Jordi (POV)
"Apparently, I have an 'eating disorder'." He said.
"'Apparently?'" Emma questioned.
"Nothing's wrong with the way I eat." he snapped,"I just have a very strict diet and workout schedule... Why are you here... in a wheelchair?"
"Cancer. Osteosarcoma."
"30% survival rate. Eso debe haber nada para usted. Vas a estar bien."
"Hate to break up this reunion, but who the hell are you?" Kara asked, getting annoyed(more than usual anyway).
"A friend of mine... we've know each other forever."
"Leo." The boy stuck out his hand.
"My names Leo,too." Leo shook the boys hand, "That's Dash, Emma and Kara. We're going to the roof. You should come too"
As the group continued on, the two friends fell back.
"He's not here, is he?... Tu papa?"
Jordi fell silent. He thought about all the memories he had of Leo and his family. How they lived in Mexico with him until they were like 10. How he went to a boarding school from 10 to 14 but always came back on holidays and during the summer. How he knew how unhealthy Leo'd become as young as 13, and how he'd know it was only a matter of time. He thought of close he and Leo were. He thought about Leo's rich parents. His authoritative but loving mom. And of his dad. Jordi didn't realize he'd stopped until he felt something push him forward, with an unusual force. When he looked up, Leo was looking down at him.
"Parada." he whispered under his breath, so that no one else could hear him. "Don't do that."