I've noticed that each of the Guardians holds a special part of what it's like to be a kid.

Jack Frost(Fun): Let's face it, if you haven't had much fun, then you probably aren't having the best childhood. You need to have fun. If you don't… then how do you plan to live your life?

Santa/North(Wonder): Kids always has something that fills them will wonder. Something that sparks something that can grow to something larger. Who knows, maybe that one things can lead you to where you need to go.

Tooth(Memories): The memories you want to remember the most are the ones of your childhood. Memories of friends, family, school(well not many people are totally psyched about that one) the list goes on and on.

Sandy(Dreams): I'm not just talking about the ones you have while you sleep. I'm also talking about the ones you have about what you want to be when you're older. If you want to continue with your life, it's nice to have something to aim for. Even if it is just something you once dreamed about. *Chuckles*

Bunny(Hope): And lastly the Old Easter Kangaroo. Well kids are always hoping for something aren't they. It may even be for something small, but they're always hoping for something. *Chuckles* Even if it's the perfect gift for Christmas(oh the irony).

You see they all have something important, but ever since the movie came out. I notice that there was one aspect of children that wasn't talked about in the movie. Which is surprising, because to me, what I'm talking about is what I think is the most important part of a kid.

So I've elected myself to be the newest Guardian. What I am the Guardian of? Well I'll see if you can figure it out for yourself.

Well enough of my blabbering; on with the story. There will be some Rainbow Snowcone shipping in this, I don't care what you say. Tooth was definitely showing signs that she felt something for the Guardian of Fun, and it isn't just about his teeth.

PS: One more thing, if you enjoy this story, you have the Guardian of Cupcakes to thank for encouraging me to write this. You know who you are.

Disclaimer: I don't own RotG.


A 6ft rabbit was bounding through the Warren pleased with himself; Easter was still a few months away, but he had gotten a great head start this year, now he was checking to make sure his little 'goggies' were secure. It's not that he didn't doubt that they weren't, but after what happened before the last Easter, he wasn't taking any chances.

"Looks like that's the last of this batch." He commented. He turned around to see one more coming towards him, "Why weren't you with the others?" he asked and picked up the small egg. It had a beautiful design like all of his eggs, but this one was different.

It was mainly a bright crystal blue with marks that were all colors of the rainbow. There were an unbelievable mix of colors, but they all seemed to blend together amazingly. He examined the egg to notice there was a main design on the other side of the egg. He turned it over to see a golden cursive 'L' surrounded by small twisting threads that seemed to be moving, stretching from the two sides of the design were a pair of golden wings.

"Well aren't you a beauty." He said admiring the egg, but he was curious as to who made it. Little did he know, that hidden behind the rock, someone was watching the large bunny admiring the egg he created. Smiling he got away quickly to avoid being seen.

"Everyone, Christmas is only few days away, and we still have work to do. So get to it!" the large, yet jolly, Russian man shouted throughout his workshop while trying not to step on his elves, "Always under boot." He muttered to himself. He came to the door in his office and walked in hoping to sit down for a few minutes.

He sat down in a chair reached for a plate of cookies next to him. "Wait, I did not order cookies." he said as he picked up the first one. He couldn't tell was kind of a cookie it was, but really smelled good. It was a perfect golden brown, and had an unfamiliar design. A golden cursive 'L' with a pair of golden wings coming out of it.

He took a bit and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. It was crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside, an explosion of flavors burst in his mouth. He savored the flavor and finished the tasty treat, "This is good," he commented. He turned his head when he thought he heard the window close. He didn't see anybody and the window looked secure. He shrugged, "Probably nothing."

But it was something, someone was watching him eat the cookie. Smiling he left the scene without getting detected.

While inside North grabbed a second cookie when one of his yetis came in, without knocking, "What is news now?" he asked the yeti. The yeti told him, "What? The Globe again?" out of habit he grabbed his sword and followed the yeti.

North was ready to kick some of the elves away with how close they were to being completely crushed. North looked at the giant globe. The lights were flickering, "This is not right?" he said just as a wind blew through the workshop. Just like before, black sand crawled its way around the globe until the entire surface was nothing but a swirl of black sand.

"You thought you stopped me?" and ominous and familiar voice echoed through the building. The sand dispersed only to form a shadow of a familiar person, "You've stopped nothing. You've only stalled your ultimate demise!" The sand completely vanished.

"Make preparations," North said to no one in particular, "We're going to have company." He reached and twisted the switch to release the Guardian Call.

"Aw c'mon Jamie you can do better than that." The Guardian of Fun called and he threw snowballs at his favorite believer.

"Hey it's not fair with you making a snowball every three seconds." Jamie said as he threw a snowball. Jamie sounded annoyed, but he couldn't hide the big smile on his face. This continued for a few more minutes before Jamie needed to rest. "So why couldn't any of the others play with us?" he asked Jack.

"Well kiddo you know how busy they are, it is North's busiest time of year." He laughed, "Besides North is too big of a target to have a snowball fight with." They both laughed.

"Don't let him hear you say that, you might get on the Naughty List." Jamie reminded.

"Are you kidding me, he's way too busy to worry about what I'm doing." As is a response to Jack's words he sees the aurora borealis pulse across the sky. The Guardians were being summoned, he hoped it wasn't because North heard him. "Well Jamie I gotta go, duty calls." He said as he grabbed his staff and took off into the air the wind carrying him toward the North Pole.

Jack used the wind to open a window and flew right in surprising a few yetis, "There he is." Jack turned to see a familiar face, "Jack Frost, you are first to show up, but I'm sure others will arrive soon." North led him to the Globe Room.

"So how are preparations for Christmas coming?" Jack asked.

"Very good, are almost finished. Still have work to do, but is nearly done." North explained to the young Guardian. Jack was going to question more, but a familiar bunny burst through the door covered in snow.

"North can ya please allow me to use my tunnels to enter your workshop?" Bunny asked, "Cause I can't feel my feet after running through the snow." He finished as he shook the snow out of his fur.

"Aw c'mon Bunny," Jack said, "A little snow never hurt anyone." He added in a joking matter.

"Oh rack off ya bloody show pony," he grumbled. It was then that Sandy floated in.

"Sandy, it's good to see you," North greeted. Sandy showed some Sandy images over his head, "I know you're pretty busy, but this is pretty serious."

"I wonder what it is now?" Jack asked, "I still have a lot of snow to bring."

Bunny chuckled, "You still have work to do? Now that's a laugh."

Jack glared at him, "Hey kids are always hoping for a White Christmas, you don't want me to crush those hopes now do you?" Bunny seemed to think about it for a minute, but before he could answer a multicolored Hummingbird hybrid fluttered in rambling about teeth. "Hey Tooth." Jack called out.

Tooth turned towards him and smiled, "Hi Jack," she said with a small, and barely noticeable dust of pink coming to her cheeks.

"Okay everybody here? now down to business." North said as he picked up a plate, "Cookie?"

"Sure I'll have one," Jack said as he picked one up, then he saw the design, "Wait North, these aren't your cookies." He held up the cookie to reveal the winged cursive 'L'.

"Wait let me see that." Bunny said as he grabbed his own cookie, "I've seen this design before, it was on one of my eggs."

Sandy looked at the cookie and then the egg. Wondering what they could mean, then he saw the full moon coming into view and tried to get the other Guardians' attention. He wasn't doing a very good job.

"We'll worry about that later, listen." North said, "Pitch is back."

"What, him again?" Tooth asked, "I thought we took care of him last time."

"Yeah," Jack said agreeing with her, "We saw him get dragged away by his own Nightmares. How could get his strength back so quickly?" Sandy tried whistling, but all what came out was a sandy image of a music note.

"I don't know, but he's up it something." North said, "I feel it, in my belly." North batted his belly.

"Okay North, did you see Pitch, or was it just another shadow?" Bunny asked.

North rubbed the back of his head, "Well it was a shadow, but it spoke saying Pitch was back." North said.

"Okay hang you're telling me that we're gathered here because of your belly again?" Bunny asked.

"Here we go." Jack said and looked down and the cookie in his hand. Who did the symbol belong to? "Hey Tooth do you know who this symbol belongs to?" he asked.

She shook her head, "No but it somehow seems familiar." A jiggling noise sounded through the air, the four Guardians looked at Sandy who was now holding an elf. He dropped the elf, formed a moon over his head and pointed at the ceiling.

North looked, "Ah Man in Moon," he turned to the little man, "Sandy why didn't you say something?" Sandy blew sand out of his ears. "Tell us old friend, what is big news?" Man in Moon shined a bean through the window on a circle on the floor. A silhouette appeared, one that was more than familiar.

"It is Pitch." Bunny said.

Jack frowned, "He just never knows when to give up."

North shushed them, "Manny what must be done." The beam intensified and a blue crystal rose out of the ground.

"Um, what does this mean?" Jack asked.

"He is choosing a new Guardian." Tooth said.

"What? Another one?" Bunny asked, "I was just barely getting used to Frosty being a Guardian." Jack grumbled and Tooth let out a small giggle.

"I wonder who it is this time?" North asked. Sandy made a clover symbol to show he was thinking the Leprechaun. Tooth was think Cupid, it would be nice to have another girl Guardian. Bunny was begging that it wasn't the Groundhog. Jack was curious as to why Bunny didn't like the Groundhog, Jack just hoped whoever it was knows how to have fun.

The crystal began to glow and a figure began to show. The figure was a boy who looked around Jack's age. Nothing was visible about him except for a pair of wings on his back and something clutched in his right hand.

All the Guardians were a little confused, "Do you know who this is?" Jack asked.

"No." they all said, but Tooth seemed uncertain. Sandy had a question mark over his head. The image began to move, the boy moved whatever he was holding in his hand, which appeared to by a wand that looked a lot like a paintbrush and started to draw, his wand leaving a golden trail. When he was finished what he was drawing was shown to be a cursive capital 'L' with a pair of golden wings stretching from it.

Jack held up the cookie, it was a perfect match. "North who gave you these cookies?" he asked.

North shrugged, "No, he was sneaky. Came through window, left without a trace."

Jack turned towards Bunny, "Bunny who do you think it could be?"

"I don't know. Think of the different spirits, use your imagination." Bunny said.

Tooth seemed to realize something, "That's it!" all the Guardians jumped, "I knew it was familiar."

"You know who this is?" Jack asked. Tooth nodded.

"Yes, he's an old friend." Jack felt a pang of jealousy, "He helped me design the memory containers for the teeth." They were shocked, he was an older spirit than they thought, "And I think I know where to find him."

"Then there's no time to waste. Everyone to the sleigh." North called. Jack smiled and Bunny groaned. From the shadows a Nightmare watched the five Guardians. Once she had learned the information she needed she vanished into the shadows.

When the Nightmare left the shadow she was in her master's lair. She walked to the tall dark figure standing in front of his globe, "What did you find out?" he asked. The Nightmare let out a series of sounds similar to a regular horse, "Another Guardian? Interesting…"he folded his arms and rubbed his chin, "Assemble a team of Nightmares. I think it's time to do some recruiting."


And scene, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Looks like the Guardians aren't the only ones hoping to add this mysterious person to their company. It also seems that he has a previous history with Tooth.

Well anyway, tell me what you think and I'll try to continue to this when I can.

This is W. R. Winters signing off.