A/N see end of story.

Regina grimaced briefly, before saying

"Oh, Em-ma, My mother noticed of our affection, at your sixteenth, she didn't talk to me about it, until she was unwell, she made me promise to tell you someday, before it was too late"

"Oh" Emma replied, in surprise and then she asked

"Then she will be okay with this" she gestured between them.

"Yes, she adores you" Regina smiled, staring at Emma intently.

Emma smiled bashfully.

"I'm glad and that means we just need my parent's approval" she bit her lip, in thought, hoping her parents would be just as supportive.

Regina took a breath and squeezed Emma's hands.

"Your parents also know, my love"

Emma gaped, her eyes widened in shock, she then shook her head in disbelief and said

"I've got to find them" and she run out of the library and towards the Hall. With Regina following close behind.

Emma burst into the hall moments later, seeing her parents sitting at the table.

Emma's mother stood instantly, upon seeing her daughters expression.

"Is everything okay honey?" she asked.

"No, No it's not, Regina told me that you knew, why did you continue with trying to get me with Neal, if you knew" she said breathlessly.

"I stopped the issue with Neal, when I found out" Snow replied softly.

"How did you find out?" she replied.

Snow looked to David. And Emma looked to her father.

"Father? why didn't you say? did you not wish us to be together?" her eyes watered.

"I wanted you to tell me when you was ready and I wanted you to tell Regina yourself and Regina is here now, because I wrote asking for her to come to the Castle"

Emma gaped, feeling her heart quicken and her hands begin to shake, Regina noticed instantly and put her hand around her love, to keep her steady and comforted.

"Does this mean, you will allow me to be with Gina?" Emma asked, a tear falling down her cheek.

"We can see, that you both love each other dearly" Snow said while nodding slightly.

"Regina even asked for our blessing" David then added.

Emma immediately glanced to her beloved and whispered

"You did?" her eyes were full of wonder and glaze.

Regina nodded.

"I wanted your parents approval just as much as you, my love...and to court a princess, you must always ask the Queen and Kings approval" she smirked.

Emma then chuckled lightly and bit her lip, while staring into darkening eyes, losing herself once more.

David cleared his throat, causing both girls to blink a couple of times and turn to look at him and that's when, Regina's mother and Archie returned from the gardens.

Regina's mother paused instantly, upon seeing her daughter and Emma against each other and Regina with her arms around Emma. He put her hand to her chest.

"You have told her" she said happily.

"Mother" Regina said grinning and then said

"I did not have to tell her, she made me read a letter, It told me everything I had hoped to hear" she squeezed Emma lightly and Emma smiled bashfully.

"I am so glad" her mother replied and Emma looked from her, back to Regina and in a soft voice said

"Does this mean your stay with me forever?"

Gina smiled widely.

"You do know forever is a mighty long time?" she brought a hand up and stroked a few loose strands away from her loves face.

"I know and I want to be with you for more than forever" she tilted her head, looking admiringly at Gina, who felt her heart swell within her chest and she leaned in slightly and whispered into her loves ear

"Then we shall be happily together, for eternity, my love" she then pulled back and pecked Emma on the lips.

"I can see why you fell for this one Regina" Archie then said softly.

Emma grinned and leaned forward and pecked Gina on the mouth.

"I see were going to have to talk to you both about your sleeping arrangements and such" Snow said sternly.

Emma looked down and blushed and Gina gaped at Snow.

"We shall not rush into anything, you have my word" Gina said strongly and held Snow's gaze which made her look at Regina in surprise because of the brunettes pure sincerity, in her voice.

Regina's mother then spoke up.

"I think, Me and Archie shall head back home this evening, I shall come back soon and bring the rest of your belongings"

Regina frowned.

"Okay, but don't leave it too long, mother"

"I won't, maybe Tinkerbell will be able to come, I know she wants to meet the one, who has had you constantly, talking about"

Emma's mouth parted.

"Does everyone know?" she snapped.

Gina shook her head and said "She found out, when Robin told her"

"Robin told her!" she tilted her head curiously.

Regina sighed.

" I said I was in love with someone else and he guessed"


Gina chuckled.

Later that evening, both girls changed into their gowns.

"I still can't believe, this is real Gina, its like a dream" Emma whispered.

"I know and your truly stuck with me now, my love" she smirked and Emma shook her head.

"I am happy to be stuck with you...I love you Gina" she gushed and Regina stared at her lovingly, while they got into bed and laid on their sides and Regina pulled Emma closer to herself and kissed her nose.

"And I love you, more than your ever know" she whispered sweetly.

Emma then closed her eyes happily, while Gina then brought her hand up to Emma's face and moved a few strands away, so she could get a better look at her loves face.

Emma then reopened her eyes, locking on to brown orbs, Gina then leaned in slightly and Emma's breathing hitched, this caused Gina to let a small smirk grace her lips, before pressing her lips on to Emma's and slowly started moving her lips against soft ones.

For many minutes, they continued to passionately kiss one another, getting lost in their love for one another, all that mattered was them, here, together.

They felt the air thickening around them, with every minute that passed and they began to pant and their skin begin to rage as a fire does, on a bonfire.

They were flush, against one another, but that wasn't enough, they needed to be closer, so they tangled their legs together.

"I really want to make love to you" Emma whispered.

Gina nearly passed out at her loves, whispered words.

"But I am kind of sacred, I have never done anything like that before" she blushed.

Their was a slight pause.

"Em-ma, I am too, we do not need to rush, we will wait until both of us are ready and I have also promised your parents, we would not rush our relationship" she smiled softly.

"Okay" Emma replied happily and was glad her love also felt, as she did.

"That doesn't mean, we can't do this though" Gina said in a sultry voice and she leaned in, taking the blondes lips upon her own once more and after many minutes of kisses and raking hands over each other, they curled up to one another and fell asleep, knowing that when they did wake up, the other would still be and always be there.

The end.

So, this is it, for now, hope you all have enjoyed the story, as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

And I think your all be pleased to know, that I shall be working on a sequel, where we shall find out what the poems in the book actually say and will there be a marriage proposal? will Tinkerbell and Katheryn like Emma? what adventures will they face? and what challenges lie ahead? The answer of course is your have to wait and see.

Thanks for reading everyone.