Chapter 1: Collision
"You're joking."
Normally, Commander Paige would have requested permission before speaking so candidly to a superior officer, but the unusual circumstances drew the statement from her lips as soon as she processed it.
"I most certainly am not," General Tesler replied, deadpan.
"Curfew patrol?" she realized she was sputtering, "But that's…that's Guard duty." Paige spat out the word vehemently. "Surely, this is a mistake. I will not be reduced to performing tasks meant for such low ranking offi-"
Realizing her place, she cut herself off, lowering her head in shame.
"My apologies, sir. I didn't mean to speak so disrespectfully. I-I will get to it at once."
She made a quick bow, before pivoting on her toes and making for a hasty exit.
Her name was spoken evenly, but she couldn't bring herself to turn around for fear of what she might see.
"Yes, sir?"
She heard him hesitate before answering, and she could sense he was trying to hold back.
"With Clu's main forces here in Argon City, we may find ourselves with more…menial tasks at hand. Also, with Clu's presence, I will not tolerate any Program speaking out of place. Is that clear?"
Paige could sense Tesler's suppressed temper with his final words, and she knew she got off easy with the reprimand.
"Yes, sir. I understand."
"Good. Now go!"
Always having the final word, Paige thought. She shook her head, inwardly berating herself. If she had let the thought slip out, she would be facing consequences far greater than a simple warning.
She boarded the Recognizer along with the Black Guards regularly assigned to curfew patrol. Thankfully, they made no comment about her, a Commander, performing a low end task with them. Or perhaps they feared she would derez them all on the spot if they acknowledged her presence. Either way, she was fine with the silence. It was a silence that meant respect, and as long as she had some respect, she could tolerate to job. Sort of.
"I suppose with you back to full strength, I should have seen this coming."
Beck looked down at his first Renegade disguise – simple, black and neon blue.
"Now Beck, it's not that I don't think you can handle the situation, but with Clu here, we need to be more careful."
"Right," Beck's tone was flat.
"So I'll take care of the mass protest in Argon Square, while you free any Programs that have been rounded up for breaking curfew."
"Got it."
He looked back down at the simple Renegade suit.
"Do you really think it's a good idea to have both of us running around as… well, Tron?" Beck gestured to the mark centered at his chest.
Tron clapped a hand onto Beck's shoulder.
"You've earned the right to wear it Beck, and I don't think you deserve to have that right taken away. I'm proud to see you upholding my name."
Beck raised an eyebrow, "Wow. Didn't know you felt that way."
He was rewarded with Tron's small smile.
"Alright, let's get moving."
As they left the Outlands, Tron spoke offhandedly, "You did get the helmet fixed, didn't you?"
"Uh, yeah."
The truth was, Beck may have repaired the scratches from his last encounter with Cutler, but his helmet was still prone to malfunctioning, and he had been too busy of late to fix the problem entirely.
It'll be fine, Beck reassured himself.
Beck was able to track down the Recognizer on curfew patrol relatively quickly. There was only the one, as the rest were in Argon Square, trying to deal with the mass protest. Beck had no doubt the Occupation would soon be struggling, especially with Tron's arrival. Beck was confident the protestors would be kept safe under Tron's protection.
The Programs in real danger of being sent to the Games were the ones being rounded up now. As he started catching up with it, he realized this certain patrol was definitely being more efficient. Not wasting the time to question it, he began preparing his strike.
Paige watched from the guard's side as he steered the Recognizer into a descent in front of the captured Programs below. True, she would have probably been more useful tracking down the law breakers on the streets, but she had a title to uphold - as well as her dignity. She might have been assigned to curfew patrol, but that didn't mean she had to actually be out there, spending energy, running down rebellious Programs. Besides, the guards seemed to be working harder with her standing command in the Recognizer. Maybe this was turning into a good thing after all.
Beck planned his approach, running down the narrow side street. From his current position, he couldn't see the Recognizer, but that also meant the Recognizer couldn't see him - at least, not until he turned the corner at the end. This would give him the advantage, preserving the element of surprise.
"Commander. Urgent news from the General."
Paige turned to face the guard.
"The Renegade has arrived at Argon Square and is leading the mass protest. General Tesler requests your presence there immediately."
"Stay on patrol," she commanded, "I won't have Programs getting away with breaking curfew just because there are different matters to attend to. I'll go to Argon Square myself."
She promptly left, baton already in hand. Rather than wait for the Recognizer to complete its landing, she stood by the open bay doors, leaping as soon as the jump was manageable. She landed with a perfectly executed shoulder roll, and set off running.
Beck was just about to round the corner at the end when another Program turned into the street, colliding head first with him. Beck landed hard on his side, immediately pulling himself into a sitting position. Looking up he found himself staring directly at Paige.
She was already looking at him, a stunned expression on her face.
And he suddenly felt like he had been dropped into the sea when he realized his helmet had retracted - leaving his face fully exposed.
All at once a thousand different thoughts raced through him. Out of everything, three things stood out the most: the force of the collision, Tron asking "You did get the helmet fixed, didn't you?" and Paige.
Paige, who was now staring at the centre of his chest, her expression bewildered, as if she was struggling to make sense of it all.
"You're- ahh!"
She never finished her sentence, but with his eyes set on the taser he had thrown at her, Beck could guess what she was going to say.
The Renegade.