Alright, new fanfic. Have fun. I hope you have already read the description and don't expect me to copy it again.

The Pretty Blond Maid

By: OtakuBanana

Lucy Heartfilla was in dire need of a job.

And stat.

Why? Well that was a different story. She had promised her dad that if she moved out, that she would be able to prove him that she didn't need his jewels, or gifts, or money, or…or…! After she settled in her small apartment, she realized she had no money.

Zero, zip, nada.

"Well played, father." She muttered to herself. She had literally 700,100 jewel. The house cost 700,000 jewel and the furniture cost 80. Now she was left with only 20 jewel to buy what-a proper dinner, set of clothes and other stuff. This would at least cost her at least 50 jewel. Hey! Things in Mangolia were expensive!

At least she was content of getting away from her old man. She swore to Mavis, that if she saw Jude Heartfillia one more time in the next fucking week, she would blow.


She thumped on her new twin sized bed and sighed as she stared at the cream colored ceiling through her chocolate brown orbs. She forced herself up and checked the time.

"5:00, huh? Better go get some dinner."

As she walked through the city, she kept close to the deep blue river and made a mental list through her head. She kept her arms out to keep her balance before she went, "PLOP!" Into the river.

"Okay…I can clean, cook, write, sing…? Haha, like that's gonna get me anywhere." She muttered to herself. She got to a restaurant called, "Fairytail" and plopped down on a wooden bench, making her way through drunkards and lunatics.

A pretty white haired girl popped up and handed her a menu.

"Hello and welcome to Fairytail!"

Lucy got a good look at her. She had long, wavy white hair that touched her hips. She had bright, blue eyes and had pulled her bangs back with a black hair tie. She wore a long, dark pink dress with a light pink bow and frills and seemed overly cheerful. She whapped out a stamp and stamped her hand, making Lucy jump in surprise.

A light pink mark popped up on her white skin.

"Ehhh?!" She yelled.

The young woman smiled.

"Don't worry, it's not permanent. It's a little token of our gratitude of you coming."

"Do…do other places do this?"

"Yeah! It's quite popular, actually. Hmm, I believe that Sabertooth, Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and a few other restaurants all do it."

Lucy made a mental note to never go to those places.

Then, woman swooped down and whispered in her ear, "It's more of a form of advertising than a token of thanks if you ask me…"

Lucy laughed at the joke and she smiled.

"My name's Mira, by the way."


The girls shook and became friends. As Lucy ordered her meal, she talked to Mira about random girly things like school, magazines and things like that. When she brought up jobs, Mira clapped her hands together, startling her.

"At Fairytail, we have a request board. A few other restaurants have them too."

"A request board?"

"Yeah! It's when others put up fliers that are in need of jobs. They have a payment cost on the bottom, write who sends it, and a little decoration for jazziness!" Mira did jazz hands on the word, "jazziness", causing Lucy to sweatdrop. She went over and studied them carefully,

"So, Lucy, what can you do?" asked Mira.

"Uh…"she replied, trying to remember what she had thought about earlier. "I can clean, cook, t-talk? Maybe even sing and dance when asked too…I can also be very polite when asked, and…well that's it! Oh! And I can kind of write."

Mira studied the board carefully, examining each one.

"How about a maid?" Was her final reply, minutes later.

"Hell no." Lucy began.

"The payment is 100,000 jewel each day." Mira said slowly, shooting Lucy a sly look.

At the sound of "100,000 jewel" and "each day" her eyes and ears perked right up and grabbed the request faster than you could say, "Holy Mavis!".

Lucy smiled to herself. "This is the one!" she thought as she carefully looked it over.

Sold out by the Dragneel family, they required a new maid for their son. She had to be able to clean, cook wide quantities and for some reason, it said, "look after children".

'Funny,' she thought, 'I wonder if he has kids or something…whatever. Count me in!'

As she spent the rest of the night talking with Mira and reading the request, she wondered what the Dragneel family was like. As she zoned out on Mira's long speech, she wondered to herself.

'Do they know about the Heartfilia residency? Man, I hope not.'

'Are they pigs? Damn Zeref, I hate cleaning, even if I am boss at it.'

'Why was I blessed with the gift of cleaning for goodness sake. Hell, I wish I could be a professional pianist or something.'

'But piano is booooooooooring…'

'Wait; how did piano start in this conversation?'

'I'm so confused…' she started continuously hitting her head resulting in concerned and confused looks from Mira.

By the time she left, she was prepared for a new day and had a full meal, since Mira had given her a discount as well as an extra 20 jewel, Her explanation was, "Hey, what are friends for?" Resulting in another sweatdrop. She passed a grocery store on her way back to get Eggo waffles for breakfast the next morning. She also grabbed a large can of whipped cream, a tub of ice cream, a large jug of maple syrup and strawberries. As she lugged them to the checkout aisle, she waited as a pink haired man cut in front of her.


She hauled her luggage behind him. As she studied his hair he turned around and saw her goods.

"Woah…" he muttered, "I didn't think girls actually ate so much fatty food."

Hearing the comment, she slapped his arm.


He turned around and she saw a pair of beautiful onyx eyes staring at her. He wore a white scarf with a dragon scale pattern as well as a navy green t-shirt and jeans.

"What's so wrong with fatty food?" Lucy shot at him.


Her face turned red as he finished and the checkout woman gave him back his change. Lucy decided to change the topic.

"Why are you wearing a scarf? It's the middle of summer?"

"Didn't you know? He teased. "Scarves are "in" right now." He said mockingly.

"Oh are they?" She said, with the same sarcasm in her voice. "I had no clue."

They burst into a fit of laughter and didn't stop until the checkout woman tapped her harshly on her shoulder. Here's your change." She said coldly, and dropped the shopping bag in her arm.

They both waddled out the door and burst out laughing again.

"Did you?" The guy managed, out of breath.

"Oh my Mavis!" Lucy giggled.

"Her face!" They both shot together, before kicking into another round of laughter.

After a while, they both wiped their eyes and she held out her hand.

"My name's Lucy."

"Natsu."he replied, returning the gesture.

She checked her phone.

"Shit." She muttered. She looked at Natsu. "I gotta run, kay?"

He smiled at her.

"I'll see you again, right?"

She paused for a second. "Yeah."

She started to walk away when he called out, "Meet me here tomorrow, Luigi?"

Lucy turned around and flashed him a smile.

"Yeah!" She called back, and yelled out, "And my name's Lucy, idiot!"

She turned around and saw him chuckling before she turned and went home.

Expect new chapters. I promise to update, as long as school doesn't drag me down.
