filled with flowers and grass after the first rainfall in years flickered through her mind. She handed back the glass and Fleur put it on the tray with the vials.
'You must still be very exhausted. Why don't you try and sleep for a little bit longer. I will do the same and in the morning we can tell the others that you're feeling better,' Fleur suggested. She was glad that the worst was apparently over. It meant that it was not necessary to keep watch over her for the few remaining hours of the night and she could crawl back into her own bed and get two hours of real sleep. Merlin knew she didn't get nearly enough the last few nights.

She helped Hermione lie back down and tucked her in.
'Sleep well. I'll see you in the morning,' Fleur said and opened the door.
'Good night, Fleur. And thank you,' Hermione said, her eyes already half closed. Her last thought before she fell asleep was of Fleur and how she would have to thank her for saving her life. A proper thank you, not a sleepily muttered one.

Fleur smiled again and retreated to her own bed, where Bill was sound asleep and snoring. She turned around and wrapped herself in his arms before falling asleep almost instantly. The last few days had taken more out of her than she cared to admit.

French translations:

My God. You're awake!